| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to DOS Utilities |
 | romdump2.zip | 58k | 98-07-11 |  | ROM Dumper v2.2 Receives ROM dumps for all TI graphing calculators |
 | getrom8x.zip | 64k | 99-03-01 |  | GetRom8x v0.11 Recieves a ROM from a TI-8x over a $5 Serial Link |
 | cal091b.zip | 24k | 97-09-18 |  | Cal v0.91 Beta TI-82/83/85/86 linking software for the parallel and serial links |
 | conv_92g.zip | 23k | 97-07-24 |  | Convert 92G files to 92@ files v1.0 Convert TI-92 group files to parallel link (92@) files |
 | dos86lnk.zip | 22k | 97-08-06 |  | GET86 / SEND86 v1.0 TI-86 linking software for the GraphLink |
 | dumpxp22.zip | 13k | 99-11-14 |  | DumpXP v2.2 Parralel port ROM dump recieving program for TI-xx. |
 | dumpxp.zip | 11k | 98-03-19 |  | Dumpxp v2.1 Software to receive ROM dumps with the parallel link cable |
 | ftp86.zip | 52k | 99-09-30 |  | FTP-86 v0.1 Beta "Silent" link transfer program for the TI-86 and PARALLEL LINK. Has an "FTP Client" style interface. |
 | link85xp.zip | 76k | 97-07-24 |  | Link software for TI-85 and parallel link |
 | link92xp.zip | 82k | 97-07-24 |  | Link software for TI-92 and parallel link |
 | link-92.zip | 66k | 97-07-24 |  | LINK-92 v2.0 Link software for the TI-92 with parallel or GraphLink cables |
 | link-ti.zip | 67k | 97-07-24 |  | LINK TI v1.2 Link software for the TI-82/85/86 with the GraphLink, parallel, or serial link cables |
 | ltest102.zip | 20k | 97-07-24 |  | Link test software for the parallel link version 1.02 |
 | lynks85.zip | 11k | 97-07-24 |  | Lynks85 0.8B, Link software for the TI-85 and $4 serial link |
 | plink.zip | 51k | 98-09-13 |  | PLINK! v1.1 TI-92 DOS linking software for the parallel link cable and the TI-Graph Link cable. |
 | qlink85.zip | 143k | 98-02-21 |  | QLink85 1.2, TI-85 Parallel & Serial Link Software Sends and recieves files with a TI 85 calc using the parallel or serial link |
 | s89.zip | 14k | 98-11-16 |  | Send89 |
 | send85.zip | 50k | 98-02-09 |  | SEND85 v2.1, Parallel or Serial Link |
 | t8.zip | 41k | 97-05-14 |  | Tran8x (TI-82/83/85 GL/parallel/serial link software) |
 | ti92modm.zip | 6k | 97-04-27 |  | TI-Modem v1.3 (TI-92) |
 | ti_conv.zip | 6k | 97-07-24 |  | Parallel Converter 0.6B, .92? files to and from .92@ files |
 | tilink.zip | 42k | 97-07-14 |  | ThriftyLink 1.05 - TI-82/83/85 $4 Serial Link Software |
 | titerm32.zip | 18k | 98-04-05 |  | TITerm (Win32 terminal program for parallel link) |
 | titerm.zip | 27k | 98-01-18 |  | TITerm 1.00 (terminal program with parallel link) |
 | transdos.zip | 8k | 98-05-09 |  | Trans-DOS v0.9 Beta 2 (DOS interface for FLink - French) FLink interface for TI 92 french |
 | vl100.zip | 62k | 97-05-14 |  | VISLINK v1.00 - Parallel Link Software for the TI-82 |
 | vlink89.zip | 68k | 99-08-24 |  | Visual Link 89 Sends and receives .89x files to/from TI-89 and receives romdumps from all calcs. Works for serial links. |
 | vlink.zip | 65k | 98-08-01 |  | VLink-TI v0.6.105 Silent linking progarm for the TI-86. DOS, real mode, 32-bit. |