| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-86 BASIC Files |
 | addbook.zip | 1k | 00-04-18 |  | Address Book86 v1.0 Name, phone number and address. |
 | adrsbook.zip | 3k | 05-05-21 |  | Address Book Saves contact info such as: name, address, phone#, cell#, e-mail address, and any additional notes. Memory is the limit as to how many contacts you can save! No program editting required! NO KNOWN BUGS! |
 | aim.zip | 1k | 00-03-13 |  | AOL Instant Messenger link chat This program allows you to chat with a friend via the link cable and warn them too. |
 | alazoe86.zip | 1k | 99-09-23 |  | Alazoe86 v1.0 Alazoe 86 is a TI-86/TI-85 port of Alazoe Agenda for the TI-83/83+. This version totally blows away the TI-83/83+ versions. I literally can't see it getting any better. It features a notepad and a better menu system. |
 | anagramz.zip | 2k | 02-02-27 |  | AnagramZ v1.0 This program will find every possible combination of the characters of a string up to ten characters in length.... eventually. |
 | animpassword.zip | 3k | 03-06-22 |  | Password v2.25 I made this program in somewhere around February 2003 during when I was learning BASIC. This is a password suproutine program just like all the others but this one has animation which is cool. It also has encryption. See text file for how to use in a program. I couldn't figure out how to use vti capture so I just put in some bmp files that you can open. Size: 3019 bytes |
 | anivert.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Nivert Inverts anything on the graph screen in 1 minute 27 seconds. It also deletes the variables used. Relatively small, ideal for a great BASIC title screen. |
 | anotepad.zip | 2k | 05-05-21 |  | Note Pad Saves an unlimited amount of string/text files for notes or whatever else you want! Very efficient! User Friendly! No Known Bugs! |
 | ascii.zip | 1k | 01-03-17 |  | Ascii Value This is a very useful program that shows the ASCII value of a button when it is pressed. Helps with programming in Basic Language |
 | asepro98.zip | 24k | 98-01-22 |  | AsePro 98 v1.0 |
 | asmshell.zip | 16k | 97-07-30 |  | Asm Shell (JShell clone) v86.0 ti-basic menu command for asm |
 | assign.86g | 2k | 02-10-23 |  | Assignment Notebook Store up to 8 periods oassignments with customizable Periods and Menu. Help included f with the program. |
 | assignbk.zip | 1k | 00-04-17 |  | Assignment Book A nine-subject assignment book. Make sure to read the readme. |
 | atlantis.zip | 6k | 97-09-02 |  | Atlantis Beta 1 |
 | azlo86.zip | 2k | 99-12-25 |  | Azlo86 v3.0 Azlo is a password protected assignment book program w/notepad and date features. |
 | b600.86p | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Bowling Series This program allows you to figure out what you have to get to get a certain bowling series for three games |
 | basicsprite.zip | 1k | 00-03-23 |  | Basic Sprite Program This is a program that moves a sprite, yes that's right, a sprite around the srceen, you control the little guy through the maze! |
 | bench86.zip | 1k | 11-11-14 |  | Benchmark 86 This program runs a series of loops to compare speeds with other devices. |
 | benoad.zip | 43k | 02-11-12 |  | Benoad 1.0 Il s'agit d'un carnet d'adresses, très rapide et performant, consultant individuelle ou groupée des données, tri, modification suppression. Il est programmé en basic mais utilise flib (fourni avec) |
 | besmcalc.zip | 1k | 00-09-17 |  | BESM Stat Calculator This is a simple program to help creation of characters for the RPG system BESM |
 | bhdconv.zip | 1k | 98-07-16 |  | Bin, Hex, and Dec Converter Converts between binary, hexadecimal, and decimal numbers |
 | bignotepad.zip | 3k | 01-08-06 |  | Text Editor 86 THE BEST TEXT EDITOR FOR THE TI-86 This is a text editor for the 86. It has options to edit stuff, send stuff to other calcs and to print stuff on the printer, any better it would have to an assembly program! |
 | biorhyth.zip | 1k | 99-06-08 |  | Biorhythm Finder Find the three cycles that your body goes through for your entire life. |
 | biorhy.zip | 4k | 00-08-17 |  | Biorhythms And More Wonder why youre having a bad day? This program uses the science of biorhythms to calculate your personal mood on any day. Not a horoscope program this is based on real science. Also figures days-between-dates and day-of-week for any day in history. Y2K compliant. |
 | bios.zip | 1k | 99-05-08 |  | BIOS v1.1 Basic Input/Output System |
 | blitz2.zip | 2k | 98-05-27 |  | Blitz 2 GUI v1.0 Beta The Ultimate GUI For TI Basic. |
 | bmi.zip | 1k | 98-11-15 |  | Body Mass Index Calculator Calculates the Body Mass Index for your height and weight. |
 | bmrcalc.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Basel Metabolic Rate (BMR/Daily caloric intake) calculator This program will calculate your daily caloric intake based on the BMR equation. |
 | boardfeet.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Board Feet Calculates board feet and cost of wood |
 | bookmark.zip | 1k | 05-03-02 |  | Book Mark Book Mark Updated version with the no bug fixed |
 | bread.zip | 1k | 99-10-31 |  | Bread v1.0 Keeps track of money. |
 | browser.zip | 6k | 98-03-15 |  | HyperString Browser a web like browser |
 | bshell1.zip | 13k | 02-03-04 |  | BigBob Shell THis is a shell for the 86 that runs the programs on your 86! No editing required! It has a nice GUI, graphics, and much much More! You will learn to make shells with this program also! |
 | bshell.zip | 1k | 00-09-22 |  | Bshell Bshell is a practical joke, which can be used on someone who borrows your calculator. It gives the illusion that all memory has been deleted when if fact it has not. |
 | btdice.zip | 2k | 00-04-08 |  | Battletech Dice A very useful program that all battletech players should have. It is relatively small and can roll 1D6, 2D6, calculate missle hits, and calculate hit locations (left, front, and right). |
 | caesar.zip | 2k | 02-08-09 |  | Caesar Encryption System 1.0 A program that uses perfect squares and matricies to encrypt messages. |
 | calcapi.zip | 16k | 02-03-21 |  | Calculator API An API for the TI-86 calculator. It allows your program to draw windows, buttons, and menus. Speed is good for BASIC program. Hopefully, it can be ported to ASM and possibly other calculators. |
 | calcos11.zip | 3k | 03-07-24 |  | CalcOs Program Manager A decent substitute for Rascall, which kept crashing my calculator. You can easily call up to 50 programs with two button presses! Optimized and instructions included! |
 | calendar2.zip | 1k | 99-09-04 |  | Calendar v1.0 A calendar program for TI-86. Displays monthly calendar of any year and any month. |
 | calendar3.zip | 5k | 01-03-25 |  | Calendar2000 Do you want to know the difference between two days? Do you want to know when a certain day is going to be on? Do you want access to the entire calendar with no limit? Do you want to know why you've been feeling down lately? Do you want to know how compatible you are with that special someone? Then download this program, it does all that with great accuracy. |
 | calendar60.zip | 2k | 03-07-24 |  | Calendar Keeps track of dates and events for you. Optimized and convenient. |
 | calendar86.zip | 3k | 00-11-23 |  | Calendar This program can replace any Calendar. I can do it all. It can even give you the difference between two dates (the answer is in days) |
 | calendar.zip | 2k | 00-01-04 |  | Calendar 86 v1.0 Keep track of records, dates, memos, etc. |
 | cball86.zip | 1k | 00-11-13 |  | Crystal Ball A fun little crystal ball program. Can sometimes be surprisingly accurate. |
 | cbdice.zip | 2k | 03-05-15 |  | Cl0nedB0y's Dice roller A small dice rolling program. Any amount of sides, any amount of rolls. Nothing special here |
 | cbtaehc.zip | 2k | 03-01-20 |  | Cl0nedB0y's Taech Through a bit of testing and a slight change, this can send messages up to 147 characters long and runs at a very good speed for basic. Press 2nd to start composing a message, exit to quit. It will not display your message(it is only displayed when you are tying it) and when a new message comes in it will display that. |
 | cclock.zip | 1k | 00-09-01 |  | Chess Clock A chess clock on your calculator! |
 | ce86.zip | 14k | 97-09-02 |  | CE:86 v2.2 A Great new OS for the TI-86 |
