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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Choice Votes   Percent
First Post! 17 11.8%   
Woot! 13 9.0%   
pi = ... 33 22.9%   
1337 5p34k 5 3.5%   
AYBABTU 13 9.0%   
Pyramid!!! 5 3.5%   
10110110 10001010 14 9.7%   
Magnus Thong 17 11.8%   
Voyage 400 27 18.8%   

Survey posted 2004-08-22 03:30 by Morgan.

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Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jeremiah Walgren  Account Info
(Web Page)

I thought it was "w00t!" not "Woot!"

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 04:06 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

It is ;-) *remembers two years ago when there was this huge discussion on how w00t! was spelled*

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 15:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)

I purposely spelled it that way in hope that there might be a fight :-)

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 23:42 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

OK, then, if you want one :-)...ALL YOU W00T PEOPLE ARE IDIOTS!!!! IT'S SPELLED WO0T!!! (jk)

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 00:46 GMT

Re: ¤
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

We have a winner! W00T!
http://www.acronymfinder.com/ af-query.asp?p=dict&String= exact&Acronym=W00T
As to:
http://www.acronymfinder.com/ af-query.asp?p=dict&String= exact&Acronym=WOOT
Obviously w00t is short for "Woohoo".
*join the links to use them*

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 11:23 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Timmc Account Info
(Web Page)

Uh, I just submitted "Woohoo (Hackish)" to "WOOT" then. Pending upload. *heh*

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 11:26 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

WOOT = Waste Of Our Time
Compared to just
w00t!...I like w00t!...only one SHIFT required, and it's for the "!"

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:05 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

What I meant is "wo0t" (with 1 zero, 1 o). :-D

Reply to this comment    29 August 2004, 00:34 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, that was a great idea! You're a genius ;-)

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 17:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

No he's not!

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 03:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh yes he is! He made this survey! So *sticks out tongue like a little kid*

Hehe... this is the best survey we've had in a really long time. :)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 15:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Aww, you made Morgan sad! (He can delete your account, you know ;-) So, I'd take that back! 120d)

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 15:12 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Pooooor morgan. :-( *pats on head*

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 21:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
anykey  Account Info

120d \!

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 00:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

"\!"...I like that...Y0U 4R3 7RU31Y 1337\!

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ooh! An escape character! I just now realized that. Man, I'm slow!

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 15:12 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Great idea! A commented-out exclamation mark...

120d //!
120d /* ! */
120d ;!
120d '!

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 22:05 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heh, those comments cover all the different ways of writing comments for each language I know. Well, except for © in TI-BASIC (TI-89 family).

And, if you've been to the artofproblemsolving website, you've probably heard of LaTeX... and when you make comments in LaTeX files, you use %... but LaTeX isn't a programming language.

Oooh, and HTML is far from a programming language as well, but it has comments too:

<!-- 120d -->

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 02:59 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
BlackThunder  Account Info
(Web Page)

And don't forget:

Z80 TI-Basic - "

Those are the only ones not mentioned that I know of...

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 15:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

# can be used in PHP

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 17:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

OOOOOOOOH, REM! Why didn't I think of that? I've always used ' instead of REM... beacuse I'm lazy.

And " isn't really a comment perse in TI-BASIC... because if it's the last thing you say in a program, then it will print it... and it affects Ans (which is why it will print it at the end)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 19:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah...using " for a comment slows programs down (because it tries to execute the code, instead of skipping it like it should for a TRUE comment)

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 19:04 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

'Nother good point. That's why I never used anything like that. The only "comments" I ever put in a program (z80) were in cases like these

[code and stuff]
:Goto A
:Lbl A
[more code]



But since the older calculators have such limited memory, I never do it except when I want to remember something when coming back to work on the program. And another point... you can't do the "COMMENT            on the TI-82. And since that's the z80 calc that I use...

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:05 GMT

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