| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Files |
| 3d | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (3-D) |
| animations | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Animations, 'Screen Savers') |
| drawing | folder | | TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Drawing) |
 | fx.zip | 6k | 18-03-21 |  | Visual FX This eye-catching and fun program includes many animations and pictures. |
 | graphicsfun.zip | 1k | 16-10-10 |  | GraphicsFun v1.0 This is a simple game that displays an animation of flickering lines and allows you to move a particle around the screen. This is the ONLY such game that exists. Be prepared for hours of endless fun. Notice: This game runs very slowly even on a 15mhz TI-84+SE, so don't expect good speed on a 6mhz TI-83+. It is very strongly recommended that you overclock your calculator to at least 22mhz or use wabbitemu at 1600% speed. |
 | drawpic.zip | 1k | 16-10-06 |  | DrawPic v1.0 This program is a must-have for any ti-84+/83+ enthusiast. Just enter the hex code and it draws a picture using a special engine. This program is unique because it doesn't draw a sprite, but rather a special line/pixel array (unique to this program) on your graph screen. Be ready for countless hours of fun experimentation. 100% satisfaction guaranteed! Notice: will work on the 6mhz ti-83+, but a 15mhz calculator is strongly recommended! If you have the necessary skills, you should seriously consider overclocking your calculator. |
 | minecraft.zip | 129k | 13-01-23 |  | Minecraft This game is 2D Minecraft for the TI-83/84 families. This one is the best 2d minecraft game for the calculator, as it features: 4 different worlds, almost unlimited world size and crafting. |
 | picture.zip | 1k | 12-04-15 |  | Pictures to Strings This was a program I made for a friend. It will scan every pixel of the screen to see if it on, if it is it will save the location and add it to pixel-on( in a string. Works every time. Get it if you don't want to guess and check on a basic picture ever again. |
 | imagens.zip | 1k | 12-04-01 |  | IMAGENS v.2 Este programa permite explorar as suas imagens com uma facilidade incrível. Outro programa de RPS Real. This program lets you explore your images with incredible ease. Another Real RPS program. |
 | explosiongenerator.zip | 3k | 11-07-11 |  | Explosion generator This is an explosion generator. Just run the program and watch the result. If you want to use the program, Feel free! |
 | pic3dversion1.0.zip | 1k | 11-06-27 |  | Pic3D Version 1.0 In this program are three grayscale cross-eye 3D Images. It was mainly made to test 3D-images. DoorsCS is required! |
 | powerpoint.zip | 5k | 11-05-05 |  | Powerpoint 83 An expanded paint program that can be used to create simple powerpoint presentations, with included templates and rudimentary clipart support. Requires use of pic0 and any edited pictures to be initialized by the user before use in the program. |
 | ctymaker.zip | 1k | 11-04-24 |  | City Maker Make a city with different tiles, save into picture 8 to be recalled into any program. Very fun to design different maps. With over 20 sprites ranging from roads to farmland, this program will keep you having fun for a long time. (will be v2.0 coming soon) |
 | inverter_33.zip | 1k | 10-12-04 |  | graph screen inverter inverter is a program that allows you to competely invert the whole screen. You may use it. It is good for just converting pics to and from inverted mode. It would be slower than invertpro, but it is technically faster, since you dont have to watch the demo. Feel free to use it in any way. |
 | sprite_28.zip | 1k | 10-09-02 |  | Sprite demo A barbaric sprite program I made it so that real noobs can look at the source and make something like it for games and such |
 | effectsbasic.zip | 1k | 10-06-21 |  | Basic Effect pax Well the readme explains all. NOTE: Made for novices at Basic programing. |
 | triangle_56.zip | 5k | 10-03-22 |  | SierpinskiTriangle Sierpinski Triangle: Peut être utilisé comme écran de veille. / Can be used as screensaver. |
 | rotateshape.zip | 1k | 10-01-31 |  | Rotate Shape Reasonably fast program that continuously rotates a shape defined by points in a list in the format {x1, y1, x2, y2,...} around the origin of the graph screen by a given increment. Sample list included. Great for boredom! :) |
 | optical.zip | 1k | 09-12-12 |  | Optical illusion Have you ever wanted to see an optical illusion created on the ti-84. Well this is an optical illusion where if you tilt the calc. The lines will move. You choose a number from 1-25 and that will depend on how your design looks |
 | megr.zip | 4k | 09-10-19 |  | MEGR1.3 dessin MEGR design allows to create drawings, to record them, of or even, to abolish them, to re-change them. MEGR dessin permet de créer des images, de les enregistrer, de les voir, de les remodifier. |
 | screflct.zip | 85k | 09-09-11 |  | Screen Reflector v1.0 This program will take one or two piece of the screen/display and "reflect" it/them over the rest of the screen. You will be able to select what parts it is going to use, and how they should be "reflected". You can even decide if you want symmetry or not on some of the choices. Read the manual for information on how to use the program. |
 | sprite.zip | 1k | 09-08-01 |  | Reapex's Sprite Routine: v2.0 It is smaller and faster. It rivals weregoose's routine in size(217 bytes) and speed. |
 | etchasketch.zip | 1k | 09-06-08 |  | Etch-a-sketch 1.0 This program is a simple basic program that I made near the end of the school year in a class where we were just watching a movie. I think that it is a pretty entertaining program, being that it mimics an etch-a-sketch. Although you can't shake it to erase, there are other cool features. To check out what kind of things this program does, read the readme attached. |
 | lineimages.zip | 7k | 09-02-27 |  | Line Images This program uses black and white lines to create amazing geometric images that can be saved to picture variables. This comes with an additional "PICVIEW" program which views picture variables. |
 | greycomp.zip | 146k | 09-01-11 |  | Grey Comp this tiny program will create the source code need for greyscale in basic! (using xLib) |
 | roots.zip | 1k | 08-12-19 |  | ROOTS - an abstract simulation ROOTS is an abstract graphic program for the TI84SE. A "seed" is placed in the middle of the screen, and roots follow random paths away from the seed, spreading outward until a root touches a side of the screen, and the process restarts, creating a unique pattern each time. |
 | negative_and__background_.zip | 10k | 08-12-03 |  | negative and 'background' 1) negative: this program takes a negative(black -> white; whit->black) of a saved or not saved pic. You can also save the new picture. 2) background. this program splits the screen horizontal and shows a saved picture in the top. (can also make negative of it) |
 | redalertdotgif.zip | 42k | 08-11-26 |  | Red Alert.Gif This is an animation program that will make your calculator to go to 'Red Alert' like on the old Star Trek movies. It runs very smooth, check it out! |
 | ticlock.zip | 1k | 08-08-24 |  | TI-84 Clock A program I developed for the TI-84 + with my TI-NSPIRE. This is a clock for TI units. It is very accurate to the second using the calculator clock. Read the README file in the .ZIP package to know more. Note only works with TI-84 + and TI-84 + Silver |
 | randomlines2.zip | 1k | 08-08-24 |  | Random Lines Pretty fun to watch. Always changing. Sporadic. Can save to pic afterwards and use pic as Circle Run 2 level. |
 | art2.zip | 1k | 08-08-24 |  | Random Art Basically random dots. Programming is very simple but still this is still one of my favorite programs. Everytime is differant. The original eventually fills up the screen but the seccond is always changing. |
 | nolibbasicgrayscaledemo.zip | 2k | 08-06-12 |  | No Library/Utility BASIC Grayscale Demo This is a Grayscale Demo that is written compleatly in BASIC using NO LIBRARIES! This code is easily adapted for use in your games. Enjoy! |
 | invinvti83plus.zip | 1k | 08-03-24 |  | Dual inverter Dual inverter is an extremely cool inverting program that inverts the current screen from top to bottom and bottom to top, at the same time!!! It also skips every other line so that it makes a cool design during the invert. Better, smaller, and faster than any other basic inverting program, guaranteed! |
 | stripes.zip | 29k | 08-02-12 |  | 1Stripes This program slowly creates a graphical design by inverting a section of the graph screen, again and again getting smaller each time. |
 | matrix_26.zip | 1k | 08-02-09 |  | matrix Displays The Matrix style random sets of ten 0s and 1s. This program is not locked it leaves a message after the 0s and 1s and done Write a review if you want an update |
 | pixels.zip | 1k | 07-12-17 |  | Pixels Für Immer! This is a sort of cool graphics program that fills up the pixels in you text screen one by one. The number in the corner of the screen tells how many pixels are filled up on the screen. Works fast with the TI-84 (I programmed this on a TI-83+, so it works fine). Also Mirage OS Compatible.... |
 | flash.zip | 3k | 07-12-06 |  | Flash TI v0.1 This is an animation program based on Adobe Flash. Simple events are scripted and stored as a numerical list, which can be played back with the included Flash player. The Flash editor is completely text-based and symbol-driven; the intuitive interface precludes any need to edit the encoded show data by hand. Use the powerful editor to create scripted intros to your programs in seconds, and distribute the lean 353-byte player with your main program. |
 | picteditv1.0.zip | 4k | 07-10-26 |  | PictEdit v1.0 Pre-Release Part two of my Editor Suite. (Check out part 1: TextEdit!) This is a simple and small drawing program. It does lots of different shapes and has a smooth working graphic display. Hopeful screenshots are soon to come. Read the readme. Enjoy! |
 | while.zip | 1k | 07-09-10 |  | While Triangle Progressionaly creates a triangle from top to bottom and then clears the same way it appeared. |
 | pugart.zip | 46k | 07-09-05 |  | Pug Art Alpha 2 This Alpha is the Second version of the file that never made it in the archives due to long waits. I have added new features which I have never seen in a graphics program (you will have to find out what features!). There will be an App version coming soon (with BasicBuilder and maybe in ASM). |
 | menux.zip | 1k | 07-06-09 |  | Menu X Creates a smooth, fast, efficient menu which is completely customizable for your program. Also, allows you to get rid of an "exit" slot; it quits with mode, while navigation is all done by arrow keys, second, enter, etc... Make sure you look at my example code/readme. |
 | picture_to_hexdecimal.zip | 2k | 07-05-16 |  | Picture to Hexdecimal What these program do are they take pictures from the home screen, convert them to hexdecimal, and then that hex code can be used in BASIC or even ASM programming. A must dowlaod for large picture-oriented games. |
 | cycle.zip | 20k | 07-05-05 |  | Graph Cycler This prgogram makes a series of pictures of your graph when the value of variable "C" cycles through a range you have typed. Then the program makes the pictures into an animation! The screenshots is of the equation Y=(C-X)^X where "C" cycles from -2 to 2 and Xmax=4.7 Ymax=3.1 Xmin=-4.7 Ymin=-3.1. One of them is negatived. This program has a Doors CS 6+ optimized Icon. Doors CS is made by Kerm Martian and can be found on this site. |
 | fakefallingpixels.zip | 9k | 07-03-31 |  | Fake Falling Pixels It looks like it would be a fun game of falling pixels, but it really is a program that looks like your calculator is destroying itself. Have fun sharing with your friends (: |
