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Last updated Monday, 12 September 2005
Total downloads 85,444
Most popular file  Battle Tanks v2.1 with 47,125 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Games (Ion)
anarc.zip9k03-11-08File rated 7.85Anarchy 1.5
Anarchy v1.5, the memory corruption bug was fixed. Anarchy is a space trading game, loosely modelled along the same lines as the classic "Elite". It's not half as complex though (well, it is only about 6.5k in size) The aim of the game is to trade goods amongst the sectors of the galaxy, raising money to buy better equipment for your ship. ..... no, the aim of the game is to blow up as many bad guys as you can, whilst trading to get $$$ so you can blow up more bad guys. Then blow up the good guys!
battank.zip10k01-04-09File rated 7.41Battle Tanks v2.1
Battle Tanks is a battle game similar to the classic Scorched Earth game for DOS. The object of the game is to destroy your opponentÂ’s tank before he or she can destroy yours. There are 6 weapons: cannon, bomb, laser, nuke, guided and digger as well as 2-player mode, target practice mode and computer player mode. There are also 3 save slots for saving a game.
catch22.zip17k04-11-25File rated 7.25Catch 22
Catch 22 is a turn based war-strategy game. As of now, it is only for two players. However, artificial intelligence is in the works. Current features include: Over 20 units, ranging from tanks, to submarines, to fighter jets; fog of war; the ability to save 1 game and 5 options settings; the ability to turn off/on every unit in the game; animated tiles; over 25 units to build each having a unique pupose. Give the game a shot, it is one of the few turn based strategy games for the 83 series written in assembly.
nukewar.zip54k05-09-12File is not ratedNukewar ION
A battleship like game, only a bit more complex. Two player turn based strategy game where the main objective is to destroy the enemy command bunker with nuclear stikes. Players can use spies, research weapon upgrades, and anihilate the countryside and each others buildings. Similiar to the BASIC version, only runs faster and doesnt have animations. New in Version 3.0:The two players can be controlled by humans or they can be controlled by the calc, or the player can fight against the calc. There are three different strategies that the bot can use, and an additional option exists allowing the bot to change its strategy.
scprotos.zip23k03-10-19File is not ratedStarcraft Beta 0.4 83(+) Ion or MirageOS French and Engish
SCPROTOS is the alone Strategy Game in real time to Ti-83(+) 3 units (Probe, Zealot and Dragon) and 5 facilities (Nexus, Pylon, Assimilator, Gateway, Forge and Photon Cannon) and 2 resources (mineral and gas)
tankarena.zip4k03-03-09File is not ratedTank Arena
Tanker game with help in french, made in an afternoon... You just have to shoot you opponent (on the same calc) But if you want a very good link game, look for Bomberkids on ticalc.org..

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