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Last updated Thursday, 15 April 2021
Total downloads 992,508
Most popular file  Matrix Screen Saver with 15,806 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs
3dishanimationscreensaver.zip1k09-01-16File is not rated3D (ish) + animation Screensaver V2
This is just a simple + shaped "Screen Saver" that repeats until stopped. Fun to watch or give to friends and watch them struggle to stop it (unless you tell them how). Please read the Readme for instructions. (Fixed error)
3fast3furious.zip3k03-11-20File is not rated3 Fast 3 Furious
A movie with pirates!!
4leafcloverscreensaver.zip1k09-01-16File is not rated4-Leaf Clover Screen Saver V2
This is a simple program the draws a 4-leaf Clover shape. Please Read readme for instructions and recommended window ranges.(The readme is also for my first screen saver to)
4screensavers.zip1k03-10-25File is not ratedScreens Savers
Four awsome screen savers for your calculator!!!
83_raygun_2.0.zip1k10-03-12File is not ratedRay Gun v. 2.0
As well as being one of the most awesome animations of all time, this program takes up very little of your memory! It's actually really amusing; great for showing to your friends.
abubbles.zip1k08-02-28File is not ratedBubbles
A fun little screensaver for your calc. Randomly displays bubbles on the bottom of the screen, and they float up. Press any key to exit.
addup.zip1k03-08-17File is not ratedAdd Up
This program adds up numbers while they fly by the screen.
advss.zip1k02-03-09File is not ratedAdvanced Screensaver
An advanced screen saver with apd, pw protection, and other features. The screen saver is a text inputed by the user that can bounce, scroll left to right, or scroll up to down across the screen and you can set the speed and more.
aland.zip1k03-11-22File is not ratedLand Creater Engine
This creates land for any sort of game.
alerts.zip1k05-05-11File is not ratedRed/Yellow/Green Alert v1.0
For all you fans of space-based TV shows, this is a set of three animations that show a Red Alert, Yellow Alert, and Green Alert condition. Doors CS optimized and certified.
alex_matrix.zip1k04-11-04File is not ratedMatrix Animation
Scrolls random characters down the screen. You can customize what characters you want it to scroll very easily. Fast and small. Instructions in readme.
americanflagwithwavingstr.zip5k09-01-16File is not ratedAmerican Flag( With Waving stripes) (Basic Version)
This is the second version on my American Flag. (The only difference between the App version and this version is that this is in basic format)It displays the American Flag(without using up pic storage, and waving stripes. Please read the Readme for more info.)
amfw.8xp1k02-03-10File is not ratedFireWurx
Small graphics program that shows random fireworks patterns firing from a ship. Cool.
amped.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedAmped
remember the commercial for that xbox game amped? didnt think so but here it is for your calc!
anamaiton.zip1k03-09-01File is not ratedAnimating person
just download it
anarchy.zip1k00-08-18File is not ratedAnarchy Animation
I made this animation last night- cause i was bored, it took about half an hour. but anyways: It is an animation of an anarchy logo- uses no pics.take a look if your an anarchist or not.
animarainbow.zip1k21-04-15File is not ratedAnimated Rainbow
This is a cute rainbow animation that will make anybody happy. Who doesn't love rainbows? If only these calcs had color...
animate83p.zip1k04-09-28File is not ratedANIMATIONS
features a bird crapping out a pineapple. 'nuff said.
animate.zip1k00-08-28File is not ratedCar Animation
This is an awesome simulation of a car driving on the road in a 3-dimensional format. CHECK IT OUT!!!
animation2.zip1185k11-02-27File is not ratedAnimation2
This is a program I made recently. It has 8 Animations. Check the screen shots!
animation_39.zip1k14-05-25File is not ratedAnimation
A battle between pi and i. Very small and sort of short.
animations.zip7k10-03-22File is not ratedAnimations
Quelques petites animation que j'ai crée. / Some animations which I have made.
animation.zip3k04-09-27File is not ratedcool animation
this is a neat animation that is very cool to watch. look at the screens to get an idea of what it is.
animatio.zip1k11-02-18File is not ratedAnimation Version 1.0
Hello, this is a Programm i programmed recently. It contains simpely out of 4 different kind of animations: - Falling (dots fall down and lie at the bootom) - Falling negative (same in negative) - Random (Screen is filled randomly by dots) - Random negative (same in negative) You may use the sorce for different programms.
anime1.zip10k00-11-07File is not ratedMiscellaneous Animations Vol 1
There are a series of animations that look cool. Plus the source code to pull them off yourself.
anime2.zip11k00-11-26File is not ratedMiscellaneous Animations Vol 2
A series of interesting animations plus an included source excerpts doc to help you create your own masterpieces.
anime3.zip9k01-01-29File is not ratedMiscellaneous Animations Vol. 3
So you like animations? These ones not only look cool, but the source code is included in the deal so you can modify and create your own wonderfull works of anime.
anumber.zip1k04-12-18File is not ratedANUMBER 1.0
This is a simple screensaver that just displays random numbers in random places on the screen and deletes them occasionaly.
arandnum.zip1k03-08-17File is not ratedRandum Number Generator
This program randomly generates numbers then makes them fly by your screen
ascreensaver.zip1k02-04-23File is not ratedA little screen saver
A little screen saver who display a text with one effect
ascreen.zip1k04-11-20File is not ratedScreen Saver
This is just a "screensaver" program that I made during Geometry. So here it is.
atramp.zip1k04-04-27File is not ratedtrampoline
a man jumping on a trampoline, my first graphical program
bacon.zip1k04-04-09File is not ratedBACON
it randomly displays screensaver on the screen
badgerbadger.zip3k04-08-12File is not ratedBadgers
This is the badgers animation that you can see at www.weebls-stuff.com and is a great animation. This version has added a few words in to fill the sound on the real animation. A great animation first created by Weebl and I redid the program in ticalc form so now I can watch badgers while doing school work. Always great for a laugh.
badgers.zip1k03-09-17File is not ratedBADGERS!
BADGERS! is a TI-83+(SE) version of J. Picking's animation (http://www.albinoblacksheep.com/badgers.php or http://www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/21). Hours of fun for the immature!!!
badger.zip1k04-08-23File is not ratedBadger x3
Badger Badger Badger, the online cartoon
ball_98.zip1k12-09-06File is not ratedBasketball
This is a simple BASIC video program. All you do is run the prog, and a basket ball is throwen up,bounces off the rim, and falls through.
ballbounce.zip1k06-02-02File is not ratedBall
A cool bouncing ball in BASIC
ball.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedBall
cool anamation of a ball. good for using in other programs.
barcode.zip1k06-04-24File is not ratedRandom Barcode Generator
This program makes a randomly generated barcode.
base.zip1k01-05-30File is not ratedAll Your Base Scroller
This is just a neat little thing to show amateur programmers of how to do a vertical scroll. Check it out and look at the programming if you want to.
basicsaver.zip1k03-03-10File is not ratedLines Screesaver
This is a screen saver for your calc that is similar to an ancient screensaver used by computers that are no longer functional. Please use, study, and modify the code for your own needs. See the README for more information.
basicscreen.zip1k03-03-12File is not ratedScreen Saver Treasury
This program houses 4 screen savers for your calc, which are described in the Readme. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs.
basicstar.zip1k03-03-12File is not ratedStarry Night
This screensaver simulates a starry night with twinkling stars. Please use, study, and modify this program for your own needs.
basikfx_27.zip6k01-05-31File is not ratedBasik FX V0.3 Beta D
A lot of screensavers.
basikfx.zip6k01-04-28File is not ratedBasik FX V0.3 Beta D
A lot of screensavers.
baston.zip5k06-08-20File is not ratedBaston
It's just 2 men who are fighting.
batman.zip1k10-04-04File is not ratedBATMAN
Animation of Batman
bbounce.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedBallBounce
Draws paths of one or two bouncing balls on the screen.
beef.zip1k11-04-18File is not ratedBEEF
A funny animation that shows a long piece of meat waving back and forth. VERY ENTERTAINING!
beertrap.zip2k00-04-19File is not ratedBeer Trap-Animation
An animation with a giant mouse trap-with beer on it.two guys want the beer...find out what happens-MUST SEE!! Make sure your window setting is at- 0,1,1,0,1,1,1.
beonew.zip1k04-04-15File is not ratedTrailer for Beowulf 3: Curse of the Dragon
This is the TI-83+ trailer for Beowulf 3: Curse of the Dragon. See it, and when it comes out, play the real thing! Be sure to check out my other Beowulf projects.
beotrail.zip1k04-05-05File is not ratedBeowulf 3: Revenge of the Dragon Texasinstrumental Trailer
The second trailer of the awaited Beowulf 3: Revenge of the Dragon game. Watch it, and own the game on 5/15/04!
binarysaver83p.zip1k02-10-25File is not ratedScreensaver 2 - Binary
This cool program scrolls random binary across the screen, stopping immediately when you press any key.
