| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Miscellaneous Files |
 | 83psilvr.zip | 64k | 01-05-29 |  | 83+ Silver Edition Skin Finally a skin for Rusty Wagner's Virtual TI that is really the Silver Edtion |
 | alphasleekti89tskin.zip | 2926k | 21-01-24 |  | AlphaSleek TI-89 Titanium Skin AlphaSleek is a TI-89 Titanium skin that strikes a balance between realism and clean design. Based on the TI-89 Online Simulator. |
 | aquarios.zip | 158k | 01-12-16 |  | TI92 Plus AquariOS Skin for VTI This is a Skin for the Virtual TI and a TI-92+ Rom. It is based on the Aqua OS for the Apple Mac. It is best used on at least a 1024x780 resolution and is fully functional. To use simply place in the VTI directory and select it from the right click menu on VTI. |
 | bas_gray.zip | 45k | 00-08-29 |  | Basic Gray 83+ Skin A simple skin for Virtual TI and a TI-83+ Rom. Readable at 800x600 screen resolution. Screenshot included. |
 | catskn86.zip | 32k | 00-06-04 |  | Cat Skin for TI-86 A skin of an orange cat with super-imposed buttons. Compleatly functional. use at 2x size. |
 | compact89skin.zip | 390k | 07-09-08 |  | Compact89 Skin for TI89 Compact skins that still preserve the look and feel of the original TI89. Uses much less screen space, wastes nothing, yet much clearer and easier to use than actual calculator image. Large buttons for ease of use. Completely Legible. Includes: 1) Vertical skin (matches TI89) * 2) Horizontal skin (slight button rearrangement) ** 3) Horizontal skin w/ decal *** +) extra files used to make skin (excel layout, png samples) ?) helpful tips for making skins included in readme file. |
 | dummyskin89_2.zip | 97k | 03-09-08 |  | TI-89 Skins for Dummies 2 I made some skins about 3 years ago, and I decided to make a sort of iMac Pill skin. It has the keyboard shortcuts added to the keys so you dont have to keep using your mouse or checking the readme so you can press keys like "mode" or "apps". Also has a totally remapped keyboard similar to the 92 and it is far more compact. This is an improvement over my previous attempt |
 | dummyskin89.zip | 468k | 00-07-14 |  | TI-89 Skins for Dummies These are new skins for the Virtual Ti - There are 5 all together. These skins have the keyboard shortcuts added to the keys so you dont have to keep using your mouse or checking the readme so you can press keys like "mode" or "apps". Also has a totally remapped keyboard similar to the 92 and it is far more compact. Also includes 5 different color screens from white to blue to green etc. |
 | flatbedti89.zip | 493k | 11-12-13 |  | Flatbed TI-89 skin A realistic, high quality skin for the TI-89. The calculator's face was scanned with a flatbed scanner, the result is a beautiful skin without optical distortions. There is also a more compact landscape version within. |
 | gba83p.zip | 62k | 04-03-16 |  | GBA 83 Plus Have you ever wondered if your Game Boy Advance could double as an 83 plus? Well, now your VTI can double as a Game Boy Advance calculator! (sort of) |
 | gel_set.zip | 358k | 00-08-31 |  | VTI 83+ Gel Skin Pack This file contains six versions of a translucent variation of my Basic Gray skin. |
 | ins92.zip | 210k | 03-09-12 |  | I-N-S 92+ Skin A VTI skin for 92+ rom |
 | ion86skin.zip | 71k | 00-06-10 |  | Ion 86 Skin This is a skin that I made by changing the properties of the default TI-83 skin |
 | orcskin.zip | 484k | 02-01-01 |  | Skin TI-92+ (Orc Calc) Virtual TI Skin for TI-92+ |