 | celautom.zip | 3k | 02-08-03 |  | CelAutom CelAutom generates full-screen images of the first stages of evolution for simple (R1) one-dimensional cellular automata. The user can specify the number of the rule and the initial conditions (single black cell, manually entered, and calculator-generated randomness), and the program will generate the picture. Be warned, since I am inexperienced and it is in BASIC, it can take over half and hour to generate the image. |
 | ceos.zip | 19k | 98-02-07 |  | CE/OS-II v2.5 |
 | change.zip | 2k | 04-10-20 |  | Change Finder v1.0 A very simple program that will count your change without you getting taxed on a Coinstar(TM) machine. |
 | charcat.zip | 2k | 99-11-21 |  | Character Catalog Character Catalog -- creates characters for BASIC programmers usually only accesible via assembly programming. Made by the TI-Source. |
 | charutil.zip | 13k | 09-04-03 |  | CharUtil 1.0 This is a program which gives access to all of the characters on the TI-86 not found in the TI-OS. Since this has been programmed in 100% BASIC with 0% assembly, there is a 0% chance of this crashing a calculator, potentially losing valuable data. If you have any feedback on this program or have some suggestions, please write a review and/or email me at andrew@lafacroft.com. |
 | char.zip | 3k | 99-06-11 |  | Char v1.0 A charmap that give you the 256 charactere of the ti86. |
 | chat7.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Chat v7.0 This is like all chat programs but you don't have to press revieve you can save a message and many more!!) |
 | chat861.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Chat86 v1.3 This simple Chat program is great for in class and swapping mail under desks and tables without the teacher seeing! |
 | chat86.zip | 1k | 00-06-23 |  | Chat Chat for 2 Ti-85's with a Ping function |
 | chatlinx.zip | 1k | 97-07-03 |  | Chatlink vB23 |
 | chatmate.zip | 1k | 98-09-02 |  | Chatmate v0.91 Great basic chat software updated |
 | chatname.zip | 1k | 01-04-29 |  | Chat with a name This chat program has usernames so you can tell who said what |
 | chatware.zip | 1k | 97-09-02 |  | Chatware |
 | chat.zip | 3k | 00-10-10 |  | Chat v2.1 The best chat program just got better! Now it is optimized for size and has updated documentation! |
 | check.zip | 1k | 02-03-18 |  | Pay Check Calculator v1.5 This program calculates your net pay when you input your gross. It is very accurate, off by only a dollar or two. Very useful program. Takes only 700 bytes of memory. |
 | cipher86.zip | 2k | 04-01-08 |  | Cipher86 Powerful text encrypter/decrypter for Ti-86. |
 | clean.zip | 1k | 00-05-08 |  | TI-86 Safe Cleaner This program will delete variables left behind by programs used. Also sets graph window back to normal. |
 | clock.zip | 1k | 00-08-18 |  | Clock This program has a digital clock in the top left and an analog clock in the center, This will not run after you exit , like some assembly clocks do, so you have to set the time each time. |
 | cmb86.zip | 1k | 98-02-12 |  | Custom Menu Builder 1.0 |
 | cnc.zip | 1k | 03-05-08 |  | CUTTER2 This is a revised version of cutter.86p, Calculates cutter position and gives G-code for a CNC machining center when interpolating a diameter with a cutter. |
 | coder.zip | 1k | 06-01-04 |  | Coder v0.9 This is a coder that utilizes matrices to code messages (i.e., A AA->1,2,4,6), includes encoding and coding, direct string output on decoding, and bad matrix detector. The program only understands messages in All-Caps and the following symbols: ".","!","?",",","'". |
 | code.zip | 1k | 99-02-02 |  | Code 86 A Code Program |
 | combo.zip | 10k | 03-05-12 |  | Word Combination Generator This set, for the TI-83 -- V200 generates word combinations of whatever you input. |
 | compat.zip | 2k | 00-08-17 |  | Personal Compatibility Tester Want to know how compatible you are with that special someone? Why don't you download this program and find out! Uses biorhythm compatibility. Also figures number of days between any two dates. |
 | construc.zip | 1k | 01-05-10 |  | Construc French Programme de conversion des définitions complexes et géométriques des translations, homothéties, rotations |
 | convptpx.86p | 1k | 02-05-30 |  | ConvPtPx Converts graph coordinates to pixel coordinates and the other way around |
 | convptpx86.zip | 3k | 02-05-31 |  | ConvPtPx Converts graph to pixel coordinates and vice-versa |
 | coolpts.zip | 3k | 00-07-14 |  | CoolNess Point TRACKER v2.7 An interesting program, definitely worth checking out. When you install, the system customizes itself. It then runs random events and keeps up with points using your info. Size: 7,266 |
 | count.zip | 4k | 98-08-04 |  | Counter/Stopwatch v6.0 A counter and a stopwatch. |
 | cppdemo.zip | 4k | 97-10-04 |  | C++ Compiler Demo |
 | cryptic.zip | 4k | 99-11-09 |  | Cryptic v1.05 enCrypt and deCyrpt any text/string on a TI-86 with password encryption. |
 | crypto.zip | 1k | 97-12-19 |  | CRyPTO |
 | ctrussv1.2.zip | 14k | 02-02-16 |  | C-Truss v1.2 A 2-D finite element truss modeller for civil engineers. |
 | ctruss.zip | 12k | 02-02-16 |  | C-Truss v1.1 A 2-D finite element truss modeller for civil engineers. |
 | custom.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Custom Menu Rebuilder v1.0 Run this program after a battery removal or mem reset and it will restore your custom menu! |
 | cuteprnt.zip | 12k | 00-03-02 |  | Cute Print Alpha 1 Similar to TI's Pretty Print on an 89 or 92. Formats an expression; puts numerator on top, denominator on bottom. |
 | cutter.86p | 2k | 03-04-30 |  | cutter This program calculates cutter position and gives the G code for a CNC machining center when interpolating a diameter (OD and ID) from x and y zero. Enter x cordinate for bore > x cordinate of diameter to be cut. Enter y cordinate for bore > y cordinate of diameter to be cut. Enter cutter diameter > enter the size of cutter being used. Enter Bore diameter > enter the size of bore or size of boss to be interpolated. Enter entrance angle > Enter angle on the Bore diameter that you want to start and end on the inpterpolated circle. Enter 1 for OD mill Enter 0 for ID mill > IF you want to cut a bore or a boss. Enter 1 for climb cut > Enter 0 for Conv cut> Do you want the code for climb cutting or conventional cutting. |
 | dart_stats.zip | 1k | 02-10-27 |  | Dart Throwing Stats thi just shows a statistical analysis of dart throwing |
 | datebk.zip | 7k | 02-07-22 |  | DateBook 1.0 DateBook is a PIM (Personal Information Manager) program for the TI-86 calculator. It acts as a planner/organizer with built in calendar to help you keep track of whatever it is you normally can't keep track of. Manage multiple events and view your entries in Daily, Monthly, or All View. See a notes' summary of the current view or view the whole multipage note. There is no limit on note size or number of notes stored (except the amount of free memory you currently have on your calculator). You can mark notes as reoccurring daily, monthly, or yearly. Changing preferences allows you to start in whichever view you would like. Small size under 6k! (plus 1.6k optional default holidays data) |
 | dayofyr2.zip | 1k | 04-07-15 |  | Day of Year You've seen some "Day of Week" functions out on the 'net, right? Well, thought this one would be interesting to find out the day of year. E-mail me for comments, and stuff. Thanks! Feel free to modify the code, but give me credit or let me know of formula errors you find. Example of DOY: Month: 7; Day: 14; Year: 2004 Hour: 22; Minute: 20 Julian Date (included): 2453148.43056 Day of Year: 195.8235... |
 | dayoweek.zip | 2k | 98-03-10 |  | Day of the Week Finds SMTWTFS date plots on acalander |
 | dayweek.zip | 1k | 03-03-09 |  | Day of the Week Determines the day of the week for any date from January 1, 1800 to December 31, 2099. |
 | day.zip | 2k | 00-10-29 |  | Day A great program for finding a dates day with only numerical dates. |
 | dbd.zip | 1k | 98-11-19 |  | Days Between Dates |
 | dd3.zip | 1k | 01-03-25 |  | 3rd Ed. Dungeons & Dragons Exp. Calculator Use this program to calculate exp earned during fights using the D20 system. |
 | dd_dice.zip | 1k | 02-08-28 |  | D&D Dice Roller rolls a 4,6,8,10,12,20 and a percentile die at same time allows for multiple dice rolls |