binarysver.zip1k05-09-14File is not ratedBinary Screensaver
Displays constantly changing 1's and 0's all over the screen. Fun to stare at in class if you're bored.
binary.zip1k03-12-20File is not ratedBinary
This program writes ones and zeros across the screen randomly, (its different every time you use it!) essentially writing in binary, although there's no telling what it means! A neat program to impress your friends
bisaver.zip1k04-12-18File is not ratedscreensavers
blinky83p.zip1k01-09-09File is not ratedBlinky Robot Animation v1.0
This program is an animation of a "Blinky" robot. The Blinky robot is a project that students in the advanced Engineering class at my school. Everybody likes the robot, but don't want to pay $7.95 to get one. To solve the problem, I wrote this prog. Enjoy!
blizzard.zip1k02-09-30File is not ratedBlizzard
Neat little animation. Download to find out more.
blowup.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedBlowup
Choose a person and discover what will happen. Most people won't understand the inside joke that is really inside...
bomb.zip1k03-06-04File is not ratedBOMB
simulates a bomb with burning fuse
bond.zip1k01-03-14File is not ratedBond Escape
I wrote this program to beat all the wannabe Bond programs. This has some of the smoothest animation I have ever seen writen in BASIC, and that is no lie. What more can i say but enjoy this eyecandy.
boom.zip1k04-09-18File is not ratedBoom
A house blowing up.
bounce2.zip1k04-03-09File is not ratedBOUNCE
A simple program that bounces around your screen. Use the arrow keys to change direction. Clear quits.
bounce83p.zip1k03-03-07File is not ratedScreensaver 4 - Bounce
This screensaver starts the ball at a random position and direction; when it hits the edge of the screen it bounces just like a real ball. Press any key to quit.
bouncesc.zip1k04-09-27File is not ratedBounce screensaver
Fast smooth screensaver of a bouncing ball in a random environment. both included screensavers are the same speed, but 1 is smoother because it only hops 1 pixel not 2. check it out especially if you been planning to make a great pong in basic.
bouncey.zip1k00-05-15File is not ratedScreen-Saver
Bounces 3 inputted words around the screen.
bounce.zip1k03-12-17File is not ratedBouncing_O
funny screensaver with an "O" bouncing up and down in your screen. It never stops by itself, to stop push "On"
box.zip1k03-11-09File is not ratedBox Screen Saver
Displays random boxes all over the screen. Restarts when display gets crowded.
brbershp.zip1k03-06-02File is not ratedBarber shop animation
an animation of one of those spinning things out side of all those hair cutting shops.
btsavers.zip9k02-05-12File is not ratedBen Savers
Two screen savers that are out of this world
bubbles.zip1k03-10-13File is not ratedBubbles
It looks like there's bubbles on your calc!
bubble.zip1k09-11-20File is not ratedBubble
Never Ending Random Bubble Simulator (NERBS) makes a bubble start at the bottom of the screen, and slowly float upwards. Onve the bubble reaches the top of the screen, a new one starts at the bottom. This program is good for passing very boring math classes.
bugatti.zip3k06-09-24File is not ratedBugatti Logo
This program draws the Bugatti logo on your calc.
bullettime.zip1k03-09-05File is not ratedMatrix Bullet Time
This is a great matrix bullet time program. it displays a picture of a bullet and the waves around it as it travles. also check the matrix screensaver by: Michael Schwartz
bunnyss.8xp.zip1k08-08-11File is not ratedBunny Screen Saver
This is a bunny screen saver that I made for my sister, so I thought I would share it with you all. The bunny blinks, and is moved to a random location on the screen. Enjoy!
calcface.zip1k01-08-05File is not ratedCalc Face Screen Saver
This is a cool program of a face on the homescreen that will talk, blink, etc. A cool little screen saver to cheer you up.
callofduty.zip1k03-12-03File is not ratedCall Of Duty
This is a good cartoon showing what i can do. THis is somewhat a commercial.
cboard.zip1k04-03-28File is not ratedScreensaver 20 - Circuit Board
The twentieth in my series of screensavers for the TI-83/+/SE, this emulates a circuit board being created onscreen. Circuit traces, chips, and components appear onscreen; it will quit immediately when any key is pressed. Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
cedmovies.zip8k04-01-09File is not ratedStick Figure Movies
The theme of each movie is to watch stick figures get hurt in various ways. If you enjoy watching others pain then download these!
cinema.zip3k03-08-30File is not ratedC i n e m a
A useful little program / engine that will automatically scrolls through sets of pictures for you in order to create a little movie or slideshow. Movie length, play speed and number of repetitions can be customized :). Directions and seperate troubleshooting set is included in the program itself in case of problems you may have in playing your movie. INCLUDED SAMPLE SET of a nuclear explosion for your viewing pleasure! Be sure to ungroup the grouped picture files once on your calculator. ENJOY!!
circle_57.zip1k02-10-25File is not ratedCircle 83+
Displays random circles on the screen. Good as a screen saver.
circledraw.zip1k07-12-27File is not ratedCircle Drawer
Draws circles in real-time. Use the arrow keys to adjust the radius. There are still a few bugs.
circles.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedCircles1.0
This screensaver puts random circles on your screen. Pretty simple.
circle.zip2k05-06-02File is not ratedCool Circles Screensaver
This program draws circles with the same centerpoint, but the radii are different. Then it inverts the screen and draws the circle over again. So, you will see the program change from black to white repeatedly. The circular design looks awesome.
circ.zip10k04-04-25File is not rated3D looking "screen saver"
This program really has no purpose other than looking at, although it is rather cool. It was a program I put together one day in math class. Check out the pics! Also it's really small, only 403 bytes on the calc.
clock.zip1k03-08-08File is not ratedClock
This is a clock that you can set yourself to work best for your calculator. If properly set, it will not lose or gain time for a few hours.
concerta.zip3k00-04-15File is not ratedRob Zombies Concert Animation
An Animation-You go through rob zombies castle-Good Graphics!! Must SEE!!!
coolfx1_83p.zip1k03-03-07File is not ratedCoolFX 1 - Spinner
This cool program, which can be incorporated with ease into your own programs, displays a cool spinner on the screen when you input the accuracy level. Check out the screenshot!
coolfx2_83p.zip1k03-03-13File is not ratedCoolFX2 - Waves
This cool program, which can be incorporated with ease into your own programs, uses the refresh rate of the LCD to create a cool wave pattern. Check it out!
coolfx3_83p.zip1k03-03-13File is not ratedCoolFX 3 - Spinner Type 2
This cool program, which can be incorporated with ease into your own programs, creates a spinning pattern on the screen that can be adjusted for accuracy. Check it out!
coolfx4_83p.zip1k03-03-13File is not ratedCool FX 4 - Dissolve
This cool program, which can be incorporated with ease into your own programs, has routines that create cool dissolves from one screen to another. Great for RPGs.
coolfx5_83p.zip1k03-03-13File is not ratedCool FX 5 - Snow
This cool program, which can be incorporated with ease into your own programs, creates snowflakes that fall in a random pattern from the top of the screen to the bottom. Check it out!
coolname.zip1k05-12-17File is not ratedCool Name
Cool name is now updated. It now actually bounces your text around the screen small, or big, and runs pretty fast while at the same time makes a great screen saver. To run faster, shorten text
coolprgm.zip1k10-03-29File is not ratedScreensavers/Animations
2 animations, 1 screensaver, 1 stopwatch
coolprog.zip1k07-02-18File is not ratedCool Program
4 random screensavers I made; the DNA is really fun to watch.
coolscreensavers.zip58k02-09-27File is not ratedCool screensavers
This .zip file includes two screensaver programs for your calc. There is a ball and a text screensaver. You enter your text and it bounces all around the graph screen until you press a button. The ball also bounces all over the place until a key is pressed. You can choose the speed for both of them and the X,Y coor. for where the text starts off. NOTE: the actual program runs much smoother than the screenshots
coolss.zip1k03-01-01File is not ratedCool Screen Savers v1.0 (MirageOS compatible)
This program includes 6 cool scereensavers for your calc. Dots, Inverted Dots, Scatter, Lines, Circles and Marquee, all in one program.
costhetagrph.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedAnimation of Cosine
Shows you animation of the trig function cosine and shows you how it is reltated to the circle.
count123.zip2k03-10-05File is not ratedCount-a-roo!
simple screensaver that displays a continually increasing number. just press [ON] to turn it off. only 54 bytes, and also works for mirage.
csreen.zip1k03-09-05File is not ratedCircles Screensaver
A screensaver that draws circles of different shapes and sizes all over your screen, resets after ten circles. Not too bad. There should be a screenshot
cutafro.zip1k03-10-06File is not ratedBegone Bad Afro Ver. FINAL
This is a funny little program where you press enter to cut the hair! My First program! (it uses pics 1 thru 4)
dancerguy.zip1k04-03-07File is not ratedDancer Guy
A little animation I made when I was bored, It's basically a stick figure who dancer around randomly until you stop him.
