| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus BASIC Games (Arcade) |
 | 20sec.zip | 1k | 01-01-29 |  | 20 Seconds! 20 Seconds! is a fast paced game where you try to catch the mine-laying V within the time limit! Very addicting!! |
 | abductomatic.zip | 1k | 05-03-02 |  | Abduct-O-Matic The object of this addicting game is pretty simple. Abduct humans, and don't let them run into the meat grinders! A very good remedy to classroom boredom... Includes arcade and mission modes. Very good graphics (that run pretty smoothly on an 83+/higher), and completely bug-proof! |
 | abduct.zip | 1k | 00-10-20 |  | Abduction Abduction is a game where you have to abduct as many earthlings as you can before time runs out. Very fast and fun to play. |
 | acidrain.zip | 2k | 02-03-07 |  | Acid Rain v1.0 Dodge the acid rain!!! although not an assembly game, could be assembled... IS mirage OS compadable. Includes Screenshots! |
 | acid.zip | 2k | 04-12-26 |  | Alex's Acid Rain In Acid Rain, you control a dot trying to get stars in an acid lake by going from island to island. Land and acid rain down, constantly changing the landscape. You can jump and walk in four directions to avoid falling into the acid. |
 | acmanedit.zip | 1k | 06-05-11 |  | AcMan Level Editor Finally, the AcMan level editor is out! Includes three bonus levels. Note: AcMan (The most recent version) must be downloaded separately. |
 | acman.zip | 2k | 06-05-11 |  | AcMan Acman is a game very similiar to Pacman. You must eat all of the pixels before time runs out or you get eaten by the two ghosts. Eat a big pixel so you can eat the ghosts. Includes three rooms with individual highscores. |
 | agamae.zip | 1k | 04-07-03 |  | AGAMAE Fly thrugh canyons and dodge mountains in your customizable ship, has a Highscore and loads of options to customize your craft. |
 | agility2.zip | 2k | 08-03-05 |  | Agility - 2 Agility is a fun fast-paced game were you dodge the oncoming obstacles. Just like Avalanche only upside down! Runs very fast for a BASIC game. FEATURES *MirageOS Compatable *Highscore *Difficulty Level *Less than 1 kilobyte |
 | agility.zip | 2k | 03-11-19 |  | AGILITY Agility is an awesome, fast BASIC scroller game. The object is to get as far as possible without hitting a *. The game has very low memory requirements, fast speed, and high score. The thing that sets this BASIC scroller aside from all the others is, that the longer you stay alive the narrower the track gets. So it becomes harder and harder to stay alive. The game is glitch free. Just check out the screenshots you'll see that this game is worth the download. By the way the screenshots are somewhat slow since I used TI Shot. Only from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe !! Visit www.outerlimit.tk for a complete message board, and game downloads !! |
 | aliens.zip | 1k | 02-03-29 |  | Aliens! Fast one player game. You are an alien that has to try to abduct a certain amount of Earthlings within the time limit. Unlimited levels & MirageOS compatible. Watch for Aliens! 2 coming soon. |
 | asteroidescape.zip | 1k | 17-11-06 |  | Asteroid Escape Dodge the obstacles to make it to the other side of the screen. Each level is progressively more difficult. |
 | athf.zip | 1k | 02-09-30 |  | Aqua Teen Hunger Force: Save Fri-lock Your meatwad, the character from ATHF and you must save fri lock from losing all his fries. Can you save his fifty fries? Careful; there's a time limit. Its up to you... soldier |
 | ator.zip | 1k | 02-04-27 |  | A slow game |
 | avalanchv1.0.zip | 1k | 01-12-15 |  | Basic Avalanch v1.0 CODE WURKS: Basic Avalanch v1.0 - You're a crazy adventurer wandering into an unexplored cave. Along the way you will encounter falling stalagtites and rolling snow balls. Your current mission: Get the highest score! This is a really fun game, no collection is complete without it! Expect to see future versions soon! |
 | avasion.zip | 1k | 03-11-12 |  | Avasion Nothin Fancy, this is just a fun quick little game where you run from an X. very small and fast, plus the X gets smarter as you go. I found it ammusing. |
 | avelanch.zip | 1k | 03-07-22 |  | Avelanch RX This is an avelanch game with AI to make it more challenging. It looks just like the origonal. |
 | avlnchbc.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Basic Avalanche v1.0 Dodge the avalanches and rolling snowballs! Expect Updates to this program soon. Read the readme for more details! |
 | avoid2.zip | 1k | 02-10-12 |  | Avoid This is my first graphing game, meaning not just text and numbers. In this game you are a line (sounds lame? Its fun!) and you move up and down, dodging lasers. This game is relatively small (less than 2500!!) so it is something that can stay unarchived and played at any time. If you find any bugs or glitches, please e-mail at XeroEntity@hotmail.com or IM me at XeroEntity |
 | avoid_arrows.zip | 1k | 03-09-01 |  | Avoid the Arrows Avoid the arrows coming towards you. Includes high score function. |
 | avoidnt.zip | 1k | 06-08-13 |  | Avoid This is the upgraded version of my Avoid game. It includes name input, and a score-keeper at the bottom of the screen. Please download this game!!! |
 | avoidtheta.zip | 1k | 05-12-31 |  | AvoidTheta! Stay alive for as long as you can without getting eaten by the theta symbol! Keeps track of highscores and is MirageOS accessible, download TODAY! |
 | ayuk.zip | 3k | 03-11-22 |  | YUK (Trash to Cash) In this game you have to collect the falling garbage in order to make money. Kind of like recycling ;-) |
 | ballgrab.8xp | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | BallGrab BallGrab is a game in which you try to catch the ball using the cursor. Simply move over the ball to catch it. |
 | balltrix.zip | 1k | 11-04-15 |  | Balltrix (ported by Xeda) This is a simple game with a simple objective. When you see that ball dropping from the sky, don't get hit! Hehe, but seriously, you have one little whole that you have to let the ball fall through, else the game ends. As you gain points, the balls fall faster and faster (until you reach 45 points, then it maxes out). If you are ready for a challenge, I dare you to try it at 15MHz! Since this is a ReCode program, you will need BatLib installed. |
 | basicavalanche2.zip | 3k | 03-04-04 |  | Avalanche! Previously Basic Avalanche, I've been toying around with the game and have finally implemented a hiscore feature. Also, new move routines! Yay!! For 83+: Use at risk of slowness. |
 | basicavalanche.zip | 1k | 03-03-19 |  | Basic Avalanche A decent game, which goes at a fair clip. Try it! |
 | basicava.zip | 1k | 04-08-25 |  | Basic avalanch this is avalanch but in basic. it runs fast has no bugs to my knowledge adn has features other basic versions don't have. like if you go through one side of the screen you show up again on the other side. just like the original asm version. also like the original the icicles grow from small to big before they fall. |
 | basichumans.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Abduct the Humans This is an addicting, rather fast BASIC game designed for the TI-83+ SE. You are a flying sauser from your home planet sent to abduct humans for futher study. The game goes indefinately until you stop and your score is tallied. Please enjoy and modify to your own needs. |
 | basicmunch.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Munch! In this program the user controls a set of teeth that eat a certain amount of *'s in a fixed time limit. The amount of *'s that need to be eaten increases as the levels progress. Please use, study, and modify the program for your own needs. See the README for more information. |