 | dec2rad.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Deciaml 2 Radical Enter the equation: tan (pie/3) gives deciaml, then radical, then it simplifies the radical |
 | delele.zip | 1k | 03-03-09 |  | Repeated Element Deleter This program gets rid of any elements that already exist in a list. It''s kindd of slow, but very useful. It's designed to be called from a program (name the list L) |
 | deluxe86.zip | 56k | 00-03-23 |  | Deluxe 86 v1.0 A menu-based prgram for your 86. |
 | dice22.zip | 1k | 00-07-20 |  | Dice2 a great Dice that makes you able to choses how many sides |
 | dice2.zip | 1k | 99-11-21 |  | Dice Roller Rolls dice based on input for side and number. |
 | dice3.zip | 1k | 00-01-16 |  | The Dice Machine A Dice roller with a menu. |
 | dice4.zip | 1k | 00-09-01 |  | DICE This is a very nice dice roller with a easy to use menue. |
 | dice86.zip | 1k | 02-11-01 |  | Dice Visually rolles 2 6-sided dice. |
 | dicedx.zip | 1k | 02-05-12 |  | Lazy Dice A simple dice rolling program. |
 | diceit.zip | 1k | 99-07-25 |  | Dice It A nice program that rolls two dice. |
 | diceroller86.zip | 1k | 03-06-21 |  | NWC Omega's Dice Roller 86 A dice roller for the TI 86. Great for RPG players. |
 | diceroll.zip | 1k | 98-10-14 |  | The Dice Roller You enter the number of sides of the die and the number of times you want to roll it, and the resulting rolls are displayed and stored as a list. Is very compact. |
 | dice.zip | 1k | 98-01-04 |  | Dice Roller |
 | display.zip | 1k | 00-11-13 |  | Display Basic utility for Basic programers |
 | dl.zip | 1k | 97-09-28 |  | Download ETA 1.0 File Download Time Estimator |
 | dnddice.zip | 2k | 01-12-15 |  | D&D dice rolling program This program will roll dice for you. It can roll your basic type of die. |
 | dots.zip | 1k | 01-01-29 |  | Dots Basically places dots on the graph screen.. Useless. See documentation for full explaination |
 | dow.zip | 1k | 97-11-03 |  | Day of the Week v1.3 Calculates the Day of the Week |
 | drawcard.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Draw a Card This program draws a card at random from a standard 52 card deck. Cards are cycled back in immediately after they are drawn. Great for a basic statistics class. |
 | dstats.zip | 2k | 04-05-21 |  | D&D Stat Generator Generates stats based on the 3rd Edition Dungeon and Dragons rules. You can roll 3, 4, or 5 dice, or you can generate your own stats with a point buying system. |
 | e86b.zip | 16k | 01-07-11 |  | E-86B Flight Computer This software provides much of the functionality of an E6-B flight computer on the TI-86. Features include weight and balance, density altitude, cumulus cloud base, wind triangle, and landing crosswind calculations. |
 | easketch.zip | 1k | 04-07-13 |  | EaSketch An etch-a-sketch program, just for fun |
 | editeng.zip | 3k | 98-06-12 |  | Edit Engine v1.4 |
 | editlock.zip | 1k | 99-02-02 |  | BASIC Edit-Lock |
 | eggshell.zip | 6k | 00-04-15 |  | EggShell v3.0 graphical BASIC shell; supports both BASIC and asm programs |
 | eim.zip | 2k | 06-08-13 |  | Instant Messenger & Hacker Features: Sending/Receiving notes, IM, hack files from another calc. |
 | electsolv.zip | 4k | 01-06-01 |  | Electronics Solver v1.0 Electronics Solver is a program to solve basic electronics problems including mesh analysis. |
 | elock86.zip | 2k | 99-11-21 |  | BASIC Edit Locker BASIC Edit Locker -- Allows you to permanently edit lock your BASIC programs from your calculator. |
 | email2.zip | 1k | 00-11-06 |  | Email A small program that allows text email messages to be sent between calculators via a link cable. |
 | email.86p | 6k | 02-05-28 |  | Email 86 Deluxe Version 1.6 A rather large yet good email program I made for the TI 86 back in High school... includes the ability to write and save email for transmission later, and save received mail for reading later... multiple messanges can be saved. Uses the link cable and another TI 86. |
 | emailer.zip | 2k | 98-04-11 |  | EMailer/86 v2.0 An Email Program with LOTS of cool features |
 | email.zip | 1k | 98-11-19 |  | TI Mail 86 v1.2 |
 | embryo86.zip | 1k | 99-08-14 |  | Embryo TI-86 Chat program. |
 | eng_econ.zip | 35k | 01-12-16 |  | Engineering Economics v1.0 This is a program for anyone taking or working with engineering economics on a daily basis. The program will compute almost any unknown and includes some common definitions. |
 | enigmam3.zip | 5k | 00-02-08 |  | Enigmas Mk 3 Enigma. Codeing programs to change 86 txt into lists and vice versa. |
 | erg86.zip | 1k | 03-03-04 |  | Erg Score Calculator A relatively simple program uses to caculate scores based on three criteria for standard rowing machines. |
 | euroconv.zip | 1k | 00-06-16 |  | Euro Conversor (Spanish) Conversor entre las monedas del euro |
 | evanpass.zip | 1k | 98-08-12 |  | EvanPass 86 v1.0 Password protect a note |
 | exgrade.zip | 1k | 00-08-20 |  | ExamGrade v3.5P This program helps you determine what grade you need to get on an exam or test to maintain a certain overall grade average. |
 | fastcrak.zip | 1k | 00-05-24 |  | Fast Crack Fastest and smallest master lock crack program. |
 | fedpadd.zip | 7k | 98-08-10 |  | Federation PADD |
 | flagset.zip | 2k | 00-03-31 |  | FlagSet Every wanted to be able to retrieve variables in TI-86 BASIC without an error if the variable does not exist? Now you can. The Included files and doccumentation show you how to accomplish this feat. |
 | formattime.zip | 1k | 03-10-19 |  | Time Formatter Converts seconds to seconds, minutes, and hours. |
 | formula.zip | 16k | 00-09-24 |  | Formulaire Formulaire de géométrie |
 | fortune.zip | 5k | 01-02-07 |  | Fortune 86 This program brings the Unix tradition of the fortune program to your TI-86. Very simple. Just type "fortune" and you'll get a randomly selected quote, joke, one liner, or even a few words of wisdom. This program contains 100 fortunes and is very easy to modify. |
 | fractals.zip | 1k | 97-07-09 |  | Fractals 2.0 multable fractal programs |
 | fract.zip | 1k | 98-03-01 |  | Fractal |
 | fullmenu.zip | 1k | 02-10-24 |  | Full Screen Menus For anyone who is looking for using Full Screen Menus in ti-86 BASIC games, heres some code for how to do it and a little DEMO, we all know that ti86 has little annoying menus at the bottom of the screen. Now use full screen menus in your programs! |
 | fullsmenus.zip | 1k | 02-11-01 |  | Full Screen Menus For anyone who is looking for using Full Screen Menus in ti-86 BASIC games, here's some code for how to do it and a little DEMO, we all know that ti86 has little annoying menus at the bottom of the screen that are barly readable and can only hold 5 characters. Now use full screen menus in your programs! MORPHEUS ENTERTAINMENT |
 | functabl.zip | 1k | 97-06-29 |  | Function Table |
 | fvr.zip | 1k | 01-02-07 |  | Blank When someone tries to activate it, your calculator will go blank until you press the on button and then quit. Makes a good prank when your friends try to use your calculator. |
 | galaxy.zip | 57k | 01-06-01 |  | Galaxy Worx v1.0 An operating system for the TI-86 |
 | games.zip | 1k | 00-09-22 |  | Games Games is a practical joke, which can be used on someone who borrows your calculator. I am particularly proud of the graphics on this one, because it looks like it was written in assembly. |
 | gasmoney.zip | 1k | 00-03-29 |  | Gas Money Calculates the Gas Money, By some stuff you input. |
 | gdos.zip | 2k | 00-10-10 |  | GDOS v2.1 GDOS is a shell that emulates the TIOS and adds some much need features. These features include simplification of radicals and solving for x quickly and easily. |
 | getkey2.zip | 1k | 98-11-30 |  | Getkey v1.0 |
 | getkey3.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | How To Use GetKey Read the how to getkey file |
 | getkey55.zip | 1k | 04-10-09 |  | Getkey Shows if, then, else, and getky and acts like a securty prog, log over rides the prog when it is on lock down. |
 | getkey.zip | 1k | 97-12-06 |  | Getkey |
 | getky.zip | 1k | 03-04-03 |  | getky value finder this returns the gtkey value for any key pressed. press on and then quit to exit it. |
 | getnm.zip | 1k | 02-02-16 |  | Graph Screen Number Entry Allows entry of numbers at the graph screen. |
 | getwiz.zip | 1k | 01-03-11 |  | GetKey Wizard Press a Key, and it will tell you the key code for that key. If you press EXIT, it will let you exit. Very Small(168) |
