| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-89 Assembly Files |
| kernel | folder | | TI-89 Assembly Science Programs (Kernel) |
 | bce.zip | 25k | 22-06-20 |  | Chemical Calculator A powerful program to solve chemical equations that calculates stoichiometric coefficients and proportions of reactants and products in moles or mass. Un poderoso programa para resolver ecuaciones quÃmicas que calcula coeficientes estequiométricos y proporciones de reactantes y productos en moles o masa. |
 | crystals.zip | 8k | 10-12-30 |  | Metallic Crystals Returns the crystal structure for all non-radioactive metals in the periodic table: hexagonal close-packed, face-centered cubic, body-centered cubic, cubic, orthorhombic, tetragonal, rhombohedral. |
 | econfig.zip | 8k | 10-12-25 |  | Electron Configuration Returns either the complete or abbreviated electron configuration of the inputted atomic number. Version 1.5 fixes all known bugs; version 1.6 reduces program size to under 1000 bytes. |
 | yapt.zip | 321k | 10-12-01 |  | Yapt (Yet Another Periodic Table) ** fixed for the titanium ** This is a periodic table program. Its got a bunch of cool features like a molar mass calculator, full 2d electron cloud orbital diagramer, smart searches, a trend grapher, and much more. |
 | petrowiz.zip | 12k | 09-02-11 |  | PetroWiz This program identifies, plots and names igneous phaneritic and aphanitic rocks given the relative abundance of minerals on their respective ternary diagrams. Saves a lot of time! Built in help and error protection. Thoroughly tested in a laboratory/classroom setting, no known errors or bugs. |
 | z88tiny.zip | 378k | 07-12-14 |  | z88tiny z88tiny is a small and simple finite-element-analysis-program for truss, beam and shaft calculation. It's an adaption for TI89/92/V200 of the free fea-program z88 for Windows/UNIX (see also www.z88.de). |
 | unites4kohibview.zip | 29k | 07-09-05 |  | unités, convertions et constantes en francais : rappel des unités internationales et recherche de dimension d'autres unités, rappel des constantes les plus utilisées en post-bac, et convertion les plus utilisées |
 | proteusfull.zip | 16k | 07-01-13 |  | Periodic table - Proteus FULL version 1.01 Proteus Full est un tableau periodique des elements qui comporte des informations complementaires sur chaque elements. Proteus Full is a periodic table whitch have complement information and utilities. |
 | proteus.zip | 10k | 06-12-10 |  | Proteus Light It is a periodic table for ti 89. This version is the Light one, make for students who don't need lot of informations about every elements : there are only, the sybol, tha name, the mol, the atomic number. |
 | reskit.zip | 9k | 06-03-18 |  | Resistor kit This little program calculates the resistance of a resistance with the colored ribgs |
 | smartbars.zip | 391k | 05-12-17 |  | Smart-Bars V2.50 Structural analysis program (static) for TI89, TI89-Titanium, TI92+ and V200. It was distributed to help students of civil engineering an other technical fields. It provides graphic and tabular view of the input and results. Features: material/section database, beam/truss elements, springs, hinges, supports, node loads, trapezoidal element loads, temperature, forced displacements and dead load. Calculated values: axial and lateral forces, moments, deformations, minimum and maximum moment and deformation of each element, deformations of each node, support forces. Translations into other languages (French, German, Spanish, Portuguese, Polish) and more information are available on http://www.smart-programs.org . |
 | cubo.zip | 16k | 05-10-19 |  | Tracer Powerful program to adjust continuous curves to series of data, is fast and easy to use.Poderoso programa para ajustar curvas continuas a series de datos tabulados, es rápido y fácil de usar. |
 | physics2.zip | 19k | 04-12-01 |  | Physics! Physics! is a collection of physics equations. So far this is the only large physics formula collection I've seen except for Physics Tutor, which I wrote. This is essentially a rebuild. |