 | basicprograms.zip | 8k | 08-12-09 |  | BlockEater,Codem v1.1,Password [Text format] This provides several things.One,a game(with a few assembly codes at the end).Two,a cheating device for games,(requires a more advanced person),and a password protect for someone making programs(it is BASIC,so it is not flawless. |
 | birdcity.zip | 5k | 04-10-04 |  | Bird City A tale of a bird, Who must land his Dropping's on peoples head's to obtain a hiscore. |
 | blob.zip | 1k | 02-04-02 |  | Blob v0.9a A little game with ship and asteroid |
 | blockem.zip | 1k | 02-01-01 |  | Blockem The object of Blockem is to avoid falling lines. The speed of the game will gradually increase. |
 | blocker2.zip | 1k | 04-02-09 |  | Blocker 2 Use the left and right arrow keys to move the shield. You must block the arrow with the shield to gain points. Have fun! |
 | blocker3.zip | 1k | 04-02-17 |  | Blocker 3 An upgrade from blocker too, new features are high scores, runs faster, new look, dynamic score, etc. |
 | boe.zip | 1k | 07-02-18 |  | Boe Game were u have to catch your enemy(E) in time. |
 | bomb283p.zip | 1k | 02-10-15 |  | Bomb2 Close to two years ago, I got a fancy TI-83 Plus as a requirement for a class. Within a month, I had taught myself the basics of TI-83 BASIC, and decided to make a game. The result was called Bomb, probably the worst thing Ive ever programmed in my life. I didnt understand enough about the calculator and its limitations to program a game that could be called even semi-functional. But Bomb sat in my archive memory as a piece of nostalgia, as I learned the intricacies of TI-83 programming. Now, two years and many programs later, Ive resurrected Bomb, using the original concept and sounder programming to create Bomb2. The idea is simple: you must use your ship to catch the bombs being dropped on your city. The more bombs you catch, the heavier your ship gets and the slower you go, but the bombs stay the same speed. The higher you catch a bomb, the more points its worth. This game is a mix of skill, planning, and sheer luck. Be sure to catch your bombs from directly below them, or you wont be able to grab them. Plus users, Bomb2 Plus version will be released within a few days of this, with added features including high score. |
 | bomb2.zip | 1k | 04-01-11 |  | Dodge the Bomb! 2.0 Now with high score and super cool teacher key!. |
 | bomberfish.zip | 4k | 05-06-23 |  | BomberFish Swim around and drop bombs on sharks while avoiding their deadly jaws!! Is MirageOS accessible and includes a highscore feature. Play and enjoy! |
 | bombsaway.zip | 1k | 03-06-19 |  | Bombs Away!! Look out below!! Land a bomb on target, and look out for gale force winds! |
 | bombtest.zip | 1k | 02-10-28 |  | Bomb Test You are the + and you must get to the top of the screen before randomly placed bombs detonate at random times. VERY adicting. |
 | boundti84plus.8xo.zip | 1k | 10-10-25 |  | Bound You are the circle trying to get to the top. Avoid getting hit twice or you lose. It is a demo and has four programs. |
 | boxes_neon.zip | 1k | 04-12-14 |  | Boxes A game where you have to catch the boxes before the man catches you. |
 | bread.zip | 3k | 03-11-07 |  | BrEaD!!! Hungry??? Well then, have some bread. In this game you eat as much bread as possible within 10 seconds(on Silver Edition). My best is 51 loaves, can you beat it? Enjoy :) |
 | brix.zip | 5k | 02-07-29 |  | Brix! A very fast vertical scroller where you dodge the upward shooting objects while falling downward. It keeps track of hits and highscores. The speed has been practically doubled, the key response is better, it is a smaller file, and the game is more fun to play! A REAL good BASIC program! |
 | bubble83.zip | 1k | 03-10-27 |  | Bubble 1.0 Pop the bubbles. see better description in ti-73 archives. |
 | bulldog.zip | 1k | 02-10-27 |  | Bulldog TI-83+ version of the classic playground game. |
 | bungeeman.zip | 1k | 05-08-13 |  | BungeeMan 1.02 This is a fun, fast, and addictive game with open source for learning programmers. In this game, you are falling from the sky, and you have to land in one of two platforms. Bouncing off the walls adds to the difficulty, but it also increases your score. As the levels progress, your man falls faster and faster. Enjoy this fast and insanely addictive game! |
 | capture.zip | 1k | 02-05-12 |  | Capture v.1.00 This is an alien abduction game. You make the UFO "(O)" to catch the human beings "*". You can play this on MirageOS. |
 | catandmouse1.0.zip | 1k | 05-01-04 |  | Cat and Mouse V1.0 Cat and Mouse, be the Cat or the Mouse! This program is still open to editing so people can help with the one problem I have discovered, the cat moving around. High Score to be added later ("V1.1"). The first published program on TICALC.ORG. More programs will be added to http://www.angelfire.com/ill/squishy/E/. I hope... Thank you for downloading today! -CMB Productions staff |
 | catch22.zip | 4k | 03-05-27 |  | Catch 22 v2.0 This is a cool game where you have to catch falling objects in a garbage can. Catch 22 to win! Version 2.0 now contains both the source code and the calculator file. |
 | catch83p.zip | 1k | 01-04-29 |  | Apple Catcher 83+ This is just a stupid "Catch" game I made in school... Apples fall out of the sky and you have to move the "basket" to catch them. |
 | catch_and_run.zip | 1k | 04-05-05 |  | Catch This is my first uploaded game. You have to decide whether to cath or to run away. It is very simple. And sometimes pretty funny. |
 | catchem.zip | 1k | 06-05-14 |  | Catchem v1.2 This is a very addictive game where you must catch falling objects. It includes a high score feature and great graphics, yet is extremely small in size. UPDATE: v1.2 runs MUCH faster. |
 | catcher.zip | 1k | 03-11-12 |  | Catcher Nothing Fancy, Just a small little program where you have to catch the O. It eventually starts falling closer to you giving you less time to act. Hopefully it will entertain you for a few minutes. |
 | catchgame.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | Catch A simple catch game with 3 levels of difficulty. (I was bored in the hospital while waiting for my broken arm to be set, so I made this, (with one hand)) Sorry about the lameness, but it was fun :) |
 | catching.zip | 1k | 04-08-25 |  | catch The complete opposite of avalanch. you have to catch the bombs rather than avoid them in a certain amount of time. |
 | catch_it.zip | 1k | 04-12-08 |  | Catch It A game where you have to catch the falling objects to get points. It has different difficulties. |
 | catchit.zip | 6k | 02-03-28 |  | Catch It v0.83 Catch it is a very simple game just the catch a falling o. You must catch 5 falling o's to go to the next level and the higher the level the faster the o's drop and the more points the o's are worth. And there are end of level bonuses. Read the txt file for more info |
 | catch.zip | 1k | 02-09-06 |  | Catch A game I made when I was bored. Took my a ½hr to do. Hope you enjoy |
 | catmouse.zip | 1k | 00-03-26 |  | Cat & Mouse Your're the Cat! Catch the Mouse! |
 | catvmouse.zip | 1k | 05-06-17 |  | Cat vs Mouse You are the mouse trying to run away from the cat. The longer you survive, the higher your score. |
 | chase_34.zip | 1k | 09-02-20 |  | Chase Catch the dot while the e chases you. As the levels advance, the walls close in on you and a growing number of fake dots appear. Each level has different themed dots and walls and an awesome fade-in/out effect. I made this between classes. |