 | ghero.zip | 1k | 08-06-12 |  | TI Guitar Hero TI Guitar Hero is a guitar hero game. It works very good but is a beta version. |
 | gm.zip | 29k | 97-09-23 |  | Game Master 1.5 |
 | golf86.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Golf ScoreKeeper v2.5.31 This is the one and only golf score keeper for the TI-86 than will give you your total, average, and points per hole. You can even exit the program and not loose your scores. Perfect for a golf game. |
 | gradebk.zip | 29k | 01-06-24 |  | Gradebook v1.0 Gradebook v1.0: Full featured, 6 period gradebook program for students |
 | graphit.zip | 4k | 00-04-18 |  | Graph-It v8.0.13 Final Eition This will be my last version of graph-it for the TI-86. It now has the capailities to make 3D graphs. All of you who have a TI-89, I will be makeing new versions for the TI-89. |
 | grid.zip | 1k | 97-11-22 |  | Grid Drawer |
 | gs86.zip | 1k | 01-02-04 |  | Get Send 86 A good reliable chat program between two Ti-86s via a graph link. Use it in your classes and enjoy hours of fun. |
 | gsalife.zip | 8k | 01-01-04 |  | GSaLife GSaLife A-Life Program. A venture into AI/AL on the TI-86 platform. |
 | guestbook.zip | 1k | 03-07-01 |  | Guestbook A simple and small guestbook program for your TI-86! Post and view entries just like an internet junkie, but on your calculator. |
 | harmony.zip | 3k | 97-11-30 |  | Harmony 1.0 |
 | hbeat.zip | 1k | 99-09-11 |  | Heart Beat Monitor |
 | hearts.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Hearts If ur playing hearts, keep track of the score with this program!! |
 | hello.zip | 1k | 04-10-09 |  | Hello9123 Another hello prog which ask you question then tell them back to you like its talking to you |
 | hi.zip | 2k | 00-09-10 |  | Hi! A scroller that scrolls the name of a person of your choice. It impresses the females somehow :) |
 | hotmail.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Hotmail (See Hotmail.txt) |
 | hours.zip | 3k | 00-03-31 |  | Hour Trak A Full Featured Hour tracking program. Great for keeping track of hours on the job! Includes a full featured editor; statistics and various graphs. |
 | hub.zip | 1k | 05-02-03 |  | Hub Hub is back and updated for all of the programs Pox made if any problems contact me at jeffreytyson2000@yahoo.com |
 | hurrtra.zip | 8k | 98-01-25 |  | Hurricane Tracker 4.5 Track hurricanes on your TI 86 |
 | idiot.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 |  | The Idiot Program The infamous idiot program. Hours of amusement (if you're an idiot). |
 | ie6.zip | 2k | 03-10-23 |  | Internet Explorer 6 Internet Explorer 6 is a FAKE online tool. I made it to make other people think that I had cable internet on my TI 86 Calc. There is a sign on screen so people think they are signing in... |
 | imput.zip | 11k | 98-07-18 |  | Imput List Reader Beta 1 A revolutionary word processor that uses lists. Formatting, embedding, encryption supported. |
 | itsadate.zip | 3k | 02-04-02 |  | It's a Date! This handy program finds the day of the week for any date in history. |
 | jibtelecom.zip | 1k | 00-03-05 |  | Jibtelecom (French) A good chat program for the ti89 (french and english version) |
 | jnofmic.zip | 11k | 00-10-24 |  | JNotes - Of Mice and Men All the notes you need--on your calc. |
 | jnsepar.zip | 16k | 00-10-07 |  | JNotes - A Separate Peace All the notes you need--on your calc. |
 | jokes01.zip | 2k | 98-05-19 |  | Jason's Joke Archive Joke Archive 1 |
 | jscroller.zip | 1k | 98-05-08 |  | Jacob's Wild World of Scrolls v1.3 basic scroller |
 | jshell.zip | 15k | 97-07-18 |  | Jshell v3.2 Menu program that will let you run assembly programs |
 | kayttis.zip | 1k | 00-06-03 |  | Käyttis A Mobile Phone Styled Shell still beta |
 | keeper.zip | 4k | 00-11-24 |  | Prog Keeper Prog to keep people from using a prog or part of a prog |
 | key2.zip | 1k | 00-11-20 |  | Key-Num 86 Key-Num 86 is a small (less than 100 bytes) program to tell you what number a certain keys is for the getKy function. |
 | keygen.zip | 17k | 02-03-30 |  | Random Username/Password Generator This program will create a random username and a random password, each one with a length of up to 21 characters. |
 | keyname.zip | 1k | 00-11-06 |  | Keyname Simple program that finds the key number to be used with the getky function. |
 | keys.zip | 1k | 98-07-26 |  | Keys v1.0 Displays the keymap values of keys pressed. |
 | key.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Key v1.0 Displays the keycode of any key you press |
 | kickasm.zip | 28k | 98-08-30 |  | KickAsm v1.0 |
 | kortti.zip | 1k | 00-05-19 |  | Kortti Card game Beta-versio |
 | kstring.zip | 3k | 07-06-09 |  | KString For anyone working on or interested in making a text-based game without the hassle of endless Disp commands all over the place, this simple and small (186 bytes) does the dull work for you! (and fast! Made to support other programs, KSprite simply takes a string of any length and displays it without breaking up words or running off of the page. It pauses every seven lines and then resumes, and returns to the parent program when it's done. You can type strings on the computer and view them easily on the calculator! |
 | lava13.zip | 1k | 97-11-04 |  | Lava Lamp 1.3 A Fun Lava Lamp Simulation |
 | lavalamp.86p.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Lava Lamp 2.0 Better then Lava Lamp 1.3...No errors...A MUST DOWNLOAD!!! |
 | lboz2kg.zip | 1k | 01-02-20 |  | Pounds+Ounces to Kilograms Converts measurements in mixed pounds and ounces to kilograms. For example, 7 lb 4 oz is 3.289 kg. |
 | lghtdist.zip | 1k | 04-07-13 |  | Lightning Distance This is my first time uploading this, so... What you basically do is enter the time in seconds and enter the temperature in Celsius. The program will calculate the distance to the storm in kilometers. Example: T(°C)=20 and T(s)=3, D(km)=1.0287. E-mail me for corrections, comments, or other programs you'd like to see. Thanks! |
 | lib.zip | 1k | 00-06-16 |  | Libreria (Spanish) Para obtener simbolos que no se pueden obtener desde el teclado |
 | lifeline.zip | 2k | 02-04-02 |  | Lifeline! A real fake fortune teller for the TI-86! |
 | lines.zip | 1k | 99-08-08 |  | Lines A program that turnes the screen black, while displaying a user defined message. |
 | linkup.zip | 1k | 00-09-24 |  | Link-Up! The newest chat program for TI-86 to 86 communication! Features ASM-like graphics, graphical interface and more! |
 | link.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Link Detection System A small, simple BASIC program that tests a link cable between two TI-86 calculators. |
 | loan.zip | 2k | 99-05-20 |  | Loan Calculator Calculate loan payments for auto, etc. |
 | lock.zip | 1k | 00-10-24 |  | Combination Lock This is a combination-lock program which is a 3-40 lock (over 64,000 different possible lock combinations!) questions? comments? EMail me!! |
 | lotus.zip | 25k | 98-03-25 |  | Lotus 4.0 (graphical OS) |
 | lowbatt.zip | 1k | 00-09-05 |  | Fake Low Battery Warning Silly little program to make your calculator appear that the batteries are going to go! |
 | macos86.zip | 3k | 01-02-16 |  | MacOS86 Shell A Mac look-alike shell that includes folders and automatic detection of programs (that means no editing of program file to show programs). |
 | magictg.zip | 2k | 02-10-15 |  | Magic The Gathering Life Tracker This is a program that tracks your life in Magic the Gathering. It will keep both you and your opponets life. It has a user friendly interface and your life totals are displayed with the magic symbol on the main program screen. |
 | magilife.zip | 1k | 02-11-08 |  | Magic Life Tracker v2.0 BASIC program that keeps track of your life in Magic The Gathering and shows a winner. Supports 2 players. |
 | magixe.zip | 40k | 00-07-13 |  | Magi This is a shell that includes the best 10 games for TI-86... |
 | magix.zip | 40k | 00-07-13 |  | Magix (Portuguese) Esta e' uma shell que inclui os melhores 10 jogos para a TI-86... |
 | magnify.zip | 1k | 98-11-19 |  | Magnify v1.0 |
 | main.zip | 13k | 01-12-16 |  | The Matrix Analog Interpreter of Numerics This program is good for students who are taking freshman Algebra and Biology, because it includes many tools to help them in these classes. |