 | smartsec.zip | 247k | 04-11-11 |  | Smart-Section V2.01 Smart-Section is a program for TI89, TI89-Titanium, TI92+ and V200 which calculates cross section values, stress distribution and the core of a cross section or composite cross section. It was distributed to help students of civil engineering and other technical fields. It provides graphic input/output and a tabular view of the results. Features: calculation of polygonal cross sections and composite cross sections, additional use of circle elements, section generator for cross sections that are often used, stress distribution, core of a cross section and scroll and zoomable drawing area. Calculated cross section values: area, perimeter of section, static moments, center of area, moments of inertia, moment of deviation, maximum and minimum moment of inertia, radius of gyration, minimum resistive torque, stress in x-direction, coordinates of the core of the cross section. Translations into other languages (German, Spanish) are available on http://homepage.uibk.ac.at/~csac7688/ . |
 | petri89.zip | 31k | 04-11-04 |  | petri89 2.0 BETA Uses Petri nets to simulate sequences, search for P-invariants and T-invariants, coverability tree, and more. Useful for industrial engineering students. |
 | balance.zip | 6k | 04-10-17 |  | Chemical Formual Balancer It balances chemical formulas for you. Some Intelligence required. |
 | circuit.zip | 23k | 04-09-28 |  | Digital Logic Circuit Simulator 0.9.2 This program provides a way to build simple digital circuits, comprised of interactive inputs, AND/OR/XOR/NAND/NOR/XNOR/NOT gates, clocks, multiplexers, and outputs. It then allows you to simulate the circuit while modifying the inputs to observe its behavior. Function is similar to the PC program "Digital Works". This version is not backwards compatible with older saved circuits. |
 | curvas.zip | 58k | 04-07-24 |  | Curvas v2.2 Programa de Viales para calcular los elementos de Curvas Circulares Simples: Sencillas, Compuestas, Punto Obligado, PI Inaccesible. |
 | ep.zip | 8k | 04-05-22 |  | Electro Pro V4 Ce programme regroupe pour tous les montages a Ampli OP ainsi que des filtres. Il est la suite de EP v3. |
 | eleclvls.zip | 3k | 04-03-12 |  | Electron Configuration V1.0 With this handy program you can find the electron configuration of any element! Its extremely simple to use and it has no known bugs! |
 | div_euclidienne.zip | 2k | 03-10-23 |  | Euclidian division Make the Euclidian division of a number (a=b*q+r, with a,b,q and r integers) |
 | diviseur.zip | 2k | 03-10-23 |  | diviseur Search all integer numbers that divides an other (i.e. 1,2,4,5,10 and 20 divides 20) |
 | dec2xx.zip | 3k | 03-10-23 |  | dec2xx Converts a number from base 10 (decimal) to any base |
 | xx2dec.zip | 3k | 03-10-23 |  | xx2dec Converts a number from any base to base 10 (decimal) |
 | physics_progs.zip | 7k | 03-09-08 |  | Physics Programs 2 physics programs I'm posting just for the fun of it |
 | cinematq.zip | 16k | 03-07-28 |  | Cinematq the cinematiqs links |
 | fichesphyschimmcalec.zip | 46k | 03-06-09 |  | fiches de physique, chimie, méca et élec Programmes de fiches de révision en physique, chimie, mécanique et électronique (programme de terminale S SI 2003) |
 | ep_v30a.zip | 13k | 03-06-03 |  | Elec Pro V3.0a Un programme qui vous donne instantannement les montages a aop et les filtres avec les schemas et les formules démontrées. Niveau BTS Electronique. |
 | gaslaws.zip | 11k | 03-05-19 |  | TI Gas Laws This was just packaged for the TI-86, TI-89, TI-92+, and V200. It displays the 7 gaslaws and formulas. It doesn't do the work for you. |
 | gaslawv02d.zip | 25k | 03-04-25 |  | Gas Laws This program is a nifty little utility that is contains all the common forms of the gas laws from Chemistry. I intend it more as a way of avoiding formula errors as opposed to a replacement to knowing your stuff, but whatever you use it for, is what you use it for. |
 | const.zip | 8k | 03-04-04 |  | Physical Constants and Properties This is essentially the table of constants (e.g. the Planck constant) and properties (e.g. the mass of a proton) in the back of my physics book. |
