Re: A85: Usgard bug


Re: A85: Usgard bug

Tony Lieuallen wrote:
> I like the new usgard, because it's small, but don't like how the old
> programs don't work.  Anyway, I don't know why (my batteries are so dead
> that w/ contrast all the way up, you can barely see it anymore) but
> sometimes the usgard credit screen thing (you'll see when you first load
> the backup on) will pop up *really* quick as you press say [2nd]-[mem]
> and then the right screen will pop up.  Anyone else noticed this?

Yes, I'm aware of that. When Usgard is returning to TI-OS, I make a
call to CLEARTEXT which clears the TEXT_MEM and since that didn't
work, I gave up. I just figured out that I should of course (?) clear
TEXT_MEM2 as well... hehe. The credits must be stored there.

Jimmy Mårdell                "The nice thing about standards is that         there are so many of them to choose from."    
IRC: Yarin                   "Sanity? I'm sure I have it on tape