 | manson.zip | 3k | 97-11-15 |  | Manson, TI-86 GUI |
 | mapmaker.zip | 2k | 99-12-07 |  | Map Maker v1.0 Map Maker is used for experienced programmers to aid in making graphical RPGs It uses a map you make to create an RPG map to walk around in, any space that is taken up by a charecter cannot be walked into or passed by the player. The program is efficient and only takes up 832 bytes, happy coding. |
 | mapsv1.00.zip | 2k | 03-04-05 |  | Maps v1.00 Maps is a program used to make maps for dungeons and dragons or anything else that you can think of. Maps includes several Options for your use to creat a nice looking map even if the map is inside or outside. |
 | mario.zip | 1k | 98-04-09 |  | Stupid Fake Virus |
 | master86.zip | 1k | 97-08-31 |  | Master Lock Wizard |
 | masterlock.zip | 7k | 02-04-06 |  | Master Lock Program for determining first 2 digits of a Master Lock Combination |
 | mathdice.zip | 3k | 00-06-16 |  | Math & Dice This file has Dice a Math program And A Screen Saver plus some not done programs like a password a program called Nmn that miss with you key board |
 | memopad.zip | 2k | 98-09-12 |  | Memopad Pro v2.0 To keep memos on |
 | memoryaddresses.86p | 2k | 02-02-10 |  | Memory Addresses This program is made to calculate the # of address lines for any ram or rom &the address it starts from &the address it finished at . and you can inter the address that the memory start and the address that the memory ended and it will give you the size of the momory |
 | menus.zip | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | Menu Surprisingly fast menu like the TI 83s |
 | message.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Message Plus Store text as an encoded picture |
 | metrobitverter.zip | 1k | 03-03-20 |  | MetroBitVerter A 32-bit and 64-bit binary/hex conversion program for the TI-86. I made this program to be used as a tool for my graduate Itanium Architecture class. The TI-86 can't directly handle 32-bit and 64-bit conversions, and it can get messy if you do it in your head so I designed this tool to be a check for your work. |
 | midichksum.zip | 1k | 99-04-08 |  | Checksum Calculator for MIDI SysEx Calculates checksum value used in MIDI System Exclusive messages. |
 | mind.zip | 1k | 98-11-29 |  | Mind Reader reads your mind when you choose a number |
 | money.zip | 1k | 00-03-03 |  | Money Counter Highly optimized money counting program. Very Useful... |
 | morsecode.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | morsecode morse code program thanks to jprod |
 | morsetxt.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Morse Text Self explanitory. Type the text, and it converts it to morse code. |
 | morse.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Morse Code Send the group program, and then run "jd". You push the letter keys and it shows you them in morse code. F1-F5 are numbers and 2nd and Alpha are punctuations, (as well as Enter). Coming soon is an assembly program that will translate text to morse code. Go to http://systemproductions.tripod.com |
 | mos22.zip | 18k | 97-07-16 |  | M.O.S. My Operating Shell Version 2.2 The Only fully customizable GUI written in Basic |
 | mycustomshell.zip | 23k | 03-03-28 |  | My Custom Shell Ever seen those BASIC shells that only run a set group of programs, and no others? Well this ISN'T one of them! This is a fully configurable, fully working BASIC shell that YOU customize with the names and types of the programs on YOUR calculator so it runs YOUR files, rather than any specific files I programed it to handel. Enjoy! |
 | myshell.zip | 72k | 97-08-31 |  | Myshell v1.86 Win95 type application for your TI-86 |
 | mystify.zip | 1k | 00-04-18 |  | Mystify... Based on the Windows screen-saver. Prepare to be Mystified... |
 | n86.86p | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | Neat 86 v1.0 This is just a simple little organizer for school. It lets you enter your homework for up to 8 periods, take a couple notes, and customize your period names |
 | namegame.zip | 2k | 00-09-01 |  | The Name Game Generates random Greek, Muslim, Native American, Russian, and Southern names |
 | ncrypt10.zip | 6k | 03-12-22 |  | NCrypt v1.0 This is an encryption utility that I made completly on the calc. Pretty good, I guess. Gonna convert it into ASM once I learn Z80. All other versions will be in assembly. |
 | neoprogs.zip | 1k | 00-04-04 |  | NeoProgs A Collection Of Some Of My Programs |
 | newmath.zip | 5k | 99-05-29 |  | Ryan's Programs This contains programs for Maths, Physics, Electronics... |
 | newprob.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Deselect Plots Select the usual settings; deselect functions and stat plots. |
 | nifty.zip | 5k | 00-10-30 |  | Pretty Nifty French Verb Conjugator This program conjugates regular and irregular French verbs in five different tenses. A great program for beginning and intermediate students of French. Quick and small. |
 | notebookpro.zip | 13k | 03-06-07 |  | NotebookPro 3.0 NotebookPro is an editor that lets you create, view, rename, delete, and move up to 15 notes on your calculator. It includes useful tools like a stat tracker and a lock feature that lets you protect important notes. In addition, it provides a wide range of preferences that let you customize the way it works. A setup program is included to make installing or removing the program as simple as pressing a button. Version 3.0 includes a brand new code structure that improves speed, and many interface enhancements. |
 | notepad.zip | 2k | 97-09-14 |  | Notepad 86 v2 for Atlantis |
 | notes.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Notes v2.1 This program lets you take notes any time you want to. You take your notes and it will display them when you need them. It will also allow you to delete from one line to another. |
 | nshell.zip | 26k | 97-09-13 |  | NShell 1.7 |
 | ntpad862.zip | 2k | 97-07-20 |  | Notepad Plus 86 Release 2 v1.0 |
 | num2str.zip | 1k | 07-03-06 |  | Number-to-String Converter (Fast) This is the fastest BASIC num2str program available. You can use the code which is very useful in a variety of applications. |
 | numgen.zip | 1k | 00-11-23 |  | Number Generator v1.1 A program for breaking ties, based on the 86 random routines. |
 | os-2000.zip | 28k | 97-12-15 |  | OS-2000 v4.0.1 Preview 2 (GUI) GUI With Many Features |
 | os2.zip | 6k | 00-12-10 |  | OpenSource OS2 OS2 (OS being short for 'Operating System') is the second version of OpenSource's OS. It is comparable to an asm shell, with the ability to run other programs from within the shell, renamable folders, and so on. Aslo displays the amount of free memory you have on your calculator. |
 | paged.zip | 16k | 03-07-11 |  | PageDesign PageDesign for the TI-86 helps for designing pages. If you want to find out what font point size will fill up a ceratin height, type it in. This works in reverse, too, converting font pt to inches. Includes a metric converter and a letter width count chart, too! Helps for making posters, newspapers, magazines, and more lettering to become just the right size. |
 | paint.zip | 2k | 01-06-12 |  | Paint v1.0 This is a great program to help create pictures on your TI-86. It has several options from the Paint on your computer, like a spray can, lines, and of course, an eraser. |
 | palsol.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | Palindrome Solver This program takes and inputted number and finds its "Palindrome". A "Palindrome" is a something that can be read in the same way backwards as it can forwards. |
 | passprot.zip | 1k | 00-09-23 |  | Pass Protect BEST BASIC PASSWORD PROTECTION ANYWHERE!! Read the documentation for info!! |
 | password86.zip | 1k | 03-06-28 |  | Password v2.25 I made this program in somewhere around February 2003 during when I was learning BASIC. This is a password suproutine program just like all the others but this one has animation which is cool. It also has encryption. See text file for how to use in a program. Update: I forgot to change the password back to nothing so now you can actually use it. Size: 3019 bytes |
 | passwordhub.zip | 1k | 04-11-04 |  | Password (hub) A password makerer and storer that works with Hub |
 | password.zip | 1k | 00-05-17 |  | Password v1.1 Password is a program made to be put in other programs to protect them. It if very useful for rpg's or other games. |
