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Yapt (Yet Another Periodic Table)


Ranked as 246 on our all-time top downloads list with 39570 downloads.
Ranked as 2865 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 5 downloads.
Ranked as 248 on our top rated list with a weighted average of 8.27.

Filename yapt.zip (Download)
Title Yapt (Yet Another Periodic Table)
Description ** fixed for the titanium ** This is a periodic table program. Its got a bunch of cool features like a molar mass calculator, full 2d electron cloud orbital diagramer, smart searches, a trend grapher, and much more.
Author Samuel Stearley (sstear70@calvin.edu)
Category TI-89 Assembly Science Programs
File Size 328,890 bytes
File Date and Time Wed Dec 1 02:47:39 2010
Documentation Included? Yes
Source Code Included? Yes



Review by  Wayne Wilson
Reviewed on 2005-07-08
Note! This review was written for a previous version of this file!

This is the finest periodic table I have seen for the TI calculator series. As an educator and chemist, I use it extensively, and have yet to have a problem with the program. If I have any complaints, they are minor - you can quickly learn and master this program. My only regret is that the new AMS 3.0 does not seem to support the program on my new TI-89 titanium, and I find I must use my old TI-89 for "YAPT" to work.


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Archive Contents
Name Size
yapt/read_me_first.txt   669
yapt/yapt.zip   308404
yapt/yapt_titanium_english.zip   19607

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