 | earthquakewithcodex.zip | 5k | 07-03-10 |  | Codex Earthquake This simple BASIC Program will use Codex (included) to make an earthquake effect for your current graph screen. Press any key to quit |
 | grayscale.zip | 1k | 07-03-09 |  | Grayscale graph A program that makes your entire graph background checkerboard. You can hack into it doing whatever you want. |
 | bloem.zip | 1k | 07-01-27 |  | Flower It's a beautiful flower! |
 | pxlshower.zip | 1k | 06-12-24 |  | PxlShower v1.0 Want to create awesome graphscreen clear/fills!! Here is a file for you! You can use 10 different graphscreen functions, including 'radar', 'diagonal wipe', and others! |
 | bres.zip | 43k | 06-12-19 |  | Bresenham's Circle Algorithm This pure Basic implementation of Bresenham's circle algorithm is designed for speed, and can frequently compete with or beat the TI-OS routine for speed when all points drawn are on the screen |
 | sierpinskitriangle.zip | 1k | 06-12-10 |  | Sierpinski Triangle Drawing v2.4 This program draws the Sierpinski triangle & has a menu to store the drawing to any pic or you can return to draw the triangle if you think it's not complete. This program creates a drawing of a famous fractal, the Sierpinski Triangle, & stores the drawing to a picture. Press [CLEAR] to stop the drawing. Enjoy! |
 | texttools.zip | 204k | 06-12-10 |  | Text Tools 1.2 This is a great suite of programs that perform wonderful effects on text. They can display text WITH A SCROLLBAR (vertical or horizontal), display text as if it were being typed, perform a "spiral" effect on text, display text with a wave effect using trigonometry, INVERSE TEXT (yes, white text on a black background), and more! A must-have! This new version of Text Tools contains the new wave effect and fixes a small problem with the spiral effect. |
 | piccrypt.zip | 3k | 06-11-14 |  | pictocryp 0.5 beta Encodes and encrypts a message, using various techniques, into a picture. This picture can then be sent to another calculator and, with the correct random seed and password, can be decrypted and decoded into the original text. |
 | tivisualbasic.zip | 6k | 06-11-14 |  | TI-Visual BASIC v1.0 This is the most recent incarnation of Dark Side Programming's extended project, TI Visual BASIC. It is a graphics design "programming language" loosely based off of Visual Basic format. Please note that this program is constantly undergoing development, so check back periodically for updates. |
 | rotate.zip | 13k | 06-10-28 |  | Wireframe Rotate I made this program long ago to prove it was possible, it rotates any wireframe object but I only included a cube, if you can figure my data format out: feel free to rotate anything you want. TIP: watch the screeny for "good" coordinates |
 | typewriter.zip | 22k | 06-10-02 |  | Typewriter Effect This is a great program which lets the user display text as if it is being typed, and the user can choose the delays between the characters displayed. |
 | galileo.zip | 1k | 06-09-24 |  | Galileo A portrait of Galileo Galilei. |
 | triangle2.zip | 1k | 06-09-17 |  | Triangle Creator Draws a randomly created triangle design (NOT Sierpinski's Gasket). |
 | scrncapt.zip | 1k | 06-08-13 |  | ScreenCapture Screencapture uses Omnicalc to communicate with TI-OS on an attached Ti-83P/84P calculator and get the screenshot from anywhere in the TI-OS |
 | modart.zip | 6k | 06-07-07 |  | Modart: Modern Art Generator With Modart: Modern Art Generator, you can create great looking art in just seconds. Choose from rectangle, diagonal line, circle, or dot art or mix and match. Modart also features a load/save system so you can save multiple works. Modart features cross-compatibility with SketchPad so you can import images created with either program and edit or add to them. And with a size of less than 1.3K, this great program will take up next to no space on your calculator! |
 | brcirc.zip | 1k | 06-06-15 |  | Bresenham Fast Circle Routine Taking up only 200 bytes, this draws circles about ten times faster than the TI-BASIC Circle( command, and even works with pixel-based values for more accuracy. It can be included and called as a function from any BASIC program or game; source code is in the readme. Preformatted for optional use with Doors CS. |
 | cornerart.zip | 9k | 06-06-01 |  | Corner Art Unique drawing program that uses patterns of angle turns to create pictures. For example, a pattern of four right turns would create a small square. Depending on the patterns you input, drawings can be simple or elaborately decorated. It is MirageOS-compatible and less than 1k. See the pictures and readme for more info. |
 | fractals.zip | 2k | 06-05-30 |  | Fractal Generator Stores one of 11 fractals to Pic2: the Sierpinski triangle (featured in the TI manual), Sierpinski carpet, three Sierpinski jewels, dragon curve (aka the Jurassic Park fractal), Mandelbrot set, box fractal, pentagon fractal, fern fractal, and the Langton's ant cellular automaton (not a fractal, but I put it here anyway). You input the number of iterations (a couple thousand usually looks good; note that the dragon curve and Mandelbrot set don't rely on the iteration input), and wait a while for the fractal to be drawn. It takes anywhere from 30 seconds to 30 minutes, depending on the number of iterations. Like all my programs, it restores your graph settings and deletes all the variables used (except for Pic2, of course). |
 | rtr.zip | 1k | 06-05-11 |  | Random travel This is a random travel pattern designer, the "a"s and "pi"s are for your enjoyment |
 | digirain.zip | 1k | 06-05-02 |  | Digital Rain Yet another Matrix imitation. This one is unique, though. It resembles the digital rain from the Matrix, outputting random vertical "drips" of binary digits and erasing them (in a cool way) when the screen gets full. |
 | isometricmapper.zip | 7k | 06-04-22 |  | Isometric Mapping Engine A GPL'ed, highly flexible isometric map engine for use in your own projects. written in pure TI-Basic |
 | sidescrollingengine.zip | 7k | 06-04-22 |  | SideScrolling Engine A GPL'ed pure-Basic implementation of a side-scrolling engine. Feel free to use it in your own projects |
 | guicreator.zip | 3k | 06-03-26 |  | GUI Creator This Basic program allows the user to create profession looking GUI's, backgrounds, and graphics in a short amount of time and all on the calculator. The user can choose to create everything from Text (big, small, horizontal and vertical), Lines (horiz. and vert.) Circles, Boxes with or without shadows, border, tabs, title bar, use a pen to draw or eraser to erase and then name and save up to 4 pictures. The readme contains all the key mappings necessary to perform all of the possible tasks. |
 | picview.zip | 4k | 06-03-14 |  | Big Pic View This program is made to view pictures that are 100 screens big on your calculator. It puts the pics in to lists with the programs store/callpic that are made by Joris Gillis. This version is a bit smarter, a bit faster and a bit smaller. |
 | statsprite.zip | 1k | 06-03-11 |  | Statistical Sprite Creator This utility is for creating Statistical sprites from hexadecimal or binary data. the sprites can be any width or height just run the program and follow all the prompts. Output is stored to L1 and L2. |
 | smile.zip | 1k | 06-02-17 |  | Smile! It makes a smiley face on your calculator! |
 | brixbuildern.zip | 1k | 06-02-17 |  | Brix Builder Concept N demo This is a demo of what Brix Builder concept N will be like. It is a basic 3D utility. Bricks movable. Size changable. Elevate, lower bricks included. saves progress to Pic0 |
 | fivelevelgreyscalebasic.zip | 19k | 06-02-03 |  | Five Level GreyScale Basic Five Level GreyScale Basic uses an application called xLIB, created by Patrick Prendergast. When you run this it will show five levels of greyscale, hence the name. |
 | scrollers.zip | 1k | 06-01-02 |  | Scrolling Strings Scrolling strings. The second one scrolls up and down but you have to edit the program to change it. |
 | squarefx.zip | 6k | 05-12-17 |  | SquareFX Draws any number of concentric squares, creating many interesting pictures. Check out the screenshots for examples. |
 | cool.zip | 1k | 05-11-06 |  | Graphical Images Choose a picture and watch it draw itself out. |
 | flip.zip | 1k | 05-11-06 |  | Flip This is just a VERY slow way of inverting all the pixels on the screen (this only works with images on the graph). |
 | figsofig.zip | 4k | 05-10-22 |  | Figs o' Fig An interesting vector-based graphics program that draws a user-designed figure using smaller versions of itself. |
 | homestar.zip | 1k | 05-10-17 |  | Basic Stars 2.0 Not much is different just some more star looking thingys to see |
 | pictureviewer.zip | 34k | 05-10-07 |  | PictureViewer It provides the user to be able to quickly "save" (store to the calculator's memory) and "open" (recall a picture from the calculator's memory). It is a rather simplistic program. Should have no un-fixed bugs at this point that I'm aware of. |
 | siertri.zip | 1k | 05-10-07 |  | Sierpinski Triangle Maker Version 1.2 This program has a majority of its code taken from the TI-83+ instruction book. I just took that code, added a menu at the beginning, and made it so you can choose a pic save slot. (You can choose not to save at all.) Enjoy! Note: The file is compressed in the Bzip2 format, which requires at least Winzip 9.0 SR-1 or its equivalent to decompress. |
 | peace.zip | 1k | 05-10-04 |  | May Peace Prevail On Earth Show sign of support for peace by downloading this program. This program draws the peace stencil with the words "May Peace Prevail On Earth." Please show your support. |
 | tunnelfractal.zip | 6k | 05-09-29 |  | Tunnel Fractal This program creates a tunnel-like illusion on the graph screen. Check out the screenshots. |
 | randsqr.zip | 1k | 05-09-26 |  | Random Squares Yep! I was extreamly bored. This draws rando squares/quadrillaratles, hehe, and a bonus feature! It resets based on the number that you tell it! |
 | randcirc.zip | 1k | 05-09-26 |  | Random Circles Um, yeah, I got really bored, so I made a program to draw random circles, oh! and it resets it's self too! |
 | picture5.zip | 3k | 05-09-26 |  | Ti-Picture 5 This is the first and only Ti-picture viewer. This program allows you to view up to 5 pictures that you have stored on your calculator. Unless you calculator breaks down, this is my final version. A must download. The first of it's kind. |
 | hurricane.zip | 1k | 05-09-21 |  | Hurricane Input a name and see the graphic of a hurricane with that name! I know there is not much point of this program, but please try it just once. Type your friend's name and show the image to him/her! |
 | blub.zip | 1k | 05-09-14 |  | Blub Club Logo Draws the Blub Club logo on the graphscreen and displays the Code of Blub. For more information about Blub or the Blub Club, please go to cemetech.tk, en.wikipedia.org/wiki/blub, or rivereye.net/forum |
 | inverterlg.zip | 1k | 05-09-12 |  | Screen Inverter Just changes all pixles that are off to on and all of the pixles that are on to off. |
 | calcclock.zip | 3k | 05-09-09 |  | CALC-CLOCK Calc-clock is a basic time program. It's easy to use and it says you the time. There are some screenshots... you need to try this... that's all you need the know. readme included |
 | crsnttst.zip | 17k | 05-09-05 |  | Grayscale walking sprite demo Move a three shade grayscale guy around the screen. The grayscale is the best possible in basic. It requires omnicalc. |
 | sierpinskitriangleprogram.zip | 1k | 05-08-30 |  | Sierpinski Triangle Program This is a program that makes the Sierpinski Triangle like the one in the instrustions booklet but this one has a menu that allows you to choose what pic slot you wish to save it into. |