 | chase_74.zip | 4k | 09-12-01 |  | Chase This program is basic and amusing. Simply dodge the five O's. |
 | chase.8xp | 1k | 01-12-22 |  | Catch In this game you use the arrows to move the X around and try to catch the O. |
 | chase_jbsw.zip | 1k | 04-10-31 |  | Chase Another addictive game from J!M b0b Software! Try to escape the creatures and make it to the exit. Features increasing levels of dificulty and high scores. |
 | chasev.1.0.zip | 1k | 04-01-24 |  | Chase version 1.0 this is my first chase, the ai chases to fast althgouh its not reeally ai, eveill make it so after u tag it it chases ut hen u tag it and u chase it so cool! :-) |
 | chase.zip | 2k | 00-08-26 |  | Chase v2.5 Its a basic game where you chase the calc. UPDATED version!!!!! faster game play fixed highscore and SUPER COMPUTER SPEED!!! |
 | cheese2.zip | 1k | 12-10-10 |  | Cheese Chase 2 This is the expanded version of the Mouse and Cheese game presented in Chapter 6 of the book "Programming the TI-83 Plus/TI-84 Plus". You are a mouse chasing a particularly frisky piece of cheese, as your hunger bar quickly climbs. You must catch the next piece of cheese before you starve, or the game is over! Although this game has been expanded from the version in the book with a main menu and help screen, it still has plenty you could add yourself, including a better cheese AI, a high score mechanism, and much more. |
 | circle_run2.zip | 2k | 08-08-24 |  | Circle Run 2 Same as the first but now you can use custom levels simply by choosing a pic(0-9) and picking your coordinates with a sprite and the arrow keys. |
 | circle_run.zip | 1k | 08-08-24 |  | Circle Run You, an adventerous dot, run around the world you are creating and drop earth to expand the world. Unfortunately Zeuss is angry with you and doesn't want it to be created. He hurls lightening rods (white lines) at you. Your goal is to create the largest world and get the highscore. Each lightening rod strikes where you were halfway between lightening strikes. |
 | cmonkey.zip | 2k | 00-08-22 |  | CrapMonkey v1.1 This is a program where you, the monkey, go around the screen and try to pick up as many pieces of crap as you can in 45 seconds. This is a very fast game for the 83(+) BASIC. *update* I took off over 300 bytes from the program and 20 bytes off of the gameloop. Now the game loop is only 240 bytes. |
 | collect_11.zip | 1k | 08-12-22 |  | Collect a game from the tutorial: mjs2000 inc. Tutorials. feel free to edit. |
 | collector.zip | 1k | 02-10-23 |  | CoLLeCToR! A fun little collecting game... Please contact me with any comments. |
 | collect.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 |  | Collection v.1.00 This is a simple movement game. You grab as many "+" as you can until you get bored. There's actually no real objective in playing this game. It's just something to do when you are bored in school. You can play this on MirageOS. |
 | cotton.zip | 1k | 00-08-11 |  | Cotton Picker v1.0 Same as asm on only takes less memory! you move around to collect cotton |
 | ctp.zip | 2k | 00-01-16 |  | Catch The Pi 2000 Try And Catch the pie, sequel coming very soon. |
 | dgame.zip | 5k | 05-10-14 |  | Dodging Game A simple but addictive game where you are a spaceship and you must as much rocks as you can and get a high score! |
 | dinogame.zip | 1k | 21-02-10 |  | Dino Run v1.2.1 Yes, it's a port of the Dino Run game that plays when you lose internet on the Chrome browser. More info in the Readme. |
 | dodge2_67.zip | 1k | 14-06-07 |  | Dodge V.1 Finally, a stable version of Dodge! read the readme for more info. Pardon the fact that there's no screenshots. |
 | dodge2.zip | 3k | 02-09-30 |  | Dodge This is Dodge, a game of skill and coordination. Lightning fast reflexes and nerves of steel are required to get a high score on this game. Only the best of the best have what it takes to master the art of Dodge :) |
 | dodge8x.zip | 1k | 04-02-04 |  | Dodge8x Dodge the walls! The game is on the draw screen, and the level dosen't flow and has to redraw each time you reach the other side of the screen. But it's about as good as you'll get in a basic game. Comes with a better version of the game i bundled with "Walk". Happy playing from Master Piece! |
 | dodge_99.zip | 1k | 10-08-14 |  | Dodge This game is like the avalanche flash game on the internet. |
 | dodgeit83p.zip | 3k | 04-05-05 |  | DodgeIt in DodgeIt, you gotta avoid falling objects, there are three difficulties, ez, med and hard, every difficulty, the speed the objects drop increases, and your lives decrease. the keys you use are user-defined, you can find all that in prgmDODGEIT > Options > Keys > then set them and hit Done when your done setting. |
 | dodgeit.zip | 1k | 02-03-11 |  | Dodge-It v4.0 Dodge-It is a game sort of like the game Dodgeball for TI Calcs, but the balls are asterisks, and they come from 4 directions. Runs pretty slow on TI83+s, because it was made on a TI83+SE. Have fun, and watch out for the *s! Note: needs GDB 2, uses the Window variables |
 | dodgemti2.zip | 2k | 06-01-28 |  | Dodgem TI 2 The sequel to Dodgem TI. This time our hero, "T", has escaped from the enemy's, "i", stronghold. But those sneaky i's want to put him back in prison! He escaped into the nearby fields but is being pursued by the i's. It is up to you to make sure T gets away! Coming to a calculator near you. Enjoy! |
 | dodgemti3.zip | 4k | 06-05-14 |  | Dodgem TI 3 Being the third installment in my Dodgem Ti series, this game promises quality graphics and fantastic gameplay. After escaping the clutches of the "i"s in the nearby fields, you have reached one final obstacle. Dodge the projectiles as long as possible in order to escape. Get hit by one, and you could face death or worse, the wrath of the i. Enjoy! |
 | dodgemti4.zip | 4k | 06-05-11 |  | Dodgem Ti 4 This is another installment in my Dodgem Ti series. This time you have finally escaped to the outside world. However, you still have a lot of work to do before you are really free. Dodge all the obstacles in the road for as long as you can to gain your freedom. Crash with an obstacle, and death at the hands of the merciless "i"s is certain. This is a game that I am sure you will love. Enjoy! |
 | dodgemti.zip | 1k | 06-02-26 |  | Dodgem TI! Dodgem TI is a good gaming experience for those long and boring math classes. See the incredible "T" dodging the evil "i"s, trying to go from side to side to get the precious points. Seriously fun stuff. Dodgem TI! Coming to a calculator near you! Rated F for fun. |
 | dodgerock.zip | 1k | 10-09-25 |  | Dodge Rock! READ THE README! |
 | dodger.zip | 1k | 03-12-30 |  | Dodge Sweet little game where you try to get the high score. The goal is to get as far down as you can without hitting any obstacles. Now for One to Two players. On two players however, you have to avoid each other as well. |
 | dodgetheohs.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Dodge the Ohs try to dodge the ohs flying at you from 4 different dirrections. |
 | dodge.zip | 1k | 02-09-30 |  | Dodge you dodge the stuff that comes at you |
 | dot273.zip | 1k | 09-03-13 |  | Etch-E-Scetch and dot dodger game move around the screen avoiding dots in game mode or draw pictures in free mode to use download to your calculator, ungroup the file, and execute the dot program |
 | dotma.zip | 1k | 03-12-01 |  | DOTMA!!!!!! Great fun! Compete to get the high score as you collect all teh stuff on the screen! Grab items to do various things, including the INFAMOUS MERCHANT - "?" pop up everywhere!!!! |
