PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Posted by Michael on 25 July 2003, 01:36 GMT
We are pleased to announce that the 30,000th file was just added to our archives: PreOS v0.67 by Patrick Pelissier. For those who don't already know, PreOS is a kernel for the 89/92+/Voyage 200 that is compatible with all ROM versions (including 2.09) and both HW1 & HW2. This is the most recently updated kernel available for the 68k calcs. Congratulations to Patrick and all of our other authors who have contributed to our archives! Update (Joey): Since roughly 59207489 people have asked us to change the /doorsos folders to /kernel, we figured it's time to do so. Expect to see the changes in about a month. Update (Morgan): Note that there have been 30,000 files uploaded to, not that there are 30,000 files. Many have been removed for various reasons! GO RUSTY!!!
The comments below are written by visitors. Their views are not necessarily those of, and takes no responsibility for their content.
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Yan Zhang
(Web Page)
Hi, I have a bug to report... when I run PreOS with SMQ 1.1.0, and I try to load a level, the calc gives a "Protected Memory Violation" error and crashes. I am not sure if the problem is in PreOS or in SMQ. My calculator is HW1, AMS 2.05, and with maxmem installed. If anyone could tell me why or give me a solution, it would be appreciated. Thanks.
26 July 2003, 05:54 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
(Web Page)
I am annoyed.
If I a) report a bug, b) tell you explicitely what the problem is and c) the solution to the bug requires about 2 lines of code:
Then fix the frelling bug!
(This was reported several months back)
As it is when preos is installed pressing the on button will destroy the keyboard row mask behind the back of the currently executing program. The very first thing the tios on key interupt does is it saves the keyboard row mask before writing to the port. (it has to check if 2nd + right +left are down)
As it is this will intefere with the ti89 version of Yapt. You get lucky because the keyboard row mask is set to allow the row that contains escape, so escape will still work from yapt and you will be able to exit yapt, but no other keys will work.
26 July 2003, 06:15 GMT

Re: Re: Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
(Web Page)
First, it seems that it's only when Sam bitches about how he fixed a problem with PreOS and how it hasn't been integrated, on a public forum, that it finally gets integrated. For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, the last one was about not automatically freeing HomeScreen handles.
Also, Mr. PpHd (oh, and your comment about not having been called "Mr." before on is incorrect, Sam called you that earlier ;), although YOU haven't noticed any problems, I have (I'm the one who reported the problem to Sam). You see, most programs' key reading routines aren't as optimized as Yapt's or well written or ingenious as Yapt's.
30 July 2003, 07:52 GMT
Re: PreOS v0.67, File Number 30,000
Has anyone noticed that when using pre-os, many games do not work? such as bombermaze? also for mario92 (the ti-89) version i need help as to where to put the two libraries, i tried the main folder and it doesnt work... and the readme doesnt say...
30 July 2003, 02:34 GMT
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