 | rayshade.zip | 12k | 05-08-18 |  | Rayshade: Shadow Mapping Squared Rayshade is a top-down shadow mapper for your TI calculator. It casts rays using a completely rewritten line routine, and is an interesting morsel of new technology. Sadly, *sniff,* with said program, as with all new software, it runs slow on old systems. As the TI-83+ has been out for many years without any revision, this program is rather slow. Anyway, download RayShade, mortal, and watch as it devours your system resources. |
 | speedinvert.zip | 4k | 05-08-02 |  | Speed inverter This Program changes the white space on a graph (or image) to black, and the black space to white. Takes 1 min to run, but will only use up 209ish bytes. If you want a smaller inverter check out my "Dynamic inverter", or my "Mid inverter". |
 | midinvert.zip | 4k | 05-08-02 |  | Mid inverter This Program changes the white space on a graph (or image) to black, and the black space to white. Takes 2.5 min to run, but will only use up 105ish bytes SMALL!! If you want a faster inverter check out my "Speed inverter" Or if you want a smaller inverter check out my "Dynamic inverter" |
 | dynamicinvert.zip | 4k | 05-08-02 |  | Dynamic inverter This Program changes the white space on a graph (or image) to black, and the black space to white. Takes 5min to run, but will only use up 86ish bytes VERY SMALL!! If you want a faster inverter check out my "Speed inverter" or "Mid inverter". |
 | pattern.zip | 2k | 05-07-05 |  | Pattern Gen Uses a simple algorythm to produce an almost unlimited amount of random patterns on the graph screen. |
 | screenflash.zip | 1k | 05-06-23 |  | Flash Umm... It flashes text that you input all over the screen. |
 | picprog.zip | 1k | 05-06-18 |  | Pic -> Program Converter This nifty utility will convert your current graphscreen to a BASIC program which when called will render the graphscreen state as it was very quickly. This should be useful for programs that require more than 9 pic vars or for authors who don't like to use pic vars for whatever reason. |
 | pixhome.zip | 1k | 05-06-17 |  | PixHome v1.0 This nifty program will take any image in Pic9 and convert it into text on the homescreen, scrolling the image in 8-pixel tall rows. Essentially an image-->ASCII convertor, a variety of cool effects can be produced using text, designs, and patterns. The zip contains a sample image. Doors CS 5 optimized. |
 | graphicsprgms.zip | 1k | 05-06-03 |  | Cool Looking Animations/Images This assortment of programs is completely pointless and insignificant, but they look cool nonetheless. One is a rotating and shrinking square, one is a shrinking square, one is just cool calc-generated 3D-ish images (that don't take more than 10 seconds). And I also threw in a relatively fast (for BASIC) screen inverter (only about 40 seconds on my 83+ as opposed to 1:10) |
 | random.zip | 1k | 05-05-17 |  | Random Just three screen saver that you can use with the start-up application from education.ti.com. RDCIRCLE will randomly display circles on the graph screen and RDLINES will randomly display lines on the screen. RDSHADE is a little wired. It will shade the screen but most of the time will display horizontal lines. |
 | spirograph.zip | 13k | 05-05-17 |  | Spirograph TI-83+ This program creates images similar to those made by a Spirograph. It is compatible with Mirage OS and can also save the images you create. |
 | facemake.zip | 3k | 05-05-14 |  | FaceMake v 2.3 This is a great program which can draw a face based on input you give it. Program expansions will come soon... |
 | shadesofgray.zip | 1k | 05-05-12 |  | Shades of Gray A BASIC program that can emulate grayscale. not overly flexible (only 5 shades), but can demonstrate basics power... |
 | grass.zip | 1k | 05-05-07 |  | Grass Simulation This is a very short and simple grass growing simulation. It randomly draws artificial grass on the screen. You can mow it, blow wind on it, or even take a picture of it. It takes up under .5k of RAM, and is free to edit! |
 | picmove.zip | 1k | 05-05-01 |  | PicMove This program will move your picture how ever many pixels you want in any direction. If part of the picture does not fit on the calculator screen the picture will be cut off. It's very usefull if you are trying to combine two seperate images into one. |
 | triforce.zip | 1k | 05-04-14 |  | Triforce Generator This small (sad, really) program creates a picture of the triforce from the Zelda games. I made it in about 5 minutes. |
 | picturedrawprgm.zip | 1k | 05-03-19 |  | Draw Pics for Greyscale Dont wanna waste time drawing pics for greyscale programs?? Use this handy program to draw the pictures for you! The finished product is of a city. |
 | mandala.zip | 2k | 05-03-19 |  | Alex's Mandala Generator The Mandala Generator is a pretty simple program, so I won't write much. It makes circular patterns that are symmetrical in four ways. The designs are neat to look at. I guess you could use them to meditate in math class. See the screenshots! |
 | mathsign.zip | 7k | 05-03-19 |  | Math sign Mathsign is a program that mainly uses Draw commands (ex. DrawInv, DrawF, Circle(). It just draws your basic math signs along with cool shadeing effects. |
 | welcome.zip | 1k | 05-03-13 |  | Welcome A nifty little welcome program that shows a blinking cursor (early matrix style), then prints out "welcome" typewriter style |
 | linessss.zip | 1k | 05-03-09 |  | Lines Rondomly displays lines all over the screen. |
 | dotty.zip | 1k | 05-03-09 |  | Dotty Randomly displays dots all over the screen. |
 | tabs.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Tabs This program draws tabs at the bottom of the graph screen like the ones drawn in applications. |
 | updownfont.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Basic Updown Font This is a great program for enhancing title screens with 3-D text. |
 | anim.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Animation Maker Makes animations using calculator characters. EASY TO USE |
 | linedesigns.zip | 7k | 05-03-02 |  | Pretty Line Designs This program makes neat designs with lines curcumscribed in a circle. Check out the screenshots! |
 | randstring.zip | 1k | 05-03-02 |  | Image Encoder/Decoder Function: The encoder program essentially takes whatever is on the "draw" screen at the time- be it text, graphs, and the like- and converts it into an "encoded" list of numbers. The decoder program can take this list and change it back into an image. |
 | taiwan.zip | 1k | 05-02-11 |  | Taiwan flag This program basically puts equations to the equation editor that would end up generating a Taiwan flag. |
 | codegraphics1.zip | 1k | 05-02-11 |  | CodePics1 Here are three pics I drew using BASIC code. They are a computer, a cross, and a computer chip. Just run the prgms on your calc, and save the generated image as one of your pics. Then you can delete the prgm to save RAM. If you like them, download the next releases, coming soon... |
 | yinyang2.zip | 1k | 05-02-03 |  | Yin-Yang 2 How many equations does it take to generate a yin-yang symbol. One. If you don't believe me, check out the parametric equation in the equation editor. This is an upgrade of my previous yin-yang generator, which used nine function equations. Note: Unlike my previous program, there is no shading and it takes a while for the graph to be generated. |
 | yinyang.zip | 1k | 05-01-04 |  | Yin-Yang This was one of my first programs on my TI-84 Plus Silver Edition. It basically generates a Yin-Yang symbol, including shading. Check out the program. You might find something interesting |
 | pixelpatch.zip | 1k | 04-12-26 |  | Pixel Patch v2.0 An updated version of Pixel Patch 83+. You can make pictures, and Pixel Patch will treat them like a maze. Now, the cursor blinks so that you can find your cursor again just incase. To set the speed of the blink, just store a number to variable S. |
 | animate.zip | 4k | 04-12-14 |  | Ozlo Picture Animator This prgrams allows you to make a 5x5 picture and then the picture flashes in random spots on the screen. you get to control how long this lasts. screen shots are in the zip file. |
 | invert3.zip | 1k | 04-12-14 |  | Invert Picture 2 i apologize perfusely for the error in coding in the first version of this. the new file is a bit bigger, but i fixed the bug. plz DON'T download invert. it's a disgrace to my programming abilities >.< i was tired when i made it. |
 | pic2listpak.zip | 1k | 04-12-13 |  | Pic2List Pak This is a combination of 2 programs that will store a picture to a list. To store it make sure the pictures on the draw screen. then run pic2list |
 | negative.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | Negative1.0 This program will make a negative image of whatever is on the graph screen. Short yet cool! |
 | picfinder.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | pic finder v1.2 this is a program that makes viewing archived pics fast and easy, similar to pic view |
 | commando.zip | 6k | 04-12-01 |  | commando Create your own pics and use them in games. |
 | asmpic.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | BASIC to ASM Pic Creator This program takes the current graphscreen and converts it into ASM ".db" format! All conversions are returned in Base 10(decimal) numbers. |
 | simpmove.zip | 1k | 04-12-01 |  | Simple Moving An easy moving program for all RPG's. Can move anything on the screen using the arrow keys. |
 | upc.zip | 1k | 04-11-11 |  | UPC Generator This program generates a UPC for a 12-digit number that you type in. Also, if you leave off the last digit, the check digit, the program will change it to the correct digit. The outputed bar code is so perfect that it can be read with a real scanner. |
 | postal.zip | 1k | 04-11-11 |  | Postal Code Generator This program generates a postal bar code for a 10-digit number that you type in. Also, if you leave off the last digit, the check digit, or input an incorrect one, it will fix your postal code. Sadly, I had to smush the outputed postal code together because it wouldn't fit on the TI-83 Plus's small screen if I put spaces between the individual bars. |
 | stereogram.zip | 8k | 04-11-04 |  | Random dot Stereogram Generator Makes one of those 3d pictores that some people cansee and some cant out of the right half of Pic1. I may fix problems in the future, maybe add more customization, I may learn ASM and then it can go faster (or crash your calc) but for now, it's BASIC, but it's neat. |
 | ascii2.zip | 1k | 04-11-04 |  | AZ Liverender Fonts Enter your text and the program with render it in various interesting fonts. Check out the screenshot and implement the code in your own programs. |
 | borders.zip | 10k | 04-10-23 |  | Borders Borders will make the outline of the GUI you specify. It also adds title boxes wherever you tell it to. I wrote it because I got tired of redrawing my GUI outlines. This saved me a lot of time and if you like GUIs, it can save you a lot too. Hope you like it. It is easy to use and follow. Thanx. (I included some GUIs I drew using Borders to draw their outlines. Check them out.) |
 | ticker.zip | 3k | 04-10-09 |  | Newsticker for the TI like on TV This program displays a message and circle it (if you don't understand look at the screenshots). |
 | weaponpack.zip | 1k | 04-09-21 |  | Weapon Pack These are a very detailed drawings of an m4a1 w/ scope, M9 Beretta, and a Black Bear Classic knife. I made these myself, and they took me several hours to make. They came out VERY nicely. Makes for impressive start-up pictures and they're cool to show to your friends. |