 | pixel82.zip | 31k | 03-09-12 |  | Pixel Calc 82 This is a hand-bitmapped TI-82 skin designed to use the 2X LCD. |
 | pixel83ps.zip | 38k | 03-09-12 |  | Pixel Calc 83+ SE This is a hand-bitmapped TI-83+ Silver Edition skin designed for the 2X LCD. |
 | pixel83p.zip | 37k | 03-09-12 |  | Pixel Calc 83+ This is a hand-bitmapped TI-83+ skin designed for the 2X LCD. |
 | pixel83.zip | 35k | 03-09-12 |  | Pixel Calc 83 This is a hand-bitmapped TI-83 skin designed to use the 2X LCD. |
 | pixel85.zip | 44k | 03-05-05 |  | Pixel Calc 85 This is a hand-bitmapped TI-85 skin designed for the 2X LCD. |
 | pixel86.zip | 47k | 03-05-05 |  | Pixel Calc 86 This is a hand-bitmapped TI-86 skin designed for the 2X LCD. |
 | platinumskin.zip | 92k | 04-03-28 |  | Platinum Skin For Pocket VTI TI-83 Plus Skin for use only with the Pocket PC version of VTI, Only for TI-83 Plus Rom. Hope this helps you read buttons better, it's the reason i made it, just couldn't read the small print over the buttons on the original. God Bless -Warren =) Put it in the VTI \ Skins folder on your Pocket PC. |
 | realti92.zip | 247k | 03-12-22 |  | real TI-92+ it's the real TI-92+ with no modification. Beautiful !! |
 | remote92p.zip | 32k | 03-05-05 |  | Remote 92 Plus This is a hand-bitmapped TI-92 Plus skin designed for the 2X LCD. The keyboard is seperate from the LCD as though it was a remote control. |
 | ryanskin.zip | 60k | 00-04-09 |  | Win Style TI-85/86 VTI Skins Un-Zip the files into your Virtual TI folder and you can use the skins with VTI. They work best at 2x size. They are made to make the buttons VERY easy to read. You must have a TI-85 or 86 rom to use these. |
 | simple89.zip | 20k | 03-03-26 |  | Simple Calc 89 This design tries to be more radical than most by putting the function and arrow keys on either side of the screen and minimizing the others in a row at the bottom. It oddly reminds me of a widescreen TV, where all of the controls are discreetly hidden away. |
 | skin8283.zip | 58k | 00-04-11 |  | Win Style TI-82/83 Skins for Virtual TI These skins are made for excellent button clarity while fitting easily on a 800x600 screen at 2x size. To use them un-zip them to your Virutal TI folder. |
 | skincollection.zip | 3265k | 04-11-04 |  | Skin Collection This is a collection of 45 VTI skins for the 82, 83, and 83+. All of them are based off of real images of real calculators. Some images include the Blue 83+, inverted skins, and even 84+ skins with different colored faceplates. There are also skins of different calcs for a particular calculator. For example, there are skins of the 82, 83, and 85 for the 83+, etc. Images of the skins are also included. |
 | skinleox.zip | 283k | 01-12-22 |  | Leonardox Calc (TI-92+ Skin) Leonardox Calc is a skin for Virtual TI,with the TI-92+ selected. This is the best skin!!! |
 | skinti89tibank.zip | 134k | 06-01-28 |  | Skin TI-89 TI-BANK Skin TI-89 TI-BANK for VTI. |
 | skinz.zip | 411k | 04-03-28 |  | Rob's Skin Pack These are some skins I made when I got bored. I skrewed up and saved as a GIF, so some colors were lost. Skins look better than pic, I am just too lazy to redo the picture. |
 | squ86inv.zip | 38k | 00-11-13 |  | Squished 86 Inverted This is for those of you that like VTI at a 2x magnification but don't have high enough screen resolution or just don't want VTI to take up the whole screen. The keys ARE ledgible, and the whole calc is inverted! |
