| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Source |
 | antidisassemblagemacros.zip | 2k | 06-03-26 |  | AntiDisassemblage Macros Some good macros I wrote for Antidisassemblage, nothing major, just some functions to utilize ROM calls, such as graphics routines and low level key reading, if you know some assembly, you will see how simple they all are Good luck :) |
 | calcmod_inc.zip | 1k | 03-12-22 |  | NEW CALCMOD INCLUDE FILES Updated calcmod include files to provide for extra notes (flats) and a larger variety of note durations. A must for calcmod lovers! |
 | dcsinc.zip | 2k | 04-06-11 |  | Doors CS v5.0 Assembly Program Include File This is the include file, DoorsCS.inc, necessary for assembling Doors CS assembly programs. |
 | directin.zip | 1k | 02-04-05 |  | directin.inc (83, 83+, 85, 86) Equates for Direct Input. |
 | get_key.zip | 1k | 02-04-05 |  | get_key.inc (83, 83+, 85, 86) Equates for GET_KEY (_getcsc). |
 | musicmn.zip | 2k | 00-04-24 |  | Musicmn Include File An include file I made for Ion programs. |
 | random.inc.zip | 10k | 15-11-02 |  | random.inc The file "random.inc" is included and offers quality Pseudo Random Number Generators (PRNGs) and related routines. These PRNGs are designed to be very fast and seedable while being well suited to both games and scientific algorithms. These PRNGs are NOT suitable for security and cryptography as an attacker knowing the algorithms used can reverse engineer them with a few outputs. |
 | ti83pinc.zip | 28k | 00-03-21 |  | TI-83 Plus Asm Include File A complete Include file for the TI-83 Plus to be used for TI-83 Plus Asm programming. |
 | ti83plusinc.zip | 35k | 02-07-23 |  | TI83 Plus 6/20/02 include file edited for use with TASM Here is the brand new TI83 Plus include file, edidted for use with the TASM assembler, that came out on 6/20/02. I also included in the ZIP file a couple of BASIC programs that I made, hope you enjoy them! Enjoy and keep on programming! |
 | ti83plus.zip | 34k | 05-07-05 |  | Ultimate TI-83 Plus Include File This is a TI-83 Plus include file and a collection of all the information floating around out there on the internet. I have nicely formatted it and placed everything in order of calling address for easy discovery and documentation of new ones. It contains ROM calls from page 1Bh (the usual ones), and page 1Fh (the boot page) as well as the usual RAM, keypress, and character equates. Many thanks goes to Brandon Sterner for his include file for which this file is heavily based on. |
 | tokenhook.zip | 7k | 12-09-03 |  | Token Hook Include File Making a token hook can be quite painful because the token values the OS sends to the hook are not standard. There are a few resources scattered around that list the boundaries of token blocks for the token hook, but you still have to correctly identify which block your token is in and then calculate the correct offset into that block for your token. This can be a painful process, one that can result in errors and take a lot of time if you want to hook into many tokens. But now, including token hook comparsisons in your hook is easier than ever! This include file provides token hook value equates for every token, even new (up to OS 2.55 MP) and unused tokens! UPDATE: Includes the basics to making your own token hook and comments for every value including the token's default string, so finding the right equate should take just a quick search! |