 | drawcard.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Card drawing library This program can be used in your card games to draw a card. See readme.txt for more info on how to use it. |
 | pic83p.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Pic Pic is a basic program that stores what is on the graph screen to a list and changes the list to a graph screen. it uses binary so the list is pretty small but since the calculator only store 14 digits sometimes it screws up the picture a little. |
 | grayscle.zip | 1k | 04-07-11 |  | Grayscale A neat little program that produces a pseudo-grayscale/color effect and may quite possibly give you a siezure. |
 | displaytester.zip | 2k | 04-06-28 |  | Dislay Tester This little program (about 400) inverts nearly the whole screen with a graph. It's MirageOS compitable, so give it to a friend and don't tell the truth. Look at the screenshots and have fun. |
 | tidraw.zip | 8k | 04-06-15 |  | TI Draw Pack This is the BEST TI drawing program pack there is. It includes image inverson, the ability to do standard 5 pixel high text and diagnal movement. Also includes everthing else that would be standard. Main program is just 2000 bytes! It even has a quick in-program help screen! |
 | matrix3.zip | 1k | 04-05-26 |  | MATRIX3 Program that animates a screen from the movie "The Matrix". Thanks to Gerrod and Matt. |
 | clock.zip | 1k | 04-05-25 |  | Clock It's a cool clock for the TI-83+ Silver Version. Accurate to the minute (lol, it can't get really accurate on a calculator). However, it displays in both analog and digital mode, although not at the same time. Gives a good example of how to graph angles, though. Just input the time, and watch the clock tick by. |
 | rndpxl.zip | 1k | 04-05-12 |  | Pixel Ant |
 | pictolist.zip | 1k | 04-05-10 |  | PicToList This converts pictures into lists in about two minutes and is very space efficient. I saw the other programs that store pics to a list and didn't like their methods. One method is to record changes in on or off. Another stores every pixel in bianary. to save space mine converts the binary nature of the screen into base 10 numbers. for example 1110 (bianary) = 28 (base 10) Therefore it is more space efficient and only uses 1200 of ram |
 | sphinx.zip | 1k | 04-05-10 |  | The Great Sphinx This prgram draws a picture of the Sphnx of Egypt on your calculator and then lets you store it as any Pic you choose. It uses a function where it draws each line from one point to another. Be- cause of this, you can watch it being built right before your eyes! |
 | fractal.zip | 7k | 04-05-08 |  | Fractal 1.0 Fractal generates a Fractal image and stores it in Pic0. In addition to the Mandelbrot and Julia Sets the User can create custom formulas in prgmFRM. The User can zoom in on the fractal by changing the window variables and change the level of detail by choosing the number of iterations per pixel. The drawback to this program is that is very slow and may take several hours to generate an image with higher numbers of iterations. Because of this it is recommended that you create the image with an emulator like Virtual TI and send the image to your calculator. On the other hand, the program is small and as fast as anything of this kind. |
 | move.zip | 1k | 04-05-03 |  | Alpha Player In order for this program to work, type in {8,16}¨dim([A]). Then edit matrix [A]. Press 0 for areas that are unoccupied. Press 1 for areas that are occupied. This would be a great program for making games not using the pixel commands! |
 | screen.zip | 1k | 04-04-25 |  | Alex's Screenshot Maker Create a tileset of text and use it to draw on the homescreen, and then save it or create a screenshot for use in BASIC prgms. I made this to help me design BASIC games more easily. This version is slightly improved and optimized. I also changed my email address. |
 | inverted.zip | 3k | 04-04-15 |  | Inverted Now you could simply invert and save your pictures to give them a special look |
 | waves.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | Waves Just a basic program that displays a bunch of 4 level grayscale waves. |
 | twoptperspectivepatch.zip | 1k | 04-04-06 |  | Two Point Perspective Roof Patch Patch for the file found at http://www.ticalc.org/pub/83plus/basic/graphics/twoptperspective.zip which adds a "roof" onto the house. |
 | write1.0.zip | 1k | 04-03-29 |  | Write 1.0 This program allows you to create downward-scrolling text on your calculator. It also gives you something to change around during math class. |
 | innlight.zip | 1k | 04-03-28 |  | The Inn Lights Its The Inn With Its Lights Flashing For Real. Download it to see. |
 | greymario.zip | 1k | 04-03-17 |  | Greyscale Mario The Mario Sprite from the NES Hit - Super Mario Bros. - in Greyscale. |
 | picview_19.zip | 1k | 04-03-17 |  | picview v1.0 Picview is a program that lets you view your pics without taking all the time to go to the recall pic command. |
 | dynamaus.zip | 1k | 04-03-16 |  | Dynamic Mouse This a great mouse program with some extra fun features. Adjust the speed, draw boxs, fill the boxs, etc. Check it out! |
 | mysticr.zip | 1k | 04-03-16 |  | Mystic Rose Drawing Program This program will draw mystic roses for you based on certain specifications. Points in the rose, Lines per point, Offset(degrees), and Percentage to draw(0-1). If Lines = Points, fast mode is forced. |
 | aspireal.zip | 11k | 04-03-16 |  | Aspire Spiral Project This project explores the realm of sine. With everything from a custom-made circle routine to a fractal, this pack is all you need to learn about programming spirals. All corny sales pitch aside, this actually might come in handy for those programmers who really don't care about analytic geometry and still want to be able to draw spiral effects; just rip off my source code. This pack includes 7 programs, each small variations of the same basic loop, yet yielding widely varying results. |
 | invertfast.zip | 1k | 04-03-09 |  | INVERT SCREEN Two programs that invert your screen. Works real fast! |
 | sqrdraw.zip | 1k | 04-03-08 |  | Square Drawer A tool that makes square drawing easier and faster. |
 | art.zip | 8k | 04-03-03 |  | Point Art Maker These programs, for the TI-73 -- V200, graphically show many random patterns. |
 | draw2.zip | 4k | 04-02-13 |  | Random Point Art, Extended This program draws random point art in twelve different patterns. It features hexagon, diamond, octagon, cross, circle, and many others. Runs quickly and stops when any button is pressed. |
 | twoptperspective.zip | 1k | 04-02-13 |  | Two-Point Perspective This program will create drawings in two-point perspective. You can enter points to create the basic frame of a building automatically, or you can use the cursor to draw it yourself. Features save/load. |
 | picscreaner.zip | 1k | 04-02-09 |  | Pic SCREANER Screan All The Pics On Your Calc With Ease no more recalpic 1 for you if you download this |
 | artgal.zip | 1k | 04-02-09 |  | Art Gallery This program ask you what you want to draw and then draws it. |
 | sm3_83p.zip | 1k | 04-01-24 |  | SmallText3 v1.0 SmallText3 v1.0 is a program that lets you create text made with 3x3 characters on the graphscreen. You can use the kernal ZSMTXT3 as part of your own programs (simply put {x,y,character spacing} in list SM) or you can use the included standalone program SMALLTX3 to create unique graphic presentations. |
 | randomgo.zip | 1k | 04-01-17 |  | Random goes A number of o's randomly going around the screen |
 | grayscale_45.zip | 1k | 04-01-17 |  | 8 color gray scale eight color gray scale (makes a yellow when on 8 contrast) |
 | monkeytype.zip | 2k | 04-01-13 |  | Monkey and a Typewriter Have you ever heard that enough monkey's on enough typewriters with enough time would eventually reproduce the works of Shakespeare? Find out how much truth there is to this myth with this program that generates random letters and punctuation, much like a monkey slamming its face on a keyboard. Very amusing, and doesn't require user input, so sit back and enjoy the monkeys go to work! |
 | chrmaker.zip | 5k | 04-01-13 |  | CHARMAKER v1.1 CharMaker is a program that converts binary data in Str0 into a picture. Runs off of user input and allows for external files. Contains documentation on how to use in your own programs. |
 | install.zip | 1k | 04-01-12 |  | - INSTALLATION GRAPHIC - an installation graphic to put at the beginning of your programs for a more professional look. not a sucky text thing!! includes progress bar and status. WORKS ON TI-83 AND TI-83 PLUS!!! |
 | graphixcombo.zip | 1k | 04-01-08 |  | Two cool graphics programs Two graphics programs. One shows random letters (nitrogenous bases) of the genetic code.(As in DNA) The other generates random characters and continually displays them onscreen. Fun to watch the first couple of times. Press the "On" button to stop them. |
 | flagus.zip | 2k | 04-01-08 |  | FlagUS The program draws a correct, nearly full-screen US Flag. |
 | newyear.zip | 2k | 04-01-02 |  | HAPPY NEW YEAR 2004 That's a nice fireworks program for the new year 2004! With special effects. fm-Soft |
 | shade1.zip | 1k | 03-12-28 |  | SHADE This program simply shades your TI-83 screen and repeats it over and over. If you just want it to shade your screen once, then go to the end of the program and delete the pharse telling the program to repeat (prgmSHADE). It can be used as a screensaver when you make it repeat over and over again. This program is not protected so edit it to your perfection. It is pretty hard to describe so put it on your calculator to see exactly what it does! By Tony Lu |
 | mirror.zip | 1k | 03-12-20 |  | Mirror This program(65 b) shows the left side on the right side of the screen. Look at the screenshots and have fun. |
 | inverter.zip | 2k | 03-12-20 |  | Inverter with different modes You can customize this inverter(296 b) how you like(Test it, it's easy to understand). Look at the screenshots and have fun. |
 | pxltest.zip | 1k | 03-12-16 |  | Pixel-Test Easy to incorporate into an existing project and help find just the pixel you were looking for to finish that wonderful interface or pic. DragonRise |
 | weirdinv.zip | 1k | 03-12-16 |  | Weird Inverse Pattern This weird recursive pattern is actually a visual representation of binary numbers; I made it symmetrical, thus giving it a really cool looking pattern |
 | triforce2.zip | 3k | 03-12-08 |  | TRIFORCE I took the simple Sierpinski triangle program and super-accessorized it with lots of stuff. If you have some free time check it out |
 | pixletest.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 |  | Pixle Test This new drawing engine draws your pics directly to lists. To use a plot graph. Just have the pic's top facing right when you draw. Also includes an undo button! Cool, huh? This game has no current bugs to report, and can really help when making sprites. The lists are each around 2000 bytes in size to allow up to 200 pixles and there are two lists, but it really worth it. Happy drawing. |
 | picturechange.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | PICTURE CHANGE Picture changer is a program that changes all of the pixels in a picture to the opposite. So if you draw some text onto the screen and then run the program you will get white text on a black backround. Use it for any picture. |
 | drop.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | BACTERIAL GROWTH This program uses chaos theory to create patterns similar to that of bacterial growth. Watch the bacteria multiply. |
 | chaos2.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | CHAOS2HIGHGEAR CHOAS Is a program that uses choas theory to create beautiful random patterns. Same as the one above, just faster, and produces less interesting patterns. |
