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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What language do you mostly program in?
Choice Votes   Percent
TI-BASIC 119 34.4%   
z80 Assembly 34 9.8%   
68k Assembly 3 0.9%   
C 38 11.0%   
C++ 33 9.5%   
Objective-C 5 1.4%   
Perl 5 1.4%   
Java 27 7.8%   
JavaScript 3 0.9%   
PHP 18 5.2%   
Python 4 1.2%   
Delphi 4 1.2%   
COBOL 0 0.0%   
FORTRAN 2 0.6%   
AppleScript 1 0.3%   
Windows Batch 0 0.0%   
VBScript 4 1.2%   
UNIX shell script 1 0.3%   
Other Assembly 0 0.0%   
Other C-derived language 3 0.9%   
Other Web language 5 1.4%   
Other BASIC 20 5.8%   
Other scripting language 4 1.2%   
I do not program 13 3.8%   

Survey posted 2004-10-02 21:33 by Morgan.

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  Reply to this item

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

Definitely C.

I'd have also put C++, TI-BASIC, z80 assembly, 68K assembly, Java, and Other web language (if HTML counts as a "language"), but C is my strongest.

Just out of curiosity, what is the point of C++? I can't think of any good example where a class object could not be replicated or simulated by "typedef struct {}". Yes, member functions, constructors, destructors, and private and protected members are nice conveniences, but they are memory hogs.

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 23:13 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

I like overloading... Making a function feel loosly typed makes it easier to use, IMHO.


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 00:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, especially overloading of operators such as +, -, >>, <<, and many others...that is SO useful...

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 06:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Zeroko  Account Info
(Web Page)

It is if you are coding a vector/matrix/quaternion class, or something else of that nature.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 16:31 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Chivo  Account Info

HTML definitely is a language. It's even in its name: "Hyper-Text Markup Language". It's just not a *programming* language, as I've seen it called a lot.

So, where are languages like Prolog and Forth? I wouldn't vote for them, but others might. C:

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 03:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Tzazak  Account Info

HTML is called a programming language because it's a lot easier to say that you program in java, c++, basic, vb, ..., html since you can put it all in the same listing. Anyway, isn't basic more of scripting than programming? I could make the same argument for that. The moral: people who deal with computers are lazy (which is why there are waaaaaay too many acronyms to learn in networking!)

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 03:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

>>people who deal with computers are lazy<<

Some people prefer the term 'efficient' to lazy. :)

Something that I find interesting, is that when the average person sits in front of a computer, they have absolutely no clue as to the enormous amount of work that goes into that thing.

Programmers' work is often (always?) taken for granted.


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 20:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
anykey  Account Info

...true...very true...

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Tzazak  Account Info

Don't forget about the actual machine. A lot of people take that for granted, too. I mean, I thought computers were complex, and then I started taking networking. Let me put it this way: the average computer user better thank god they don't need to know what goes on in there. Seriously, my cs teacher set a quiz in front of us where we had to say stuff about all of these acronyms. They're all 3 to 4 letters long, and i never realized how many of them there were until i saw that quiz.

Reply to this comment    6 October 2004, 03:31 GMT

burntfuse  Account Info



Reply to this comment    9 October 2004, 23:27 GMT

Re: ¤
calkfreak83  Account Info
(Web Page)


Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 21:48 GMT

Re: Re: ¤
Chivo  Account Info


Reply to this comment    11 October 2004, 14:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't think HTML is a programming language, IMHO, because it doens't have any sort of flow control (no looping, no conditionals, etc)--it just calls up information.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
CajunLuke  Account Info

Never heard of them. That's why they're not in there.

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 17:41 GMT

Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Does TeX count as a language? I know you can't actually write a program with it, but if HTML counts, than TeX should.

For those of you that don't know, TeX is a language used to create technical documents, such as mathematical proofs. See ^link^

Reply to this comment    2 October 2004, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, HTML is not on the list, so I wouldn't think that TeX would count.