 | dotschase.zip | 2k | 09-08-14 |  | Dots A simple game where you collect all the dots. Fun and quick! |
 | dots.zip | 6k | 09-05-16 |  | Dots This is a simple game in which you maneuver through a field being populated with dots. |
 | dot.zip | 2k | 00-07-10 |  | Dot A fun game where you move a dot around the screen and avoid hitting moving obstacles. Contains five levels. |
 | dougspik.zip | 1k | 03-06-02 |  | Doug spike my own version of avalanch. a little different than the others. |
 | dracula2.zip | 2k | 03-12-03 |  | Dracula2 Got really bored in Algebra 2. Made a picture and incorporated it into a simple program. Basically, move yourself ("dracula")over your prey to get a point. Time limit, score keeping, other features. Still in early stages, should be updates at some point. |
 | driveescape.zip | 19k | 07-12-15 |  | Escape O & X with Drive Escape is based off of the anonymous TI-83 Program called DRIVE. It's a part two of DRIVE, where you have to avoid the 'X' as long as you can. Escape is a bit easier than DRIVE, but that's by chance. DRIVE supplier is Erik Beerlage. I converted everything to work on the TI-83/84 family completely. Keywords: Run Away CIA zapperpost Chase AI Artificial Intelligence Runaway eight sixteen fancy BASIC game games TI-83 TI-84 Plus Silver Edition Time Lived High Score |
 | dropit.zip | 6k | 05-06-04 |  | DropIt One of my first games. Basically, you move around and drop blocks on a rabbit before he completley devours your vegetable garden. |
 | dropout.zip | 1k | 09-05-03 |  | Dropout Dropout is my new game where you start at the top and use the left and right arrow keys to avoid the obstacles on the way down. |
 | dropupdated.zip | 4k | 03-10-25 |  | Drop similar to my former game but with a faster less shakey interface and a level selection |
 | duckdodg.zip | 1k | 03-11-29 |  | Duck Dodgers Marvin the Martian is about to send billions of kamikaze ships at Captain Dodger's ship! Use the left and right buttons to dodge the ships to stay alive. Program includes high score keeping, the game, and how to play. A GREAT GAME FOR EVERYONE! |
 | dudechase.zip | 243k | 05-09-01 |  | D u d e C h a s e ! Run away from the bad guys or they will eat you!! Apples are 10 points. Fast gameplay and Omnicalc graphics. There are 3 levels and 3 highscores. (Press 1,2,or 3 on the menu to select level; 2nd selects an option.) |
 | eat1.0.zip | 1k | 04-11-25 |  | Eat 1.0 My first ever game in TI Basic! Eat all of the dots before the time runs out. Very addicting. |
 | eatfood.zip | 1k | 05-08-27 |  | Eat The Food This is a wonderful game. You have to eat the uncooked spaghetti and it comes at you faster as you progress through the levels. |
 | eatpie.zip | 6k | 05-12-28 |  | Eat Pie (2 Player Beta Version) This version Is only a Beta version (so don't play it) It is just a two player expansion pack onto my previous Eat Pie game. Previous Eat Pie Game: You chase Pie around the screen until you eat pie. (has scrolling ability so you can't corrned Pie.) |
 | eat.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | Eat Get as many degrees signs as you can in set time. |
 | eggcatch.zip | 2k | 00-12-10 |  | Egg Catch same as before just with a high score. |
 | eggs.8xp | 1k | 02-03-06 |  | Egg Catcher A game you catch the falling eggs which get faster and faster |
 | escape.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Escape Catch the X in 6 levels of key-tapping fun! Use the arrow keys to move, but beware of the time limit! |
 | evasion.zip | 1k | 03-05-25 |  | Evasion The purpose of this game is to survive as long as possible in a small room. You are an X hiding from the randomly moving O. If you use the built-in level, you will need nothing but luck to survive. You can also make your own levels for it. |
 | explosionbound.zip | 1k | 03-04-30 |  | Explosion Bound A dodging game. Explosions appear randomly and strike without warning. Its all about luck. |
 | facd83p.zip | 3k | 02-07-22 |  | Fall and Catch Deluxe Edition A simple game where you catch falling objects. You get to choose how they fall (Up or Down) the score doubles after every level is defeated, you can press the up and down keys to make the object move faster. This version only works on the TI-83+. |
 | falbri.zip | 1k | 06-09-17 |  | Falling Brick You're on the ground level of a construction site, but some dim-witted brickies on the top a letting bricks fall. How long can you survive? This game is simple to pick up (the in-game help is all you'll need) and saves the top 3 scores. Menus can be selected with either enter or 2nd. |
 | fallingrocks.zip | 1k | 03-08-26 |  | Falling Rocks Gravity has been reversed! Get to the bottom (or top) of the mountain to change it back! |
 | fishfood.zip | 1k | 08-08-11 |  | Fish Food In the game you are a fish who tries to catch his food by moving in front of it as it moves across the screen. The more food you eat the more points you get, but if you dont get the food you lose a life. |
 | flappybirdforti.zip | 1k | 14-02-15 |  | Flappybird for TI v1.03 This is a remake of the very popular app "Flappybird". Fly with a bird and dodge pipes. survive as long as you can! |
 | flying.zip | 1k | 07-01-27 |  | Flying This is a game in which you fly a rocket and try to dodge rocks flying at you. |
 | flyswat.zip | 1k | 05-05-18 |  | Fly Swatter v1.2 A time-killer game that has an annoying fly flying around the screen. Try to swat it! Includes: High Score, Hits, Misses, Clear High Score option, and difficulty set (view readme.txt for TI-84 families) |
 | frustration.zip | 1k | 04-08-03 |  | FRUSTRATION It took me a while but finally got the pac-man concept down.in this game random maps are created and u have to pick up the stars withoutgetting caut by the evil THETA! A help file is built in to the game there for you r only downloading one file. Have fun, even i haven't completed more than 2 levels <~Frustration~> o, ya and i'll be working on a means of a high score keeping method in an update soon. |
 | gatheralpharelease.zip | 1k | 04-04-09 |  | Gather(alpha release) A little game i made while i was bored in math class... eh, its not completly finished, but its still playable. its basically a survival game where you try to 'collect' these asteroid-type things. |
 | germz.zip | 3k | 01-01-14 |  | GERMz' Sorry about that Sytax! |
 | getemg.zip | 1k | 01-03-08 |  | Get Em Game of skill and luck. Move your guy around to catch random pellets. You have a certain number of moves. Easy, Medium, or Hard. |
 | getem.zip | 1k | 01-03-14 |  | Get Em Update of my game. Manuveur your man around screen to catch dots. Unlimited levels. Smoother play and faster. You can now save while playing! |
 | gethebox.zip | 2k | 00-07-30 |  | Get The Box A game where you move around and collect boxes. Contains four levels. Lots of fun. |
 | getitquick.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 |  | Get it Quick You must get the asterick before the calculator does. Better version in progress with difficulty settings and two player link mode. |
 | ghosts.zip | 1k | 10-08-22 |  | Geister you gotta catch the G's. one of them has a semiintelligence random engine) try it;) |
 | gloppy2.zip | 1k | 03-05-08 |  | Gloppy 2: Gloppy's Quest (cheat code documentation include It's still the same ol' game with the cheat codes listed in the readme file! Enjoy! |
 | gloppy.zip | 1k | 04-04-21 |  | Gloppy 1: Gloppy's Game A game where you catch falling objects. I think it is very fun. |
