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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Choice Votes   Percent
Good idea. Sign me up. 154 33.8%   
I'd stick with EFNet. 68 14.9%   
Use alternative network (DALNet, etc.) 42 9.2%   
I don't use IRC. 191 42.0%   

Survey posted 2000-02-12 06:20 by Andy.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

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Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Id perfer Java. IRC seems to have a really cheap feeling to it, IMO. And plus I don't really know anybody who has even heard of it besides me.

Oh well,
~Jonathan Taylor

Reply to this comment    15 February 2000, 22:50 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Frederic Merizen  Account Info

U dont know the right people ;)

Plus java has a much cheaper feeling then IRC. Can't even do a /NICK or /ME to express your mood. Blaurgh !

Reply to this comment    18 February 2000, 10:33 GMT

Derrick Staples  Account Info

I think I dedicated IRC server would be really cool.
I noticed that the people one the Efnet server were talking spanish and about being drunk and colored. :/
If ti calc does make an IRC server, they would probly need some chat admins and bots. It wuold be nice to have a Java chat applet so the non irc prog people and aol user losers (no offence) could have something to chat on. I have no life and have had tons of experience at mIRC scripting so, em oh well.

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 02:03 GMT

Re: TIrc
meingts Account Info

>> I noticed that the people one the Efnet server were talking spanish and about being drunk and colored. :/

You do realize that that is only for *one* channel. Not all channels are Spanish-speaking and only talk about being drunk and colored. :)

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 07:09 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Aiden Blake Account Info

Personally, I think you should use DALNet or Undernet, etc...one that every can access! I don't know how many times I have launched mIRC, tried to connect to EFNet and got the message "You are not authorized to use this server!" I get it for all but one EFNet server, which doesn't have and calc chans on it. That's just my opinion! If any of you guys out there think you know what I'm doing wrong...please feel free to tell me!!!! L8R DUDES !!!!!

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 06:13 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
meingts Account Info

1. Don't try to connect to irc.freei.net, irc2.home.com, ircd-w.concentric.net (irc.concentric.net is okay though), or irc.best.net.

2. irc.anet-stl.com (irc.mo.net) and irc*.netcom.com are no longer on EFnet.

3. What server were you able to connect to? I use irc.idle.net.

4. The calculator channels are on every server that is linked to EFnet. I'm talking about #ti, #ti-files, #dim-ti, and #calc-ti (#calc-ti is not for calculator questions. It's for idling :)

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 07:04 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Filipe Polido  Account Info
(Web Page)

GREAT!!!! Sign me up too!!! create channels to discuss about programming... etc...etc...

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 11:04 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Danny  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL...I can't believe this was even suggested. If it is created, I hope it's nothing like #ti. Another point you all probally overlooked, your connection probally won't be stable enough to withstand attacks. Don't even say "Well I hope the TI-Comm. would be more mature than that" because as a whole we are obviously not. We have dorks in #ti banning people unjustly for no apparent reason at all, in other related TI channels bots are dropping like flies and the topics are rarely ever about calcs. When there is actually a TI related topic brought up in #ti, people are laughed at, called stupid, given very very dumb, sarcastic, unnecessary comments. I pitty IRC now.

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 23:45 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
ikecam  Account Info
(Web Page)

Amen. #ti is terrible.

Reply to this comment    18 February 2000, 17:54 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
levine  Account Info

We only ban people who:

1. Are excessively annoying and know it,
2. Persist in talking about taboo subjects (ROMs, etc)
3. Have threatened the lives of the operators on one or more occasions.

As for the snide remarks, they are only given when someone asks a question that is either common sense (How do I turn my Ti89 on?!!?!?!?!?!?) or is clearly printed in the manual - and we are only sarcastic for the latter type of question after we have very clearly stated that the answer to said question is in said manual.

In conclusion, I'd like to proclaim my support for Dan Quayle in 2000.


Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 23:01 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Danny  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've never seen anyone ask those kind of questions, you guys make snide remarks for people with BASIC questions. As for the 'banning rules' I volated none of them, try again.

Reply to this comment    21 February 2000, 19:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
BLAlien  Account Info

You know, there's really not that much of a trick behind TI-BASIC. It's just a series of commands that you can do on other sections of your calc. If you know your calc well, then TI-BASIC's a no-brainer.

Reply to this comment    21 February 2000, 21:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
levine  Account Info

If you would let me know the hostmask that was banned, I will look into it.


Reply to this comment    22 February 2000, 01:21 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Etec  Account Info
(Web Page)

<off topic>I just noticed, ticalc spelled post wrong when you reply to a comment, post is spelled boasts in the guidelines.
</off topic>
<on topic>
I don't use IRC, I don't even know what it is.
</on topic>
<off topic again>
does anyone know what happened to www.calc.org, when ever I try to go there nothing shows, same with the sites hosted there like joewing.calc.org. I look at the source and its a blank html file with the start and end html tags. I wonder if they know that their site isn't working, does anyone know their email address.
</off topic again>

Reply to this comment    17 February 2000, 00:33 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Sean Barnes  Account Info

I think it is supposed to say boasts; as in bragging about getting the first comment.

According to ti-news, Dimension-TI is getting a new server and it should be up within a week.

-Sean Barnes

Reply to this comment    18 February 2000, 05:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Etec  Account Info
(Web Page)

ok, thanks, Some site hosted by them doesn't work either and I really want to get the hex source they have.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 05:56 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
dude96 Account Info

i think that this is a great idea, because if i have any trouble with programming or with a program i can get an answer instantly.



Reply to this comment    19 February 2000, 22:14 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Greg Schenzel  Account Info

They don't even talk about TI's. They just get on a half-a*sed subject. It is incredibly elitist (with their @'s), and they'll ban or kick you for no reason.

Reply to this comment    22 February 2000, 22:36 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
deuist Account Info

I was wondering if ticalc.org was ever going to start a Yahoo club or any other web presence. This way, we could always post comments that are never on the topic. I've seen some TI clubs, but they're all pretty small.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 01:46 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
brodie  Account Info
(Web Page)

i think that a network dedicated to TI's would be great. i go on for hours at a time (yes, i guess that that makes me a geek, but...) to d/l ROMs, mp3s, serials, and just about any other thing i need. it would be great to be able to join #tiroom or something and d/l files i need. i say go for it.

Reply to this comment    24 February 2000, 04:38 GMT

Oh my GOD!!

Oh my God it's skippy the flying wonder squirrel!

Reply to this comment    25 February 2000, 03:17 GMT

Re: Oh my GOD!!
Mannyyy  Account Info
(Web Page)

3... 2... 1... poof!

Reply to this comment    26 February 2000, 04:03 GMT

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