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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, I need it for a class I'm taking 11 6.7%   
Yes, it keeps me amused while I'm traveling 32 19.4%   
Yes, I have nothing else to do other than play around with my calculator 16 9.7%   
Yes, I'm hoping that there are going to be lots of file updates during the summer! 31 18.8%   
Yes, it's my only gaming system 7 4.2%   
Yes, just because I feel like using it! 32 19.4%   
No, I won't be able to afford batteries 1 0.6%   
No, I don't want people to know I'm obsessed with my calculator 2 1.2%   
No, I won't have any time to use it 4 2.4%   
No, I'm just too lazy to use it 7 4.2%   
Maybe, I haven't given this much thought 22 13.3%   

Survey posted 2004-06-06 20:44 by Jon.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
PaulvZon  Account Info

There are too much options for me. Most kinds of "Yes" apply to me...

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 14:52 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Tzazak Account Info

That's good, because if they all apply to you, there's something wrong with that.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 15:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
PaulvZon  Account Info

Well, for example, I'm not going to take any classes...

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 21:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Tzazak Account Info

I mean more like all the yesses and the nos.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 21:20 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
PaulvZon  Account Info

Would be a bit controversial if I did so.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 21:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

No, I won't have time, but I need it on ALL my trips...lol

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 06:56 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

ehh, I dunno. If I'm away from technology or waiting for commercials to be over, I'll play my calc, but otherwise I'd really rather use the computer or consoles.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 16:07 GMT

Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

i wonder, who voted "yes its my only gaming system"? what about the computer you're on right now? Unless youre one of those 68 people who used webtv in the last 7 days...

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 22:03 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Ben Phillips  Account Info

Webtv sucks. Tv's have a smaller amount of pixels then computer screens, so the views of webpages is horrible. Good thing I have DSL :P

I must agree though. My computer is my favorite gaming system

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 22:35 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
darkhydra21 Account Info

Oh, that reminds me. A couple of days ago I was playing StarCraft on Battle.net when lo and behold someone asked about Z80 assembly. Then everyone started getting into a discussion about TI calculators and assembly programming. Its kinda scarys, seeing as there were 6 people total in the game. I didn't find out if any were ticalc-ers though.

Reply to this comment    8 June 2004, 03:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

lol, i did the exact opposite. under the nick ecce on #tcpa, i started a big hubbub about X86 asm, mostly about the minute details of booting. we were disassembling the first bytes of memory. good times

Reply to this comment    8 June 2004, 04:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

wow, that is wierd, and they kind of have to be ticalcers, so maybe theyll see your message and say hi...

Reply to this comment    8 June 2004, 06:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Tzazak Account Info

Dude, we should make a clan for online games. Then we could easily find each other online! That would be kinda neat. *Plays counterstrike while having a conversation about TIGCC*

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 01:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

OKAY, I haven't checked the other news item or whatever that I asked what your CS names are, so...reply with all your names if you play online anyone! please, I'd like to play with you guys! I love CS almost as much as programming.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 06:58 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

I dont play counterstrike, but I used to play Delta Force 2 when I was 11-12. I remember that actually I was one of the, if not THE best players of that game, and that was a big community. I wonder if i can still play first-person shooters... I remember being particularly good at sniping while on the move using the crosshairs (no scope), which is doubtlessly what made me so good.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 16:14 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Well, in Counterstrike, no scoping doesn't have any cross hairs...also, if you're running, the guns aren't as accurate...you don't always hit where the cross hairs are. That is one of my favorite things about the game: its realism. However, I must admit, Halo IS pretty fun, and I can't wait for Halo II to come out...btw...the people that I asked for names on CS: I only need to know if it's on XBox Live...I don't play it on the computer...yet.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

yeah, in Zelda games the text boxes always take up a third of the screen and it hurts your eyes to read it :) Wind Waker was a lot easier on the eyes though. Has anyone gone back to play all the really old games, they're really bad with screen flicker. I remember that the SNES was particularly good about it though. But after an hour or two of slick animation in SSB:M, I reconnected my ol N64 and tried to play Majora's Mask and I really couldnt make out the grainy deatails and the screen flicker is terrible.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 16:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

I got out my 64 the other day, and the only really bad thing I noticed about it is that the camera angles seem awkward. I guess that's what happens though when all you do is play first-person shooters for a year. Also, I disagree with your claim about flickering...not all games were bad. Contra and SMB were always great (I have played both games recently). Maybe you just had a bad experience with that one game?

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 17:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

you seen that g4 show Icons? they did a special on Pong. you should have seen that footage, every other frame was completely white, like a glitchy arcade shooter when you can hold down the trigger.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Travis Evans Account Info

Not to mention that TVs are horrible at showing sharp lines and tend to bleed saturated colors past their borders. That was one of the things I hated most about them, especially after seeing how well even a cheap CRT computer monitor did by comparison.

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 23:08 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
Brian Gordon  Account Info
(Web Page)

or if they're on a school or library computer...

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:35 GMT

Re: Re: Will you be using your calculator during the summer?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ahh, but what if the only game you have on your computer (that you play) is Minesweeper? ;-) I haven't isntalled any other games on here, and Minesweeper is the only thing I play. Adn I play it a lot too. Hehe *tries to beat expert in 100 seconds*

Reply to this comment    9 June 2004, 20:35 GMT

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