 | goldrunner.zip | 7k | 04-11-05 |  | Gold Runner The object is to collect all 4 gold pieces in each randomly generated level while dodging the computer controlled enemy! This game is very challenging and addicting! It becomes progressively harder in the later levels. |
 | goldrush.8xp | 1k | 03-05-27 |  | GOLDRUSH this is a rather pointless game. all you do is run around and get the gold before time runs out. email me at snorlax172003@yahoo.com |
 | grabber.zip | 2k | 00-11-13 |  | Grabber v4.1 This game is awesome! You are a little man and you move around to grab the gold nuggets. But its not that easy, there is time and hazards! Download it!! |
 | grabit.zip | 2k | 03-12-14 |  | Grab Grab the stars before they disapear! 20 stars appear, 1 at a time, and you get points for grabing them fast! This game rocks, and it's fast, around 10 frames a second, depending on memory. Includes a highscore that uses a list created by the game. 2 difficulties. |
 | gravball.zip | 1k | 07-04-26 |  | GravBall An obstacle-dodging real-physics game with a twist: you manipulate gravity to change the direction of the ball, while avoiding poisonous stars and deadly walls. MirageOS accessible. |
 | harvest1.zip | 1k | 07-09-06 |  | Harvest This game is similar to the asm game cotton picker. You just go around collecting as many theta symbols as you can before time runs out. This program is quiet small and comes in at only 508 bytes and also runs faster than its asm counterpart. |
 | holeycow.zip | 1k | 01-02-15 |  | Holey Cow! You've "overheard" that some humans plan to party 'till the cows come home. Being a fun-loving bovine, you want to "moove" on home and join in the party! Be careful, though, the pastures are riddled with dangerous moving holes. The bad puns might get you, too. |
 | hunt83p.zip | 2k | 04-01-28 |  | Hunter 2k4 Hunter 2k4 is a simple game in which you are an X and you must move around to catch 'pi' within 300 seconds (rounds). Begining programmers might find the code useful. |
 | hunterv1.zip | 1k | 04-01-24 |  | Hunter v1.1 My first real game that I made today during my half hour study period before my Math midyear exam. You are a +. Move on top of the 0 and get a 100 points. touch the 0's spike and you die. If you get 1000 points it grows another spike. Coming additions: Lives (continues), Title and Instruction Screens, modifiable difficulty levels. |
 | huntingpi.zip | 2k | 12-10-25 |  | Hunting Pi V2 This is Hunting Pi V2! Hunting Pi version 2 is the first 20 digits in one program, the extended pi hunt 2 is no longer needed! It takes about 12000 space, so MirageOS recommended so that you can archive the game. Has a high score system that is cheat proof! (you can easily get around it with basic knowledge but if you want to cheat that bad go ahead) Now has lower case letters! Ti-84 Plus Silver Edition required for archive and MirageOS use. |
 | icecave.zip | 1k | 03-11-14 |  | Ice Cavern ShadowSoft's Version of Avalanch. |
 | ifm2.zip | 3k | 07-04-26 |  | Infinite Madness 2.0 Try to get a dot to hit your square. Think you can do it?... |
 | invasion.zip | 8k | 05-11-20 |  | Invasion Invasion is my first real game, and is surprisingly good. Just avoid the lines of death that come from the sky. This is version 1.4.2, and is virtually bug free. |
 | jailbomber.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 |  | JAIL BOMBER jail bomber- you must drop bombs on the escapee before he runs away. |
 | jdodgepackage.zip | 76k | 06-07-07 |  | JDodge In this game you dodge the falling objects. There are many options for your enjoyment. You can choose your character (up to 33 possible), choose your enemy (up to 33 possible), choose the direction the objects fall (up, down, left, or right), customize your controls (any and every button but on), access the cheats, and save or load previous files. Upon losing, you will be given a score. |
 | jugglinggame.zip | 1k | 07-02-18 |  | Juggle Crazed A game where you catch balls as they fly over you. My first published BASIC game. |
 | keepaway.zip | 1k | 03-12-07 |  | Keep Away! Try to stay away from the O for as long as possible. If the O hits you, the game ends! *Updated*-was too easy so now it's a bit harder |
 | killkill.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 |  | KILL KILL KILL! A basic game where you have to make the "A" (you) get the "?" at least 2 or more times! There is a high score keeper. NOTE:BEFORE YOU PLAY YOU MUST INSTALL THE PROGRAM!YOU ALSO NEED TO INSTALL IF YOUR RAM CLEARS!OR ELSE THE HIGH SCORE WILL STAY AT 0,WHICH IS IMPOSSIBLE TO BEAT! FUn game! |
 | labyrinth.zip | 1k | 01-02-21 |  | Labyrinth Game A simple game where you should awoid hitting the obstacles. |
 | lf.zip | 1k | 06-05-26 |  | Light Fight This is a game I'm developing called Light Fight. You play the roll of lightning trying to hit a human 5 times in the given time. Eventually the human will move, but for now it is just a race against the clock. Also in the next release you will have the option to play as the human against nature... actually kinda fun |
 | lightning2.zip | 67k | 07-07-26 |  | Lightning v2.6 This the fixed version of my Lightning game the difficulty is higher and the speed is greater. I hope you will enjoy this game as much as my friends do. TheStorm |
 | lightning.zip | 1k | 00-08-11 |  | Lighnting v1.0 Dodge the lighting |
 | linegame.zip | 1k | 00-06-26 |  | Linegame A fun little game where you catch lines that fall from the top of the screen |
 | lines.zip | 2k | 03-03-19 |  | Lines Lines is a game where you try to get from the left to the right side of the screen avoiding the obstacles to beat the level. There are 11 levels and a high score list for some heated competition. There is even a pause screen that displays 'math work' in case a teacher happens to walk by. Just 1 prgm, NO pics or other crap needed to play. If you can beat level 11,... you are god. |
 | lpicker.zip | 2k | 01-08-05 |  | Lettuce Picker This game was intended to be the politically correct alternative to Cotton Picker. You are a lettuce picking farmer. You need to avoid the spikes. MirageOs compatable. |
 | magma.zip | 3k | 03-08-07 |  | Magma In this game you dodge falling magma and lightning bolts. Check out the screen shots ;) |
 | masken.zip | 3k | 00-04-15 |  | Masken 2000 Masken 00-You Guide a missle through 8 stages.Very fun in math class!!! |
 | mechtech83p.zip | 2k | 03-11-14 |  | MechTech v1.0 This game is a third-person puzzle-type game, in which you must run around avoiding the enemy and collecting bolts. Once you have collected enough bolts, you can upgrade your weapon, buy teleport modules, and even buy an extra life. If you lose all of your lives (you start with three), the game ends. The intelligent AI keeps the enemies following you no matter where in the game you go. Small and fun! |
 | minefieldscroll.zip | 1k | 04-09-18 |  | Minefield Well its a very basic game. It's best for the silver edition but it still works with the plus. I have to give a lot of credit to Hamilton Boyce, creator of ASTERIOD, his/her game is where I got most of my programing ideas and game lay out from. So if u liked ASTROID you'll probley like MINEFIELD. read the read me for more info. |
 | minefield.zip | 1k | 08-11-30 |  | Minefield A game where you try to evade invisible mines and try to reach the opposite corner. |
 | minefld.zip | 1k | 00-11-23 |  | Mine Field A game where you have to avoid the mines on the screen, and get from one staition to the other. |
 | minesnew.zip | 1k | 05-09-26 |  | Mines A simple game in which you try to follow a path through a minefield to the bottom of a screen. The catch is, the path is only displayed momentarily, so you have to remember where to go. -- By Fisch2 |
