Game Ideas
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Re: Game Ideas
Davy Anthonissen
Can someone explane me how the instruction iGetPix works. What register is input and what output???
Much help is needed!!!!!
19 December 2003, 16:35 GMT
Re: Game Ideas
People say when you send an ASM prgm to the calc you have to make a new program, and put Send(9asmprgmname).When I do this it always says
21 December 2003, 05:08 GMT
Re: Game Ideas
Davy Anthonissen
I need this help NOW NOW NOW NOW!!!
21 December 2003, 15:20 GMT
Re: Game Ideas
Paul Moore
I have Windows XP. I was wondering if there is a version of Ti Graph Link compatible with it. If so, please post. I was also wondering if someone could tell me how, with XP, I could learn Asm. I know that the people that know Asm and read this are going to laugh at me.
24 December 2003, 01:39 GMT

(Web Page)
and it's slow! I was REALLY dissapointed with TI89 Basic for 2 reasons; IT IS INCREDIBLY SLOW!!!
Also, you'd think you could make use of "functions" or calling programs from programs; but functions can ONLY deal with variables and stuff (you can't use one to DO anything). ALL VARIABLES ARE GLOBAL! that means NO RECURSION. Also, a PROGRAM can't return a value, which is stupid. Functoins and programs can TAKE values, but there is no way to specify the datatype for each.
I am designing a compiler for z80 calcs that will be much better (TI89 is good for Math, but NOT good at all for much anything else unless you use TIGCC or ASM; z80 Basic was much more useful for my 3D Wireframe program which can be found in 83plus>BASIC>GRAPHICS>A3DVIEW). My compiler will make use of OOP, expressions, sub-routines that can take and return values, various datatypes, NON-GLOBAL and GLOBAL variables, and even OOP. If you are interested or whatever, you can click the "web page" (I think; it should point to the right page)
23 January 2004, 17:47 GMT
Re: Windows Reveiw
(Web Page)
[Name: Windows 83+]
[Group Name: Windows.8xg]
[Contained Files: WINDOWSX.8xp (2689), WINXEXP.8xp (678), CONTRAST.8xp (A)(41), MEM.8xp (A)(34), SHUTDOWN.8xp (A)(41), ZBATTCHK.8xp (A)(53), WIX.8xl(68)]
[Type: Subroutine Shell]
[Rating,Danny: 3]
OK, well a simple review.
Really, it nothing that is new to me and probably most of you.
It has a battery checker (Which I can't tell if it works, but I bet it does [I use VTI]), the classic notepad, mem checker, contrast checker, password protection(limited to numbers only), and APD system.
So, in truth, there's nothing new in this Windows program. Just a few subroutines and a BASIC program to run it all. I have seen better, but if you just want to modify it, go ahead.
21 March 2004, 22:19 GMT

I have a couple ideas for games (hopefully for ti-83+).
One is a racing game where you pilot a little futuristic racecraft (kind of like jetskis) on the walls of a circular tunnel with no gravity, obstacles/barriers, AI (other ships), bonuses, boosting, checkpoints, attributes (armor, speed, acceleration) and complicated courses with curves in all directions. This game is modeled after Ballistica, which I saw once in a video arcade and haven't been able to locate since. If you want to see a very basic model of the layout, go to and play Ghost.
The other is a greyscale BattleBots with AI, competitions (single or tournaments), money, and custom bots, like the PC game. (It might be easier to do a separate program for the modifier/customizer and the actual game and linked battles would be cool too.)
9 March 2004, 22:38 GMT

Sequel to my Bomber game.
wayne heaney
(Web Page)
I've been thinking about making Bomber 2, the sequel to one my older games that I like a lot. Please click the URL above this post and check out the first Bomber, it's a really good two player strategy game, or one player with the AI I made. I've been thinking that Bomber 2 would be very similar to Bomber, but be almost completely graphical, where Bomber was almost completely text. There would be a lot more options, like customizing your players abilities (with restrictions of course), starting anywhere in the arena you want (so the opponent won't know where you start), making the arena a little bigger or maybe letting you choose between a big arena or the traditional, having two bases so you don't have to go ALL the way back to your base to win. I would also like to make a better AI (eventually) so you could play one player and have it be challenging. Lastly, I would like to try to make it a smaller file than the previous version... key word "try", it won't be easy if even possible! Anyways, I'd love to hear opinions on this, so please download Bomber from the URL above, play it for a little, and tell me what you think about what I've said here. I would prefer that you email me about this, but I will check the posts here too. Thanks for your help in advance, I love Bomber, and I think this Bomber 2 would be a great game.
10 April 2004, 04:08 GMT
Re: Re: Re: question
Patrick Stetter
(Web Page)
From what I can gather, a stack dump is basically a storage unit for data which works on the last on first out basis. In other words if you "push" data 1 onto a new stack, and then proceed to "push" data 2,3,4 onto the same stack. If you were to "pop" them, they would come off 4,3,2,1 in that order because they "stack on top of each other. The stack pointer is a register which keeps track of what level the stack is at and it is called "pc" (i think). Again, I'm new to ASM so if what I have said is wrong in anyway I appologize. If you want a clearer explanation check out "Learn Assembly in 28 Days".
19 June 2005, 23:50 GMT

AI like that could be possible, but it would be difficult. How about a randInt(1,100)->R and If/Then statements to take that variable and use it to choose what the opponent does? Such as:
:If R<31:Then
(whatever you would want to happen 30% of the time)
:If R=75:Then
(whatever you would want to happen 1% of the time)
And so on until the opponent's choices can be narrowed down.
You could even have difficulty levels which define what the opponent can do based on these If/Then statements. For a harder difficulty level, you could make the opponent have a higher chance of making good choices, like not healing when its health is maxed out, or increasing the probability of a hit.
Hope this helps,
P.S. I am working on a strategy game based on Advance Wars/Command and Conquer. It is called Black Vs. White and the teams have different strategies, such as Black being more heavy-weapon centered while White is more concerned with stealth and strength in numbers. I will use different on-screen letters to show where the units are, like A for Unit One, B for two, and such. Enemies will be shown by N-Z. The battles will be RPG-esque, so that a Ninja will most certainly (but not always) defeat a rifleman. Any ideas or help will be appreciated.
10 November 2005, 05:11 GMT

kind of basic
hey, im pretty new to programming and all i use is the edit option under the program menu.
some games i've created include
-guess (game based on luck, you just pick 1 or 2, then after a few rounds you pick 1 2 or 3) but i got bored and didnt finish.
-astro turf 1 and 2 (the first one was very simple, you just dodged the oncoming meteors, the second one you had to dodge and shoot and you would complete levels)
-race (simply race, included a speedometer, brakes and acceleration and i was working on creating another racer but it got deleted.)
-Legend:of a game (I am still in the process of making this game, you can choose to fight, shop, heal, or stay home. you have gold, and different places to fight, the different places you go to the harder the enemies are. you can shop to upgrade your weapon or your health.)
-astro turf 1;the movie (a movie i gave up on out of my own boredum, it would just play maybe a 30-60 second video that would be almost parallel to starwars.)
i think i have made several other games that i cannot remember, All astro turf games and movies are protected (c), as well as Legend:of a game.
i will take any help anyone can give to me, thank you
20 March 2006, 01:14 GMT
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