dancingline2.zip1k04-01-19File is not ratedDancing Line Screensaver v2.0
This is the second version of the Dancing Line Screensaver, shortly made (improved) after the first version but forgotton to upload... so here it is now. The screenshot represents the speed of a TI83+SE (it'll run slower on a "irrigular" TI83+)
dancinglines.zip1k01-08-05File is not ratedDancing Lines
Ya' know that cool Windows screen saver of the dancing lines? Well here it is for your calculator. See the ReadMe file.
dancingline.zip1k02-04-15File is not ratedDancing Line Screensaver
MirageOs compatible
davidefc.zip1k03-03-05File is not ratedDavid's Effect
This is a small, cool effect. It's really simple and only uses spaces and zeros, but if you let your eyes defocus on it, it has a mezmorizing effect. This program works in TI-OS and MirageOS.
daystars.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedDots 1.0
This screensaver puts random dots on your screen.
dbzfight.zip2k00-11-09File is not ratedDBZ Fight
This In An Animation In Which Goku And Vegeta Fight/Train
dbz.zip2k00-05-11File is not ratedDbz
a animation of dragon ball z wanna bees mr first thing ever on a ti
death.zip1k03-03-08File is not ratedDeath
2 animated deaths
demo.zip1k02-04-23File is not ratedA little 2d animation
dice.zip2k02-03-25File is not rated3-D Animated Dice
This is a rendition of 2 dice animated in a 3-D enviroment. Not much of a program, just a good example of perception.
distrbed.8xp1k03-03-30File is not ratedDisturbed Screen Saver
This is a screen saver featuring the band "Disturbed". Draws the logo from their "Believe" CD and displays text from "Voices". It even runs in Mirage
dna83p.zip1k03-09-07File is not ratedDNA DRAWER
by: michael schwartz this is a program that displays dna
dna.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedDNA
cool animation of dna.
doctor83plusfiles.zip1k04-08-29File is not ratedTHE DOCTOR
PLEASE DO NOT DOWNLOAD THE ONE ABOVE THIS IS THE REAL ONE!!!!!!!!!!!! this is a very FUNNY anymation so download it, you won't be sorry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
doctorfor83.zip1k04-08-24File is not ratedAAAAAA THE DOCTOR
donkey.zip1k04-10-14File is not ratedLet Me Ride That Donkey
Hey guys, you've seen that banana riding that donkey on computer. Now see him on calculator. Shiggity Shiggity Shwa!!! This is a great animation for calculator. Uses pics 1-5 (sorry, will try and make without pics next).
drypaintsim.zip1k05-05-11File is not ratedPaint Drying Simulator
Inspired by the author who recently released a "Grass Growing Simulator", I decided to develop a similar program that simulates the screen being painted in random places and then gradually drying. Quite fast; can be quit at any time by pressing a key. Doors CS optimized.
ecg83p.zip1k03-12-18File is not ratedScreensaver 18 - ECG
This is the eighteenth screensaver in my series of TI-83/+ screensavers. This one imitates an ECG (ElectroCardioGram) machine, with two graph scrolling across the screen. You can press any key at any time to quit immediately. Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
eeanimation.zip1k02-09-30File is not ratedEE Animation!
This took a couple days to make, and its a longer animation than most of the ones I've seen. Plus it is..well..cool! E-mail me at XeroEntity@hotmail.com or instant message me at XeroEntity
eqadpak.zip1k00-11-13File is not ratedEQ Ad Pak
This is an ad and screen saver pak made by EQ. Another wonderful presentation from the people of EQ. Find out who makes YOUR favorite games at EQ. Thank You for your interest.
explode.zip1k01-05-14File is not ratedExplosion Animation
It's pretty simple, but it looks awesome!
face.zip1k01-03-25File is not ratedFace
Funny little video!! Very small uses no pics!
farmanimals.zip1k03-10-19File is not ratedFarm Animals
Decreased the size of each of the programs (CHICKEN, PIG, HORSE)
fastblack.zip3k03-09-16File is not ratedThe fastest black screenmaker in the world!
Thats a very fast black screen maker in ti-basic! ATTENTION: You can build it in your own programs! But please insert this command in the end of the program: :ZStandart Most speed on the new 83 (3rd edition).
faucet.zip1k05-09-28File is not ratedFaucet
This is an animated faucet. Turn it on and off with the up and down arrows. It's a 2 speed. Sorry I was unable to get a screen shot of it. (It changes to fast)
fightanimation.zip1k04-02-17File is not ratedStick Fight
A short animation fight between 2 stick figures
firework.zip1k06-05-15File is not ratedFireworks
Simplistic fireworks display. One kind of firework. Loops continuously until memory overloads.
fish.zip1k01-01-18File is not ratedChristian Fish Symbol
The program displays the classic Christian Fish Symbol with ripples protruding outward from it. It took a lot of work, so enjoy it!
flasherp.zip1k04-12-26File is not ratedProton (Vuton Titanium) Flasher 1.0
This lets you write a message and it flashes around on the screen for as long as you tell it to.
flower.zip9k04-03-09File is not ratedCool Screensaver
This sweet program uses polar graphing to make a sweet screensaver for your calculator. Check out the screenshots!
fly_saver.zip1k01-04-28File is not ratedFly Screen Saver
*buzzzzz* *buzzzzz* Thats the sound of this awesome fly screen saver. Well, not really..... This screen saver shows a fly buzzing around the screen. It's looks really cool, so check it out!
fly.zip1k05-03-13File is not ratedFly Screensaver
A little fly buzzes around the screen randomly but still with flowing curves.
fs.zip1k03-06-14File is not ratedFlashing Word Screensaver
Yo, it's Yan Zhuang again, with another custom word screensaver. The Flashing Word Screensaver flashes a custom word across the screen! Enjoy!
ftss.zip1k03-07-22File is not ratedFlying Through Space Screensaver
This is a screen saver that creates the effect of flying through space. This also keeps your calculator on while the screen saver is running.
funanim.zip1k07-10-26File is not ratedFun anim / animation drole funny !
Ce petit programme (369 octets) n'est pas vraiment utile ^^. C'est plutôt pour le fun : en effet, c'est plutôt un écran de veille ou ce genre de chose. Ce ne sont que des boucles "for" et des "line". De plus, le programme, à la fin, "dégrade" l'image, pour la voir autrement ! Fun ! This little program (369 bytes) is not very useful ^^. It's just for fun : actually, it's just a screensaver or something like that. It's just based on "for" loops and "line" basic commands. At the end of the anim, the image just semi-destoys itself, bye deleting 1 line of 2 ! Funny !
funnyface.zip1k02-05-27File is not ratedFunny Face Animation
This is an animation of a funny faced person speaking.
funny.zip11k05-08-10File is not ratedFunny Pack
It's finally done, Funny Pack for the 83 Plus! It's a pack of 8 mini clips that are, of course, funny! Make sure you read the readme before you play it.
ge2_44.zip7k07-03-01File is not ratedGrenade Event Video
This is a video that I made. It is awesome. You can actually play this video on a TI calculator (TI 83+ or up). My friends loved it when i showed it to them. So why wait? Download this video and try it yourself! Have fun!
ge2.zip7k07-01-27File is not ratedGernade Event Clip
Here is a short clip i made. You can play it on a TI 83 or 84 calculator. Its really cool.
gijoe.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedG.I. joe
its that lame "sound attack" commercial!
goku2.zip1k01-06-15File is not ratedDBZ Animation:Goku
Shows goku doing a kamekameha
goku.zip1k00-09-02File is not ratedGoku
A simple little animation of goku throwing a fireball
grafx2.zip1k02-01-15File is not ratedGRAFX v1.0
This is a small screensaver-type program that allows any text/charas to move left and right across the screen.
graphscreensaver.zip16k02-04-17File is not ratedGraph2 and Graph C Combo
These programs are the best screensavers that you have ever seen, believe me, if you don't like this program; in the 'Read Me' it give you instructions on how to contact me and everything. One program is just a regular/standard original, that contains many suprises, the second program (GraphC) is exactly like the first program (Graph2) except it has transitions. GraphC is a very long version of Graph2 and, these two programs have no competition on which is the best screensaver, no other program comes close, I can asure you. This is a 'Must Download!'
graphtxt.zip1k05-05-11File is not ratedScreensaver 22: GraphTxt v1.1
This nifty screensaver, the twenty-second in my series of advanced TI-83/+/SE/84+/SE screensavers, will pick random linear functions and render them on the homescreen entirely in text. It automatically changes slope at the screen edges to prevent domain errors, and will quit immediately with any keypress. Doors CS optimized.
graysaver.zip3k06-12-30File is not ratedGrayscale screensavers
Two screensavers in grayscale in one file. They change every few seconds. See what BASIC can do! It's not just plain black and white.
guy.zip1k09-09-28File is not ratedWaving Guy
This is a stick figure waving. He waves 45 times and then the screen goes back to normal. Great as a screen saver.
