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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Choice Votes   Percent
Good idea. Sign me up. 154 33.8%   
I'd stick with EFNet. 68 14.9%   
Use alternative network (DALNet, etc.) 42 9.2%   
I don't use IRC. 191 42.0%   

Survey posted 2000-02-12 06:20 by Andy.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

usaar33  Account Info

How ironic..
i don't use IRC is winning :)

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 01:17 GMT

Re: Wow..
BLAlien  Account Info

How, exactly, is that ironic?

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 17:33 GMT

Re: Re: Wow..
meingts Account Info

Possible future:

aselle: let's post a survey to see what to do about irc and the ti community. There will be three options: get an exclusive irc server, stay on efnet, or "I don't use IRC." [I suggested the alternative network option.]

results come out. 50% say they don't use IRC.

aselle: doh...the results are inconclusive. Screw the 50% who said they don't use IRC.

The first part of the second fabricated aselle explains why it's ironic. The second part explains why not.

Reply to this comment    15 February 2000, 07:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Wow..
BLAlien  Account Info

Oh, I get it now!
TICalc is trying to figure out which one to use for a network, and the majority of people don't even use any of them!
Duh, I'm such an idiot...

Reply to this comment    15 February 2000, 22:51 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
L_Kishyak  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, I think that a live (realtime) help channle would be nice. Because it is tough using e-mail. and that takes forever. Even message boards are quicker. I haven't used EFNet, so I don't know if it is nicer or what...But an IRC channel wouldn't be that hard to create. (I'm new to it, so I don't know how to make networks...) adios!

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 01:49 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Harper Maddox  Account Info
(Web Page)

stick with EFnet.
if a new network was created it would probably have the same amount of downtime as TI-News or dim-ti.

As for those of you who think a java chat or another program is better than IRC, then... you obviously havent been on IRC long enough. get a nice dose of #ti and #ti-files.

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 02:04 GMT

Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
levine  Account Info

I'm curious. Due to abuse by one particular unnamed netizen (in particular, a shell account), all of the Georgia Tech domain has been banned from #ti. How, then, being from GATech, have you visited #ti?


Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 19:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Scott Dial
(Web Page)

Why are you so closed-minded. All you need is a shell or a vhost, or even one of the many free dialups

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 21:46 GMT

Georgia Tech banned ... CRIKEY!
John McCord  Account Info
(Web Page)

Or *gasp* AOL. Wait, that's probably banned too.

I'm just curious, but why is the Georgia Tech domain banned? I'm planning on attending that school in the fall, and I'd hate to not be able to get in there. (As if I go there now, but you understand wanting something you can't have, as opposed to having something you don't want.) Any #ti'ers care to take a shot at that one?

Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 02:01 GMT

Re: Georgia Tech banned ... CRIKEY!
meingts Account Info


Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 07:11 GMT

Re: Re: Georgia Tech banned ... CRIKEY!
John McCord  Account Info
(Web Page)

Um, Flinn no longer attends Georgia Tech, so if that's the only reason, the ban should be removed. Just my thought on the subject.

Reply to this comment    18 February 2000, 05:29 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
Matt Hockenheimer  Account Info

I personally think the best thing would be to use Delphi (www.delphi.com). It's a very good message board system and a chat room built into one. And it's probably a whole lot easier to set up than anything else (I've personally set up two boards with it).

Reply to this comment    13 February 2000, 04:11 GMT

Re: What is your opinion of an IRC network dedicated to TI calculators?
BLAlien  Account Info

What exactly is IRC, and how much does it cost to use?

Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 04:43 GMT

What is IRC, and how much does it cost?
meingts Account Info
(Web Page)

IRC, or Internet Relay Chat, is a way for Internet users to communicate. (Sort of like AOL chat rooms, except that it's complete autonomy. And they aren't so associated with AOL, to satisfy those AOL-haters :) Getting the software and using the servers and stuff is free--although mIRC might say something about a $20 registration fee, that is optional really. Might not answer your question fully though. Read more at www.mirc.co.uk or something.

Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 07:15 GMT

1/3  Account Info

what's EFNet and what's IRC?

Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 05:37 GMT

Re: Ummmm........
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)


nickd.org :)


Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 15:11 GMT

Re: Re: Ummmm........
meingts Account Info

efnet.org is better than efnet.net.

Reply to this comment    14 February 2000, 22:55 GMT

Laura Thompson  Account Info

Well, I complained about the old survey and I finally got one. I don't give two cents about it, well, I guess I had it coming. Sigh


Reply to this comment    15 February 2000, 04:44 GMT

Re: Sigh....
BLAlien  Account Info

No offense, Laura, but there's no point in having a survey about the Casio calculators. We all know how it would turn out :).
Here's my idea: Should I get a TI-89 or a TI-92+?

