Voyage 200
Other TI calculator
Non-TI calculator
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
(Web Page)
I would buy a voyage 200, I've always wanted a TI-92 but this one look much cooler! But for now, I'll stick to my ol' faithfull TI-83 (my best buddy in the world).
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18 January 2002, 21:24 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
sef sdf
Owners of TI-83 plz stop complaining that the TI-89 is not easy to use. True, the 83 is easier to learn than the 89, but the process of learning how to use a new calc can be fun! C'mon, most of us are smart students here. Are you really frightened by the challenge of playing around with a new piece of hardware? How did you learn to use the PC in the first place, then?
Plus, you may get better at math if you take the time to explore the new functions on the 89. e.g. playing around with Taylor Series or differential equations will get you acquainted to calculus. Wonder about the differnces between rectangular mode and polar mode? Be curious and find out more about complex numbers! (If you search hard you may encounter the Euler's identity--something that you must learn). Any time you are confused by the calc, you have a new opportunity to ask questions and discover more about mathematics. So don't consider it to be a hassle to learn the "more complicated" TI-89. It will benefit you! Whether you are interested in programming or math, TI-89 is far more superior to the 83.
Listen to me, man. Get an 89 if you can afford it. If you cannot afford the 89, I suggest that you keep that $ instead of getting an 83+. Save the $$ for an 89 in the future.
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19 January 2002, 11:56 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
(Web Page)
I picked non-TI because I already have an 89 and don't wan't an 83... I would like an HP-49G though :P
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20 January 2002, 02:09 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Ryan Ritterson
I chose an 89, even though I already have one. I would only buy a new calculator if my current one broke.
Sure, the voyage is cool, but it looks a little bizarre and i'm sure that it will also be banned on every test. The 83 is a nice calculator, but i really like the CAS (symbolic algebra system) that the 89 and 92 have, the auto symplify is wonderful.
I might buy an 83, only because the IBO has banned the 89 on it's HL math exam. (IB is like uber-AP, so it's about 4 times harder, but still in highschool).
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24 January 2002, 05:02 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
jimmy Ragland
(Web Page)
Why not give the Voyage a try? That's what I voted for. It's a new piece of hardware, and it could be great.
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24 January 2002, 05:28 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Yves-Emmanuel Jutard
I've seen that Palm sells a Palm with a mathematic program for students : it's a multi-purpose machine which cost less than a TI-92+.
As PalmPilot and others things like that have a better screen, a better processor, more memory and connectivity, the idea to develop an "advanced mathematic software" for them is a good idea.
What do you think of it ?
Sorry for my poor english I'm french.
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25 January 2002, 08:34 GMT

Re: Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
(Web Page)
I have a Sony Clie PDA and a TI-89, and I use my 89 much more often, because it has many things that the Clie doesn't. It is easier to type, much less expensive, less breakable ( my Clie's screen cracked a while ago because I bumped into somebody... that's all it took ), software is 100% free, and other stuff. As far as screens and processors go, from what I have seen they are very similar. TI-89 screen size = 100x160, palm's = 160x160. I believe the processors are nearly the same, and C is a common language used by programmers for software. I also think the games are better for the 89. People for palms seem to just throw a game together and charge $10 bucks to $50 to play the full version.
Go ahead and prove me wrong. What do you guys think?
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26 January 2002, 21:49 GMT
RE: What happened to the community?
It seems like the community has taken a U-Turn from when I frequented. More people program in groups, making the programs very impersonal, fewer quality programs, and less help for n00bs. Oh well, just like all communities, they change.
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30 January 2002, 04:37 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
AJ Galli
I borrowed a 92+ from my high school for two year. I have and 89 and 86 but I really miss the 92+... even though I rarely would use it (especially on the AP Calc exam) but if the Voyage 200 is everything the 92+ is and then some, I'll get that eventually. Although I really don't like the name. The might as well put ACME Calculator on the box. I really would have liked to see them stick with the TI-XY format. It's simple and not cheesy. I have that if a next gen 89 come out that they for go the "Voyage" name. "A voyager through space and math, to seek out new functions and new flash apps, to boldly go where no calculator has gone before!" That's what the Voyage says to me... corndog for a calculator, just fine for a sci-fi TV show.
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30 January 2002, 19:48 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
I dont know much about the Voyager 200, but i will like to buy the TI_89 for its cool features and cool games
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31 January 2002, 19:15 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Joshua Harbert
I have a TI-83+SE and that is good for now, but a TI-89 would be nice to have because of its capabilities and its games.
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1 February 2002, 22:30 GMT
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