hallrun.zip1k05-12-31File is not ratedHall Running
An animation that gives you the impression that you're running through a hall.
hamdance.zip1k01-06-04File is not ratedHamster Dance
A movie of a dancing hamster.
happy4th.zip1k03-07-22File is not ratedHappy 4th of July Fireworks
This is a graphics program that shows fireworks going off. ;p
happysmile.zip1k06-09-08File is not ratedHappy Smile
This program draws a happy smile on the screen, great for when you do bad on a test or quiz.
heart.zip1k07-03-01File is not ratedHeart
The program draws a heart, and pressing after drawing it once, it draws the heart again, until you press clear.
hyperline.zip1k03-12-03File is not ratedVERTICAL LINES
IT makes vertical lines go on and off. RANDOMLY. Its pretty cool.
hypnotyz.zip1k00-10-07File is not ratedHypnotyz v1.0
Unlike Sno, this Screen saver is actually worthwhile to download.
iconscreensaver.zip1k04-03-29File is not ratedIcon Screen Saver
This screen saver will hypnotize you with its random iconness.
imaginarynumbers.zip1k10-03-29File is not ratedImaginary Puzzle
A shifting mass of the imaginary numbers: i, pi, u, and e. A interesting screensaver
infinity.zip1k02-05-27File is not ratedInfinity Symbol
An image of symbol drawn on your calculator.
intro007.zip15k08-11-29File is not rated007 Intro
This is a cheap 007 intro for the calc. I don't even know why i made it.
intro.zip1k06-07-20File is not ratedTI's Logo Draw
This is just a simple program, draws TI Logo on the graph screen, very small, check the screenshots. It's my first upload so dont be mean.
jaquar.zip1k10-04-04File is not ratedJAGUAR
Animation of Jaguar
jfalling.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedJFalling
It is simply a screen saver with a few hidden things in it. Made to look as though something is falling.
jfunny.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedJFunny
A screen saver that displays nonstop random numbers. Press 2nd while it is in motion to exit.
josh.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedJosh
A screen saver that will continuously draw out the word Josh, underline in bold, and then redo it over again. Press 2nd at any time to exit.
jspider.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedJSpiderman Screen Saver
Watch Spiderman swing through the sky.
jumpmove.zip1k03-05-25File is not ratedJump Move
shows some crazy jumping people!
justsk8.zip1k02-02-16File is not ratedJust Sk8
Just Sk8 is back and better! It has a couple more scenes this time around. You may want to keep it in the archive when you are not using it, as it is a large file.
j.zip1k05-11-06File is not ratedJ (in 3D)
It draws out the letter J in a 3D matter.
killsaddam.zip1k03-06-16File is not ratedKill Saddam Hussein!!
A little program I made based on the stick death programs my friends and I used to make.
kingsoftosv1.1.zip1k03-03-07File is not ratedKingsoftOS screensaver compilation V1.1
This is an update to screen saver compliation v 1.0 No new screensavers just a differant manner of accessing them if you have downloaded v 1.0 download this one try and choose which one you like more if you have downloaded v 1.0 download them both and try them I think youll be pleasently suprised
kirbysmile.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedKirby smile
A little series of pictures that will draw kirby on a dreamland background. (Pic 8 is the completed one if you only want it)
koolscrnsvr.zip1k03-11-03File is not ratedScreen Saver
A very kool, simple, SMALL screensaver
laser83p.zip1k03-06-07File is not ratedScreensaver 14 - Laser
This is the fourteenth screensaver in its series. This screensaver creates a random field of mirrors on your screen and then places a laser beam inside. It will keep bouncing off the mirrors (and the walls) until you press a key, when it will quit immediately. Check it out!
laugh.zip2k04-04-27File is not ratedLaugh Screen Saver
Simple screen saver, maybe you'll see the humor, or maybe you just need a calculator screen saver, whatever the reason, you want this!
lifegameupdate.zip1k04-03-07File is not ratedlifegameupdate
An Update on LifeGame with more realistic features, Updated Gambling plus a Save feature
lifeline.zip1k04-03-09File is not ratedLifeline
A really cool lifeline screensaver. Quit with 2nd.
lightsaber.zip2k05-09-28File is not ratedLight Saber
This is and Animated light saber. Hit ENTER to activate and deactivate the blade.
linersvr.zip1k04-03-16File is not ratedScreensaver 19 - LinerSaver v1.0
The nineteenth in my series of screensavers, this engrossing AI-based screensaver directs an infinitely growing line around the screen on diagonals. If it touches a wall, it appears on the other side; the program will quit instantly when any key is pressed. Doors CS v4.0 optimized.
lines2.zip11k04-06-18File is not ratedLines 2
Lines 2 is a simple screen-saver with three modes. Have fun! (Runnig it during math class will cause damage to your calc;)
line.zip1k03-09-05File is not ratedMoving Lines
this is a program that displays a line on the screen and it bounces off the screen... by: michael schwartz
lockandkey.zip1k07-05-16File is not ratedPadlock and Key
These programs draw out a picture of a lock and key. Each one of the included programs draws the same picture, but at different position on the GraphScreen. Please see the Readme for more information.
lotsasav.zip1k03-10-06File is not ratedScreen-savers
A collection of screen savers I made.
magewars.zip5k04-07-11File is not ratedMage Wars
This is a pretty funny movie I made while on vacation. Just load on your calc and run. Enjoy! This should be bug free, but I suggest having plenty of free RAM 'cause this is big.
magical.zip1k04-08-23File is not ratedMagical Trevor
Magical Trevor from www.weebls-stuff.com
matrix_00.zip1k09-05-29File is not ratedMatrix
This Program Is Just A Scrolling "Matrix" Like Screen That Displays 0 and 1 in random locations.
matrix01.zip1k02-03-06File is not ratedMatrix 01
Matrix 01 is a simple program that re-enacts the the very beginning of the Matrix.
matrix2.zip3k00-12-10File is not ratedThe Matrix Code
An updated version of my program that was only available to TI-83+ users. This is a program that simulates the code output from the movie The Matrix.
matrix3.zip1k02-09-27File is not ratedMatrix
Not like the real Matrix thingy but does have 2 cool changeable patterns
matrix4.zip2k01-05-02File is not ratedMatrix
v. 1.1 This is the update to my first Matrix...it is like no other out there...it creates the trace prog. in the begging of the movie
matrix5.zip6k03-06-24File is not ratedMatrix Coding
Chances are, if you are reading this, you have been in search of a good TI program that will duplicate the ever-popular Matrix coding, as seen as in the movie. Lucky for you, you have found it. This file includes a large Matrix program that displays 9 different hexidecimals in 15 different "strings" at once, a screenshot of the Matrix program, and a read me about the program.
matrix7.zip1k01-03-14File is not ratedMatrix
This program is a side scrolling matix code interactive animation, it also has the sayings from neo's computer.
matrix_83p2.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedMatrix 1.0
This program will put random numbers on the screen to create a matrix effect. Press ON to stop.
matrix83p.8xp1k03-05-31File is not ratedMatrix
A boring Matrix Game that repeats itself
matrix83p.zip1k03-05-14File is not ratedScreensaver 9 - The Matrix
This cool screensaver creates a martix-like effect by scrolling series of random numbers down the screen. IT is quite fast, and will stop immediately when you press any key. Check it out!
matrix84p.zip1k04-09-03File is not ratedMatrix
A screensaver that displays random 1-9s in random places repeatedly. THE MATRIX HAS YOU!
matrix.8xp1k03-05-21File is not ratedThe Matrix
Program that has random numbers that pop up and quotes from the matrix
matrix8xp.zip1k04-09-21File is not ratedMatrix
Displays the scrolling symbol thing from the Matrix movies. Once again, a product of my boredom. Kinda hypnotic. Try it out
matrixanime.zip1k03-12-07File is not ratedMatrix Small Animation
kinda exactly what neo's computer said
matrixanim.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedMatrix Animation
An animation that looks like the matrix code. NOTE: NOT just 1's and 0's!!!
matrixcode84p.zip1k04-06-23File is not ratedMatrix Code
This a visual "look" at Matrix code. I mean "Matrix" as in the movie. This is my first program, so please email me with your comments. More info in the README.
matrixcode.zip1k02-03-16File is not ratedThe Matrix
this is the ever popular scrolling code from the movie "The Matrix" and the messages that appeared on Neo's computer
matrixcrn.zip1k00-04-22File is not ratedMatrix Screen Saver
This is a screen saver based on the movie "The Matrix".
matrix_full.zip1k03-12-07File is not ratedMatrix
The COOLEST matrix program i have ever seen. Streams matrix CODE/FONT down your calc screen. MADE BY: BrianB.
matrixsimulator.zip2k02-11-08File is not ratedThe Matrix Simulator
this is a simulator of the matrix coding in binary it features splash screen dialing/access and then the scrolling code of the matrix it self try it its the best one yet
matrixss2.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedMatrix Screensaver
Scroling numbers simulates THE MATRIX! Small file and very cool.
matrixss.zip1k00-11-06File is not ratedMarix Screen Saver for Win2001
Marix Screen saver for win2001^_^
matrixstartup.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedBest Matrix!!!!
