Re: LaPlace Transforms in TI89 and HP48 compared by Perez-Franco


Re: LaPlace Transforms in TI89 and HP48 compared by Perez-Franco

In article <>, wrote:

> Now there are several laplace programs for the TI, pick the best one for
comparison (since you did pick one of the best ones on the HP).

I am pretty sure that Erable 3.2 is the best for HP, since I've personally
tried all the others and no one compares with it.

About TI, I can't be so sure, because I don't have my cable yet. Now, I think
that a program which name is Laplace92 should be pretty good to do, let's
say, LaPlace transforms. And that is exactly the program we (the other guy is
a friend from another country which does have a cable and does have Laplace92
and knows how to use it) used to do the last comparation.

Now, when I receive my cable (which will be in a month or so) I'll personally
try out the program you suggested and compare it with Laplace92.


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