 | minez.zip | 9k | 03-09-08 |  | MineZ MineZ is a game where you must make it to the stairs without hitting mines hidden in the gameboard. Every time you make it the amount of MineZ increases and so does your score. You have tools that will help you pass through the mineZ with ease. A flash quickly reveals the hidden MineZ, a detonator destroys a nearby mine, and an explorer explores the gamefield leaving behind a safe trail of passage. MineZ has superb graphics, High score, and low memory requirements.UPDATE:Fixed some file bugs and speed issues. And of course it only comes to you from OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe!! DOWNLOAD NOW!!! visit www.outerlimit.tk for a complete message board and game downloads! |
 | minfield.zip | 1k | 03-03-07 |  | Mine Field A simple game with descent graphics where you try to dodge the mines... VERY SMALL FILE SIZE!!! |
 | missionspacecontrol.zip | 2k | 04-11-20 |  | Mission Spacecontrol Your in space, surronded by stars you must survive until time runs out. There is a High Score list and the minor bug is fixed.Added another thing to buy. |
 | moe.zip | 1k | 05-11-12 |  | Moe Moe is a game where you avoid the * chasing after you. The level shrinks as you go further and highscores are saved in an archived list. |
 | monarch.zip | 42k | 02-11-08 |  | Monarch A game of catching butterflies |
 | monkey.zip | 2k | 04-12-26 |  | Alex's Monkey Rush In Monkey Rush, you try to get the bananas and avoid the spider. You run on the platforms and wrap around the screen in what I call monkey space. You can flip down over the branches to reach blocked bananas. |
 | mouse83.zip | 1k | 00-08-20 |  | Mouse Move the mouse around and eat the cheese. |
 | moveit.zip | 1k | 03-11-19 |  | Move It Game I'm uploading for a friend. It's exactly like my game "Avasion" only on this one you can move diagnally. Anyway, the X is chasing you and you have to avoid it while it continually grows smarter. |
 | multicatch.zip | 15k | 07-02-18 |  | Multiplayer Catch-me Try to catch the other player. 2 calc game made for use with the link cable. |
 | newwinzipfile.zip | 2k | 04-09-18 |  | Mission Spacecontrol Your in space and stars are all around. you cant crash into the moon the earth or the stars. There are 20 levels power ups and shilds. A very great game. |
 | nightrider.zip | 2k | 06-09-24 |  | NightRider Nightrider is a game I've been devolping over the past few weeks of school. Don't hit the walls or the ^'s for as long as you can to get a high score. But be careful as the game slowly speeds up. Feedback is welcomed and encouraged. |
 | orbquest.zip | 6k | 04-03-08 |  | Orb Quest A simple game in which you move around and try to get to the final boss. A C-Games production. |
 | ovq.zip | 3k | 05-11-19 |  | O versus Theta featuring Q This is a very simple game where you have to try to get the theta and avoid the Q. Please feel free to add to this game. Give me a litte credit. |
 | pacman99.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | pacman a pacman game |
 | pacman_advanced.zip | 2k | 07-06-09 |  | PacMan advanced This PacMan is like any traditional PacMan game. You control the PacMan and your mission is to collect all the points on the screen. If you do that you will advance to the next level. Watch out for the ghost though! If they catch you, you will lose a life. This PacMan has 15 different levels! It gets harder for every level you accomplish. It is quite hard to complete every one of them. The game also has two different speed settings. Each time you quit your progress is saved and you can later continue on that level you last time were playing at. |
 | pacman.zip | 1k | 03-06-02 |  | NWC_Omega's Pacman This is my first attempt at a pac man game. Hope you like it. I'll add enemy ghosts and an external level editor later. |
 | padlewar.zip | 1k | 03-03-10 |  | Padlewar You must avoid the bouncing ball to get to the bottom of the screen. A very simply game...but fun! |
 | pandamonium.zip | 4k | 03-08-10 |  | PANDAMONIUM Pandamonium is an excellent game. The object of the game is to dodge the intersecting lasers. At first they shoot slowly, however they soon progress to a speed that truly tests ones reflexes and agility. The game has awesome graphics mixed with excellent gamplay. Some of its features include high score, and low memory requirements. DOWNLOAD NOW!!! Made by Bryan Thomas. Only From OuTeR LiMiT SoFtWaRe ! Visit our new site at http://www.olsoft.tk |
 | pfoy.zip | 1k | 10-04-10 |  | P-Foiy You are the 2, avoid the -1, get the 3 to score. Use Arrow keys to move(Gasp!). note: you need to be right on the three to score note2: the other two semi-self explanitory programs are in there due to laziness feel free to edit. note3: feel free to edit the game itself but just include my name if you upload an updated version. |
 | pieater.zip | 1k | 08-04-14 |  | PiEater Life as an omega sign is hard. Everyone always says "The end is near" when you walk up to them and they laugh. You don't know why. You eat pi to deal with this stress. However, when you eat more pi, you get fatter, and slow down. (This may be a bit of program lag, so I had to come up with an excuse :) ). Move around with the arrow keys and collect as many pi's as possible. Press mode to quit anytime during the game. Features: Shell compatible Teacher button (press clear twice) High score kept Screen wrapping |
 | pies.8xp | 1k | 03-06-19 |  | Pies the object of this game is to eat all of the pies that randomly appear on the screen while dodging Dr. Death (the X as he appears). |
 | pie.zip | 1k | 11-05-25 |  | Eat PI This is my first program involving movement. It has most likely already been done a million times but I am very proud of it! ^-^ TI-84+ only... sorry. |
 | pi_guy.zip | 5k | 02-06-01 |  | Pi Guy A fast pased game where you must maneuver through each level while avoiding obstacles in the fastest time possible. Contains five levels. The high score is saved. |
 | piraider.zip | 2k | 09-11-25 |  | Pi Raider see for more info included read me in english or dutch |
 | pirunner.zip | 7k | 04-09-03 |  | Pi Runner A really fun game where the object is to run around in a randomly generated obstacle maze and collect as many pi's as possible before the time runs out. |
 | pixelride.zip | 20k | 08-11-30 |  | Pixel Ride Pixel Ride is a very addictive game! you need to avoid other pixels to get to the other side. every level more pixels appear and you will move faster. |
 | plow.zip | 3k | 08-01-13 |  | Plow In this game, you steer a snow plow to shred all things which cross your path. Plow uses under 1.3 KB of ram, and is a good way to kill time. Graphical, not ASCII. Includes instructions and a picture. |
 | poisonpixels.zip | 4k | 05-08-13 |  | Poison Pixels You are a square at the bottom of the screen trying to get to the top and not touch a pixel. Has virtually unlimited levels and is MirageOS accessible. |
 | policechase.zip | 1k | 04-02-16 |  | Police chase your the robber and you try to get as much money as you can without getting cought. kinda fun. the ai is pretty good. |
 | pxiiandmatrix.zip | 2k | 03-12-01 |  | A update to Pixel Dodge II This is an edition to PXII. I've added 5 save files and fixed a bug. Also included is a matrix code scroller. Feel free to modify it. |
 | rain.zip | 1k | 00-12-26 |  | Rain v2.0 In this game, you have to catch all of the falling rain drops in your bucket. If you miss a drop, then the game is over. Very simple, but very fun! (This is exactly the same as my 1st Rain, but I FIXED A FEW BUGS and IT'S FASTER!) |
