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Last updated Monday, 18 November 2019
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Most popular file  Nspire Raycasting Engine with 3,765 downloads.

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displayimage.zip592k19-11-18File is not ratedDisplay Image
Display images (more of a concept than cool Graphics). Feel free to use the source as a Library, modify it, whatever.
dissolve_nspire_100.tar.bz24k11-01-23File is not ratedDissolve Effect Demo for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates a simple picture dissolve effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.
fire_nspire_100.tar.bz24k11-01-23File is not ratedFire Effect Demo for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates an simple grayscale fire effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.
grayscalenspire.zip3k10-08-12File is not ratedTI-Nspire Grayscale Test
This is a simple program that displays all of the levels of grayscale that the TI-Nspire's screen can show (16-level). Due to the nature of the TI-Nspire's screen and your contrast level, the transition between all 16 levels will not be as smooth on the actual hardware as it is in the screenshot.
naquarium.zip702k13-02-12File is not ratednAquarium
A fun little visual program of some fish swimming around! Requires ndless 3.1.
ncaster0.2.2.zip94k10-05-15File rated 8.57Nspire Raycasting Engine
This engine (tentatively named Ncaster) is a generic raycasting engine for the TI-Nspire/CAS. It supports variable-height blocks with textures of arbitrary resolution, sprites, and many other features. Ncaster enables for the easy creation of Doom-style games in C on the TI-Nspire, through a single function render() which draws the scene. It is meant to help coders tap the awesome potential of the Nspire by simplifying the process of game creation. NOTE: this is a beta release and may contain bugs. Read the Readme for important information.
ntracer.zip47k10-03-18File is not ratedNspire Ray Tracer Demo
A very basic ray tracer for the Nspire.
plasmademo.zip103k13-06-12File is not ratedPlasma demo
Small plasma program, with tutorial on how it works and how to create one :) Works on any TI-Nspire WITH NDLESS 3.1 INSTALLED.
shuffle_nspire_100.tar.bz24k11-01-23File is not ratedShuffle Effect Demo for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates a screen tile shuffle effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.
snow_nspire_100.tar.bz25k11-01-23File is not ratedSnow Effect Demo for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates a simple snow effect and should be seen as as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.
star_nspire_100.tar.bz25k11-01-23File is not ratedStarfield Effect Demo for Nspire (v1.00)
This program demonstrates an simple grayscale starfield effect and should be seen as demonstration code for people who want to start with C programming for the TI Nspire calculators using Ndless (2.0-pre as of this writing) and related development environment. This is the port from the TI-68k (68000) platform to the Nspire (ARM) platform.

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