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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Choice Votes   Percent
First Post! 17 11.8%   
Woot! 13 9.0%   
pi = ... 33 22.9%   
1337 5p34k 5 3.5%   
AYBABTU 13 9.0%   
Pyramid!!! 5 3.5%   
10110110 10001010 14 9.7%   
Magnus Thong 17 11.8%   
Voyage 400 27 18.8%   

Survey posted 2004-08-22 03:30 by Morgan.

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Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
anthony C  Account Info

I gotta ask...

What does 10110110 10001010 mean?

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 04:19 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

182 138 in base 10...

although... i think it'd be more appropriate to divide by 2 (take off the last 0). 91 69.

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 06:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

91 69 means [E
182 138 means ╢è

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 23:15 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Either way, it doesn't really come out with anything meaningful in ASCII...

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 00:55 GMT

Re: ¤
Barrett Anderson Account Info
(Web Page)

who says it's supposed to be ascii? 91 69 is quite meaningfull if you ask some people (at least one of the two numbers there).

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 16:29 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)


But to keep us from going in THAT direction...
10110110 OR 10001010 = 10111110 = 190d.
10110110 AND 10001010 = 10000010 = 130d.
Divide them by 10 and they're both PRIME. It MEANS something!

I thought the two binary numbers were going to have some significance. The first thing I did before voting was convert them to decimal and think about it for a while.

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 18:03 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ¤
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

You can divide ANY number by SOMETHING and make it prime...except zero...

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 17:07 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah.... but both factored out to be 2*5*prime :) That has to count for something! Or... maybe not.

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 03:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
Cuddles  Account Info

so basically they have prime factors... wow I've never seen any numbers like THAT before...

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 03:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

120d, well, there's always 1. :-P

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 13:58 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Sorry for my stupidity, but how are they significant to some people?

Reply to this comment    24 August 2004, 22:06 GMT

no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Heh, I think you're better off if you don't get that joke

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 03:06 GMT

Re: ¤
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ok, let's try this:

Forget 91. Just look at 69.
If you don't know what it means, just go ask your mommy...

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 04:22 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Errr... this could be going in a bad direction...

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 15:44 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

Never mind...I'll leave it alone. :-)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 19:23 GMT

Re: ¤
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info
(Web Page)

Good idea.

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 18:23 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

When people type in binary, is it just ASCII converted to binary?

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 11:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, but some of us are nerdy enough to convert it ourselves. It's very easy to make the conversion. You just need to remember the numbers some important characters in the ASCII chart. The character map helps a lot with that.

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 16:00 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

I've got one right on my calc. :-p

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 00:55 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, it's easy to make one for you calc (or computer, for that matter), but the sets of characters are slightly different. :-P

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 18:04 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

_I_ gotta ask...

What does this survey mean?

Reply to this comment    22 August 2004, 16:09 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

If you weren't here for the past two years or more, a lot of this won't make sense.

Reply to this comment    23 August 2004, 18:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

I have been here since 2001 without an account and since, I think, 2002 with one but I don't remember.

I know all the references, but I was wondering why one of the options isn't "On-topic posting" if you know what I mean. I was wondering why this is here because it doesn't appear to have anything to do with calculators.

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 02:13 GMT

no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh, I see. Well, it's just for fun... to celebrate fun and random memories from the past. It's different because it's the 200th survey. Having a completely random survey every time serveyId%100==0 isn't so bad, is it? :)

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 03:10 GMT

Morgan Davies  Account Info
(Web Page)

You know your shit!

Reply to this comment    25 August 2004, 21:53 GMT

Lewk Of Serthic Account Info
(Web Page)

Tut tut. I never heard that on PBS. j/k

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 14:57 GMT

no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Neither have I... but that's because I don't watch PBS! Ha ha ha ha!!! But I think I have heard it on other "Network Television" channels. Not a big deal, anyway. Not like anybody would complain about that... Besides, he's a moderator. He can do what he wants! :-D

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 01:07 GMT

Cuddles  Account Info

southpark movie, comedy central. granted it plays after midnight but it's a legal reference if you want to say anything you want

Reply to this comment    28 August 2004, 03:29 GMT

no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hehe, yes I do :-D

Oops, I made a typo... "servey" should be "survey."

Reply to this comment    26 August 2004, 15:14 GMT

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