LaTeX is derived from TeX, isn't it? I have messed around with LaTeX a little, but only because I saw kile in my 'Word Processor' menu. I was playing around with it when I /should/ have been writing a report.


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 00:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, LaTex is a TeX compiler.
I think.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 01:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Benjamin Moody  Account Info

LaTeX is (or was originally) a set of macros to make TeX easier to work with.

As far as what you "should" be doing... I must disagree; a far better use of your time would be learning LaTeX so in the future you won't have to waste so much time fooling around with "word-processors"...

The funny thing is that despite all the work they've put into MS Word, TeX output still looks an order of magnitude better.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 02:45 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

I know. I am using it to write up my USAMTS solutions and it looks beautiful. MS Word couldn't come near. TeX is rather hard to use compared to Word, though. Someone should make a WYSIWYG compiler for people who are intimidated by source code.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 11:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Oh, I could have just scrolled down to get my answer. Yeah, I love TeX, it typesets math equations really nicely. It just took me a while to get the hang of it. It's a bit more complex than HTML, in my opinion. Or maybe I'm still not used to seeing $\command{...}$ all over the place.

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 15:22 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, I might have to get around to using it. Although, I think that OOo Math does a good enough job for math equations. (At least I can use it without spending hours to learn how.)

Well, I still have plenty of space on my root partition, so I don't think I will delete it...


Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 20:39 GMT

Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ooh, I use TeX! Are you doing the USAMTS?

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 15:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
JcN  Account Info
(Web Page)

What are the USAMTS (if it's even plural)?

Reply to this comment    3 October 2004, 23:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

It's a mail-in math competition. see ^link^

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 16:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I just sent in the Round 1 solutions. The problems are really easy this year, don't you think?

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 16:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, but then again, the Round 1 problems are always easy. Did you participate last year? If so, what was your score? I think my score was in the high 80's last year. Either this year or next year I hope to get a 100. :)

Reply to this comment    4 October 2004, 20:32 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, since the deadline's past now...
What answers did you get?

Reply to this comment    7 October 2004, 11:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Alright, if you're sure we're allowed to discuss problems... :)

I got:
1) n=14
2) Solutions: (6,5) (-6,5) (6,-5) (-6,-5)
3) min=20, max=25
4) n=12
5) sq(7), sq(13), 2

I REALLY hope I didn't make any _stupid_ mistakes...

Reply to this comment    8 October 2004, 00:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh, nuts, we're not supposed to discuss solutions until a week after the deadline. So that's... the 11th? Hmm, maybe this could be deleted and I could repost it in four days? :\

Reply to this comment    8 October 2004, 02:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
danbert23  Account Info

:Since it's nearly a week past the deadline, it's probably OK to share answers. In addition, we're not really discussing the problems, just comparing answers.

:I got the same answers as you on all problems except 2. For that, I also got (x,y)=

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 01:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
Sam3.14 Account Info
(Web Page)

That's what I got too.

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 11:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh, then I probably did something to fux0r it up. I'll have to re-read my work later to see what I did. :\ I always make stupid mistakes, I should be used to it by now. I knew I should have made a program to check my work. Oh well.

... Ahh, wait, I see what I did. I overlooked something while reducing.

I let a=3x^2+y^2-4y-17 and b=2x^2+2y^2-4y-6 and set up the equation like

a^3-b^3=(a-b)^3, then concluded that a-b=0. What I overlooked was the possibility that eitehr a or b could equal zero. (I don't know HOW I missed that...)

Well, darn. I messed up on the first round, that's pretty sad :( Hehe, at least I'll get some partial credit.

I'm curious-- how did you solve the 3rd problem?

Reply to this comment    10 October 2004, 22:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What language do you mostly program in?
danbert23  Account Info

Yeah, they are pretty easy. Especially the geometry one.

Reply to this comment    5 October 2004, 00:30 GMT

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