 | chaos.zip | 1k | 03-12-03 |  | CHAOS PATTERN CHOAS Is a program that uses choas theory to create beautiful random pictures. It takes a while, but they come out really cool, and they are never the same. |
 | encrypt.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | Encrypt encrypt picture for transmission, then decrypt to get information great for text!@ |
 | adecibel.zip | 2k | 03-11-22 |  | Decibel Meter This is a decibal meter that goes up when you press up. It mimics the real meters. |
 | ones.zip | 1k | 03-11-21 |  | ARROWS AND ONES I acually don't know what the point of this program is. The effect is pretty cool though. It looks like people shooting allot of arrows all in the same direction, or mabey a sawblade, or mabey even waves. Just download it it to check it out. Mabe you can tell me what you think. |
 | linerands.zip | 1k | 03-11-21 |  | LINE MAKER 9.0 SIMPLIFIED(NEWER) This program makes random lines. It is simplified from the other version though. It doesn't prompt you first, it just makes the lines. 250 of them at full speed. |
 | garfield.zip | 1k | 03-11-20 |  | GARFIELD This Draws a Pic of Garfield. THis is converted from ti-82 version. |
 | rcircle.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | RANDOM CIRCLES i no its been done but what ever so when u start it asks for the min and max circle size just to clear that up bye! |
 | pictext.zip | 2k | 03-11-08 |  | PICTEXT This program allows YOU to write easily on the GRAPHscreen. It's easy to use and you can write 9 rows with about 23 characters. Have fun |
 | curv.zip | 6k | 03-11-07 |  | Curve Drawings Want a program that can draw cool shapes??? Download this program and see what it can do. I didn't actually design it but since it was programmed bad, I fixed it so it would actually work. Looks cool, download it and see, or look at some of the screenshots! |
 | ocr83p.zip | 1k | 03-10-31 |  | OCR v1.0 Have you ever had text on the graphscreen but been unable to transfer it to a screen? Has your notepad-type program suddenly stopped working, leaving you with a screen full of uneditable text? Then you need OCR v1.0. Given about two hours, it will transfer all text on the graphscreen to an editable string. It is 100% accurate, and can even recover text with uneven line spacing or word spacing. Check this out! |
 | spiral83p.zip | 1k | 03-10-31 |  | Spiral v1.0 Simply enter an angle in degrees or randians, and this program will display a spiral rotating out from the origin. It can be used as a standalone program or incorporated into other screensavers or games. Check this out! |
 | scrolltx83p.zip | 1k | 03-10-31 |  | ScrollText v2.0 This program is a small routine that can be used on its own or incorporated into another program or game. Simply place a string of text to be scrolled across the bottom of the graphscreen in Str0 and run the program! It will textwrap and scroll until a button is pressed, when it will instantly quit. Useful - check out the screenshot. |
 | grayscl83p.zip | 1k | 03-10-31 |  | Grayscale Demo 2 This interesting program shows how various levels of grayscale can be created using BASIC. It demonstrates 12 simultaneous levels from white (0%) to black (100%) in increments of 14%, but can support nearly any value. Check it out! |
 | randomlines.zip | 1k | 03-10-31 |  | LINEMAKER 9.0PRO THIS HIGHLY DEVELOPED PROGRAM MAKES RANDOM LINES. IT looks really cool 'cause all the lines are connected and it's pretty fast. Check it out. Because this is my final version it is entirely free. Just for the advancement of mankind. |
 | strobe.zip | 1k | 03-10-30 |  | STROBE This program makes a pic from your calculator flash on and off with greater and greater intensity. It's really interesting, and totally cool if you are going to use it in a program of your own. It's guaranteed to work, and was tested by the village idiot, so you shouldn't have any problem tring to figure it out. Just try it. It might be worth it just to check out the algorithms. |
 | aheading.zip | 1k | 03-10-27 |  | Program Graphics Heading This is a convinient heading you can copy into a graphics program before you start. It is especially useful because it takes out all the worthless setting up of the graph screen and such before you can really program, I use it all the time! |
 | png.zip | 1k | 03-10-23 |  | Tux-83 See tux on your TI-83 wearing a tie... (This was a school project :-P) |
 | geraldopic.zip | 3k | 03-10-19 |  | Geraldo Pictview v1.4 displays pictures stored on the ti-83+ with ease. no need to use ClrDraw after every picture view...it does everything for you! includes minor bug fixes and mirage (asm) capabilities. also--slideshow viewer. |
 | matrixgraphixprograms.zip | 5k | 03-10-13 |  | Matrix Graphix Programs They have no real uses at all...trust me I made these when I was bored or just for the fun of it. In some of them I tried to imitate the matrix "code". Anyways these are just graphics programs that overly use the Rand and the RandInt( commands. I think the coolest though is MatrixM, only because of the fact that you will see a "code cracker". Have fun with it. Distribute it. If you edit it just dont forget to give me some credit. |
 | netgen.zip | 1k | 03-09-21 |  | Netgen Netgen is a program that randomly generates networks. Just tell it the number of nodes and it will pick a random pixel to represent each one. After that, it will connect them in a random order. |
 | gmenu.zip | 4k | 03-09-16 |  | Graphical Menu Contains 2 menu programs, one is a small graphical menu, the other uses an icon as teh pointer and is bigger. The screenshots show all :-) |
 | convert.zip | 1k | 03-09-08 |  | Converter By: Michael Schwartz 1. Display a picture on the graph screen 2. Run my program 3. Watch the program conver white into balck and the other way around |
 | matrixcode.zip | 1k | 03-09-08 |  | Matrix This is a funny little program that runs a binary code that resembles the matrix, and if you know how to read the code...there is something there. |
 | acapt.zip | 1k | 03-09-01 |  | ACAPT Capture the screen and put it into a LIST. |
 | bouncepattern.zip | 30k | 03-09-01 |  | Bounce pattern generator This program creates a line pattern by quickly drawing bounce paths. Short algorithm. Nomal and screensaver version included. |
 | gradient.zip | 1k | 03-08-08 |  | Gradient This program creates a form of gradient/color shader out of black and white at random. It is a fun effect, and when finished it will often resemble a burning fire. |
 | bcode2.zip | 1k | 03-08-07 |  | Binary Code Genarator Version 2 Much better pattern genaration than the first Bcode. Check out the animated .GIF. s you you know the .GIF will just loop the same thing. But the program will genarate random patterns. |
 | matrix.zip | 2k | 03-08-04 |  | Matrix This is one of the many programs I wrote in the middle of my Math 12 Summer School class. The idea was that to make it look like the matrix code. Though, what I forgot was that the correct way to do that would to be program it in Assembly, and I don't know how to do that....... yet (I've just started to learn). So what you get when you run this program is just a long series of randomly generated numbers going across the screen and up. That's about it. |
 | picprogs6.4.zip | 2k | 03-08-03 |  | Picture_Programs This is a program that draws pictures on the graph screen, then gives you editing optios. A few are kind of boring, but most are cool. This is my first prog put on the web. E-mail me--tell me what you think. [SSpyro64@AOL.com] If anyone can port it to a MirageOS asm prog, I'd appreciate it. |
 | helix.zip | 4k | 03-07-24 |  | Helix It's basically a graphics program that tries to simulate the Double Helix. Programmed it while i was doing maths homework (The Fundamental Theorem Of Integral Calculus!!!) |
 | triangle.zip | 5k | 03-07-17 |  | TI Triangle Drawer Made for every TI, this draws a full screen triangle on the graph. |
 | spiral.8xp | 1k | 03-06-24 |  | spiral an extremely cool program that draws a square spiral around your screen until it reaches the middle, then, (get ready for this!), it goes backwards again, erasing what it drew!! it keeps going and going. |
 | truegrid86.zip | 5k | 03-06-19 |  | True Grid Drawer This program is useless... Made for the every TI. |
 | pictureinverter.zip | 1k | 03-06-19 |  | picture inverter v2.0 Running this program recalls and inverts pictures at will. Now you can trick your friends, your dog, or even your cat!!! |
 | invert_39.zip | 4k | 03-06-18 |  | GraphScreen Inverter Version 1.0 This program allows you to invert your graph screen up to any point horizontally. |
 | iloveyou.zip | 13k | 03-06-07 |  | I Love You Show that special someone that you care. Perfect for Valentines Day or any other occasion. Just add a personalized message and it is good to go! |
 | prog83p.zip | 4k | 03-06-07 |  | Graphical Progress Meter v3.0 This package contains three different types of progress meters that you can use in your programs. The first tiny program creates a cool graphical on-screen progress meter with shading and percent complete. The second one creates a Windows XP-style loading bar. The third one creates an onscreen progress meter similar to the one used in Internet Explorer. Version 3.0 now includes more screenshots and the calculator file. These are especially useful when used in your own programs! |
 | zbasikeys.zip | 1k | 03-06-04 |  | ZBasikey 2.0 Library This is it--this is a group of my newest ZBasikey programs. They are still subroutines and still in basic but still good. Have fun! |
 | draw1.zip | 1k | 03-06-04 |  | Random Pattern Draw Now stores only one variable, and I fixed a problem in the program. Still only 89 bytes. |
 | pixel8.zip | 1k | 03-06-02 |  | Pixel8 Pixel8 is a simple program. Read the documentation |
 | ti_picframe.zip | 2k | 03-06-02 |  | Picture Frame Maker This program sets a frame around the graph screen. You can choose the width from a range. It can make your pictures have a better appeal. This'll soon be a funtion of Lib68k. It's made for all TI's except the 80 and 81, though possible. |
 | tunnel89.zip | 7k | 03-05-31 |  | TI Tunnel Drawer This works like a function on the 89-V200. On the 73-86 you simply input a number, and a tunnel of that depth will be drawn. On the 89-V200 the format looks like this: 'tunnel(x)' where x is the depth you want. This has been made for ALL TI's |
 | lines.zip | 4k | 03-05-29 |  | Solomon's Lines a graphics program that creates random lines at random points (automatically clears) |
 | marquee.zip | 1k | 03-05-29 |  | Solomon's Marquee a BASIC program that scrolls the text you type in at 3 different speeds! |
 | spiral.zip | 1k | 03-05-25 |  | Spiral This draws a rectangular spiral from the upper left corner of the screen. After many recreations of the program, it is finally as optimized as it will ever be. |
 | mirror_57.zip | 2k | 03-05-22 |  | MirrorMaker Version 1.5 My newest version! This has lower-case printing, an 83 and 83+ version, and horizontal reflection. It is still under a kilobyte, too! The standard features (vertical reflection, fast drawing, draw/erase by pressing a button, easter eggs) are also include. Back to BASIC |
 | list2pic.zip | 1k | 03-05-21 |  | Picture to List Converter This program takes an image on the graph and stores it to L1. For more info, check out the readme. |
 | bcode.zip | 1k | 03-05-19 |  | Binary Code Pattern Genarator It's basically a graphics program that creates patterns using zero's and ones IT's for TI-83+ |
 | pixelart89.zip | 3k | 03-05-18 |  | Pixel Art Maker This package of programs for all TI's draws neat desings. There's a program for every TI included. |
 | gfxgroup.zip | 8k | 03-05-18 |  | Ultimate Graphix Group V 1.0 Another program by Back to BASIC. This combines my string splatter with a mirror program, a dot change, and a simple circle drawer. Just some cool little fx to entertain you. |
