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Last updated Saturday, 12 November 2011
Total downloads 92,902
Most popular file  Maze with 5,342 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83 BASIC Games (Puzzle)
amaze.zip2k00-07-14File is not ratedAmaze
Amaze that you want to escape
coolmaze.zip1k00-11-02File is not ratedCool Maze
A very cool maze game
darkmaze.zip2k01-05-30File is not ratedDarkMaze
Can you get through a maze in the dark? Has two levels: semi-dark and fully dark, as well as a maze editor to produce your own mazes.
difficultmaze.zip2k08-01-10File is not ratedThe Really Difficult Maze
This is a maze game, in which you are a blinking pixel starting in the upper left corner, trying to get to the lower left corner.
dtd.zip1k01-06-12File is not ratedDeath Trap Dungeon
DTD or Death Trap Dungen is a game where you just walk around, at least it is for now. I hope in the future there will be monsters and lots of enemies to fight and will have more than 1 level. -Robert Bender
dungeoncreator.zip7k04-07-24File is not ratedDungeon Creator/Player
This program creates a dungeon and then offers 6 modes of play to walk through it. You should try it if you like simple games or need dungeons, or just like to try new stuff.
dungeon.zip7k00-05-31File is not ratedDungeon Escape
You are locked in a dungeon and you must get out. This game has tons of animation, awesome graphics, and really smooth scrolling. Looks a lot more like an assembly game than a basic game.
hardmaze.zip1k00-03-31File is not ratedHardMaze v1.0
A seemingly endless maze is drawn on your calculator screen very quickly, then you have the option of starting from the inside or the outside of the maze. After choosing where to start, you are off, trying to time each corner perfectly, for if you hit the wall, you lose. Names and high scores are saved. Email me and tell me what the high score is after you beat the game, and I will send you a suprise!
kquest2.zip4k04-05-08File is not ratedQuest II
This advanced puzzle-solving game combines the premise of games like Chips Challenge with mazes to provide hours of engrossing fun. The included level set includes 15 levels for you to slide, teleport, unlock, and bounce your way through. External levels are supported; Doors CS v4.0 optimized. Check out the screenshots!
lab3d.zip2k00-04-29File is not ratedLabyrinth 3D
A fun game where you walk around in a maze in the first person point of view. You can make your own levels. Doesn't take up a lot of memory.
labrynth2.zip11k07-03-06File is not ratedLabrynth of Doom
This is a program that creates a maze (2D) that you have to find your way out of. BUT... you have to do it before the time runs out! It does not take up tons of space and only uses strings 1-4, pic 1, list 1 and a custom list. CHECK IT OUT!
laby2.zip1k02-02-20File is not ratedLaby
Sympathique jeu de labyrinthe.
laby.zip4k98-02-10File is not ratedThe Death Labyrinth
A fast labyrinth
lab.zip1k99-12-20File is not ratedLabyrinthe v1.0
Find a short and fast way to get out. (in French)
madmaze.zip1k97-12-31File is not ratedMad Maze! Demo Version
masken1.zip2k98-01-10File is not ratedMasken I
A fast graphic labyrinth game. Enjoy
masken2.zip5k98-01-10File is not ratedThe Return of Masken: Masken II
A graphic labyrinth game. Cool
maze2000.zip4k00-12-01File is not ratedThe Ultimate Maze 2000 v2.0 (AShell83 Compatible)
A 1-player ultimate maze game. It has 5 different levels and a high score for each. It also has special keys: Save, Pause, Quit, and a Teacher Key. Although the main objective of this game is to make it to the finish, the main purpose is just to get as far as you can. The maze is extremely complicated and you're most likely going to either accidentally run into a wall by turning too early or late or by running into a dead end. If you somehow manage to make it all the way through and reach the finish, you will be awarded 1,000 extra points. The beauty of this game is that even if you happen to win it'll still be fun the next time you play because the correct route is almost impossible to remember. Great Game!
maze2.zip3k00-11-13File is not ratedMaze v2.4
A cool maze game with 3 mazes and greyscale graphics.
maze3d.zip2k01-08-05File is not ratedMaze 3D
Maze 3D is an excellent 3D maze with an archive of dozens of mazes. It runs at an incredibly fast speed.
maze3.zip1k00-07-13File is not ratedMaze
A little maze game...
maze4.zip5k00-10-20File is not ratedMazes! v1.1
I have fixed all the bugs that I know of so far. Please if you enjoy games that give you a challenge then try thses mazes and go for the high scores!!!
mazedaze.zip1k98-01-16File is not ratedMaze Daze 1.0
mazep.zip9k98-01-24File is not ratedMazeplosion 1.7 with MultiMaz
A pack w updates of mazeplosion, same as I uploaded yesterday, but a few bugs fixed
mazerace.zip1k98-02-15File is not ratedMaze Race
Get through the maze as fast as you can
maze.zip1k97-07-25File is not ratedMaze 1.1 (Aurora Compatible)
Maze 1.1
mazezip.zip1k00-05-31File is not ratedBryant Lee's Random Maze Generator
Generates a completely random maze for your to solve. Lots of novelty.
minotaur.zip135k11-11-12File is not ratedMINOTAUR: v2.7 with Level Editor + Generator
MINOTAUR is a maze game based on the puzzle, "Theseus and the Minotaur". But in this version you are(Perseus) are stuck in a labyrinth, with a Minotaur blocking the way. The only way to get out is through the exit. The problem is, the Minotaur moves twice as fast as you. But luckily for you, it has a very simple brain that sometimes makes bad decisions. Using tricks and traps, you can guide Perseus to the exit. The editor is a very useful tool for making and editing levels. With 8 different types of blocks, there are more than a googol maze setups. The generator creates random levels to help create ideas for your level. Also included are 5 sample levels. Fixed a lot bugs.
sm83.zip1k97-06-30File is not ratedSpace Maze
trapped.zip2k99-03-09File is not ratedTrapped!!! v1.0
You start out in a room with walls appearing around you. Your goal is to escape from the room. However, this proves dificult because the walls continue to be built as you move. Uses semi grayscale graphics.
um83.zip9k00-07-24File is not ratedUltra Maze 83 v1.2
This is a very fun maze game. The ASM maze game for the 83 has only 2 mazes. This one has 10 mazes, it's smaller, and on top of that, it even has a maze editor. Very fun! Awesome graphics!

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