 | alchemistry.zip | 29k | 03-03-10 |  | Alchemistry This is a REALLY COOL, EASY TO USE, AND USEFUL program by Alex Astashyn to be used in chemistry class, contains an equation balance solver, stoichometry solver, gas laws,electrochemistry, PH and POH, etc. |
 | astr.zip | 8k | 03-03-04 |  | Astronomer's Pal 0.1 A useful program for amateur astronomers. Given your local info, calculates sidereal time and azimuth/elevation coordinates for any celestial body whose right ascension and declination you know. This program works correctly, unlike my last one, |
 | sqelemw.zip | 9k | 03-01-17 |  | Symbulator Element Writer This program is like an IDE for the symbulator. It provides a multi-line text editor interface with syntax help and a listing of possible elements to use. |
 | rnacdcr.zip | 6k | 02-09-30 |  | mRNA Codon Decoder This is a program to give you the amino acid of the codon you type in lowercase. |
 | ions.zip | 2k | 01-12-22 |  | Ions This is an alphabetized list of the common polyatomic and transition metal ions. It is not quite as comprehensive a list as that offered by the program Polyions, but it contains all of the ions necessary to know for AP Chemistry written in a larger font. |
 | physics.zip | 9k | 01-12-16 |  | Physics Tutor V1.0b A simple collection of physics formulas. |
 | stanti.zip | 340k | 01-04-21 |  | STAN-I Structural Analisys Program |
 | resistance.zip | 3k | 01-02-15 |  | Resistance Color Codes v1.0 This is "NoStub"(kernel-less) program that given a resistance value it will give you its color code. It Works with ti-89, ti92plus. |
 | skymap.zip | 108k | 01-02-14 |  | SkyMap 89 Program calculates positions of Sun,Moon,planets and 251 stars and plots a sky map. |
 | traits.zip | 3k | 01-02-14 |  | Trait Analyzer Simply put, you can enter the percentage of a population that has a trait as heterozygous recessive and determine what percents have it has homozygous/heterozygous dominant. It is based on the TI-85 BASIC program called Xevolve. Have fun with it! |
 | resistor.zip | 4k | 01-02-13 |  | Resistor Color Codes A quick program that will help you make sense of 4-banded resistors. Calculates in ohms and the accuracy of the resistor based on the color codes you input. Also features an on-screen graphic representation of the resistor. (Note: Don't let the size of the zip fool you ;) |
 | dnabase.zip | 4k | 01-02-13 |  | DNA Codon Solver v1.0 A great program that can not only convert between DNA codons, RNA codons, and DNA anticodons, but will also display the amino acid and its common abbreviation and amino code! (Note: Don't let the size of the zip fool you, it's not as big ;) |
 | polyions.zip | 7k | 01-02-12 |  | Polyions A must-have for any student enrolled in a chemistry class. A list of 99 ions from Acetate to Zirconium IV. Alphabetized and easy-jump interface. Download now! (Note: Don't let the size of the zip fool you ;) |
 | totchem.zip | 16k | 01-02-03 |  | Total Chemistry v0.1 Easy to use, full of functions, look at the Readme for more information. |
 | periodfr.zip | 40k | 00-11-18 |  | Periodic Table (french) Classification periodique en francais |
 | atomcfg.zip | 2k | 00-11-07 |  | Atom Figure v2.0 Not too much to say about this program, besides it finds the average atomic mass theoretically to as many atoms/isotopes data the memory can hold. Simple program, expect to see more programs as my classes and programming skill progress. |
 | atomfig.zip | 2k | 00-11-02 |  | Atom Figure v2.0 This program figures the average mass of any given number of isotopes. This works without a shell (nostub) and with all AMSs (I am only assuming this). |
 | vpt.zip | 28k | 00-09-02 |  | Visual Periodic Table 89 v2.0 Visual Periodic Table with Mass Calculator and Chemistry Equation Solver. Fast and powerful. Three temperature scales. |
 | period892.zip | 26k | 00-08-20 |  | Periodic Table 89 v2.9 A graphical periodic table for the TI-89 which includes the atomic mass, electron configuration, type of element, melting and boiling points in Kelvin, first ionization energy, electronegativity, and common oxidation states. This version works with AMS 2.05 and requires no kernel. |