 | pxlchngrii.zip | 1k | 03-05-18 |  | PxlChngr II This is basically the update of my last program. It changes a pixel to the opposite color so you don't have to start all over with your image. I uploaded this soon after I completed my last pixel changer one, but it never appeared on this site, so here's this one. |
 | invert89.zip | 1k | 03-05-18 |  | Graph Screen Inverter This package of program, for all TI's, efficiently inverses the screen. Inversing turns black to white and white to black. |
 | jewels89.zip | 4k | 03-05-18 |  | Sierpinski's Jewels This is a very artistic program, made for the TI-73, and TI-82 -- V200. It creates designs using variations of the Sierpinski Triangle. |
 | connect83p.zip | 1k | 03-05-16 |  | ConnectPoint v1.0 This efficient program lets you input any number of (x,y) points and will connect each of them to every other point. Can be especially useful in figuring out networks and other problem solving. |
 | cc83p.zip | 1k | 03-05-15 |  | ClosedCaption v1.0 This program lets you add a closed caption system to your games and programs. For example, it can be incorporated as a speech routine in a graphical RPG. The syntax for using it is very simple and is demonstrated in the included program 'CCSAMP'. Great for programmers! |
 | thingey.zip | 1k | 03-05-14 |  | Thingey ? scan a pic and play it back oddly. |
 | graphix.zip | 1k | 03-05-08 |  | String Splatter! My first graphics program, but extremely cool. Every person I have showed it to has loved it. It's simple. Simply input a string, and it appears randomly all over the screen! Used the graphing screen so more can be fit, and it resets itself after 150 displays of the string. Just hit enter to exit, too. |
 | rwhex.zip | 2k | 03-05-07 |  | RaptorWare's Pic2Hex! Please see readme for info on this picture to hex converter. |
 | onering.zip | 1k | 03-05-01 |  | One Ring To Rule Them ALL Update, sorry for the picture on the last version, this versions picture is the actual one, very cool, very nice. |
 | cemetech83p.zip | 1k | 03-04-30 |  | Cemetech Logo That's right - this is the logo from Cemetech.tk, ported to TI-83+ graphics format. Intuitive system displays the logo without using Pic variables. Check it out, or the original at http://www.cemetech.tk |
 | picinverter.zip | 6k | 03-04-26 |  | picture-inverter This program inverts pictures, that means every black pixel becomes white and every white pixel becomes black ( visite www.freewebs.com/gorchy to see screenshots ) You easiely store the picture you want to invert under pic1 and run the progam. Now you must choose whether you want to invert all of your picture or only a part. If you want to invert only a part you must input the row and the colum of the starting point and the end. The upper left corner is row 0 and colum 0, the upper right corner is row 0 and colum 94, the lower right corner is row 62 and colum 94. For more detailed informations, look in your manual under the drawing menu, pixels. Now the inverted picture is saved under pic2. |
 | picsave.zip | 6k | 03-04-24 |  | Picture <-> String Converter Yes, it's what you've always wanted. Now you can save your pictures as strings and vice versa! It stores it all as ones and zeros in string number 0. It cans store the pics and recall them. It may be pretty slow but it works! Check out the screenshots.NOTE: I've included a string of the pic in the screenshots |
 | agridc.zip | 1k | 03-04-17 |  | Auto Grid Creator v1.0 This program creates custom grids in any size and type you want and saves them as Pic files. You can use these grids as sprites in your programs or for drawing things. Check this program out if you are a Basic programmer. |
 | reverse.zip | 1k | 03-04-15 |  | Reverse From the creator of "Joe The Dragon", comes and all new thriller: "REVERSE". This will stun and amaze you, this program will change pixle colors before your very eyes! Download now and get a free "ReadMe" file! |
 | runes.zip | 6k | 03-04-09 |  | Runes v1.0 This is a program that generates runes from a pre-determined set. Have fun! |
 | banim1.zip | 1k | 03-04-05 |  | Basic Animations: Newbie Tutors SPOILEDSTIFF NEWBIE TUTORIAL Use this program to learn BASIC Animations Next Lesson: MODULATION |
 | picdecoder2.zip | 1k | 03-04-04 |  | Picture encoder/decoder 2 decode your secret pictures and make them totally different, and still recover them to view. very much like picture encoder/decoder 1 but encodes and decodes different.(includes mountainous background as an example) |
 | picdecoder.zip | 1k | 03-04-04 |  | Picture encoder/decoder 1 encode and decode your secret pictures and make them totally different, and still recover them to view. (includes lord of the rings insctiption as an example) |
 | joedragon.zip | 4k | 03-04-04 |  | Joe The Dragon Meet the coolest guy ever to be on a TI calculator! Joe the Dragon is here in three awsome programs! |
 | pic255.zip | 3k | 03-03-31 |  | 255 Pictures The sister program of Picture It! 40. Instead of 40 pictures this allows the use of 255. This should be enough pictures, 255 Pictures is more than enough to fill the flash ROM space of the TI-83 Plus. ZPic is also included so you don't need the BASIC program to recall programs. For your needs of 40 pictures, Picture It! 40 is still available! |
 | draw.zip | 1k | 03-03-31 |  | Random Pattern Draw This program draws random patterns on the screen of your calculator. Press any key at any time to stop. The greatest part is...it's only 103 bytes on your calculator. |
 | nuker.8xp.zip | 1k | 03-03-28 |  | NUKER You make the picture, this program blows it up so that its a little pile of pixels. By bored person, for bored people. |
 | inv.zip | 6k | 03-03-27 |  | Inv Fast little program that inverses the graph screen only 36 bytes |
 | traline.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Traline Slowly draws a Matrix like grid line by line. Unusual and nice to see. |
 | combadge.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Combadge For all starfleet officer wannabes, place your TI on your heart, open the right file and watch the combadge materializing in front of your eyes and be ready to be beamed up to the Enterprise by Geordi! |
 | pine.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Pine A sort of Christmas Tree drawing on your screen. The program allows you to configure about every parameters of your tree. Try new variables and see some funny and weird things :PP =DD |
 | defuse.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Defuse A sort of Equalizer. [use the arrows] |
 | compaset.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Compass A Compass on your calc... But I wouldn't rely on it for a trip in forest.. :p lol |
 | coffart.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Coffee Art Coffee Art: You know those figures you see when coffee is spilled on a paper which is then folded? Now see this same randomness on your calc but with #000000 pixels instead of organic bean matter :PP - [Press "Clear" to clear, "Enter" to pause] |
 | circum.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Circum Circle A Circum Circle -> Deltoid A quite nice demonstration, took me a while to do though.. =P |
 | bongo.zip | 1k | 03-03-15 |  | Bongo The same dot as in the program "Bong" bouncing around but this time with a circle in the middle of the screen which deviates the moving dot :P |
 | opengl3.0uo.zip | 4k | 03-03-14 |  | OpenGL3.0(Unofficial) Unofficial OpenGL commands inside! Better than the previous. This time it will draw more advanced graphics to be used for building programs. Must Have This! |
 | enlarge_reduce_83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-13 |  | Picture Reducer v1.0 This program will take any picture in Pic1 and convert it to 50% of original size in Pic4 using an efficient and fast logarithm. Very useful; can be used in your own programs! |
 | poly.zip | 1k | 03-03-13 |  | poly draws a regular polygon on the screen using given number of sides. quick mode plots it very fast, advanced mode lets you input rotation angle, shrink factor and midpoint coordinates. |
 | basicpool.zip | 1k | 03-03-12 |  | WhirlPool This program plots the trajectory of a particle starting at a random point on the graph screen to a black hole at the center. It creates a whirlpool effect. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs. |
 | basichole.zip | 1k | 03-03-12 |  | Rotating Black Hole This program draws a cross-section of a rotating black hole, including ergosphere, outer event horizon, inner event horizon, ring singularity, and axis of rotation. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs. |
 | basicquan.zip | 1k | 03-03-12 |  | Quantum Foam This program simulates Quantum Foam behavior near the singularity of a large black hole. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs. |
 | islide.zip | 1k | 03-03-11 |  | iSlide A slideshow program that lets you manually or automatically view a slideshow of pictures. |
 | tornadesaa.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Tornado |
 | basicplotter.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Accelagram Plotter If you study black holes (like me), this program is designed to draw an accelagram on your calculator of a black hole that is in the center of your graph screen. The line lengths show the acceleration of particles as they near the event horizon. Please enjoy and modify to your own needs. |
 | vector.zip | 1k | 03-03-08 |  | Vector Imaging Although the fact it was written in BASIC, I decided to release the first vector-viewing program ever, mostly for entertainment and educational purposes. Keep an eye out for the ASM version, coming to a site near you! |
 | mirrormaker.zip | 2k | 03-03-08 |  | Mirror Maker 2!!! this is mirror maker image program. Great for all of you who make huge images then want to mirror them. If you mess up you can even undo it. |
 | enlarge83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | Picture Enlarger v1.0 This program will take any picture in Pic1 and convert it to 200% of original size in Pic4. Very useful; can be used in your own programs! |
 | picinv83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | Picture Color Inverter This is a program that I made in my spare time. It takes a picture that you select, turns that back to white, and the white to black. Please read the readme.txt file. It contains important info. Enjoy! |
 | mirror.8xp | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | MIRROR MAKER THIS IS A GOOD PROGRAM FOR THOSE PEOPLE WHO LIKE TO MAKE ART ON THERE CALCULATOR. all you have to do is make 1 half of your image then run the program to mirror it on the other side. Must run program setup before you start image. This is to set window settings. For your first input, select the top left corner, second input is the bottom right, third input is the mirror line. It can only mirror sideways. I am going to make a progam that can mirror vertically soon. |
 | blackout.zip | 5k | 03-03-07 |  | Black Out This is a map creater and editor. It contains 5 sprites and is very complex. It contains saving, veiwing, and editing features. It does take some time to load the graphics but is well worth the wait. It also uses some new speed code (which means fewer variables and much faster code). Enjoy |
 | flipflop83p.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Flip-flop v1.0 Basically, it just changes all the black pixel(s) on the drawing screen to white pixel(s), and the white pixel(s) to black pixel(s). All of this done in about 30secs, and the program only takes up about 600 RAM or ARC. |