 | squish86.zip | 39k | 00-10-24 |  | Squished 86 Skin This is for those of you that like VTI at a 2x magnification but don't have high enough screen resolution or just don't want VTI to take up the whole screen. The keys are nearly ledgible... you can tell them apart if you know what they are supposed to say. |
 | super89.zip | 305k | 00-04-15 |  | Super TI-89 skin for Virtual TI Simply a non-traditional skin for the TI-89, for use with Virtual TI. The arrangement of keys are more like a TI-92 Plus -- the LCD is to the left of the keypad, not above it, as with the real TI-89. |
 | ti68k_skins_for_tiemu.zip | 1237k | 15-01-11 |  | TI68k Skins for TIemulator Super skins (serie TI89, serie TI92, TIvoyage200) for TIemu |
 | ti82ws.zip | 42k | 00-09-28 |  | Juan's Wide VTI-82 Skin (simple) Apparently, some of the keys didn't work even though they looked fine in the skin creator, but I fixed em anyway, so now they all work just fine. |
 | ti82.zip | 93k | 03-12-28 |  | TI-82 A TI-82 VTI white skin. I think it's nice ! |
 | ti83blue.zip | 77k | 07-09-08 |  | TI-83 Plus Translucide Blue Edition Skin of the new TI-83 Plus in Blue translucide. Very beautiful ! |
 | ti83innewlook.zip | 57k | 01-07-11 |  | Skin for VTI There is a new look for the TI-83 and I made a skin of it |
 | ti83plus.zip | 64k | 04-06-15 |  | Ti83+ Realist This Skin was created from a numeric photograph of my Ti83+. |
 | ti83s.zip | 267k | 01-03-25 |  | TI 83+ Silver Edition Skin TI 83+ Silver Edition Skin ( Same skin for other calcs coming soon) |
 | ti84plus.zip | 62k | 05-03-02 |  | Ti-84 plus A ti-84 plus skin for vti. I have a ti-84 and wanted my vti to look like it, so i made a skin from a pic i found on the web. put it in the vti folder. You need a ti-83 plus rom to run it. |
 | ti85_cad.zip | 46k | 03-03-09 |  | TI-85: CAD designed VTI-Skin A very nice and a high quality VTI-skin for TI-85 created with CAD-software. |
 | ti86ins.zip | 76k | 01-01-06 |  | TI-86 inards skin for VTI A skin using the inside of the TI-86. The only problem is you kinda have to know where all the keys are since the PC board isn't labled. |
 | ti86ppcskin.zip | 82k | 04-10-04 |  | TI86 skin for Pocket PC I have modified the skin that comes with VTI for Pocket PC with buttons that are clear to read on a Pocket PC screen. |
 | ti893d.zip | 86k | 02-09-27 |  | 3D TI-89 Skins for VTI i think that this is the only readable skin. thanks to Aaron Hughes |
 | ti89_92plus_hires_skins.zip | 546k | 20-06-22 |  | TI-89 Landscape, TI-92plus Hires Tiemu skins 18 June 2020 High resolution TI-92+ and TI-89 skins for Tiemu in landscape display |
 | ti89cadskin.zip | 319k | 04-11-20 |  | TI-89 CAD-designed VTI skin Very nice TI-89 skin for Virtual TI. Designed with Photoshop, and includes the original Photoshop skin image if you want to changed/edit this skin yourself. |
 | ti89classictitanium.zip | 493k | 13-09-19 |  | TI89 Classic Skin for Titanium OS For those who prefer classic TI89 skin, but who wants to use Titanium OS v.3.10. It is based on nice Flatbed TI-89 skin by Becker Béla, but only with changed HW type to TI89 Titanium - so TiEmu thinks this is skin for Titanium version. Now you can enjoy old style classic skin of TI89 with newest Titanium OS :-) |
 | ti89ne.zip | 121k | 04-01-02 |  | TI-89new_edition This is the TI-89 new edition calculator. The image is disgusting not the SKIN ;-) |
 | ti89t_dark.zip | 761k | 17-02-10 |  | TI-89 Titanium Dark Skin A high-quality, minimalist, dark skin for TiEmu. |
