A85: Usgard bug


A85: Usgard bug

I like the new usgard, because it's small, but don't like how the old
programs don't work.  Anyway, I don't know why (my batteries are so dead
that w/ contrast all the way up, you can barely see it anymore) but
sometimes the usgard credit screen thing (you'll see when you first load
the backup on) will pop up *really* quick as you press say [2nd]-[mem]
and then the right screen will pop up.  Anyone else noticed this?
           ( o o )
 /  Tony Lieuallen               \
[ arantius@erols.com              ]
[    .oooO http://gifs.home.ml.org]
[    (   )   Oooo.                ]
 \____\ (____(   )_______________/
       \_)    ) /

"Change is inevitable, except from a vending machine."

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