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Math Program Ideas

Post your ideas for new math programs here, or build on ideas posted by other visitors.

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Re: Math Program Ideas
jankowalski Account Info

I just started a new topic that is simulation programming on TI83.I have problem with one of the problems.It says:

"Three cars breakdown on a 500 mile-long highway.Simulate the probability they breakdown within 50 miles of each other.

I used 500rand to calculate all cars breakdown distance,then believe that I should use absolute value to make sure that they are withing 50 miles.Also, I think that probability will be the breakdowns within 50 miles divided by total number of breakdowns.
Can someone give me an idea how to connect my ideas and write program.

     11 November 2008, 17:59 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
Sharon Hopper  Account Info

I have written a program on quadratics that gives the equation when 5 points are entered. I have not seen anything like it through the Archive. It works great, if the first point is (0, c). If the first point is not then the b coefficient is half of what it should be. I could write another program and correct this, but then I would have 2 programs. And I don't know how to combine them into one single program. Can someone help me? Any advice or help would be appreciated. sharon

     5 January 2009, 00:00 GMT

Geometer's SketchPad
RomeoKinelli Account Info
(Web Page)

Someone should make a Geometer's SketchPad app. Some are like it, but they aren't exactly the same. I'm in geometry, and it would help if I didn't have to go to the the PC lab every time my teacher gives us an assignment to do on SketchPad. Can anyone help, because I can't program for apps. I'm a BASIC programmer.

     12 January 2009, 21:30 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
Mexicodue Account Info

hey i was wondering if any of you know how to program menus, i've started messing around and programming stuff but i can't get the menu thing to work, if you could that'd be great, thanx

     15 February 2009, 16:31 GMT

tom cavanaugh  Account Info

what does the Openlib( mean???

     6 March 2009, 23:22 GMT

Quadratics Solver pt1
Andrew Gerst  Account Info

Can anyone come up with a program for the ti-84 calculator to get the x-intercept, discriminate, and the vertex of a quadratic equation. i have successfully coded 1/3 of my program for standard form but i can't figure out vertex form and intercept form.
Here Is My Progress:

     19 March 2009, 07:55 GMT

Quadratics Solver pt2
Andrew Gerst  Account Info

:Lbl 1
:Disp "AX^2+BX+C=0"
:Prompt A,B,C

     19 March 2009, 07:57 GMT

Quadratics Solver pt3
Andrew Gerst  Account Info

:Disp E
:Disp F
:Disp D
:Disp sqrt(D)
:Disp G
:Disp H
:Disp E->Frac
:Disp F->Frac
:Disp D->Frac
:Disp sqrt(D)->Frac
:Disp G->Frac
:Disp H->Frac
:DelVar A
:DelVar B
:DelVar C
:DelVar D
:DelVar E
:DelVar F
:DelVar G
:DelVar H

     19 March 2009, 07:57 GMT

Quadratics Solver pt4
Andrew Gerst  Account Info

:Lbl 2
:Disp "VERTEX"
:Disp "Y=A(X-H)^2+K"
:Prompt A,H,K
:If K>0
:If H>0
:Disp D
:Disp E
:Disp D->Frac
:Disp E->Frac
:DelVar A
:DelVar B
:DelVar C
:DelVar D
:DelVar E
:DelVar F
:DelVar G
:DelVar H

     19 March 2009, 07:58 GMT

Quadratics Solver pt5
Andrew Gerst  Account Info

:Lbl 3
:Disp "F(X)=A(X-M)(X-N)"
:Prompt A,M,N
:If M>0
:If N>0
:DelVar A
:DelVar B
:DelVar C
:DelVar D
:DelVar E
:DelVar F
:DelVar G
:DelVar H

     19 March 2009, 07:59 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
streetblader9222 Account Info

Now, i am a programer with nothing to program. im in alg 2 so give me some ideas please

     21 May 2009, 19:08 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
slowmo Account Info

hi im new here but have been following this thread for a while...

i had an idea as to make a program that will first find 2 unknown numbers that add up to a number so lets say x+y=28 the program will figure out what the 2 unknows are and also those same x and y will be multiplyig to a number. so pt1: x+y=??(the number entered) and pt2 (x)(y)=!!(another number) [this part is factoring]
but i want the program to find a number that multiplys to 10 and adds up to 7

and do both parts automatically

     16 June 2009, 17:04 GMT

Math Program Ideas
slowmo Account Info

hi im new here but have been following this thread for a while...

i had an idea as to make a program that will first find 2 unknown numbers that add up to a number so lets say x+y=28 the program will figure out what the 2 unknowns are and also those same x and y will be multiplying to a number. so pt1: x+y=??(the number entered) and pt2 (x)(y)=!!(another number) [this part is factoring]
but i want the program to find a number that multiples to 10 and adds up to 7

and do both parts automatically
Reply to this comment

     16 June 2009, 17:16 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
Paul Darragh Account Info

Hey anyone who really knows ti-84's could u tell me if this program is possible?.... im trying to make one that tell me that root 20 is really 2 root 5 instead of 4.4721....if someone could get me started on the hard stuff such as how to plug in a number say 400 and have it search everything until it says 20 is the right awnser

     16 July 2009, 17:28 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
AlgebraTeacher Account Info

I teach Algebra to students of different levels. The TI-83 has been very helpful in the past for low level students. Does anyone have any programs that may be helpful? They need to be easy to use.