 | ti89titaniumoriginal.zip | 148k | 09-04-08 |  | Ti-89 Platinum NEW This Ti-89 Platinum skin is better than others previsous versions. Sharp quality, real colors and without the ugly banner. I make it myself. |
 | ti89titaniumultrasharp.zip | 568k | 21-05-27 |  | TI-89 Titanium Skin - Ultra Sharp TiEmu Emulator Skin for the TI-89 Titanium Calculator. High Quality Image. |
 | ti89_titanium.zip | 207k | 09-04-08 |  | Vectorial image of TI 89 Titanium High quality image of TI 89 Titanium. |
 | ti89titanium.zip | 106k | 06-01-22 |  | TI-89 Titanium Skin Great skin for the TI-89 Titanium. |
 | ti89titcolor.zip | 146k | 04-03-07 |  | TI-89 Titanium Color Skin This is the TI-89 Titanium color skin, since I now have ink. It is in color and easy to use due to its clarity. Enjoy. |
 | ti89titgrp.zip | 222k | 04-02-19 |  | TI-89 Titanium Skins Included are two skins - TI-89 Titanium and TI-89 Titanium Black and White. The first of the two is a tad fuzzy and pixelated: use at your own risk. The second is much clearer, but in black and white (printer low on ink). They are only skins and not the real thing; they only take the characteristics of the TI-89 since that is what they are for. Enjoy! |
 | ti89tskin.zip | 91k | 04-09-16 |  | TI-89 Titanium Skin This Titanium skin is of better quality than those previously available. Clear, and in color. |
 | ti92pb.zip | 69k | 03-06-09 |  | TI-92+ / Voyage 200 Skin This is a TI-92+ skin for VTI. The layout is more like that of a Voyage 200, and it fits nicely on a PC screen at 2x zoom. Feel free to copy and modify this design. It would be even nicer if someone could render the same layout as a photographic bitmap. Aaron Hughes? Ran Cohen? You both seem to be very talented at editing photographic images. This layout would be worth tinkering with, because the larger display is easier to read compared to the TI-89. |
 | ti92_plus_clean.zip | 85k | 14-08-31 |  | TI92 Plus Clean Skin This is a TI92 Plus Skin for Virtual TI. It is meant to be clean and easy to read, but also duplicate the look of an actual TI92 Plus. |
 | ti92_plus_fresh_skin.zip | 4592k | 22-09-13 |  | TI-92+_Fresh_Skin This is an ultra realistic TI-92+ skin for VTI and TiEmu. The machine is fresh from the original box with no dust particles, no fingerprints, no scratches. |
 | ti92plushires.zip | 228k | 04-05-05 |  | ti 92 plus hi res bmp rusty has a great emulator, but the image for ti 92 plus is not clear at double resolution, this skin is nice at doulble resolution. |
 | tiemu_skins_new.zip | 648k | 18-02-21 |  | New skins for TIEmu emulator. It contains new skins for emulator TIEmu, for calculator TI-89 Titanium. It replaces poor skin in crude resolution. |
 | tinspire89.zip | 307k | 06-08-20 |  | Ti-nspire 89 skin This is a skin for the 89 that uses the design of the new TI-nspire |
 | titablack.zip | 116k | 07-09-08 |  | TI-89 Titanium Shiny Black Skin of the new TI-89 Titanium Shiny Black for VTI. Nice shiny black, very beautiful ! |
 | titanium.zip | 129k | 04-03-13 |  | TI-89 Titanium Skin with Color The TI-89 Titanium skin for the TI-89 calculator on VTI. Please note that this is NOT the actual TI-89 Titanium, but is the skin for the TI-89. Titanium is coming during spring of 2004. |