 | pass.zip | 1k | 99-10-27 |  | Pass v0.08 Password protection program. |
 | patern86.zip | 1k | 98-01-28 |  | Patterm 86 |
 | paycheck.zip | 1k | 99-11-07 |  | Paycheck86 v1.1 |
 | pb86.zip | 8k | 98-10-14 |  | PhoneBook/86 v3.1 PhoneBook/86 helps you organize your most important phone numbers. This version lets you store up to 30 numbers The file storage engine has changed from previous versions, this version being relatively smaller and faster than previous versions. |
 | pdlib.zip | 6k | 04-03-29 |  | PullDownLib This is a pulldown menu program. More details in the Readme. Some formatting programs are also included. |
 | pguardian.zip | 1k | 98-11-10 |  | Program Guardian v1.4 |
 | phbk86.zip | 1k | 00-08-07 |  | Phonebook86 v3.0 Phonebook86 v3.0 Final Fersion |
 | phone31.zip | 2k | 03-07-25 |  | Phone Book Small and convenient, its tons better than any other phone book for the ti-86. |
 | piechart.zip | 1k | 98-11-19 |  | Pie Chart v1.5 |
 | podz.zip | 3k | 00-10-20 |  | Encryption Podz v0.9 Encryption podz is a program thats encrypts a string and stores it into a list. You can transfer these lists from calculator to calculator where they can be decrypted. This program in turn acts as both chat software and encryption software. |
 | politics.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Politics Quiz Find out whether you're a conservative, liberal, libertarian, authoritarian, or moderate. |
 | poll.zip | 1k | 00-09-03 |  | Poll This is the best poll for all of the ti-calculators. This poll has 5 choices and 1 question that you may make yourself. It shows how many votes and percentage of votes. You may look at the results w/o choosing. Since I used text instead of regular typing, it looks awesome. Every button you push uses the getky function. No MENUS!! (I hate menus) I didn't include documentation because you shouldn't need it. |
 | postit.zip | 2k | 99-05-24 |  | Post-IT v2.0 A program that takes quick notes. |
 | ppro2100.zip | 1k | 08-08-11 |  | PPro2100 This password program is very easy to use, and lets you set a password hint! |
 | probsim.zip | 3k | 11-02-13 |  | PROBSIM This is a top-of-the line probability simulator. |
 | progtection.zip | 2k | 97-12-23 |  | progtection |
 | proio.zip | 1k | 00-12-30 |  | Pro IO v0.3 includes user memos with word wrap, a calendar, and a simple timer |
 | pw2.zip | 3k | 02-04-23 |  | Password Pro. v. 2.5 A nice improvemnt over the previous version. The password is now encrypted! This makes it impossible to discover the password. The only problem is that the encryption process is rather long. |
 | pwgen.zip | 2k | 00-10-13 |  | Password Generator a password generator for the TI-86 |
 | pword.zip | 10k | 99-12-07 |  | Password Protector Pro v1.0 This is a BASIC password protection program that includes backspacing and user programability, with extensive documentation. |
 | pw.zip | 3k | 02-04-05 |  | Password Pro. Nice password program with lots of options. Password can be numbers or letters of any length. Instructions for use in protecting your programs are included |
 | quiz.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Quiz Maker v1.0 It helps you study for tests |
 | qwiknote.zip | 1k | 08-06-12 |  | QwikNote This program lets you store up to 3 notes quickly. VERY basic interface and small! |
 | ramos.zip | 7k | 03-05-15 |  | RAM-os RAM-os is a basic command line driven operating system. 3 different versions, all under 750b. Can do most math problems without exiting the system in 2 of the versions but 1 is severely limited. Includes my chat program a math program and soon to come text editor and graph-os, a graphical system |
 | randomz.zip | 3k | 02-03-02 |  | RandomZ v1.0 This is a graphical text encoding program. Just enter the text on the graph screen and let 'er fly. Read the attached text file first. Enjoy! |
 | rds.zip | 1k | 00-02-19 |  | RDS A stereogram creator. |
 | realstr.zip | 1k | 06-08-13 |  | Real-to-String Converter Contains two programs: d2s and i2s. These convert decimals to strings and integers to strings respectively. Perfect for BASIC programmers. Check it out! |
 | redsox03.zip | 1k | 03-04-13 |  | Red Sox schedule for 2003 This program displays the COMPLETE Red Sox schedule for the 2003 season. A must have for all Red Sox fans! |
 | redsox05.zip | 1k | 05-03-07 |  | Red Sox - 2005 Schedule This is the complete 2005 regular season schedule for the Boston Red Sox, the WORLD CHAMPIONS! Go Sox! |
 | repairer.zip | 3k | 99-05-30 |  | Repairer v2.7 This program resets the defaults on the calculator. It is great to fix the effects of poorly written BASIC programs. |
 | reset.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Reset Resets defults |
 | rng.zip | 2k | 02-02-10 |  | The Random Name Generator Ever been writing a story, and run short of character names? Don't reach for that Baby Names book, let the Random Name Generator solve all your woes! |
 | rollout86_57.zip | 1k | 03-03-05 |  | Rollout 86 Used to find the rollout of an R/C car. |
 | rollout86.zip | 1k | 99-12-07 |  | Rollout 86 A program that finds the rollout for an R/C car. |
 | roman.zip | 1k | 00-08-20 |  | Roman Roman numeral converter |
 | rpgdice2.zip | 3k | 01-12-16 |  | RPG Dice Roller This is my RPG dice roller, programmed for 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, and n sided dice, plus as many dice as the calc can support! |
 | rpgdice3.zip | 3k | 01-12-22 |  | RPG Dice 3 v. 1.2 Random dice roller for the TI-86, rolls an unlimited number of dice, and is preprogrammed with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 20-sided dice, plus n-sided for odd/large numbers. Works with assembly shells! |
 | rpgdice.zip | 1k | 98-03-20 |  | RPG Dice Rolling Program A dice program for rolling multiple polyhedral sided dice |
 | rpgsk86.zip | 2k | 07-09-04 |  | RPG Starter Kit 86 These files are set up to show a newer programmer how to create simple, ascii graphic RPGs. |
 | runindof.zip | 2k | 02-03-30 |  | Run Indicator Off This program will cause the run indicator to appear to be turned off. |
 | ryanprog.zip | 6k | 99-06-26 |  | The Best of Ryan's Programs v2.00 Misc Programs |
 | scnet.zip | 1k | 00-09-07 |  | Short Cuts Network A very fast and small, well designed chat. A must get! |
 | scnt.zip | 1k | 00-09-07 |  | Short Cuts NT A very fast and small chat program. A must get! |
 | score.zip | 1k | 04-05-30 |  | Score Keeper This is a simple score keeper that can be used for a number of games. |
 | scrbrd.zip | 1k | 08-12-01 |  | Scoreboard This is scoreboard that lets you input the team names. Key in a number and off you go! I am trying to incorporate a timer into it. Feedback welcome! |
 | screen.zip | 1k | 00-10-09 |  | Screen saver wow this is a cool screen saver |
 | scripturemastery86.zip | 26k | 02-11-25 |  | Scripture Mastery v. 1.0 Scripture Mastery for the Standard Works. Check readme for some more info. |
 | scroller.zip | 1k | 97-11-10 |  | Very Exciting Scrolls 1.0 |
 | shabbattimes.zip | 4k | 05-04-03 |  | Shabbat Times The Jewish Sabbath and all of the Jewish Holidays begin at sunset the night before. The exact time of sunset changes dayly and also depending on where you are. This program allows you to calculate the exact time that Shabbat or a Holiday begins for any day, anywhere in the world. All you need is the date, your latitude and longitude (you can find this at maporama.com, just put in the address and it will give you the coordinates), and your timezone. Information on how to do this is in the README file. |
 | shop6.zip | 3k | 01-06-01 |  | Speeds, Feeds, and Cutter Compensation This is a MUST have for machinists, or anyone in the need of calculations involving machine tools. |
 | sierp.zip | 1k | 97-06-29 |  | Sierpinski Triangle |
 | signmake.zip | 4k | 98-08-30 |  | Signmake v1.0 Makes road sign images |
 | slide.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Word Scroller You enter what you want it to scroll on the screen, and it scrolls it. pretty simple huh. Pretty small too. |
 | smallnotepad.zip | 1k | 02-03-04 |  | Small Bob Note Pad Just Like BigNote Pad except Better. Less space, smpiler to use and more features Get it Now! |
