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Ranked as 937 on our all-time top downloads list with 17610 downloads.
Ranked as 3081 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 6 downloads.
Ranked as 95 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.61.

Filename polyions.zip (Download)
Title Polyions
Description A must-have for any student enrolled in a chemistry class. A list of 99 ions from Acetate to Zirconium IV. Alphabetized and easy-jump interface. Download now! (Note: Don't let the size of the zip fool you ;)
Author RoryK (icarus3@earthlink.net)
Category TI-89 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 7,450 bytes
File Date and Time Mon Feb 12 03:54:55 2001
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? No



Review by  Nishad Phadke
Reviewed on 2011-06-18
While this program is useful for people who are just learning ions, I personally was expecting a list of exotic ions, as opposed to "common-day" ions that one could learn in a few months or so. I definitely recommend this program to beginner chemists, but not for those of you who have been working with naming conventions for over 4 months.

Usefulness: 7/10 (for beginners)

Resourcefulness: 9/10 (difficult topic in an organized fashion)

Correctness: 10/10

Overall: 8.5/10


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Archive Contents
Name Size
Polyions.9xz   5103
Polyions.89z   5103
polyions.txt   2606

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