 | rebond.zip | 1k | 02-06-01 |  | rebond test it! it's really nice |
 | recipito__tombescape.zip | 10k | 08-08-11 |  | Tomb Escape Your objective is to escape the all ten levels without being eaten by the mummy. Your character is ^ while the mummy's is the pi symbol. |
 | rescue.zip | 1k | 02-06-08 |  | rescue rescue the persons who are falling |
 | rocksti84plus.8xo.zip | 1k | 10-10-25 |  | Rocks Dodge the rocks coming at you. The later the level, the closer the barrier comes and the slower your guy reacts. |
 | rocks.zip | 1k | 03-05-08 |  | Rocks A game where you simply try to avoid the rocks as the come hurdling at you. |
 | rocky.8xp | 1k | 02-03-06 |  | Rock dropper A game in which you drop a rock into a moving object |
 | rock.zip | 1k | 00-10-26 |  | Rock pretty simple game but fun, try to avoid hitting astroids coming your way |
 | rpdrush.zip | 1k | 04-02-09 |  | Rapid Rush Rapid Rush is an exciting Action game from Slik Programming. In Rapid Rush you take control of a sea vessal and navigate though dangerous rapids. Try to get a new high score!!! |
 | run_33.zip | 1k | 11-06-27 |  | Run Version 1.0 In this simple program you have to jump over objects/hide beneath them. DoorsCS is required! |
 | runaway2.zip | 1k | 07-09-06 |  | Run Away! This is a fast, fun game where you run away from the clones or they eat you. a worthwhile download. |
 | runawaybasic.zip | 1k | 02-10-14 |  | Runaway You are trying to stay away from the 0's as long as possible. This is my first game, email IselverusI@hotmail.com for suggestions and comments. |
 | runawayce.zip | 98k | 21-01-06 |  | Run Away A lot more info in the readme (that you gotta read). Help T run away from the F. Use the arrow keys to move. Press enter to pause. Press clear when you are in the top left corner to send the F to the bottom right. If you have a TI-84 Plus or 83, just download the version you find in the "TI 83/84" folder. |
 | run_away.zip | 3k | 05-10-29 |  | Away Run A little dyslexic, but Run Away is a game where you, the square, escape from the other square. This game keeps track of the highest score, the name of the player, 4 save slots, and has a reset function. My first game, so enjoy! |
 | runaway.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Runaway (Update) You are the "X" and you runaway from the "*". 5 Difficulty levels and hi score recorder. BEFORE PLAYING type "[[0,0][0,0]->" and select Matrix I. Then press ENTER. |
 | runnnti83plusgame.zip | 2k | 08-09-15 |  | Runnnnn! This is my first program, so it's probably not very good. It's called Runnnn! because you are the X and you have to run away from the *. Each time the * moves, it gets faster and faster. But you can slow it down by getting a -. Features: High Score System Mirage OS Compatible Only 579 bytes! Please review so I can get better!! |
 | run.zip | 3k | 05-01-04 |  | Run! Run! is a game where you have to flee from an evil snake. Survive for a given period of time to make it to the next level. |
 | scuttle.zip | 1k | 06-11-14 |  | Scuttle Scuttle is a fast, fun, and efficient BASIC game in which you race around the screen avoiding the enemy and collecting points. Scuttle was my first *real* BASIC game. Soon I'll make an ASM version to fix the problem BASIC has of slowing down after a while, so be on the lookout for that! Enjoy. |
 | sd.zip | 1k | 03-11-20 |  | Spike Dodger You are a lone O that must dodge an endless barrage of spikes! The difficulty slowly gets harder until you reach the max difficulty. Something I made up in my spare time. |
 | shark.zip | 1k | 03-11-22 |  | Shark In this game you are a shark who has to eat as much as you can. |
 | shot.zip | 1k | 03-10-13 |  | Ham Toss This is the part where you throw hams at my teacher. |
 | sidefall.zip | 1k | 06-12-24 |  | Sidefall Fun game, Basic version of the ASM Sidefall. Runs fairly fast. |
 | sif.zip | 1k | 02-03-16 |  | Sif v0.1a A little and fast game |
 | skyfall.zip | 5k | 04-04-30 |  | SKY FALL You're a multiplication sign and you have to dodge the falling pi symbols. At the moment im aware that its way to easy. |
 | snakerun.zip | 2k | 04-12-26 |  | Alex's Snake Escape In Snake Escape, you are a monkey and you have to get the bananas and not get eaten by the snake. This game is very similar to falldown, but instead of a constantly moving screen, you have to move to get away from the snake. |
 | space2.zip | 1k | 01-05-31 |  | Space Man 83 v2.0 This program is awesome! You are in a space ship and you fly through it. The object is to not get hit by any of the rocks. Once your done, you recieve a score. There is also a preview to Napster 83. |
 | space7.zip | 1k | 04-08-10 |  | Space Adventures Guide your ship past asteriods as they fly at you and get a high score. Runs fast for basic. *Visit CalcSoft.tripod.com for more games and programs.* |
 | space83p.zip | 35k | 02-09-30 |  | Space (Now for the TI-83+) I ported this game from a CASIO. the Object is to not hit the wall |
 | spacedog.zip | 2k | 05-11-10 |  | Spacedog Arcade Spacedog is a simple dodging game I developed then started adding to. It is called spacedog because spacedodge is too long of a name for a program. There are 3 versions included in the file: one is normal, one is faster but you have health, and in one walls close in on you. Enjoy! |
 | spaceperson.zip | 10k | 04-05-05 |  | Space Person! Space Person! is a surprisingly addictive little game in which you fly your "ship" around moving walls. It's fast, fully graphical, and features a 10-slot High Score table. |
 | spacer.zip | 2k | 02-11-13 |  | Space: The Void A game where you doo stuff |
 | spaze2.zip | 1k | 03-09-16 |  | Space 2: Asteriod Field (Nibbles-like) This is a side scrolling asteriod dodging game that actually plays like nibbles. |
 | spcace.zip | 3k | 01-02-20 |  | Space Ace v3.0 Space Ace In Graf Mode SUper KOOOL |
 | spcerage.zip | 1k | 01-12-16 |  | Space Rage The point of the game is to miss the stars and not to crash into one and try to get a high score. This game is similar to other space ship games, but it is made in BASIC. Small file and very exciting. |
 | spikebym87.zip | 1k | 08-08-11 |  | Spike Drop Avoid the falling spikes! See in game help for instructions. Sorry if it is not very good. It is one of my first programs |
 | spikes.zip | 1k | 10-02-05 |  | Spikes! This is a great action packed reflex testing game. The point of the game is to dodge the fast growing number of spikes and last as long as you can. Some variables may need to be created or un-archived in order to run this program. |
 | splash.zip | 1k | 02-03-15 |  | Splash v0.3a Splash |
 | stars.zip | 3k | 09-04-03 |  | Stars Simple but fun game: get the stars, avoid traps and springs. Only 1675 bytes! |
 | star_wars_esb_dcs.zip | 24k | 06-10-28 |  | Star Wars :: The Empire Strikes Back (DCS6 Version) Navigate the Millenium Falcon through and asteroid field for as long as possible without crashing. Now enhanced for use with Doors CS 6 |
 | star_wars_esb.zip | 24k | 06-03-14 |  | Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Navigate the Millenium Falcon through and asteroid field for as long as possible without crashing |
 | stayalive.zip | 3k | 00-09-01 |  | Stay Alive v1.2 This game has only one object: stay alive. You must avoid being zapped from all directions for as long as possible. Contains two player link mode. The high score is saved. |
 | stayaway.zip | 2k | 06-05-20 |  | Keep Away! v1.0 A game in which you are a circle trying to stay away from the evil plus signs! Stay alive longer for a higher score. |
