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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Choice Votes   Percent
First Post! 17 11.8%   
Woot! 13 9.0%   
pi = ... 33 22.9%   
1337 5p34k 5 3.5%   
AYBABTU 13 9.0%   
Pyramid!!! 5 3.5%   
10110110 10001010 14 9.7%   
Magnus Thong 17 11.8%   
Voyage 400 27 18.8%   

Survey posted 2004-08-22 03:30 by Morgan.

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  Reply to this item

Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

w00t! is spelled wrong...

I chose 1337 5p34k.

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 01:45 GMT

Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

Here's a new one:

"This comment will soon be deleted."

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 01:49 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

For irony, don't delete this...

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 02:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

No, no, this is our random survey :-D We're allowed to post weird comments and not have them be deleted... but just this once ;-) (or at least, that was the impression I was given by the first comment)

fr0st p0st!
no wait...

l457 p057!

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 16:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Any one can say "|457 |>057", it's just only true until the next person posts... ;)

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

So, I guess the fr0st p0st declarers can all say "FR057/L457 P057!!!!!!" :)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Just thought of something...why don't we use monospaced font in here?! I WANT ASCII ART!!!

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
sigma  Account Info

Because for everything else it is ugly.

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 03:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

so the obvious solution is, nothing else allowed. Everything has to be ascii art!

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh, I love monospaced fonts. I don't think they're ugly! :'( Are you insulting my favorite types of fonts? You wanna fight? Hehe...

Fixedsys is cool... and that new one, Lucidia Console, or something. How the heck do they come up with the names of these fonts, anyway? I mean, come on! "Times New Roman"???? "Arial"??? "Courier New"????? "Verdana"???? Okay, you see my point :)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:44 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I really like Courier New...

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Travis Evans Account Info

I like Lucida Console (not sure if that's spelled right) too. Courier New is okay but getting boring to me now. Fixedsys is okay but annoying since it's not scalable (ie., not a TrueType font).

I used to sometimes have the problem of some websites using non-scalable (Microsoft) fonts (MS Serif, Fixedsys, etc.) on their web pages. I frequently increase the size of fonts in my browser to make them easier to read, and having non-scalable fonts keeps that from working right.

Fortunately, on non-Windows systems, those fonts will probably just be substituded for scalable fonts.

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I use Fixedsys in notepad. I think it looks the best there.

Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Then do this!

    X            X        X       X
    X         XX        X       X
    X            X        X     X

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That came out pretty nicely...

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 20:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 21:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

ph33r m13 1337 45k13 4r7 5k1LlzZ!!!!!!!!!

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 15:45 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

x x x x xxxxxx |
x x x x x x x x |
xxxx x x x x x |
x x x x x O

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:31 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info


Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:32 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I stole the .css file and tried it out in wordpad and everything...

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:33 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmmm... but did you use %A0? (alt+160)

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:35 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Cuddles  Account Info

i can't do alt+160 i get 'á'. i have to use alt+0160 to get ' '. which is what caused burntfuse's confusing i am guessing.

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 15:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Shizzle, that's what I meant. I type the zero without even thinking about it; it's so automatic...

Oh well, you knew what I meant. :)

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 02:35 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Let's see if this works...


Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:34 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info



Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:53 GMT

Re: ¤
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

What was is supposed to say?

Reply to this comment    27 August 2004, 00:42 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
blauggh Account Info

It seems to say that the 'leet' property of object 'ME' is false.

In other words, the person is saying about himself that he is 'not leet'. Whatever that means. I think it is a self-deprecating remark of some sort.

Reply to this comment    27 August 2004, 01:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Maybe he means that Windows ME is not 1337. That is quite true.

Reply to this comment    27 August 2004, 20:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

I mean, what was his ASCII message supposed to say?

Reply to this comment    27 August 2004, 22:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I believe it was supposed to be "w00t!"

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, but variables can't begin with a number, so something like this might work...


One uses a method, one directly accesses the variable. I think the second is easier to do and is more efficient, but it's considered "good programming practice" to leave your variables private in Java and use a method (first way).

Gahh... AP Computer Science always comes back to haunt you, doesn't it? ;-)

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:41 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

You're right, I should have done "Me.is1337=false".

I got it working on my computer, but no matter how many spaces I put in, it still says that there are words >40 chars when I try to post it. :-( *hugs computer for comfort*

Reply to this comment    29 August 2004, 00:50 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Add a space to the end of each line. If that doesn't work (it usually fixes the problem), then you might have to add a line of spaces down the middle of the ASCII art, which USUALLY doesn't ruin the picture too much, amazingly enough.

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 02:36 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you view the source, you can actually see what he meant to say because notepad is monospaced by default (unless you're a loser and you change it)

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:36 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

And then there was this:

[The text of this article has been removed by a news editor due to violation of
the acceptable use policy.]

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 16:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I got that every once in a while and had NO idea why

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info
(Web Page)

Same here. They were completely on-topic, and I think that this board is professional enough to not have to use it. See URL for one that needs this.

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 02:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh, we all did at one time or another. Well, most of us. They could have been mistakes... *shrugs*

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

hehe...search the "user comments" for "violation"...lots of em happened

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:42 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Yeah, I remember that one. Isn't it "comment", not "article"?

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 22:36 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I thought the same thing too, but I found it with "article" in the archives a few times. Comment makes more sense, anyway... heh

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:46 GMT

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