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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, all the time 22 10.3%   
Yes, but only if the person really needs it 46 21.6%   
Yes, although I'm hesitant to do so 59 27.7%   
Yes, though I give them one of my expendable calculators 17 8.0%   
No, it's MY calculator, it's their own fault that they don't have one 17 8.0%   
No, I'm too overprotective of my calculator 32 15.0%   
No, no one ever asks to borrow my calculator 20 9.4%   

Survey posted 2004-06-01 22:02 by Jon.

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Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Charlemagne  Account Info
(Web Page)

Here's what you're most likely to hear:
"Do you have games on that thing?"
"Can you gimme games?"
"Do you have a little cord thingy?"
"What games do you got?"

Man, when I borrow a calc from a girl to show them something they just freak out, assuming I'm going to a) lose them in some complicated process or b) make some radically crazy settings change. Then they get convinced that you can't help them. Then you see them, a lower life form, struggling with their calculator, trying to play games and do math when all they have on their 83+ is CBL/CBR. I mean, who puts that on their calculator?!? It's on like all of the ones I get my hands on! Or is it just me?

Reply to this comment    4 June 2004, 23:48 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

I believe CBL/CBR comes standard on the 83+, so everyone has it.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 00:28 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
KRoot Account Info
(Web Page)

Actually, some in some classes, you actually need it. Like in Math Analysis this semester, we needed it to use the CBL for a couple of labs, which was the first time that i had ever used it.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 02:42 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
TrumpetMan258  Account Info
(Web Page)

Ha, ha! That's always what I hear. That, or "Hey, John, my games don't work. FIX IT!". They always say "no" to the garbage collect after exiting a game, then eventually their games won't work. They start freaking out. It's kind of funny. Ah, the demanding job of being the most calculator literate person in the school...


Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 20:49 GMT

Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
tal_oz  Account Info

I lend it to my friend because he needs one for his math class and because he is grounded from his 2 calcs. I voted "Yes, I lend it out all the time"

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 01:32 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
TrumpetMan258  Account Info
(Web Page)

Grounded from his calcs!? OH, THE INHUMANITY!!!!


Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 04:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Tzazak Account Info

I got grounded from my clac, once. The funny thing is, it was because I got a B in Trig.

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 00:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Travis Evans Account Info


I was lucky just to get a C in an honors Trig class (don't know how I got in an honors class, but anyway). I was told I was doing pretty good.

I did a lot better in other math classes.

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 05:03 GMT

Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Ben Phillips  Account Info

I'll lend it out to someone I know if they really need it. I am hesitant to do so because I don't want to lose my calc.

However with my friends it is a different story. We exchange our calculators all the time. Normally its just so we can see a new program the other one made, but of course we sometimes exchange calcs to play different games.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 01:41 GMT

Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
nolekid  Account Info

I actually just lent out my calculator today, while taking the SAT II. Right before the third session, a girl next to me asked the proctor if there was a spare calculator anywhere (it was in the library, and only 3 people were taking it; there were 180 in classrooms taking the SAT I, though). She found a weeny little scientific, but I was nice (read: getting a rep with the ladies) and lent her my SE with fresh batteries. The fact that there were only three people in the room, and I had already completed the math test helped.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 19:53 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

i took sat iis today also, but i didnt need to lend out my calc. I did however notice that the girl next to me had an 83+ with the cover missing and the back was cracked, not the kind of person i would lend my calc to if i had to.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 20:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info


Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 21:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Joey Gannon  Account Info
(Web Page)

SAT II Math IIc + TI-89 = way too easy

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 23:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

hehe...I aced the SAT I's with my 89! However, I got a 560 on the verbal...1360 isn't that bad though...

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 07:21 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

no, no its not, especially if it includes an 800. I got a 1300 on my first try sophomore year, and then i got a 1440 6 months later, but for some reason not only did i improve my verbal score, i did better on verbal than on math, which is odd for me. I looked at the report and saw that i missed more verbal questions, they just didnt count as much...

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 07:25 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info

Hell, I almost aced it when I was in 7th grade with a basic four-function calc. (I took it just for fun, it was kind of funny because all of the highschool kids were looking at me funny)

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 07:13 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info

Math portion that is.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2004, 07:17 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Ben Cherry  Account Info
(Web Page)

I agree! except that i am glad it was easy, because i was tired and burned out this morning. On one of the last problems on the chemistry test, i read it, then kind of dozed off not thinking about it for 5 minutes, then looked at the test, tried reading it again, didnt think about it again, and then finally read it and answered the problem, but i kept having to reread the words, because i forgot them as soon as i read them...

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 07:22 GMT

Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Joey Gannon  Account Info
(Web Page)

Whenever people ask to use my calculator, I show them that it's an 89, and they decide to ask someone else. :-)

Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 22:27 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
TrumpetMan258  Account Info
(Web Page)

They get intimidated, I take it? They have no idea what they are turning down!


Reply to this comment    5 June 2004, 23:37 GMT

Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Lewk Of Serthic Account Info

You better be carefull, that would only encourage me. :)

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 02:48 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you lend out your calculator to anyone?
Jake Griffin  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I'd pretend I broke it, then say I'd give you 20 bucks for it, then hope for the best... ;)

Reply to this comment    6 June 2004, 07:22 GMT

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