 | starrynight.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Starry Night Watch the stars come out on your Ti-83+! |
 | readme.zip | 41k | 03-03-04 |  | GraphX designs This is a great graphics program for creating title screens, any other pictures, or just to play around with. It has great graphics of its own and can rival any similar assembly program!!!well, except for speed but it's still pretty fast. check out the screenshots |
 | pictureit40.zip | 3k | 02-12-07 |  | Picture It! 40 Picture It! 40 is basically a picture storing program, but not the average one. It stores up to 40 pictures! Best for the programmer who needs more pictures or people who want to extend their calculator's abilities! |
 | pic.zip | 1k | 02-11-20 |  | Picture Viewer Pro v.1.0 Really named Tai's Picture Viewer. views all 10 pics w/o problems. |
 | grafxdesigns.zip | 41k | 02-11-13 |  | GraphX designs This is a great graphics program for creating title screens, any other pictures, or just to play around with. It has great graphics of its own and can rival any similar assembly program!!!well, except for speed but it's still pretty fast. check out the screenshots |
 | goodevil.zip | 1k | 02-11-12 |  | Good/Evilizer Incredible graphics prog that creates a good/evil logo for your calc. No screenshots, try it out for yourself! |
 | cfimaging.zip | 6k | 02-11-11 |  | CFImaging This file is a compilation of five programs which vary in resourcefulness and complexity. One of the included programs is a Bargraph editor that is probably the most advanced to date, which is really notable being that it was written in BASIC. Also there is a piechart program that will draw the chart and display the first ten values in number and percentage format. Both have save functions that use picture space. There is a shape artist program that draws regular shapes |
 | tile.zip | 3k | 02-10-25 |  | Tiler This program is really nifty. You first draw in three different tiles. Then the program ask you where to put them. After all that it draws the tiles you entered on the graph screen. Runs very well for a basic program. Enjoy! |
 | mirrorit83p.zip | 1k | 02-10-25 |  | Screen Mirror This is a tiny little program that lets you use the screen as a mirror. Press [ENTER] when you are done to reset the screen and quit. |
 | bomb.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | bomb simulates a bomb with burning fuse |
 | bounceb.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | bounce just draws a bouncing ball using a entered angle |
 | piechart.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | piechart this program generates in interactive piechart |
 | coolcurvedrawer.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | Cool Curve Drawer This small program draws some curves on the screen. It uses a method I found in my mathbook, and it looks pretty neat. It's something to do during class that's "educational." |
 | listpicplus.zip | 2k | 02-10-12 |  | ListPic Plus After a longer than expected delay, ListPic Plus has finally arrived! ListPic Plus is designed specifically for the TI 83+ and takes advantage of its various features to add some nice bells and whistles. Most importantly, thanks to archive memory, you can now save up to SIX extra pictures on your calculator in list form. Though other programs claim 40 extra pictures and more, they either dont work or require you to hack your calculator, a difficult and somewhat risky process. ListPic Plus will save every pixel on your screen into a list, and although there are nearly 6000 pixels on your screen, it takes only about half a list. Regardless of this storage efficiency, saved pictures still take up considerable memory, and take about 5 minutes to load or save, but if you want to save extra pictures to your calculator, ListPic is the best option out there! Note: there is a definite possibility of ListPic Deluxe coming out in the near future, designed specifically for Silver Edition users that will at least double your calculators picture storage ability. |
 | invertpro.zip | 1k | 02-10-12 |  | Invert Pro 1.0 Inverts the Pic of your choice! No setting variables or anything just sit back and watch! 500 bytes on calc. |
 | raybound.zip | 3k | 02-09-08 |  | Raybound Watch as the 'pen' bounces around the screen. It's great for those long, boring classes that seem to never end. If you get bored enough, it kinda looks like a fish. |
 | pixel.zip | 1k | 02-07-26 |  | Moving Pixels BASIC You can move pixels around the screen. Also soon to be in ASM! |
 | recallpic.zip | 8k | 02-07-23 |  | Recall any Pic from Mirage This is a simple program that allows you to view any Pic (0-9) without exiting Mirage or even unarchiving them. |
 | ppconverter.zip | 1k | 02-07-22 |  | Pixel and Point Converter Converts pixel coordinates to point coordinates and vice versa. |
 | listpic.zip | 1k | 02-07-15 |  | ListPic - Picture to List Coverter A program that lets you save 3 more pictures to your Calculator. If youre into calculator graphics or just like using your calculator to draw pictures in boring classes, ListPic is for you. This is one of the only programs out there that genuinely lets you save more pictures. Others promise 40 pictures and more, but either dont work, or require you to hack your calculator, a risky process that is difficult for someone inexperienced. This program will save every pixel on your screen into list form, and although there are close to 6000 pixels on your screen, it requires only a little more than half a list. This still requires quite a bit of memory, and saving and redrawing a picture takes a little over 5 minutes each- but if you want more pictures, this is the best way to go. Coming very soon- ListPic Plus, made only for the 83 plus with a number of Plus features! |
 | aberration.zip | 1k | 02-07-07 |  | Aberration? See the read me for full details. In short, this program does something that Im pretty sure it shouldn't. See the text file. |
 | stowstai.8xp | 1k | 02-06-19 |  | Stowstai 3 Pages of some kewl program generated pictures/equations Animations. A pleasure for the eyes! =) |
 | stick.8xp | 2k | 02-06-08 |  | Stick Misc Graphic "semi-circular" Effects. - If you know Fractal, you gonna like it! |
 | randroad.8xp | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | Random Road A kinda Cardiac monitor spikes drawing lines... |
 | spirale.8xp | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | Spirale My "well known" spirals drawn in 3 kewl ways. |
 | phi618.8xp | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | PHI.618033988749 You know the Golden Ratio, Phi? That wonder number found everywhere in the Nature and the surrounding world. This program uses the Golden Ratio to draw a series of wack'n'kewl "Golden" Graphic Effects !! |
 | discover.8xp | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | Discoveries Dynamic Y= like Graphic Effects in program form that makes possible to combine equation in a esthetic way. --- Things like double x², log(x and x, sine Ying Yang blade and some of the wackiest Graphic Effects I've made yet! =D -=-=- (Feel free to zoom-in/out to see some 'out of range' and Undiscovered areas.) |
 | dna83p.zip | 3k | 02-06-04 |  | DNA v1.1 This is a cool picture program of the double helix of DNA. |
 | aiglepic.zip | 3k | 02-06-02 |  | Aigle |
 | nerv83p.zip | 2k | 02-06-02 |  | Nerv 83+ |
 | kalidao.zip | 1k | 02-06-02 |  | Kalidao-Scope A kalidao-scope for your calc. |
 | meatwadpicture.zip | 1k | 02-05-27 |  | Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Meatwad Picture This is a perfectly hand drawn picture of meatwad from Aqua Teen Hunger Force on your calculator. |
 | flipscrn.zip | 1k | 02-05-25 |  | Flip Screen This program inverts the graph screen horisontally or vertically, without all that technical mombo jumbo. All you have to do is hit [Enter]!!!! If u r stupid enough to have to Contact Me (hamilton Turner), please put flipscrn for 83+ as the subject. |
 | picmagez.zip | 2k | 02-05-12 |  | PiCMageZ v1.0 This program will convert a picture to TI-Basic Line, Point, Axes, and Grid commands. It will also create a program and place all the coding in it for easier use! Great Multi-Menu system, but requires Symbolic 1.8 or greater. Includes an uninstall to delete all of its programs. The on-calc readme is in QWERTY format. |
 | yreflect.zip | 1k | 02-04-23 |  | YReflect Reflects an image over the y axis. |
 | xreflect.zip | 1k | 02-04-23 |  | XReflect Reflects an image over the x axis. |
 | deluxegraphixpack.zip | 1k | 02-04-09 |  | Deluxe Graphix Pack 4 Tools included to help manipulate graphics on YOUR TI-83 Plus. |
 | picinvrt.zip | 1k | 02-04-06 |  | Picture Inverter Ever seen the pics that looks like people shaded then drew it with Pxl-off? Use this program with a normal picture to do that! |
 | picview2.zip | 1k | 02-04-05 |  | PicView View Pics 0-9 fast, even if they are archived |
 | ssjchrono.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 |  | Super Saiyan Chrono This is a nice picture of Super Saiyan Chrono (if he existed) [from Chrono Trigger] |
 | thevoid.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 |  | The Void A nice greyscale picture of a void. |
 | invert.zip | 1k | 02-03-28 |  | Invert This program lets you invert any picture or any part of a picture just by entering a few variables and running the program. (can be run from your own programs as sub-routines and make very cool effects)....also check out PixWorks for the complete pack of drawing tools. |
 | basicsprites.zip | 4k | 02-03-23 |  | How2Make Basic Sprites Have you ever downloaded a Basic game and then played it and found it was some cheap text based junk or that it was only itty-bitty points? NO MORE of THAT! I found away to make sprites in Basic! That closely mimic the quality of ASM! All programmers! Please make some decent games with sprites! You can Animate them or move them around! I'm currently working on a RPG with these sprites and it ROCKS! Enjoy! |
 | grph2mat.zip | 1k | 02-03-23 |  | Graph to Matrix v1.0 Converts the contents of a specified area of the graph screen into a binary matrix. |
 | flag.zip | 1k | 02-03-12 |  | Flag Drawer This program draws the american flag in a cool way |
 | starynite.zip | 1k | 02-03-12 |  | Starry night This is a starry night program much like the mac |
 | aln_imagecodec_.zip | 10k | 02-03-12 |  | ALN Image Codec On-calc image compressor / decompressor with many features. Store as many images as your calc can hold! |
 | scrout.zip | 1k | 02-03-06 |  | Scrolling Outro v2.1 Ever wanted to make a nice graphical outro? Take a look at this! |
 | graph2.zip | 1k | 02-03-04 |  | Graph 2 Just watch it draw. |
 | picview1.zip | 1k | 02-03-04 |  | Picview A very simple program to view and delete pictures you have on you calculator. Not all that hard to make, but it will save you some time. |
 | titanic.8xp | 1k | 02-03-03 |  | Titanic It's actually a program that draws the Titanic line by line and dot by dot. Some elements as the windows and the water reflections are random. The Best view Ever. |
 | dna.8xp | 1k | 02-03-03 |  | DNA Draws a DNA :p ... - Satisfaction Guaranteed, or get ur Internet Connection fee back! =P |
 | picview83p.zip | 1k | 02-03-01 |  | PicView v1.0 Easily view pic images, much easier than using the DRAW menu. |
 | flash.8xp | 1k | 02-03-01 |  | BTJ-Flash A program that (tries) to emmulate Shock Wave Flash. The only thing id does now is motion tweening. Good GUI though. |
 | clear.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Clear Clear is a fun little grafix display. The Downloading message continues untill right before the end, and stops. Then it starts downloading againg. (repeat) |