 | smiley.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Smiley v1.0 Animates a smiley face on the screen of your 86! |
 | softech.zip | 1k | 99-02-03 |  | Soft-Tection A Program to safely lock other programs |
 | split.zip | 5k | 01-06-01 |  | Split Add for TI 86 This program allows the user to split a large list of numbers into columns without having to read the column a million times. This program is also great for keeping sports scores or game show scores. I strong suggest you read the documentation, because it provides an illustrative example. |
 | spreadsheet86.zip | 3k | 97-09-02 |  | Spread Sheet 2.0 |
 | srn.zip | 1k | 99-06-09 |  | Screen Saver 86 A simple screen saver that prompts at loop 100. |
 | ssp.zip | 3k | 01-08-06 |  | Screen Saver Plus v.90 A pacakge of ten screensavers |
 | stack.zip | 1k | 97-07-03 |  | Stack Scorekeeper 2.0 |
 | start.zip | 2k | 00-12-10 |  | The Startup program (With a massive memo program) It's like the first cup of coffe in the morning. Its the way to start everything off just right. The startup program is just a friendly way of saying hello when you first get on, but the best feature is the memos. The startup program has room for four memos, not too big, but I have added on a program that has a total of fifty memos, each with room for about 20 Char. This is a friend ly helper (or a way to help you on math and science tests). Before you can read a memo, you first have to write one up. If you read a memo and you haven't written anything for it yet, the calculator will display "Error" so don't try to read memos you haven't written yet. This should be a very useful tool to have. |
 | star.zip | 38k | 03-03-28 |  | Star School Scheduler Excellent program to keep track of school assignments. Features five customizable subjects, unaffected graph screen, and fairly nice GUI. Also includes customizing program and *working* startup screen. Now with disabled run indicator. |
 | statsim.zip | 1k | 08-12-22 |  | Football Record Simulator Beta This is the Beta version of stat simulator. Beta because only the win-loss record works. Great if you want to skip the season and head straight to a season. The points are screwed up but still work. Feedback welcome! |
 | sticky.zip | 3k | 03-05-07 |  | Sticky 1.1 Turns your calculator into a virtual sticky pad by giving you the ability to save up to 5 fairly long notes. The streamlined interface gives you immediate access to all of your notes, and it even allows you decide which note it will display when started. Never forget anything again! Version 1.1 includes some small enhancements. |
 | stockmsim.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Stock Market Simulator This is a stock market simulator to make you feel better when you're down about the stock market. |
 | stopwatch.zip | 1k | 02-08-02 |  | stopwatch/timer stopwatch for the TI 86 |
 | stopwatc.zip | 1k | 99-11-21 |  | TI-86 Stopwatch TI-86 Stopwatch. Made by TI-Source. |
 | stress.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Stress Message (See Stress.txt) |
 | strgread.zip | 1k | 00-02-28 |  | String Reader Ever wanted to store really long strings and be able to read them entirely (I.E. for copying formulas for a test in school) Well, now you can!!! Create a string on the calc and use this program to read the entire thing rather than just 1 lousy line |
 | stupid.zip | 1k | 02-05-12 |  | Stump the Stupid This is a humorous program (and very small). It starts off by displaying 'Can't Cetch Me' and then has a random F button you need to press. When you press it, it will give you a random 'miss' message, and is ongoing. Try it some people you know, you'd be suprised at the results! =D |
 | subnetcalculator86.zip | 1k | 03-03-09 |  | Subnetting is brought to the 86 This has been long overdue, and it is with great pride I introduce my network calculator. Please do not make changes to this program without my permission. I'm always open to suggestions, however. and I know that there's internal way to convert to binary. this way was a test to see if I could do it. |
 | subnet.zip | 1k | 98-10-14 |  | Subnet Calculator v0.9 Beta Used to calculate subnet masks |
 | subrosa6.zip | 3k | 98-03-31 |  | Subrosa 6.2 This is a comfortable security program with its own encoding mechanism. |
 | superdel.zip | 3k | 01-01-06 |  | SuperDel My last and perfectly made variable deletion program. This program is the exact same program as delvar.2,but with all the bugs fixed. DelVar 1 is still not came up with any errors, but it does not delete near as many variables as this. If you are looking for a good variable deletion program. I strongly recomend this one. If somebody could I would like them to make me an assembly version of this program. You can email me at bar101@hotmail.com |
 | swatch.zip | 1k | 97-10-03 |  | Stopwatch v1 Beta A timer and chronograph. |
 | swrpg.zip | 2k | 98-05-09 |  | Star Wars RPG Dice Rolling Program v4.2 Rolls dice for Star Wars RPG by West End Games |
 | tarot.zip | 8k | 03-03-07 |  | Tarot Celtic Cros reading title says it all |
 | tenten220calc.zip | 1k | 02-09-27 |  | 10-10-220 Calculator If you've ever seen the 10-10-220 commercials, enjoyed them as much as I have, and wondered "how much would 100 minutes cost" or "how much can i get for $50", although no one besides me thinks that, then you're in luck. This program is capable of providing that information to the nearest cent/minute. I would like to give credit to the real author, James Smaron, but he did not have an account, so he needed me to send it. |
 | testkey.zip | 1k | 03-08-07 |  | Test Key Uses the getKy to get the key value, and then displays this value in the center of the screen. Change the calculator MODE base and see the key value in that base: hexadecimal, binary. decimal or octal. |
 | textdisp.zip | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | TEST (text displayer) A small program that can easily display strings up to 9999 characters. Instructions for use included in readme.86p. |
 | textfun.zip | 1k | 99-11-05 |  | Textfun Useless and funny programs for strings. |
 | texttype.zip | 1k | 00-11-18 |  | Calculator Chat (See Chat.txt) |
 | textt.zip | 1k | 97-07-07 |  | TextT List of all characters that can be displayed on the ti 86 |
 | textview.zip | 4k | 00-03-02 |  | Basic Text Viewer v2.0 Notepad/Chat program that has page scrolling and fast scrolling and battery saving features - big manual fully explains all features, Its small too! (only 644 bytes!) |
 | the86lib.zip | 20k | 00-10-24 |  | The 86-BASIC Library v1.0 70 "functions" you can use in you programs |
 | thebest.zip | 1k | 09-09-04 |  | Random Letter Generator It randomly generates letters until a certain word appears, then stops. You can press [EXIT] to stop if it takes too long, which should never happen :) |
 | ti86dospro.zip | 7k | 98-02-12 |  | TI-86 DOS Professional 1.2 |
 | tibank.zip | 2k | 98-11-30 |  | TI Bank v2.0 |
 | tichat20.zip | 1k | 97-09-23 |  | TIChat 2.0 |
 | tichat.zip | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | TIChat This program allows you to chat seamlessly between two calculated. Please Email Me if Bugs Found!!! |
 | timegeni.zip | 3k | 98-04-18 |  | timeGENIE vSAP a stat keeper for track and a stopwatch in one |
 | timer2.zip | 1k | 02-04-22 |  | Timer 86 version 1.3 Updated: Now You can count down from 100 minutes. Sorry, only whole numbers can be used. |
 | timer3.zip | 10k | 03-03-23 |  | TIMER 86 Made with Aaron Sarna's permission, this is a simple timer. Read the readme file to know exactly how to use it. |
 | timerv1.0.zip | 1k | 03-04-30 |  | Timer v1.0 A very accurate timer for the ti-86. Counts up or down to a given number of seconds that you choose. |
 | timerx.zip | 1k | 99-05-24 |  | TimerX An accurate count up and down program. |
 | timer.zip | 2k | 00-01-16 |  | Timer A 1 and 5 minute timer. |
 | tiswindows.zip | 43k | 00-03-26 |  | TI-Soft Windows 86 v1.1 Version 1.1 Updated from TI-Soft Windows 86 v1.0. Still a windows program for your TI-86 |
 | titax.zip | 2k | 01-02-20 |  | TI-Tax 2000 The first tax software for the TI-86! |
 | ti_timer.zip | 22k | 03-10-19 |  | TI-Timer A Calculus teacher informed me of the Lbl/Goto sec bug on the 68k files. It works perfectly now. Simply read the included .txt file for help and enjoy :-) |
