Voyage 200
Other TI calculator
Non-TI calculator
I would buy an 83+ SE
I would purchase an 83+ Silver Edition, not only because it has the organizer, but becuase my memory constantly nears zero. There should me some type of memory port that can be put into the link port that, like a gameboy light, can have its own port for linking too. That way, I can have all of the memory draining games that I want. I love sound programs too, so that would make making the TI-Calculator an MP3 possible.
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16 January 2002, 14:13 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
(Web Page)
Well, since I just bought a TI-92+ (got it today actually) I dont think I am going to get another calculator for a long long time.
Horay for they definately had the best deal on the calculator.
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17 January 2002, 02:33 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Henry Sura
Even though i already have a 92+, the voyage 200 is newer, and i like to have the newest things.
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17 January 2002, 05:01 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Tyrel Haveman
(Web Page)
I already have an 89, so I chose the next best thing in the list, the Voyage 200.
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17 January 2002, 17:12 GMT
Re: If you were to buy a new calculator, which model would you buy?
Dave or David, not Davey Mack
(Web Page)
I must say, even though the 89 has a butt load of memory, the best calculator is, and always will be, the 86. The games rock, it's easy to use, and has more memory than any previous calc. If I was to get a new calc, it would be the Voyage, but only because I would use it as a gameboy more than a calculator. As far as functionality, the 86 rules!
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18 January 2002, 20:20 GMT
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