 | pxlchngr.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | PenChngr Ever draw a picture, but have one pixel that doesn't belong where it is? This program is similar to an eraser for TI-83 Plus but instead, it changes one pixel on a graph to the opposite color. (White to black, and black to white [obviously]) Pretty basic but useful nonetheless. Check out the README file for more information. |
 | comic2.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Comic #02 A small battle animation that is built into a comic. Trying to mess around with battle animations. |
 | comic1.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Comic #01 One of my first mini comics that is really funny! A must see! |
 | basicgs83p.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Grayscale Smiley Face in BASIC! I haven't seen any BASIC grayscale programs out there yet, so I thought I should be the first. Enjoy! |
 | inverse_gph2.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Fast Graph Inverter The FASTEST graph inverter for the TI-83 and TI-83+. This is great for making fantastic graphics and pics. |
 | knuckle.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Knuckle Ball Do you like baseball? Do you like baseball graphics programs? If so, you should be shacking with excitement right now. This program shows a knuckle ball going across the screen. And, just like in reality, the knuckle ball will be different every time. ENJOY! |
 | mess.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Mess Makes a mess of your screen with bouncing text |
 | sirds.zip | 4k | 01-12-16 |  | SIRDS / SIS creator Stereogram program. Supports random dot and patterns. It's slow, but it works great! |
 | greyscalefx.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Greyscale FX A BASIC program that makes simulated assembly greyscale. A must have program. |
 | yoyo.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | yo-yo screen saver it's a screen saver of a guy yo-yoing what else is there to say? |
 | lightnin.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | Lightning Generator Lightning on your calc! |
 | aipic.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | AI Pic This program is an art program that draws its own pictures. This is only a demo. I want to see if people are interested before I spend time on a more time consuming version. |
 | wow.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | WOW! A psychedelic and hypnotic design that will send you into a dream-like state of confusion and amazement. Enjoy! |
 | calcdreams.zip | 1k | 01-08-05 |  | CalcDreams One day I got bored, and decided I would make a programm of very limited artifical intelligance. Behold... the brainchild of my boredom. I hope you appreciate my humble program. <(^o^)> |
 | light.zip | 1k | 01-06-05 |  | Revolving Light It looks like one of those lighthouses, where the spotlight revolves... |
 | boat83.zip | 1k | 01-06-04 |  | boat |
 | dissolve.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Dissolve dissolves- transitions between screens |
 | city.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Random City Generator This program generates a Random City in daytime or nightime. Includes star effects, randomly sized buildings, and random numbers of buildings. |
 | raycast1.zip | 1k | 01-05-14 |  | My First Raycaster A really bad slow ASCII raycaster for BASIC, but it does demonstrate the theory. |
 | weapons2.zip | 2k | 01-04-28 |  | Weapons 2 This is a nice program, the next in my "Weapons" series, that shows five nice pics of five guns. It's very cool, extremely worth the download. |
 | snow2.zip | 1k | 01-04-28 |  | It's Snowing! A rather intresting snow program. The snowflakes fall and stop at random places on the screen. Its pretty cool. |
 | coolgrfx.zip | 2k | 01-04-28 |  | COOLGRFX v1.2 A graphics program that currently has 30 graphics that all appear right before your eyes! |
 | moviemaker.zip | 6k | 01-04-26 |  | Movie Maker update #5 This is an update for Movie Maker. The drawing option now has the option of circle and rectangle. This also has a minor bug fix. |
 | binary.zip | 1k | 01-03-25 |  | Matrix Binary Code 10010100110101 Yet another Matrix code... except this one makes sence |
 | coolgraphs.zip | 1k | 01-03-25 |  | CoolGraphs Tony Carfang had some free time, and decided to design 5 simple but cool graphs. Enjoy |
 | spin.zip | 1k | 01-03-25 |  | Spinner A basic program that i made on my spare time. Looks pretty cool! www.olympia.vze.com |
 | inverse_gph.zip | 1k | 01-03-14 |  | Graph Inverse A great graph inverser. Just display something on the graph and open up the prgm! If you don't know what an "inverser" does: it turns all of the black pixels to white and all of the white pixels to black. ENJOY! |
 | colorchange.zip | 1k | 01-03-11 |  | Color Change v1.1 This program inverses (changes) the colors on the graphing screen. Especially usefull for programmers who want to make flashing screens in their games. Much faster than the original Color Change. |
 | qha.zip | 1k | 01-03-08 |  | QHA Intro This is the official intro of QHA (Quebec Hacker's Alliance) |
 | grafx.zip | 3k | 01-03-08 |  | GRAFX v1.0 GRAFX is an extremely useful and easy to use program for programmers and non-programmers alike. GRAFX allows you to store the graphscreen in a program. So for those of you who have used up all of your picture files, GRAFX will be your new best friend! Includes excellent documentation. |
 | line.zip | 1k | 01-02-24 |  | Mystify Whatch these straight lines as they travel acroos the screen seeming to become circular. Clean cut with no bugs, just dont whatch it all day or you may become cross-eyed! |
 | symetric.zip | 1k | 01-02-22 |  | Auto Generating Symmetric Lines A Cool Auto Generating Symmetric Lines. --- Pause with Enter. While on pause, press + to Save the picture and - to Recall. |
 | diamond.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 |  | Diamonds This is one of those "AntiBoredom" f/x. Cool looking diamonds spawn randomly over the screen. Kinda cool and public domain. |
 | lightning.zip | 1k | 01-02-19 |  | Lightning Simulator This is a really cool graphics program that simulates lightning. It's totally random and pretty realistic!! |
 | picshrink.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Picshrink This simple program shrinks any picture (or graph) to 1/4 of the original size. |
 | picview8383p.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | PicView This program gives you easy access to the 10 pictures stored on you calculator. Works in simple TI-83/+ language. Also displays picture number in top corner. Select picture using numpad 0-9. |
 | encdec.zip | 4k | 01-01-29 |  | Encdec v1.0 Picture Encoder/Decoder v1.0 |
 | shine.zip | 1k | 01-01-18 |  | Shine This program displays a shining cross. Very nice looking. |
 | weapons.zip | 2k | 00-12-26 |  | Weapons This is a little program I made that shows pictures of 9 different guns. |
 | slide.zip | 1k | 00-12-19 |  | Slide Show this is a slide show that uses pics 1-5 |
 | textgfx.zip | 1k | 00-12-17 |  | Text Graphics Allows you to do different things with text you type in. |
 | graphx.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | GraphX Small graphics programs. Easy to copy from source. |
 | drawline.zip | 1k | 00-12-09 |  | Drawline A simple program that allows the user to easily draw lines across the screen where they select the two points that cmake up the lends of the lines |
 | gforms.zip | 2k | 00-12-04 |  | Gforms Random Design Generator Fully Customiseable |
 | windows.zip | 1k | 00-12-04 |  | Windows Windows 83+ BETA. not really good for anything now, except for running ion and looking nice. |
 | publib.zip | 1k | 00-12-01 |  | Public GUI Library Finally! A gui library that will let you draw a title bar for your program, a window to run it in, and best of all 3D buttons. It includes a sample program to show you how to use the library and there is plenty of documentation. If that isn't enough e-mail us at cage2@home.com for more information. This is the only gui library I have seen and it is great for writting graphical utilities, and tools or notepads, really quickly and easily. Enjoy this production from CODE WURKS. NOTE: This does not use saved pictures it literally draws the pictures in as fast as you can blink an eye, best used to give a graphical overhaul to any text based utility or misc. program. Have fun! |
 | randm.zip | 1k | 00-11-13 |  | Random Picture Generator 83+ Randomly generates a picture on the graphscreen. |
 | pxline.zip | 8k | 00-10-29 |  | Pixel Line Drawer It draws a line of pixels. Usefull for calculator art. |
 | scrolls.zip | 1k | 00-10-01 |  | Style Scrolls A set of two examples of how you can make your own style scrolls. Really fun to watch :) |
 | graphpro.zip | 1k | 00-09-28 |  | GraphPro GraphPro is a simple graphing program with many cool features! |
 | tm.zip | 1k | 00-09-23 |  | Text Mover v1.0 An idea inspired by my friend Tytus, and when I was bored I made it. |
 | scroll.zip | 1k | 00-09-23 |  | Scroll This program allows the screen to scroll! like a RPG/Straregy game!!!! (for PC) |
 | grayscl.zip | 1k | 00-09-23 |  | Gray Scale This Program make the graph screen into a gray scale screen!!!!!!!!!, supports up to 16 colors (black to white) |
 | fractset.zip | 2k | 00-09-22 |  | Fractal Set v1.10 This program contains three different fractals for your viewing pleasure! |
 | xgrapher.zip | 1k | 00-09-22 |  | X= Grapher A program that graphs a line in terms of X. |
 | ygrapher.zip | 1k | 00-09-22 |  | Y= Grapher This programs graphs a line in terms of y. |
 | linez.zip | 1k | 00-07-28 |  | Linez A simple little program I made at 2:30 in the morning. It generates 3-D stars (the kind I used to draw all the time in elementary school) It's very small, so try it out! |
 | etchsk.zip | 1k | 00-06-27 |  | Random Picture Generator A program that will randomly place dots in 10x10 squares to make a picture. |
 | rand.zip | 1k | 00-06-27 |  | Random Picture Generator A program that will randomly place dots in 10x10 squares to make a picture. |
 | binary2.zip | 4k | 00-06-06 |  | Binary Image Displays a hidden image through a string of ones and zeroes. |
 | inverse_10.zip | 1k | 00-05-07 |  | Inverse This prog inverse the color of your screen. It's very small for his speed. |
 | greydemo.zip | 1k | 00-04-19 |  | Three Part Grey Scale Demo v1.0 This program shows three uses for grey scale in TI 83p basic. |
 | year2000.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Year 2000 v1.0 This cool program was inspired by when I watched the ball drop in Times Square on New Year's Eve 2000. Watch the ball drop and then enter the New Millenium with cool fire works! |
 | pic83.zip | 1k | 00-02-18 |  | Picture 40 This is a program that allows you to save 40 pictures. This is definitely worth a download! |
 | lynz2.zip | 1k | 00-02-08 |  | LYNZ With this program you pick a point for the line to start, then a place for it to stop, (all with the touch of a couple buttons), and it draws a line for you. You can make some really cool 3D-like pics. You can save them, and then later have easy viewing to them! (again, all at the touch of a button! :) |
 | snowflake.zip | 4k | 99-12-24 |  | Snowflake Happy holidays! This program generates snowflakes |
 | shirley2.zip | 2k | 99-12-05 |  | Shirley 2 another "greyscale" picture of Shirley Manson |
 | shirley.zip | 2k | 99-12-05 |  | Shirley 1 "greyscale" picture of Shirley Manson |
 | garbage4.zip | 1k | 99-12-05 |  | Garbage 4 another "greyscale" picture of garbage |
 | garbage3.zip | 2k | 99-12-05 |  | Garbage 3 "greyscale" picture of Garbage. Turn calc sideways when viewing |
 | garbage2.zip | 2k | 99-12-05 |  | Garbage 2 "greyscale" picture of Garbage |
 | garbage.zip | 1k | 99-12-05 |  | Garbage 1 "greyscale" picture of garbage |