Scrolling 1's and 0's then when the screen is full it displays "Enter The Matrix" the it continues to scroll
matrixti.zip1k00-07-10File is not ratedMatrix
A "screen saver" type program that will display what looks like the Matrix from the movie "The Matrix"
matrixx.zip5k03-07-10File is not ratedMatrix Screensaver
This is a Matrix program that I made. It is a screensaver and a fun program that is realy faster than all other programs that I ve seen. it is kinda big but not really. By: CALCSOFT, Michael Schwartz
matrix.zip1k00-12-04File is not ratedThe Matrix
Scrolling Matrix Code!
mecomic2.zip1k02-02-25File is not ratedMolly vs. Emma Episode 2
The sedond episode of a great TI series I am making. Way better than the previous episode. Download this funny movie along with the others in the series.
mecomic3.zip1k02-02-25File is not ratedMolly vs. Emma Episode 3
The third episode of a great TI series I am making. Way better than the previous episodes. Includes more action and it is a LOT more funny. Download this funny movie along with the others in the series.
mecomic4.zip1k02-02-25File is not ratedMolly vs. Emma Episode 4
The fourth episode of a great TI series I am making. It gets funnier and funnier. Molly and Emma team up for revenge on Nick. Does it work? Download this funny movie along with the others in the series.
mecomic.zip1k02-02-25File is not ratedMolly vs. Emma Episode 1
The first episode of a great TI series I am making. Download this funny movie along with the others in the series.
miniscrn.zip1k04-12-26File is not ratedmin screensaver
just a screensaver
mirror.zip1k02-11-13File is not ratedScreensaver 4 - OctoMirror
This is a cool screensaver program which displays a set of random lines, mirrored eigh times in a cool symmetrical pattern. Check this out!
modern.zip1k03-09-17File is not ratedModern Art Generators
These five modern art generators. One makes random triangles. One makes random points. It is supposed to make fun of modern art, but it can look really cool!
movie.zip4k05-12-24File is not ratedHilarious Christmas Movie
A very funny movie (about a minute long) that is great to watch over and over. Watch a stickman's failed efforts to decorate his Christmas Tree!
mtrxscrn.zip3k05-09-25File is not ratedNew Version of Matrix Screensaver
*New Version* A newer version of a very, very low ARCHIVE costing screen saver for the 83+ calc. Its a simple Screensaver that makes it look like the matrix on your calculator, but now, its more like it. The last one was more binary based, this one looks alot like the real thing.
mushy.zip2k16-06-06File is not ratedMarshmallow Quest II
A very funny little movie I made. The second chapter in the popular Marshmallow quest series. Marshmallow goes on another crazy adventure and saves teh day! A must watch!
namegame.zip1k02-10-14File is not ratedName Screensaver
Input name and an action and see the fun!
namescreensaver.zip14k05-03-02File is not ratedName Screensaver
With Name Screensaver 1.0 you can have your own screensaver with your own NAME.Without learning complicate programming language.
name.zip1k02-10-14File is not ratedName game
Enter a name and then a mood to the name, and it generates it in a fun format. Then you have the choice to make it a screensaver.
nightime.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedNight 1.0
This screensaver will shade the entire screen and start putting stars on the screen. Press ON to stop.
niness.zip3k03-10-05File is not rated9 Geraldo Screen Savers
nine unique and original screensavers that display waves,designs,and geometrical figures at random. just press [ON] to turn it off. only 472 bytes, and also works for mirage.
numberscreensaver.zip1k21-03-03File is not ratedNumbers Screensaver
This is a simple program that displays steadily increasing numbers in random locations on the home screen. Shell compatible.
numbrs.zip1k00-05-07File is not ratedNumbers
A sort of "screen saver" that displays random numbers on your screen (try and clear it). A simple program created by TI-Monkies!
numsaver.zip1k20-01-30File is not ratedRandom Number Screensaver
A simple screensaver that prints random numbers on your screen using the Text( command. It's my first public program, so please be considerate.
nxwkevscreensaver1.zip1k10-03-29File is not ratedScreen saver pack 1
includes 5 screensavers: popcorn, random dots, parentheses, 010101010, spiral.
outbreak.zip1k03-10-06File is not ratedOutbreak
This simulates a germ outbreak in either regular or inverse.
pacmanmovie.zip1k08-05-27File is not ratedpac man movie(pacmovie)
pacman and my custom zombie pacman sitting there eating air
panda.zip1k10-04-04File is not ratedPANDA
Animation of Panda- best so far
pattern.zip1k04-04-06File is not ratedPattern Maker
This is a stupid, yet kind of fun to watch program. Don't stare at it too long. ;)
perfectsquares.zip1k03-12-28File is not ratedPerfect Squares
This program keeps displaying perfect squares whenever you press [ENTER]. To quit, press [CLEAR]. See screenshots.
perrypla.zip1k11-08-19File is not ratedPerryThePlatypus
draws perry the platypus
pictures.zip5k03-03-14File is not ratedPictures
This is a program that functions as a screensaver, switching between 10 pictures I have drawn in my spare time. They may not be all that great - but I like them. Enjoy!
pie1.zip1k04-12-26File is not ratedmini pie
just a screensaver
pie.zip1k04-12-07File is not ratedPie Screensaver
This is a basic screensaver that has pie going back and forth
pinwheel.zip14k03-03-17File is not ratedPinwheel Effect
Basically, a program that displays 4 pictures in succession, creating a very nice pinwheel effect.
pipe.8xp2k02-09-05File is not ratedPipe3D
3d view of a pipe
pipes.zip2k02-11-01File is not ratedPipes
This is a constantly shifting and changing screensaver for your calculator. If you own Windows, you know of the 3D Pipes saver. This is just like that (except for the 3D part) and consists of a continous line that is randomly formed on your screen. It sounds stupid, but trust me! It will mystify you as soon as you turn on the program.
plaid.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedPlaid 1.0
This program continues to make plaid on your screen until you press ON.
polrgrph.zip1k10-04-10File is not ratedPolar graphing screensaver
This program was designed by me and my friend in math class. It can make 3 types of screensaver graphs. Polar, parametric, and function. It is pretty cool because it graphs until you stop it. It makes a different one each time
poot.zip23k04-09-23File is not ratedFast Poot
Wait 'till you see it for yourself!
pop.zip1k03-09-16File is not ratedPop Pop Pop
This program displays pop all over the screen By: Michael Schwartz
powerofwar.zip2k02-02-25File is not ratedPower of War
A full length movie I have made with original storyline. Download this gem now.
projectcurve.zip1k09-10-24File is not ratedProject Curve
My geometry project. Got an 87.
pxlsaver.zip1k01-02-22File is not ratedPixel Screen Saver
A sort of "Screen Saver Like" Moving Lines.
radar83p.zip1k03-05-27File is not ratedScreensaver 13 - Radar v2.1
This cool screensaver creates a virtual radar on your calculator screen. A detector spirals around as "detected" dots appear behind it. The program quits immediately with any keypress. Check it out!
randdots.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedRandom Dots Screensaver
A quick random dots generator.
randfire.zip1k03-12-08File is not ratedRANDFIRE
This is a screensaver that displays fireworks that have random positions and quits when you press any button. Feel free to modify. Just send a copy to me.
randline_26.zip1k01-12-16File is not ratedRandom Lines Screensaver
same as above
randline.zip1k03-09-19File is not ratedRandom Line Screensaver
The title just about covers it By: Michael Schwartz
randlne2.zip1k03-09-21File is not ratedRandLine 0.1
RandLine is an exploit for a glitch that I discovered while messing with the Line( command. When it is done to a blank screen, it turns the contrast very low so you can barely see anything. When it is done to a graphic, however, you get up to about a hundred shades of grey. Note: Because this is a glitch with the screen and not with the calc, a screenshot is not possible.
randomlines.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedLines 1.0
This screensaver will put random lines on your screen until you press on.
random.zip1k09-12-12File is not ratedRandom draw
This program will randomly draw an image depending on the choice you choose. The bigger the space the large the image. Have fun!
randscr.zip4k03-04-05File is not ratedRandScr
RandScr is a random screensaver that draws a random image based on the numbers in the list SCR. It comes with an editor that allows you to easily edit what it displays. It is GREAT for boring classes or just entertainment. The editor (SCREDIT) is simple just follow the on-screen instructions. At the end of the editor, it gives you a choice to run the screensaver now.
rareware.zip1k01-03-03File is not ratedRareware
A Spinning Rareware Logo! - Just press Enter a few times to see the logo Appear then Spin!
rasdom.zip1k03-09-01File is not ratedRandom Number Screensaver
A TI-83+ screensaver that displays random numbers on the screen. Press any key during execution to stop.