 | ti_wordsort.zip | 19k | 03-05-07 |  | TI Word Sorters This package contains the wordsort program for the TI-83, TI-83+, TI-85, TI-86, TI-89, TI-92, TI-92+, and V200. |
 | todolist.zip | 12k | 00-09-22 |  | TI-86 Task Manager An easy to use task list. Uses GetKey and allows you to modify the task you want and return to the program. |
 | trig5.zip | 1k | 00-11-23 |  | Exact Trig Finds the exact values (radicals and fractions, not decimals) of trig functions. |
 | turncounter.zip | 3k | 08-08-11 |  | Turn Counter for Intersection Design I needed a program to log traffic patterns at intersections, so I wrote this one. Due to it being a BASIC program, it is kind of slow. |
 | udr11.zip | 2k | 98-05-22 |  | Ultimate Dice Roller v1.1 Very good dice roller of my own design |
 | ultima.zip | 2k | 00-06-27 |  | Ultima Companion This program helps figure out combat attributes in the game Ultima Online. |
 | unix24.zip | 73k | 97-11-16 |  | Unix 2.4 Shell, Basic GUI |
 | unxor.zip | 2k | 04-08-03 |  | UnXOR This program will solve for 'b' in the equation 'a xor b = c' in two different ways. Not particularly useful, but perhaps the code will help someone. It also contains the program 'ToBin', which will convert any positive integer to a string in binary (i.e. 78 becomes "1001110" |
 | ustest.zip | 1k | 04-09-11 |  | US Nuclear Tests This is a simple data program which displays information about important US nuclear tests. to move ahead in the program simply hit enter. |
 | vchat.zip | 1k | 98-01-04 |  | Virtual Chat |
 | vcheck.zip | 1k | 00-10-24 |  | Bank Account Manager Very neat little program that turns your calculator into an electronic check book. Check it out. |
 | virus.zip | 1k | 00-02-29 |  | Virus v1.0 It will crash the calc it's run on |
 | vote.zip | 1k | 04-06-15 |  | Voting Assistance Don't know who to vote for in the next election? This program will help! |
 | w2000.zip | 3k | 00-03-13 |  | Windows 2k A BASIC operation system for the TI-86. Contains my version of Word, DOS, and Windows 2000. Read the readme file before running the program. |
 | week.zip | 6k | 00-11-13 |  | Weekly Planner by Jeoffri Davis This is a weekly planner (if you couldn't tell by the title.) The program is really cool, and you should at least check it out. I'm trying to learn ASSEMBLY programming so for now you'll just have to put up with my pitiful BASIC programs. The program keeps a record of tasks you need to do for each day of the week. Enjoy! ^_^ |
 | willchat.zip | 4k | 03-07-28 |  | Will's Chatter This is a group of very simple chatting programs. Please send me info regarding your opinion, especiallyif you find bugs. |
 | win2000.zip | 48k | 00-04-19 |  | Windows 2000 Based on Paul Novello's Windows 98, Windows 2000 is a reworked version including top ten games (as of 2-11-00). Games include Super Mario 86 (by Ben Mickle, the best version!), Fall Down Forever, Plane Jump, Galaxian, Jezz Ball, ZTetris 86, 3 Point Shootout, ZNibbles 86, Orzunoid 86, and Pacman 99. Also included are misc. programs, school-related programs, and control panel! Enjoy! |
 | win86.zip | 3k | 98-02-16 |  | Windows 86 v1.0 An ok Windows lookalike for the 86 |
 | win95_86.zip | 4k | 00-05-07 |  | 86 Win 95 A nice windows 95 clone for your Ti-86 |
 | win95.zip | 88k | 02-09-27 |  | Windows 95 v2.0 The second version of my windows program. Many new things you can do. There will be hopfully only one more installment but this one has no errors that I could find. |
 | win98.zip | 63k | 98-01-01 |  | Windows 98 PLUS |
 | wince.zip | 30k | 01-08-06 |  | Windows CE 2.0 with updated README This is just a little program I've been working on for about 2 years on and off. As far as I can tell, it's the best version of Windows for the TI-86 that I have seen, but see for yourself. Thank you to all the people who provided code. |
 | windows2.zip | 9k | 00-06-13 |  | Windows This is a great replica of the Windows98 programs. It includes the games windows has and even a day planner for you to use. Comes with key functions and a Windows password log on screen with a "forgot you password" question function. A Must download. |
 | windowsme.zip | 23k | 01-06-01 |  | WINDOWS ME tHis program is better than windows 98 plus and all my friends agree. It has better graphics and everything!!() |
 | windows.zip | 50k | 98-03-18 |  | TI-86 Windows 95 |
 | winme.zip | 53k | 01-01-04 |  | Windows Millenium v2.0 This is the same as the earlier version. I forgot to zip the chat program. |
 | winscape.zip | 6k | 97-11-22 |  | WinSCAPE 2.0 and WinDRIVE 1.5 |
 | wintools.zip | 9k | 99-10-27 |  | Windows Tools v1.0 A few routines to use windows and dialog boxes in your Basic programs. |
 | witewolf.zip | 1k | 98-03-20 |  | White Wolf Dice Roller 1.0 A dice program for White Wolf RPGs e.g. Vampire or Werewolf |
 | word2000.zip | 2k | 00-04-04 |  | Word 2000 v2.0 Word 2000 is a program that features lines, inserting any ti-86 character and other fun stuff. |
 | word2002.zip | 2k | 99-11-14 |  | Smithsoft Words 2002 v2.01 Words is a notepad type program for the TI-86. |
 | word2.zip | 2k | 07-01-27 |  | Word 86 A graphical word processor. Allows you to type on the graph screen while running a BASIC program. |
 | word86.zip | 3k | 01-12-15 |  | Word 86 Word 86 is a small word processor for the TI-86 to make short messages using strings in an easy, user-friendly format. You can easily save your thoughts, and add to them later. Then, you can view them, or clear them. |
 | word99.zip | 4k | 98-09-09 |  | Supersoft Word 99 v2.4 Word Processor, updated from version 2.0. |
 | wordbnce.zip | 1k | 01-04-04 |  | Word Bounce Bounces a string around the screen can be used at the start of a program |
 | wordpad.zip | 1k | 00-10-13 |  | Wordpad word proseser |
 | wordperfect11.zip | 2k | 03-04-20 |  | Word Perfect 11 You can save 15 files of text and each file has unlimited space until you run out of MEMORY! The days of finding a program that is better than it is, is over! (this description does not lie) Very user friendly with an install program, uninstall program, and it is all password protected. If you think this sucks go to www.g451.cjb.net. It is just something I made that is a lot better! |
 | wordpro.zip | 12k | 03-03-07 |  | Word proccessor This is an updated version of my recent program that had a few bugs, also added another program that is a 6kb version of Wordpro. This program has no file limit, extremely user friendly, and just plain amazing, try it out! |
 | word.zip | 1k | 99-10-30 |  | Word 2000 v1.0 For storing memos, notes, homework, etc. |
 | worksched.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | Work Schedual 1.0 Work Schedualer |
 | worldist.zip | 4k | 05-03-02 |  | World Distance v1.0 This program will give you the distance between any 2 locations on earth! All you need to know are the latitude and longitude for each location. This program only takes up 667 bytes on your calculator. |
 | wotchat.zip | 1k | 00-05-15 |  | WOTChat v1.0 A nice looking, easy-to-use chat program. Features a chat window that automatically scrolls when full. |
 | yakker.zip | 1k | 00-10-20 |  | Yakker Chat A rather simple small chat program, with a great new feature though! |
 | z80suite.zip | 567k | 09-11-03 |  | TI-Z80 Assembly Suite on 83/83+/86 You can now edit and compile assembly code on your TI without needing a computer. This set of compilers is written in 100% TI-Basic for the TI-83, TI-83+, and TI-86, with the TI-85 supported soon. They support the creation of modules, practically all z80 codes, and 5 (83/83+) or 10 (86) save slots. A Pic2DB module is included. The 83+ version supports BCALL($XXXX) and BJUMP($XXXX). Neither support labels, so all calls/jumps must be manually calculated. All values used within your code, ie " ld a,$F6" must be hexadecimal format with a small E (83/83+) or standard $ (86) prefix. Such limitations are easy to ignore once you're used to the style. This isn't for the amateur coder, and can teach you plenty (esp. relative addressing). |
 | zendice.zip | 1k | 99-05-05 |  | ZenDice Yet another random dice roller. |
 | znice.zip | 1k | 99-11-19 |  | Nice Decimal Nice decimal window |
 | zpass.zip | 1k | 00-06-27 |  | ZPass v1.86 This is the TI-86 version of ZPass for the TI-83, a terrific password protection program that shows stars when you type the password, and works every time! |