Reply to this comment    15 February 2000, 22:54 GMT

Re: Re: Sigh....
Laura Thompson  Account Info

That would make a good survey, I'm still debating that one.


Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 00:39 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
Nick Disabato  Account Info
(Web Page)

Then we'd have a giant flame war over that one.. and most of us would overwhelmingly pick 89 :)


Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 02:36 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
BLAlien  Account Info

Didn't you already get an 89?
I'd vote for an 89 for two reasons:
1. I'm hoping my 89 or 92+ would co-exist with my 86. There is NO WAY I could fit a 92 plus another calculator in one pocket. And I couldn't just put it in another pocket, my front-right pocket is assigned to my TI86, my front-left to my pencils, my back-right to my wallet, and my back-left is open (but I'm not gonna sit on my calc for 8 hours in a row :) ).
2, The whole ACT test thing.
Well, that's my opinion. I'm considering getting one of them. The only thing is my parents both think I don't even fully exploit my 86, so I'd have no need for an 89. The thing is, I thrive on knowing that I have the most powerful calculator in my school (everyone else either uses 82's, 83's, 83+'s, or 86's but have no idea on how to use them, so mine is still better :) ). However, my friend, who is also a calc genious (I mention him in my bio) is considering getting an 89 (he has an 83), and one of my classmates is absolutely clueless about calcs, but she still wants one, so she asked me if she should get a 92 (I still told her to get an 83+, just for user-friendlyness, but it's just proof that rivals are rising).
You know what? I'll shut up now.

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 03:43 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
akadajet  Account Info
(Web Page)

Wait a tick... you carry all your school supplies in your pocket? Hmph.. sounds diffferent.

Reply to this comment    16 February 2000, 04:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
BLAlien  Account Info

Not everything! Just my TI86, my pencils, my pens, and my wallet.

Reply to this comment    17 February 2000, 02:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ever heard of a backpack, dude? It's what I use..
My front pouch is assigned to my caclulators, pencils, and 9 books for engligh.
My back pouch is assigned to my Schoolwork, Textbooks and anything else I find.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 19:41 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....

I usually put my stuff in somethingcalled a BACKPACK!! If I stuck all my stuff in my pockets my jeans would explode. But I guess your different, whatever tickles your twinkie.

Reply to this comment    25 February 2000, 03:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
BLAlien  Account Info

That didn't sound right...

Reply to this comment    26 February 2000, 20:10 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
Mannyyy  Account Info
(Web Page)

<<There is NO WAY I could fit a 92 plus another calculator in one pocket.>>

May I interest you in some BIG baggy pants?...

But really, if you take a portfolio or a backpack to school, it doesn't become much of a concern. I'd definately vote for the 92+.


Reply to this comment    19 February 2000, 23:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
Laura Thompson  Account Info

I do think that I've about reached my limit for calculators in my backpack, I've got just about every compartment stuffed with calculators. Each one has it's strong point, it helps to know them if you collect them. I only have three graphing calculators but I have a whole slew of scientific ones. I find the old pouches from TI that hang off your belt to be extremely handy when it comes to scientific calculators.


Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 02:53 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
John McCord  Account Info
(Web Page)

Hmm, so if someone stole that backpack, you'd lose hundreds of dollars of electronic equipment? What would your mother say? And to whomever picked the TI-92+ ... bad idea. Go for the TI-89.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 09:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
Akira_of_HLC  Account Info
(Web Page)

339.99 to be exact.

Reply to this comment    20 February 2000, 19:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Sigh....
BLAlien  Account Info

My point exactly! That's why I ALWAYS carry my calculator in my pocket, even during Gym Class! My sister has had her 83+ stolen twice, and I don't want the same thing to happen to me.

Reply to this comment    21 February 2000, 19:04 GMT


How can you have a calculator stolen twice? And if Laura has in her backpack what I have in mine I'll guarantee you that backpack is never out of arms reach, believe you me, I have a whole wad of calculators stuffed in my backpack and I don't let anybody touch it. I would rather do that than waddle around because my pockets are stuffed with calculators. I prefer to stuff something else in my pockets. It's called money!


Reply to this comment    25 February 2000, 03:12 GMT

Re: Ummmmmm
BLAlien  Account Info

It's called CREDIT CARD!

Reply to this comment    26 February 2000, 20:07 GMT

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