ripple_04.zip1k04-08-27File is not ratedRipple
A small program that creates a ripple/spiral like pattern on the screen. You could use it as a screensaver, I guess.
ripplesvr.zip1k05-01-28File is not ratedRIPPLE SCREENSAVER
Ripple screensaver for ti-83/84
ripple.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedRIPPLE SCREENSAVER
Rippleing effect screensaver. VERY COOL!
rlrcoastscreensaver.zip1k03-11-03File is not ratedscreensaver2.2
cool rollercoaster manual start screensaver! may not be that cool, but the code is awesome... edit the code to make your own tracks really easily, its fun. Barely takes up any memory.
rndmstuf.zip1k09-09-18File is not ratedRNDMSTUF - (Random Stuff Generator)
This program just makes random stuff appear on your screen. It has three modes. One makes the screen fill up with random 0s, another keeps changing some random numbers on the screen (looks really cool, like a futuristic computer in really cheesy sci-fi movies), and the third keeps drawing bubbles all over the screen.
robber.zip1k00-04-15File is not ratedThe Robber Animation
An Animation of a Robber-Very Funny
rocket.zip1k06-04-22File is not ratedRocket v1.21
An animation of a rocket blasting off. See Readme for more details.
rotriscr.zip1k07-03-31File is not rated"Rotating Triangle" Screensaver
You type in the max, and minimum speed, and a triangle start to rotate in random directions (even in the "faked" third dimension!) on your screene.
rpgscene.zip20k03-09-01File is not ratedRPG Scene 1
The gif image should tell you all...
saver83p.zip1k03-11-12File is not ratedScreen Saver Collection
A Collection of 3 screen savers.
saver.zip1k00-05-15File is not ratedScreen-Saver2
Bounces a word around the screen, fun to watch in math class.
screen.8xp.zip1k02-08-09File is not ratedScreen Saver
Randomly scrolls your inputed word across the screen in different places
screens_22.zip4k04-06-01File is not ratedScreensavers
This is a pack of 4 really cool screensavers that I made using the randint( funtion.
screensaver1.zip2k02-04-12File is not ratedScreensaver 1 - Name Mover
This screensaver will scroll your name or other text all over the screen. Nice and small!
screensaver2_32.zip3k13-04-12File is not ratedScreensaver 2
Draws patterns using lines.
screensaver2.zip1k04-03-28File is not ratedScreen Saver 2
Bounce your favorite slogan across your TI screen. Let the world (or at least your class) know to "Have a Nice Day" or that "All (Their) Base are Belong To Us".
screensaver3_48.zip10k13-04-12File is not ratedScreensaver 3
Draws patterns using circles.
screensaver3.zip1k04-03-29File is not ratedScreen Saver 3
Tell the world your favorite slogan with your TI-83! (New version uses graph screen for longer messages and faster animation.)
screensaver_48.zip1k05-03-09File is not ratedScreen Saver v1
A mac-classic style screen saver.
screensaver4.zip5k05-11-02File is not ratedGraph Screen Saver 2
Screen saver on the graph when the "road" doesn't lead anywhere it randomly goes to any other open spot.
screensaver_52.zip1k09-06-05File is not ratednoob screen saver
screensaver that i made during eocs. uses all pics, so make sure you have something in each pic. also, have as much ram as possible, as memory failures happen a lot. working on that.
screensaver5.zip3k05-11-02File is not ratedGraph Screen Saver
Screen saver on the graph when the "road" doesn't lead anywhere it starts over.
screensaver_69.zip1k13-03-11File is not ratedScreensaver
This is a mesmerizing screensaver that "bounces" a continuous line of the edge of the screen.
screensaver6.zip1k05-11-10File is not ratedNeato Screensaver
Simple and small program. If you stare at it long enough you can make out some pretty cool patterns, makes a great screensaver.
screensaver83p.zip1k03-11-07File is not ratedScreen Saver
Ausome Screen Saver...has password protection and even lets u put your name in and it depsiaplys it in the center! ausome thanks joshyb@cox.net=e-mail and jmbois123=aim sn! thanks layte e-mail for ne suggestions
screensaver_home.zip1k04-01-29File is not ratedScreensaver 1.0
This was meant to be a subprogram for a programmer's use. Edit the text in Str0 and watch your text 'bounce' across the screen!
screensaveroffice.zip1k13-04-27File is not ratedScreensaver "The Office"
This is an Office inspired screensaver that mimics a DVD square that bounces around the screen. When it hits the corner exactly, it does something special. You can turn it off by pressing any key. View the inspiration here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gw9xYi7tSRE
screensaverpack1.zip1k03-07-16File is not ratedScreenSaver Pack 1
A program that has several screensavers on it, including Fireworks, Scrolling bars, and moving shapes. Kind of comical.
screensaverpack2.0.zip5k08-09-15File is not ratedScreensaver Pack 2.0
A collection of screensavers, one is inspired of the matrix, a TAC song, and the other is the Elliptic Cypher curve from Uplink. Check the screen shots! Any ideas or suggestions for new screensavers welcome!
screensaverpack2.zip1k02-05-21File is not ratedScreen Saver Pack 2
7 screensavers all under 200 bytes each
screensaverpack.zip1k02-05-12File is not ratedScreen Saver Pack
4 screen savers in 1 (4 programs, 1 zip)
screensavers24.zip1k04-01-13File is not ratedScreenSaver2424
this is not rly a screen save but that the only thing i could think of to name it. they are rly cool when on your calc. There is three programs, Dots, Lines and Circles. These programs will place a certain object randomly on a screen. The first one is Dots this will randomly display dots on the screen untill you press any button, then it will stop. Second there Lines like dots this program will place random lines with random leghth on the screen. Thrid theres Circle like lines it will place random circles of random sizes on the screen. You can use theses programs as you wish and they are much cooler when they are being displayed on your calc then on the screen shot. Try it out and enjoy.
screensavers_28.zip8k05-03-19File is not ratedScreen Savers
Just four screen savers.
screensavers83p.zip1k04-02-17File is not ratedscreen savers
contains 6 screen savers and a random loop very cool for anything
screensaversv1.1.zip1k03-05-30File is not ratedScreensavers V1.1
A new version of Screensavers V1.0
screensavers.zip11k03-05-20File is not ratedScreen Savers +
5 Different ScreenSavers: Dots, Lines, Circles, Name, and Binary
screensaverv1.0.zip1k03-03-09File is not ratedScreensaver v1,0
A simple screensaver for the ti83+ coded in BASIC. In the next version i hope to add a getkey function that will exit automatically for you. just send the file to your calc and run have fun.
screensaverversion2.zip1k05-12-18File is not ratedScreenSaver V2.1
This is a screensaver program that scrolls text of your choice across the screen. You can choose the default text "TI-83+" or enter your own. The last custom text displayed is also available in the main menu. You MUST copy the two included strings to the calculator, or the program will crash every time.
screensaveryoucanwin.zip3k05-11-02File is not ratedWinning Screen Saver
The screen saver that the calculator tries to win. It has to darken the right pixel.
screensaver.zip1k04-02-09File is not ratedScreen Savers
Has a total of 5 screen savers (numbers, numbers 2, letters, circles, & bars). When you run a screen savor, all you have to do is press any key to exit.
screensvaspro.zip1k04-02-16File is not ratedScreen savers
Simple screensavers including sierpin and stars.
screensvr.zip6k02-11-08File is not ratedScreen Saver 83+
A cool text screen saver. Displays the text you input and randomly places it on the graph screen over and over for a certain time frame depending upon the selected speed. (Speed is the length of time the text is displayed till it moves to a new spot.) [Still updating, just started working on it, adding new fetures and effects!]
screens.zip1k03-09-17File is not ratedScreens
UPDATE!(DNA added) Just a stupid little screensaver program that's fun to show your friends that have no knowledge of claculator programming. Contains Bouncing Ball, Random Numbers, and DNA. E-mail me for any questions, comments, or suggestions. Instructions are built in.
scrnsav2.zip1k05-12-24File is not ratedScreen Savers v.5
This program is a large collection of 12 screensavers. The program itself is only 992 bytes, so it doesn't take up a lot of space. The screensavers range from stars to explosions of lines, to vertical lines to horizontal lines. Try this screensaver and you won't be dissapointed.
scrnsav_41.zip4k00-05-07File is not ratedScreensaver v3.0
This screensaver program includes 20 different screensavers. There are text scrollers, inv. graphics, and much more.
scrnsave2.zip1k06-05-30File is not ratedFour Screensavers
Includes 4 screensavers: digital rain (resembles the digital rain from the Matrix, outputting random vertical "drips" of binary digits and erasing them as the screen gets full), a more typical Matrix screensaver (scrolling 0's and 1's), dancing Kirby (made in 15 minutes during Physics class), and a diagonal wipe (diagonally covers the screen with #'s, then with spaces, ad infinitum).
