| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to Voyage 200 Assembly Files |
| edit3d | folder | | Voyage 200 Assembly Graphics (Edit3D) |
| kernel | folder | | Voyage 200 Assembly Graphics Programs (Kernel) |
 | 3ds92v200.zip | 24k | 02-09-06 |  | 3D Sketchpad 92+ Ever wanted to build your dream house? Create your own dream car? Well now's your chance. 3D Sketchpad is a smooth wireframe 3D editor - it has an average framerate higher than you'll find in most movie theatres. Has a viewing mode - where you can see your creation rotate in front of you - and an editing mode - where you can add to your piece and simultaneously see what it will look like, from any angle, and any distance. Want to share your file with a friend? The data is compatible between the TI-89, the TI-92+, and the Voyage 200. Easy to use format and a simple, but complete, options menu. Comes with 6 demo files. |
 | asmtextpaster.zip | 14k | 07-04-26 |  | ASM Text Paster for BASIC This is an assembly program that allows BASIC programs more powerful graphics, like pasting text anywhere on the screen (even over the toolbar and status line) in 3 different sizes. Also allows for drawing lines and filled rectangles in black, white, or inverted with the same rules. Pass negative coordinates, and it counts from the opposite side of the screen. Tested succesfully on Voyage 200 and TI-89 HW1 and should work on all 68k calcs. :) |
 | cartman68k.zip | 49k | 03-05-19 |  | !!!Cartman Farts Fire!!! This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's an animation of Eric Cartman farting fire. |
 | cartoonnetworklogo68k.zip | 7k | 03-05-19 |  | Cartoon Network Logo Wallpaper This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's wallpapers the screen with the Cartoon Network Logo. |
 | cptdrive.zip | 1k | 04-08-12 |  | CalcPoint Driver A driver for a Full-Screen PowerPoint-type system for calculators. This is not a Morvlon component, and is only a driver. |
 | dbz.zip | 495k | 03-06-02 |  | 10 DB/Z/GT Animations (TIMM) There are 10 animations for the 89, 92+, an V200. They must be loaded 1 at a time to the TI. Each animation has 2 files of nearly the exact name. |
 | draw68.zip | 33k | 06-09-17 |  | Drawing68 v2.00 final The final second release of D68. |
 | edit3d_users_examples.zip | 19k | 04-10-23 |  | Edit3D Users Examples for TI68K Nice 3D Objects created with Edit3D , wich can be found in the 'graphic' section. |
 | edit3d.zip | 211k | 03-10-26 |  | Edit3D v 0.97 for V200 Edit3D (the new name of 'SolidWorks') is a powerful editor,yet simple to use,that allows you to create quite sophisticated 3D Objects,from the simple cube up to the Formula One with more 300 triangles (see screenshots).The program is divided in two parts: the Edit Zone,where you draw your object,enter its depth...and the 3D Display Zone when you can see the Object you create in Real Time 3D,you can turn it,make it back and forth... You can display your object in wire-frame (fast),or in a solid form (no hidden surfaces),with the ability of using the Z-BUFFER technic and Textured Mode for a better display ! Note that you can put on each polygon a specific texture,you made with TEXTURE MAKER (avaible at ticalc.org/ti89/asm/graphic)... You can also see your Object in a Subjective view,as in Doom-Like Games! This last version allows you to export your files as Ships for 'Space Dementia' a 3D action game avaible in this site. NOTE , this version fixes the crash that appeared when you left the editor... |
 | fern.zip | 5k | 05-03-29 |  | Fractal Fern v1.3 This is just a fractal fern that I coded up for fun. However, it taught me how to adapt my programs to the 92+. |
 | garfield68k.zip | 26k | 03-05-29 |  | Garfield, made w/ TIMM This is an animation of Garfield waving (in greyscale). It was made with TIMM |
 | gatepicx.zip | 96k | 04-08-12 |  | GatepicX These pictures explain the universe of a famous american serie : Stargate sg1 This pack contains 6 different pictures which show you the stargate. All pictures comes from this french web site : www.stargate-net.ch |
 | gpaint.zip | 7k | 07-12-06 |  | Grayscale Painter 68k WORK-IN-PROGRESS. Grayscale Painter is based on MS-Paint for Windows. It is fully functional except for two features: writing text to the image and the load/save file interface; the program currently just saves to a constant file, "main\gp_pic". |
 | id4_68k.zip | 45k | 03-05-19 |  | Independence Day Blast This was just packaged for the TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It's a hand coded animation of the White House being destroyed from Independence Day. |
 | kde.zip | 16k | 03-11-30 |  | KDE GUI now on TI89/92+/V200 !!! Is it necessary to explain what is KDE?? just test it to know what it is |
 | ocr_asm_v200_progressbar.zip | 127k | 03-11-14 |  | OCR Scanning Picture Advance v4.1 OCR (optical char recognition) is a program made for V200 for character recognition in V200 pictures. This is the fastest OCR program ever made to a calculator. This code was revised and has no errors or bugs, it was tested to the limit. This version has multiple zones scanning. |
 | pics68k.zip | 121k | 03-05-18 |  | Super Grayscale Packets A collective of 15 random greyscale pictures. They're practically flickerless, AND NOSTUB. you'll love showing these to friends of using them in games. |
 | screensaver.zip | 4k | 06-04-12 |  | Screen Saver - v1.1 Screen Saver is a program that flashes the name of the calculator very fast across the screen at random coordinates. It's pretty small, and probably only serves as a novelty. Note: a nasty bug was fixed in this version; please download! |
 | starfield.zip | 7k | 04-09-02 |  | Starfield Demo for TI68K This is just a little starfield coded in C for TI68K. You can choose the number of stars displayed, adjust the frame rate and the background can be black or white. The rendering is cool, have a look at the animated gif ! |
 | stormy.zip | 106k | 03-05-31 |  | Lightning Storm 68k This is a very simple lightning emulator :) hope those that understand the souce can use it wisely, perhaps in a game. |