 | steinz_gold7.zip | 12k | 07-09-08 |  | Steinz the Game vGold7 New features include improved performance, crash-proof protection capabilities, and an Automated Pause system. **NEW TO G7: Now all the extra programs have been rewritten to be more memory efficient and unattached to MirageOS. This means no more cluttering of the Mirage folders!!! Steinz the Game is a cross between Frogger and Mario. The object of the game is the get an undisclosed amount of stars ("+") in order to advance to the next level without falling into any traps. |
 | steinz_lite5.zip | 11k | 07-09-08 |  | Steinz the Game vLite5 Steinz Lite is a stripped down version of Steinz Gold. All unneccesary features have been removed to give the best performance without a compromise in reliability. **NEW TO L5: Now all the extra programs have been rewritten to be more memory efficient and unattached to MirageOS. This means no more cluttering of the Mirage folders!!! Steinz the Game is a cross between Frogger and Mario. The object of the game is the get an undisclosed amount of stars ("+") in order to advance to the next level without falling into any traps. The more stars you get, the better your score is. |
 | stickman.zip | 1k | 06-10-28 |  | Dot Collect Move the guy to collect squares. |
 | stone.zip | 1k | 04-10-15 |  | Stone As you move around, you drop a stone every 7 steps. Keep going as long as possible without hitting a stone. |
 | superpac.zip | 3k | 01-05-31 |  | SUPER Pac v1.5 A Pac-Man clone where you have to eat the dots and squares to get lots of points. In order to beat the game you have to pass all 10 levels, which is no easy task. It takes lots of skill and a little luck to do that. This game might seem just like another old clone, but it is truly a lot of fun and very addictive. This is a game to keep on your calculator for sure. My high score is 2874, with a couple of dots left on Level 8. |
 | taggame.zip | 4k | 09-11-15 |  | Tag This is a simple two player version of the game you used to play in elementary school. Whoever is not it at the end of the (user-set) time limit wins. The game comes with a few built-in stages, but you can create new ones with the on-calculator level editor. (Read the readme file for information on how to use it.) |
 | tagti84plus.8xo.zip | 1k | 10-10-25 |  | Tag It's a game of Tag. Don't get it! You= "o" Computer= "x" |
 | thehunt.zip | 12k | 02-03-23 |  | Hunted Gather the Gs And avoid the Y |
 | theosilver.zip | 1k | 02-09-08 |  | The O for Silver This game is very easy to use, you make the O go around and collect the *s. This has some delays so it will work on the Silver Edition. |
 | theospeed.zip | 1k | 02-09-08 |  | The O Speed Version This game fits the same description of all of the other O games, except there is a timer in the corner and you can not fall off the edges. It also moves a little bit faster. |
 | theo.zip | 1k | 02-09-08 |  | The O This game is very easy to use, you make the O go around and collect the *s. |
 | thetafall.zip | 1k | 14-05-10 |  | Theta Fall This is a remake of the program, BLAzE. I have converted the 84 C Silver Edition program, to 84 Plus. You are the theta. You want to dodge the astricts and parenthesis. Challenge friends and compete for the best score! |
 | thetavspi2.zip | 14k | 05-01-15 |  | Theta vs Pi 2 Theta is back for a birds eye view adventure, this time with all 64 levels a variation on the first eight and although he only has 2d graphics, he has 3d movement. All the enemies are back and so is Eta. So enjoy, by the way there is also a small racing game thrown in with the game. |
 | thetavspi.zip | 8k | 04-12-14 |  | Theta vs Pi Theta vs Pi is a game in which you control a Theta symbol and take it through 38 randomly generated levels (Once you reach a certain place on screen instead of the Theta moving forward the screen moves Backwards). This game has all the features you would want in this type of game including; smart enemies, dumb enemies, flying enemies, spikes, a boos every 4 levels and a horse for Theta to ride. Enjoy! |
 | thezerose.zip | 1k | 04-11-25 |  | The Zero SE This is a game that generates a random spot that you must find. It has difficulty options and saves scores. |
 | tombescape.zip | 2k | 07-12-31 |  | Recipito's Tomb Escape A platform and puzzle based in the lost tombs of Egypt. You must escape each of the ten tombs without being eaten alive by the mummy. |
 | tombraid.zip | 3k | 02-02-25 |  | Tomb Raids A TI-BASIC game I made 2 years ago. Move the guy around the level, collecting coins and avoiding spikes. Watch out for hidden switches. |
 | touch.zip | 1k | 05-11-12 |  | Touch In this game, you have to move around and touch the "0". When you do, you gain points. Everytime you touch the "0", you go to the next level. |
 | treasure.zip | 1k | 02-02-25 |  | Treasure Hunter Similar to Cotton Picker, but watch out for the alligator! |
 | ufoti84plus.8xo.zip | 1k | 10-10-25 |  | U.F.O. Survive the attacks from the U.F.O. to win! |
 | uranebasic83.zip | 1k | 02-05-14 |  | Urane Basic UrAnE BaSiC 83 |
 | watchout.8xp | 1k | 03-04-22 |  | Very Basic Watchout This game is a lot like avalanche. It is written in a very easy basic code, using only the very easy programming commands, getkey once, and a little bit of random integer (randint). This is good for anyone that is learning basic and needs a basic game that does not use freaky commands like, well, all of the freaky ones. Email me if you got questions, thanks! |
 | waves.zip | 2k | 09-06-24 |  | Waves A Simple Game which you avoid falling objects. |
 | wildgoos.zip | 2k | 02-02-16 |  | Wild Goose Chase Simple, yet addictive, the object of the game is to get to the X on the screen. However, as soon as you reach the X, it moves, hence the name "Wild Goose Chase". Give it a try -- trust me. |
 | worm.zip | 1k | 04-12-26 |  | Alex's Worm and Wyrm Avoid running into the dots and your trail of dots. Try to run into the flashing dots to get points. In Worm, you start with four lives and the dot stays still. In Wyrm, the dot bounces around and changes direction whenever you do. |
 | xgame.zip | 1k | 06-09-08 |  | XGame 1.0 A BASIC game that's good, clean fun. Move your 'character' [an X] around the screen and try to collect all of the 'coins' before your health is depleted. Very addictive, with a basically infinite number of randomized maps and custom-level creator. Very fast and non-blinky :) |
 | xmonster.zip | 44k | 06-05-11 |  | Xmonster (v3.0) Here is a AVANCED BASIC GAME. It does not get boring. It keeps programs in the archive. It has APD system on the menu. All graphic menus!!! It has special automated characters! The AI is very inteligent and does what no other program does: IT CAN LEARN. Your a person and are chased by a monster. It gets harder as it goes. The monster changes the game play like making it dark and all sorts of changes. The more points you get the cooler effects take place. Don't give up after 10 points. Look at the demonstration and try it out. |
 | youreit8384basic.zip | 3k | 05-05-12 |  | You're It! Basically a game of tag to play against your calculator. This is my first game thats worth mention and I think I did a fairly good job. Whe the calculator is "it", it chases you around the screen. When you're "it", the calculator player just kinda moves around randomly... Lame, I know, but I guess its kinda fun. |
 | zap.zip | 3k | 08-01-06 |  | Zap This is a fast dodging game, where you must avoid deadly lasers. Very small at only 1.1 kilobytes, yet quite fun! Includes instructions and a picture. |