 | tiv200brightbig.zip | 226k | 18-06-21 |  | Ti-v200 bright and big skins for TIEmu Big (1560x1500) and bright skin for TiEnum. I made this skin from scratch and optimized it for my purpose. I donât like to use the mouse much. Also I relabeled the diamond (to CTRL) and 2nd (to ALT) keys. CLEAR became DEL. So this is more keyboard-friendly. There are now only two ENTER keys left - I still think this is one too many. Also removed one of the 2nd (ALT) keys. I hope you enjoy this skin and will let me know by rating it or leaving a comment. Please post issues (requests, etc.) on github: https://github.com/foreachthing/skins |
 | ti_voyage_200.zip | 113k | 04-08-24 |  | Voyage 2000 Skin This skin was created with Adobe Illustrator, then exported to Photoshop for finishing touch. Since it did not come from scanning image, the quality is much better than other Voyage 200 skins I could find. With this skin your VTI emulator will not show window borders around the calculator. That gives a more realistic feel of using a actual Voyage 200. It's recommended that this skin to be viewed at Large (2x) view. |
 | tiwidescreen.zip | 4k | 03-09-17 |  | TI Widescreen For all types of calculators (just edit the skin). Symplistic and graphical. |
 | ultskin89.zip | 103k | 00-07-14 |  | Ultimate TI-89 Skin A better skin for the Virtual TI, Best viewed at 2x, makes the Ti89 appear like a Ti92 plus. High Res color and you can clearly see all buttons horizontally |
 | v200_highres3.zip | 836k | 08-09-17 |  | Voyage V200 High Res Skin (up to 1600x1100) This Skin was created from an Image with 1606x1112px, so it has the highest resolution available. You can resize your TI to full screen even on large monitors. |
 | v200hires.zip | 185k | 04-05-11 |  | Voyage 200 skin Hires Real Hires-Skin in V200-look for the TI92+ |
 | v200_no.zip | 1k | 10-02-28 |  | Voyage 200 norwegian keyboard mapping Norwegian keyboard mapping for TiEmu running Voyage 200 (norsk layout). |
 | v200_okw.zip | 130k | 10-02-27 |  | Voyage 200 Skin (hi-res) High resolution skin of Voyage 200 for TiEmu. |
 | v200skin.zip | 148k | 02-07-03 |  | Voyage 200 Skin A simple skin for the upcoming Voyage 200. |
 | v200spanishkeyboardmap.zip | 26k | 14-11-05 |  | V200 spanish keyboard map for TIEmu Spanish keyboard map for TIEmu running V200plt or TI92 |
 | v200_ti89_skins_lcd.zip | 462k | 06-08-05 |  | TI-89, TI-92 plus Voyage- 200 skins with realistic LCD Skins with a realistic LCD, for TI-89, TI-92 plus, Voyage 200. For VTI emulator 2.5beta5 and TIEmu. |
 | v200_ti89_skins.zip | 430k | 06-07-15 |  | TI-89 TI-92Plus and Voyage200 Skins A few skins for the TI-89, TI-92Plus, and the Voyage200. For VTI emulator 2.5beta5. |
 | v200_ti89t_hires_skins.zip | 597k | 20-06-22 |  | V200 and Ti-89T Hi Res Tiemu Skins High resolution skins for Voyager 200 and Ti-89 Titanium. These are drop in replacements for the original Tiemu low resolution skins. |
 | vti82wide.zip | 49k | 00-09-07 |  | Juan's Wide VTI-82 Skin Skin made to go side-to-side so both LCD and Buttons are well-sized. |
 | vti86simple.zip | 31k | 02-07-22 |  | vti-86-simple A Virtual TI Skin.Uses the official keys font to show a 2nd key layout for ppl like me who cant remember it at all... Apart from that, fairly plain, and not too big (screen real estate wise) |
 | wide89.zip | 34k | 03-03-26 |  | Wide Calc 89 This VTI skin file is designed around the 2X LCD with the standard-colored TI-89 keyboard at the right. This design is very space-efficient and will even fit on a 640*480 screen without loss of key access. |
 | yosskin92.zip | 154k | 03-03-06 |  | YosSkin92+ A TI-92+ Skin for VTI that actually resembles a 92+! |