Re: A85: permanent varibles


Re: A85: permanent varibles

this isn't too difficult.  ok here is the code you need:

have a label in your game somewhere like this:

.dw 0		;score is up to 64K

If bc has the score you want to load, do this:

ld hl,Score
add hl,de
ld (hl),bc	;score now in permanent memory

also somewhere in the program, you need to set a flag telling ZShell
that you modified the string (at the Score data location).  you can do
this at the very beginning if you want.  i hope it is correct, i don't
have the ZS header file on my computer, so take a look in there.

ld hl,,ZS_BITS	;set zshell flags
set 0,(hl)	;program has been modified

that's it!

-mike pearce

On Tue, 14 Apr 1998 21:01:20 -0500, you wrote:

>Ok, lets say that I have a score in (score) memory variable.  How would I
>go about storing it as a permanent variable in the memory (for a
>hi-score).  Could who ever answers this please be as completeas possible.
> Thanks.  I have asked this multiple times and each time I get just a
>piece to the puzzle instead of all the pieces.  This would be for
>Z-Shell, not Rigel or Usgard.  Thank you very much.
>							- Mike
