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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What language do you mostly program in?
Choice Votes   Percent
TI-BASIC 119 34.4%   
z80 Assembly 34 9.8%   
68k Assembly 3 0.9%   
C 38 11.0%   
C++ 33 9.5%   
Objective-C 5 1.4%   
Perl 5 1.4%   
Java 27 7.8%   
JavaScript 3 0.9%   
PHP 18 5.2%   
Python 4 1.2%   
Delphi 4 1.2%   
COBOL 0 0.0%   
FORTRAN 2 0.6%   
AppleScript 1 0.3%   
Windows Batch 0 0.0%   
VBScript 4 1.2%   
UNIX shell script 1 0.3%   
Other Assembly 0 0.0%   
Other C-derived language 3 0.9%   
Other Web language 5 1.4%   
Other BASIC 20 5.8%   
Other scripting language 4 1.2%   
I do not program 13 3.8%   

Survey posted 2004-10-02 21:33 by Morgan.

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  Reply to this item

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Enchanted Coders  Account Info
(Web Page)

I consider myself a TI-Basic programmer mostly, but I am also strong in C, C++, and Java. I occasionally dabble in AppleScript since I'm a Mac user. I know VB as well, but refuse to use it due to the fact that VB is limited to Windows as a target - I much prefer going cross-platform wherever it makes sense to do so.

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jonathan Pezzino  Account Info
(Web Page)

how do you program c++ on a mac? Macs are delibrately made so that you CANNOT program them - the only way you can program in C++ on them is by emulating another, older operating system. Horribly, horribly inefficient.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 17:42 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

What the smeg are you talking about? Of course you can write in C++ for Mac, I can think of 2 different compilers of the top of my head! Macs ARE NOT specifically developed so one cannot write for them...it's just that most people/companies don't because only 5% of the market uses them. I don't know where you get your information, but it's horribly biased.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 18:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

>> Macs are delibrately made so that you CANNOT program them<<

Uhh... I have a VERY hard time believing that. What good is a computer if you cannot program it?!?!

I haven't used a Mac much since OS5, but isn't OSX based on a BSD? (FreeBSD if I remember correctly.) I was under the impression that it even ships with bash, and the GNU autotools are avaliable for it. I even think I remember reading the it ships with python, (trimmed down a bit.)

If that is all true, MacOSX is FAR more programmable out of the box than windows.


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:06 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
anykey  Account Info

Python runs on any platform. Another reason I like it.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

Assembly language runs on any platform too, though it has many different dialects. :)

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 00:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
anykey  Account Info

Right, but I can write alot less code and still get the same output.
Hello World in Python:
print "hello world"

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 02:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know python runs on just about any platform. What I meant was that if you buy a Mac, even before connecting to a network, or putting a disk in the drive, (i.e. a clean MacOSX install,) you have python.


Reply to this comment    6 October 2004, 01:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

> If that is all true, MacOSX is FAR more programmable out of the box than windows.

That's like a funny quote I read recently:

"Ever notice something? Unix comes with compilers. NT comes with Solitaire." -- Adep

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

[Laughing out loud while simultaneously rolling on the floor]

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 23:05 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
anykey  Account Info


Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 02:06 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info


Reply to this comment    9 October 2004, 23:29 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
CajunLuke  Account Info

Mac OS X is based on BSD Darwin. It comes with Perl, Python, and the gcc.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 17:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
CajunLuke  Account Info

gcc for c, c++, Objective-C, and Objective-C++

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 19:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Enchanted Coders  Account Info
(Web Page)

Uhh...Mac OS X comes with an IDE called Xcode, for FREE, that lets you program in C, C++, Java, and Objective-C.

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 16:53 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

Yay for Java!! I wouldn't use it if it wasn't cross-platform, but it's still a very good language.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 18:57 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Andree Chea  Account Info

I checked C++, but it's very tenuous right now. 2 years ago, TI-BASIC, would be my choice. 1 year ago, C++ would be my choice. Now that I'm learning Java and since z80 assembly is finally starting to make sense, I doubt I would be coding in C++ as often as before. I've touched Python and PHP, but never really programmed in it.

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 14:37 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
ti_is_good_++  Account Info

Some of these languages I've never even heard of. Are Objective-C, AppleScript, unix shell script, or Delphi used very much?

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 01:13 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

From personal experience, I know the Unix shell language(s) is used quite a lot in the Unix world (obviously). It can be used to write simple filters, utilities, and other little programs. I've used it to resize dozens of JPEG images in one command, for example. I also wrote a shell script to draw a Sierpinski triangle (see my comment above).

Objective-C is probably used quite a lot in MacOS X, as it can use Cocoa easily. (I've never used Obj-C nor Cocoa, so I don't know if that's completely correct).

I don't know how much it's used everywhere else, but the TI-GCC team wrote their IDE in Delphi. Delphi is just Pascal with object-oriented extensions.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 02:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Enchanted Coders  Account Info
(Web Page)

Objective-C and Java together form the foundation of the Cocoa framework in Mac OS X.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 13:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

>> Delphi is just Pascal with object-oriented extensions. <<

I would say that Borland's Object Pascal is Pascal with object-oriented extensions. Delphi, is Object Pascal coupled with a nice IDE, RAID tools, and of corse Borland's VCL (Visual Component Library.)

I never used Delphi much, but I really enjoyed using C++Builder. (...which is based on Delphi.)


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:12 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

Alright, Delphi *the language* is just Pascal with object-oriented extensions. Delphi actually was formerly known as Object Pascal.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I always thought of delphi as being 'object pascal with vcl and a nice ide.' IIRC, Delphi was a entire new product line.


Reply to this comment    6 October 2004, 01:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Travis Evans Account Info

I've heard of Applescript and read a webpage about it, but I've never tried it. It looks cool--everything is written in what looks like plain English.

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 22:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

Make it possible for programmers to write programs in English, and you will find that programmers cannot write in English.

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 23:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)


An easier way to discover that, is to read a little API documentation.


Reply to this comment    6 October 2004, 01:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

I often read API documentation in the form of man pages, and most of them are written pretty well. They are in very technical writing, but that should be expected as they are technical in nature.

Reply to this comment    6 October 2004, 04:21 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Paul Houser Account Info
(Web Page)

Objective C is neato. It has some of the advantages of C++ without the bloated compilations. Actually, the SIERRA C compiler with TI's 68K Flash Studio is semi-objective.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:24 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

Delphi is pretty cool. It's based off of Pascal, except that it's object-oriented like C++. It's syntaxing is pretty similar (the only major difference I can think of is the lack of the {}; instead it uses Begin...End, I think), so if you know C++, Delphi code shouldn't be that hard to understand.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:42 GMT

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