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Choice Votes   Percent
First Post! 17 11.8%   
Woot! 13 9.0%   
pi = ... 33 22.9%   
1337 5p34k 5 3.5%   
AYBABTU 13 9.0%   
Pyramid!!! 5 3.5%   
10110110 10001010 14 9.7%   
Magnus Thong 17 11.8%   
Voyage 400 27 18.8%   

Survey posted 2004-08-22 03:30 by Morgan.

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burntfuse  Account Info

While we're allowed to post off-topic comments...
I saw this great quote on some website...forgot where...

"There are 10 types of people - those who use binary, and those who don't"


Reply to this comment    29 August 2004, 21:01 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I love that quote. I saw it on a t-shirt once. :) I've confused so many people at school with that. Most of them reply like this, "There are two types of people in this world; those who can count and those who can't, STUPID. THAT WASN'T EVEN FUNNY."

Oh, something else funny: Some jock at school was being... jocky... and he heard that I was the math nerd of the school (which I am, 120d), so he's being retarded, and he says, "Hey Phil, what's 2+2?" I just turned around and said, "In what base?" I think that was the most confused look I've ever seen on that kid's face. :-D

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 02:49 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Cuddles  Account Info

problem is, some of the jocks at my school are in my AP calc and chem classes... crap they found me!

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 16:47 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info

120d//!!!! Shows how stupid he was...if anyone asks you for the answer to a problem on a test, you should give it to them in octal. :-D

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 21:02 GMT

Re: ¤
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That is a good idea!!!!!!! I should do that this year in trig. Bah... I wanted to take AP Calc but they won't let me because I'm "too young." Stupid school. I have to wait another year :'(

Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:17 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
ti_is_good_++  Account Info
(Web Page)

Learn out of books. See link, as well as Albert A. Klaf's Calculus Refresher for Technical Men (both published by Dover).

Reply to this comment    6 September 2004, 05:04 GMT

1     3     3     7
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, I was just wondering... if I died, and somehow you guys here found out about it, would you make a news article about me? :-D

"no_one dies in car crash"

Of course, then I wouldn't be around to see the news article about me. Darn.

I'm sick and twisted...

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 02:52 GMT

Re: 1     3     3     7
Cuddles  Account Info

well if the article would only be for you i'd suggest not bothering. we can assure you now that we would so you wouldn't feel bad when you died, but after you died we'd forget it. I mean, of course we would write an article about you!

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 16:44 GMT

Re: Re: 1     3     3     7
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

*runs off crying*

Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:16 GMT

Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hey, I've been saving the HTML of this page almost daily throughout the time we've had this survey, and the file size is really big! It's almost 1.5MB. That's not far from the folder size of C:/Program Files/Internet Explorer

So, whoever was complaining about IE... this page alone is almost as big (and it's saved in the cache)

I wonder how big it will get? :) Maybe we can break a record or something, 120d

BTW, is there a comment counter for surveys?

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 02:56 GMT

Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info
(Web Page)

There is no survey comment counter.

BTW, look at [link]. It's extremely dumb, and probably wire fraud.

Reply to this comment    30 August 2004, 17:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

"Dan W. Gaddy ... found that PI does not equal 3.1415926 but instead it equals 3.146264"

What... the... heck... 120d

Yeah, that sounds pretty retarded ;-)

If I wrote some kind of joke/comedy column, I'd pay the money to get it, just to see what he has to say. Then I'd make fun of him.

Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Yep. It's the topper to their whole website-UFO aliens, moon hoax theories, and a value of pi so incredibly wrong that satellites would be in a substantially wrong orbit if it was used in calculations.

3.146264 x 60316 = 189770
3.1415926 x 60316 = 189488
That's a difference of 282 miles per orbit. With one orbit per day, a communications satellite would be so out-of-phase that it would be on the other side of the Earth in (24901/2)/282 = 44 days.

Reply to this comment    4 September 2004, 15:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Of course, his proof is self-referential. You can see it, just from the way the page is worded.

What was I saying? Of course it's wire fraud! It's mail fraud, too, because he doesn't accept online orders.

Reply to this comment    4 September 2004, 15:04 GMT

Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

NO0O0O0O0O0O0O!!!!!!!!!!!! The survey is ovAr! *saves HTML of survey*

Well... that was a lot of fun. :) Thanks, Morgan!

Reply to this comment    31 August 2004, 16:49 GMT

Re: Favourite ticalc.org pastime?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

It would have been ironic if 22.7% of people had responded with 'pi = ...' instead of 22.9%. So close...

Reply to this comment    4 September 2004, 15:12 GMT

Travis Evans  Account Info

Are we still allowed to post weird and off-topic posts here?

Reply to this comment    25 January 2007, 04:45 GMT

Travis Evans Account Info

Well, looks like everyone's gone for good.

Last post!

Reply to this comment    19 February 2009, 08:11 GMT
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