scrnsave83p.zip1k00-02-18File is not ratedPolar Screensaver v1.0
Screensaver that uses polar graphing to make nice pictures =)
scrnsave.zip5k03-03-31File is not ratedScreen Saver
Customizable Screen Saver v1.0 (better graphics) v2.0 (smaller can) for custom pic screensaver must have sscustom dont worry it's there sorry no screen shot didn't have time
scrnsavr.8xp.zip1k03-03-28File is not ratedScreen Saver
This screen saver moves whatever is on Str1 around on the screen. It doesn't really save your screen or anything.
scrnsav.zip1k00-04-24File is not ratedScnsaver Pak
This is a pack of 4 screen savers (2 text, 2 graphic)
scrnsve2.zip1k04-09-06File is not ratedScrnsve2
Screensaver for your calc. choose to have it make a cool pyramid thing like the program in the manual, random dots on your screen, or lines all over the place, like in the screenshot as always, any ideas, bugs (hopefully not any of these), email me: kweilnau@rochester.rr.com
scrnsvr_27.zip2k02-04-02File is not ratedScreen saver
Lines at angles with each other create a neat pattern. Several different patterns are in the program, and have no real purpose other than to be watched.
scrnsvrs83.zip2k02-05-31File is not ratedScrnsvrs
Screen Savers for the TI-83+, including scrolling text, flowers, and much more! .Zip file includes screenshots in .tif form
scrnsvr.zip1k03-05-16File is not ratedLightning Screenaver
A slick yet small screensaver that has random lightning striking a small farmhouse* *no pics used.
scrollanimationcollection.zip1k05-01-18File is not ratedJeremy D's Animation Collection
A collection of cool to look at, but easy to make animations that I programmed in like five minutes.
scrolla.zip1k03-09-08File is not ratedScrolling Marque
This program allows to customize a scrolling marque screen saver in a variety of ways. You can make the words flash, change the phrase, and even control the speed that the phrase moves at.
scroller_08.zip2k01-04-04File is not ratedHyper Scroller
This is a basic program that scrolls whatever you type across the continuously, much like a screen saver.
scroller.zip1k03-04-20File is not ratedScrolling screensaver
Scrolls text stored in Str1 from right to left
scrollingscreen.zip1k02-09-30File is not ratedScreen Saver v.1.00
A screen saver where the words you input will scroll from left to right at random places of the calculator. You can use this on MirageOS.
scrsaver2.zip1k02-12-07File is not ratedScreensaver
Six screensavers for your calc.
scrsaver.zip1k02-01-01File is not ratedScreen saver 01
scrsavpack.zip2k03-05-12File is not ratedScreensaver Pack 6-in-1
This new NCMV Screensaver Pack contains 6 new screensavers for 83 and 83 plus. Compatible with MirageOS.
scrsver.zip1k03-11-14File is not ratedScreen Saver
This screen saver lets you display your name and your favorite game, such as football. Cool screen saver! You can also use this program as an addition to your programs to all you basic programmers out there!
scrsvr01.zip4k04-03-29File is not ratedScreensavor v.01
A simple screensavor that moves text about the screen. Version 2 is done and version 3 is currently being coded. Also check out my site for my other programs: http://awesome1.freewebpage.org/
scrsvr.zip1k04-03-29File is not rated2 AWESOME SCREENSAVERS!!!!!!!
well, i had a half-hour on my hands so i got bored and made these OPEN SOURCE screensavers. feel free to edit but follow my guidlines in the readme files
senilymowt.zip8k05-06-04File is not ratedSenilym: Owt
Inspired by the first Senilym project, Senilym: Owt is a sequel to the first. New and fascinating effects with a longer amount of rendering time, Owt is a brand new experience that may awe you.. Senilym is "Mylines" spelled backwards, and is coded entirely in TI-BASIC. It runs best on a ti-83+SE or ti-84+(SE), 15mhz being all the better. The prime of the Senilym series is the use of the Line( command, forming interesting and somewhat complicated animated designs.
senilym.zip155k05-05-14File is not ratedSenilym (Final)
Senilym is "Mylines" spelled backwards, and is coded entirely in TI-BASIC. It runs best on a TI-83+SE or TI-84+(SE), 15mhz being all the better. The prime of Senilym is the use of the Line( command, forming interesting and somewhat complicated animated designs.
shade.zip1k00-10-01File is not ratedShade
This is a screen saver that shades .Read readme before you start.
shiz.zip1k05-09-26File is not ratedShiz
Shiz is a simple graphics program that makes some pretty cool designs on your graph screen using the Line() command. Works as a nice screensaver
show.zip1k05-12-31File is not ratedShow
This is a program that shows changing designs on the screen which, through a lapse of uncreativeness, I have named "show."
sinthetagrph.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedAnimation of Sine
It shows you the animation of the trig function, sine. It also shows you the relationship with the circle.
sixprogs_44.zip11k03-06-09File is not ratedSixProgs
Five screensavers and a number guessing game. Look at the readme or the screenshots for more information.
sixprogs.zip11k06-04-22File is not ratedSixProgs
Five simple "screensavers" that display various things on the screen and a number guessing game. See the readme and the screenshots for more information.
sk8.zip1k01-01-04File is not ratedSk8
This is a pretty cool skating movie where you watch a stick figure do various tricks.
sk.zip3k05-03-09File is not ratedSkate Animation
This is a sketcky variable animation i made a while ago. You need sketchy to run it
slinky.zip2k11-03-01File is not ratedSlinky!!!
The classic toy comes to your graph.
snakesvr83p.zip1k03-10-31File is not ratedSnakeSaver v1.0 (Screensaver 16)
This is the sixteenth screensaver in this series; this one displays a snake that randomly moves around your screen. If it gets to an edge, it reappears on the other side of the screen. It quits instantly when any key is pressed. Check out the screenshot!
sniper.zip1k04-08-23File is not ratedSniper
Stickmen fighting, this time one has a sniper
snlsktbl.zip1k00-05-01File is not ratedSNL-"Suck it Trebek" Animation
The infamous SNL Jeopardy Skit on the calculator!
snow3.zip1k00-12-26File is not ratedSnow Screensaver v1.12
An updated version of the falling snow screensaver. The snow-flakes look more like real snow!
snow.zip1k99-12-22File is not ratedSnow!
It is a Screen Saver where Snow falls and drifts down your screen than splatters on the ground. It will build up and then soon enough... AN INVISIBLE BULL-DOZER SCOOPS IT AWAY! (whoo hoo!)
spaceshuttle.zip5k10-02-20File is not ratedSpace Shuttle
This is my first program. It is of a space shuttle launch. This is part 1. Part two will be comming soon.
spikes.zip1k04-01-08File is not ratedspikes
this is an amazing basic animations program that draws a black screen and then shows spikes with gray scale! it seems as though this program should be assembly, but its not! it shows spikes that shift to the left and the right!
spindna.zip1k04-09-11File is not ratedSpinning DNA
This is just a simple animation of 2 spinning DNA molecules. They have different icons on the sides to present the illusion that it's turning. In order to quit, you must break it.
squaresscreensaver.zip4k04-07-11File is not ratedrandom square screensaver
Look at the screenshots and you will understand it.
squiggle83p.zip1k03-03-05File is not ratedScreensaver 3 - Squiggle
This engrossing screensaver randomly moves two mirrored lines about the screen, a cool effect that recycles every minute or so. Check it out!
srensab.zip1k04-12-17File is not ratedtwo in one screensavers
this is a program that may not save your screen but it is cool they both ask for an input and then it shows on the screen repeatedly its kind of fun try it out
ss4.zip1k00-11-02File is not ratedScreensaver Four Final
Makes a pattern go across the screen; customize with options menu.
ssaver83p.zip1k01-09-09File is not ratedPolar Screensaver v1.0+
If you're bored, watch this program draw six random polar graphs, clear the screen, and start over. It's actually kinda neat, so check it out.
ssaver.zip1k00-06-08File is not ratedScreen Saver v1.0
Very nice screen saver, type in your speed and what you want the screen saver to say, and it will scroll it across the screen, --A MUST SEE--
ssaverz.zip1k04-12-01File is not ratedScreen Saver Beta
A Screen saver for your TI-83+ that emulates the same functionality of the screensavers on Windows. There are still a few bugs to work out of the program, but it is still functional.
sslines.8xp1k01-12-22File is not ratedScreen Saver: Random Lines
A simple program that diplays random lines and clears the screen periodically
sspack1.zip1k03-06-14File is not ratedScreensavers Pack 1
This is a collection of 3 screensavers for your calc. The first is a bouncing ball (requires Omnicalc to use). The second is your screen slowly being eaten away (theoretically by worms but there aren't enough colors to display the worms), and the third is black circles appearing on your screen randomly. Use these in your programs if you want. Saves your format and window settings before activation, and returns them after. Also included is pic0, which stores the sprite image for the first screensaver.
