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Mage Wars


Ranked as 29401 on our all-time top downloads list with 1925 downloads.
Ranked as 17704 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 1 downloads.

Filename magewars.zip (Download)
Title Mage Wars
Description This is a pretty funny movie I made while on vacation. Just load on your calc and run. Enjoy! This should be bug free, but I suggest having plenty of free RAM 'cause this is big.
Author Samuel Shores (plaidphantom2@yahoo.com)
Category TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Graphics Programs (Animations, 'Screen Savers')
File Size 5,950 bytes
File Date and Time Sun Jul 11 17:56:53 2004
Documentation Included? No



Review by  Bryan D'Souza
Reviewed on 2004-07-12
The “Mage Wars” animation looks like it took a long time to make, and it is rather large (11770 bytes). First off, I have to say that it has a pretty good idea behind it, and it gets somewhat interesting. However, it is written in BASIC, and some parts of the animation can be slow. Other than that, hats off to you, Samuel Shores, for having the patience to create this program. Plus, watching “Mage Wars” pretty much a one time deal so I deleted it as soon as I watched it. If you're bored sometime, give it a download!

Storyline- 8/10.
Graphics- 6/10.
Speed- 5/10.
Enjoyability- 9/10.

Overall, I rate this 7/10.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
MAGEWARS.8xp   11829
MAGEWARS.gif   1676

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