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POTY Winners - 2011
  • TI-80
  • TI-83/83+/84+
  • TI-89/92+/V200
  • TI-Nspire
  • PC

  • TI-80

    2011 TI-80 POTY - TI-80 emulator
    Title TI-80 emulator
    Author Randy Compton
    Uploaded Thu Oct 13 09:08:12 2011
    Description TI-80 emulator version 0 alpha. Not ready for prime time, but someone requested it. It currently supports ROM version 4.0 (not included) & save states & is reasonably accurate when doing plain calculator things.
    Screenshot 2011 TI-80 POTY
    Survey Due to a lack of featured programs, there was no survey to determine this year's TI-80 POTY.


    Voting Results
    Choice Votes   Percent
      Benumbered 3 5.9% 
      Crabcake ASM Library 3 5.9% 
      Devrays 2 3.9% 
      Exodus 4 7.8% 
      Gossamer 12 23.5% 
      Grammer 8 15.7% 
      Obliterate 8 15.7% 
      Zedd Physics Library 11 21.6% 

    2011 TI-83/83+/84+ POTY - Gossamer
    Title Gossamer
    Author Kerm Martian
    Uploaded Wed Jun 15 22:14:20 2011
    Description Gossamer 1.0 is a web browser for TI-83+ through TI-84+SE graphing calculators, using Doors CS 7, CALCnet 2.2, and globalCALCnet to download and display web pages from the internet. Scroll by lines or pages, click links, and browse to arbitrary URLs. Gossamer requires Doors CS 7.2 Beta 2 or higher (see http://dcs.cemetech.net) and can be used with an Arduino-based gCn bridge or a mini-USB cable. More info at http://cemete.ch/pr37.
    Screenshot 2011 TI-83/83+/84+ POTY
    Survey http://www.ticalc.org/community/surveys/344.html


    Voting Results
    Choice Votes   Percent
      Myst 89 17 81.0% 
      Trapped for TI-89 4 19.0% 

    2011 TI-89/92+/V200 POTY - Myst 89
    Title Myst 89
    Author Stefan Bauwens
    Uploaded Thu Jun 23 02:57:48 2011
    Description Myst for the TI-89! This great adventure game is a point-and-click game. NOTE: Myst 89 is a demo because the whole game would impossibly fit on your calc. But don't worry. There'll be still enough fun in this game even though it's limited to the main island(meaning there are no extra ages) and some other things. Myst is huge and really heavy on files, meaning you'll probably won't be able to have any other files on your calc, but I think it's worth it! I did my best to make the great graphics great on calc. Wait no longer and try it out! Don't forget to read the readme for IMPORTANT installation info and more.
    Screenshot 2011 TI-89/92+/V200 POTY
    Survey http://www.ticalc.org/community/surveys/345.html


    Voting Results
    Choice Votes   Percent
      Alien Invaders 0 0.0% 
      Bobby Carrot 7 29.2% 
      ColorTetris 1 4.2% 
      nPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player 11 45.8% 
      oclua on-calc Lua editor 5 20.8% 
      Pegs for TI-Nspire 0 0.0% 
      Snake 0 0.0% 

    2011 TI-Nspire POTY - nPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player
    Title nPlayer - TI-Nspire Video Player
    Author Danny Clark
    Uploaded Mon Jun 13 22:19:16 2011
    Description nPlayer is a video player for the TI-Nspire calculator. The screen shot does not do this project justice; the video is significantly smoother when played on an emulator or actual hardware. You must use Ndless 2.0 in order for this to work (note, it will work on any OS 1.7-2.1, as long as Ndless 2.0 is used). Please read the file "nPlayer.pdf" for instructions on how to use this program.
    Screenshot 2011 TI-Nspire POTY
    Survey http://www.ticalc.org/community/surveys/346.html


    Voting Results
    Choice Votes   Percent
      globalCALCnet (gCn) Client 21 61.8% 
      Luna 8 23.5% 
      Ncubate 5 14.7% 

    2011 PC POTY - globalCALCnet (gCn) Client
    Title globalCALCnet (gCn) Client
    Author Kerm Martian
    Uploaded Sat Feb 12 10:48:22 2011
    Description globalCALCnet or gCn allows calculators to network from two feet, two miles, or two thousand miles away. gCn consists of a client program that must be run on a computer as well as firmware that must be loaded onto an Arduino or custom AVR to bridge between a CALCnet2.2 network and the computer running the gCnClient software. The gCnClient program provided in this zip is built for Windows, Mac OS, and Linux; the gCnBridge firmware images for the Arduino and USBID bridge designs are also included. A detailed PDF describes the installation and use of the required software, as well as plans and schematics for constructing the variations on the bridge. v1.0 adds support for the USBHID ($10) Bridge, bug fixes, and additional documentation.
    Screenshot No screenshot available.
    Survey http://www.ticalc.org/community/surveys/347.html

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