sspack.zip2k05-05-01File is not ratedScreensaver Pack
9 different screen savers. ZIP includes 9 screensavers and README file. Questions? E-mail me at: trekkie00@gmail.com
ss.zip1k03-04-24File is not ratedScrolling Screensaver v2.0
Do YOU want a screensaver for your calc?! Most likely, NO. Here is a secret: None of the calculator screensavers in the world save any power, just interesting graphics. I have been inspired to create screensaver which YOU, that's right, YOU, customize. My first screensaver, Scrolling Screensaver, allows you to input the word(s) to scroll and you can customize how many loops it goes! Convinced? Because, welcome to SCREENSAVERVILLE! Population: YOU.
starrynight.zip1k03-03-04File is not ratedStarry Night
Watch the stars come out on your Ti-83+!
stars.zip1k05-02-11File is not ratedStars
This is a tiny program (about 41 bytes) that creates a bit of a screensaver of scrolling stars.
starwarsmovie.zip7k03-08-22File is not ratedStar Wars Movie
Watch the first few minutes of Star Wars: A New Hope, with abridged script.
starx.zip28k03-08-08File is not ratedSTAR@X effect Screensaver
Thats a screensaver like starfield simulation on windows systems! Thats the 1st program of fm-Soft for both ti-calculators: TI-83 and TI-83 Plus/SE! Enjoy it, tít's funny!
static.zip2k04-09-23File is not ratedStatic 1.0
This screensaver puts static on your screen until you press ON.
stickmadness.zip3k04-04-09File is not ratedSTICK MADNESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
stickman.zip2k05-03-02File is not ratedStickman Movie
This is a short movie that I made just to influence other programmers to make some movies on the calculator. This is just the start and has a few minutes on it but it is still not too bad.
stickmovies.zip5k05-09-12File is not ratedStick Figure Movies
I made these myself!!! I'm sorry there are so many prgms but there all small.
sticky.zip1k05-03-02File is not ratedSticky!
Sticky is my first animation with a little stick that runs around and does stuff. It has three seasons. Update News: Season 1 Episodes 1 and 2 done
stkgore.zip2k04-09-13File is not ratedStick Figure Gore
Various videos of stick figures dieing. Everybody at my school loved it.
stripes.zip29k08-02-08File is not rated1Stripes
This program slowly creates a graphical design by inverting a section of the graph screen, again and again getting smaller each time.
swaganimation.zip1k13-11-30File is not ratedSimple animation
I was bored one day, and this was the result.
symbolz.zip1k04-12-25File is not ratedSymbolizer
Make your screen go nuts!!! [randomly generates math symbols on your calc's screen]
target83p.zip1k03-03-28File is not ratedScreensaver 6 - Target
This is the sixth in my series of screensavers for the TI-83+. It randomly moves a target around the screen, stopping when you press any key. Check it out! More programs at http://www.cemetech.tk
tenchikirby83p.zip1k02-11-11File is not ratedKirby`s Show
Bored? Need some entertainment? Like Kirby? Well, this is the program for you. You can watch Kirby do a little and dance and fire something used in DBZ. Well, actually there 5 Kirbys ;/ Not One
textjiggle.zip1k10-02-07File is not ratedText Jiggle
Remember when you spent countless hours fooling with your scientific calculator, typing ()()()()... over and over again, and then moving back through them to make them "dance"? Here is a TI-83 program that creates this same effect, without all the fuss of typing in a long string.
thecrash83p.zip11k02-06-02File is not ratedA crash animation
thematrixbykevin.zip1k10-04-04File is not ratedMatrix
Imitation of the beginning of the movie: The Matrix
theplage.zip1k12-01-15File is not ratedThe Plague
This program is usable on TI-83,83+,84,and 84+. Just meant for fun. Looks like your calculator has started to encrypt itself.
thericedoler.zip1k05-05-18File is not ratedThe Rice Doler
This program simulates rice being placed in a pot, and makes a wonderful screensaver. Supports infinite grains of rice, though too many will slow it down a bit.
threed.zip1k03-11-12File is not rated3-D Screen Saver
Creats 3-D cubes randomly across the screeen. Stops when screen gets crowded
tinews.zip15k03-08-04File is not ratedTribute to TI-News
A tribute to a popular news site. Coded in about 15 min, ported in 1 hr, this is made for every TI.
tiscreensavers.zip1k03-05-04File is not ratedTI Screen Savers Pak
Read the documentation for info.
tiscreen.zip1k03-09-14File is not ratedTI-83+ Screensaver
Displays TI-83+ all over the screen until you press any key.
triangle.zip1k03-11-09File is not ratedTriangle Screen Saver
Displays random triangles all over the screen. Restarts when display gets crowded.
triganim.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedGraphing Two Trigonometric Functions at once
Graph Two Trig Functions at Once with this program. Choose from the menu of which combination of the two trig functions you want to graph and it will show you the graph of them.
trig.zip1k03-12-22File is not ratedTrig Animation
This is an animation program that graphs lines using the Line() function. The coordinate for the endpoints are determined by the sine and cosine of T, which is incremented until a key is pressed and the program is exited. I suggest you change the endpoint equations, and experiment till you find one you like. You can email me with cool ones you find at treyw05@yahoo.com. Send them to me in the following format: Line(10sin(T),10cos(T),10cos(T),10sin(T)).
triplsix.zip1k05-09-14File is not ratedTripleSix Screensaver
This is a screensaver I made that heavily plays off the number 666, the "devil's number."
tvsnow.zip5k03-05-28File is not ratedTV Snow Simulator
If you just love to watch the channels that don't come in on your TV, (oh so very snowy are they) this program is for you! To start, run the setup program within my program. If you are too lazy to wait (it does take a bit) you can just use one of the two "SnowSet" groups I put in the Zip. After all three Pics are created, run the program and have hours of fun gazing upon realistic TV snow. 2nd quits! :D
udecide.zip1k07-04-16File is not ratedPattern of the Cosine
Draws a graph using only cosine functions. Looks neat demonstrates some basic principles of "For(" loops.
verticallines.zip1k04-09-23File is not ratedLines 1.1
This program will put random vertical lines on your screen until you press ON.
vistastartupscreensaver.zip2k08-12-15File is not ratedVista/XP Startup amimation
This is an animation of Vista/XP when you boot up your computer.Great for using with start up app.(Sorry that I don't have an animated preview, if anyone knows how to do this please leave a comment or email me)
voyageofthefrogmovie.zip3k02-11-11File is not ratedVoyage of the Frog Movie
A spoof on the book "Voyage of the Frog"
waterfallversion2.zip3k09-08-04File is not ratedWaterfall Version 2
This is a realistic (or atleast as realistic as I can get) waterfall screensaver for the 83/84 series calculator. Water continuousely flows down until you stop the program. (This program uses pic5, and if you do not want it to use pic5 look for waterfall v3 which I should have done soon. This version is much smaller in size than the third version, so I recomend this version instead if you are worried about size) I will try to update version 1 to make it more realistic. Please read the readme for more details.
waveanimation.zip31k10-12-10File is not ratedWave Animation
A wave animation with source included. Use for fun.
waves.zip1k03-11-14File is not ratedwaves
a simple and mildly hypnotizing program i made one day when i got bored. enjoy.
web83p.zip1k03-05-16File is not ratedScreensaver 12 - Web
This cool screensaver program will draw networks of lines between randomly selected points on the graphscreen. It quits immediately when any key is pressed.
wfade.zip2k03-06-21File is not ratedweird fade
this small BASIC programs draws some lines, who start fading and become black again in weird ways. interrupt the program, store the screen as a pic, clear the screen, recall the pic and it's still greyscale! this is really weird. their is yet a lot to discover on this fading thing. I think it is a bug in the operating system. ATTENTION: this doesn't work on VTI ! , send it to a real 83+
windowsxp.zip8k10-06-27File is not ratedWindows XP startup boot
Simple animation of Windows XP startup boot sequence. Simple to include in your own programs. Only 203 bytes!!!
winliteedition.zip2k05-04-06File is not ratedWin a John Jacobus screensaver
This is the lite edition so this will not have a logo, or, security code. This will cut out about 767 bites but will not be as secure. This version is 3.0. This offers you the ability to make your own custom screensaver, or allow you to use my preset one, but you must put the è in the "Y=" in polar mode options menu to turn on and off each function up to 5, switch between polar, func, par, and sequence! I deleted version 1.0 Version, and version 2.0 "disappeared" after an OS update because MirageOS hid it.
wordbounce.zip1k09-12-10File is not ratedWord Bounce
This very cool program will bounce a word that you enter around the screen at a speed that you select. This program makes a very nifty screensaver!
wordlist.zip1k01-05-31File is not ratedBouncing Text
I made this for a contest at calc.org and it bounces the inputed text around the screen.
zipskp2.zip1k00-02-08File is not ratedZipZkip
Number's as flipped along your screen and turn into other numbers! It is just like a screen saver (or something to keep you from falling asleep in math class :) Hope you enjoy it.

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