     3 October 2009, 20:07 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
11nmnm Account Info

I made an equation solver

     8 January 2010, 07:27 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
David314 Account Info

Hi, I made a program that does multiple regression (when y is affected by more than one type of x-value), and it uses matrices. Currently, though, I have to enter the data into the matrices separate from the program itself. Is there any way to edit a matrix in a program? Or to edit lists and store them in a matrix? Any help would be appreciated.

     5 March 2010, 13:03 GMT

Simultaneous Equation Solver
nemo123  Account Info

Solves for when you have 2-5 equations. (though really, you can modify it to do any number)

Repeat max(A={2,3,4,5 // Asks for user input
ClrHome // until there's 2 3 4 or 5 eqs.
{A,A+1->Dim([A] // Matrix A, not just '[' 'A' ']'
// The following is Input Code
Output( 8,D,sub( "AX+BY+CZ+DU+EV",D,1
Output( 8,3A,"="+sub( Ans,A+1,1
Input sub(Ans,B,1)+"=",E
//End Input code
rref([A] // rref( function located under 2nd
ClrHome // matrix, math
If 1=Ans(2,A+1) and not(Ans(2,2 //Checks for no soltns
Delvar [A]Return
If not(Ans(2,2:Then // checks for infinite solutns
//Output Code
Output( K,1,sub( "XYZUV",K,1)+"=
// End output code

rather condensed. only 343 bytes
any problems email: husoccer004@yahoo.com

     20 March 2010, 17:59 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
ebbersbri01  Account Info

This is for Pre-calculus...(high school pre-calc, and for college Calc , if it can be done that is)
Would someone be able to help me create a program to help test for polar symmetry? I would like to have the program test for symmetry at the X-axis, at the Y-axis, and at the origin, if possible. Thanks

Also, I was wondering, if there was A way to make a program that would help convert a point from Rectangular Coordinates-->Polar Coordinates, and Polar Coordinates-->Rectangular Coordinates.

For the conversion to Polar From Rectangular, I need it to give these 4 points...
from (X,Y) (into)-->(r,θ) it needs the following...
from Polar into Rectangular I only need the one point. thanks

     5 April 2010, 14:25 GMT

A factoring program for the n-spire
theUnnamed  Account Info

I have worked on a program that will factor polynomials for the N-spire done entirely in n-spire basic. And although I do admit that this is a complex task I have quite a bit of work done on it unfortunately I don't know any algorithms to do more than factor terms in the form of (x-c) for rational c (an extension of the rational roots theorem) please help I need methods not code cause to be perfectly honest I'm writing this stuff to be fast and super optimized so that I can use it in larger programs later. I shall post my functions that comprise the program as replies because I have quite a few functions that comprise this program some of them have a couple of flaws and some of them are subject to change for optimization. comments and idea for improvement are welcome

     11 April 2010, 20:17 GMT

Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Ok I'm working on a polynomial factoring program. But I need a better algorithm then the rational roots theorem please help. here are the funcions that make up the program. please excuse the lack of comments and insanely complex line I wrote this with efficiency in mind so it may look like a mess but its a fast mess.

this is in N-spire basic and is slightly modified by removing excessive () and again sorry about the excessively long lines
I also hope that my indenting helps despite my original code not having it for speed reasons (i know the gain is negligible but I may later build a larger system around it and when the code runs 500 times the gain no longer looks so small)
this code should run as is on N-spire OS version
anyway enough of that heres code:
(© denotes comments. the n-sprine can take this code as is)
note: some lines are so long they wrap
replies contain code because its too long for a single post

     11 April 2010, 23:56 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define polyfact( in )=

Local w, x, y, z, r
polyparce( in )→in
Disp "normal form:", polygen( in )
dim( in )→x
While in[x]=0
left( in, x )→in
{1, r-x, 0}→r
If ∑( abs( fPart( in[θ] ) ), θ, 1, dim( in ) )=0 Then
For y, 2, dim( in )
gcd( x, in[y] )→x
sort.shell( listmult( allfact( abs( in[dim( in )] ) ), 1/allfact( abs( in[1] ) ) ) )→y
For x, 2, dim( y )
If y[x]≠z[dim( z )]
y[x]→z[dim( z )+1]
For w, 1, dim( z )
For x, z[w], −z[w], −2*z[w]
synthdivd( in, x )→y
While y[dim( y )]=0
augment( r, {1, x} )→r
left( y, dim( y )-1 )→in
synthdivd( in, x )→y
If dim( in )≠1 Then
augment( r, augment( {−1, dim( in )}, in ) )→r
Disp "factored:"
terms2str( r )

     12 April 2010, 00:13 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define polyparce( r )=Func
Local i, n, c, e, x, t, s
min( instr2( r, "+", 1 ), instr2( r, "-", 1 ) )→i
left( r, i-1 )→t
{expr( t )}→c
log( expr( t )/c, 2 )→e
While i≤dim( r )
min( instr2( r, "+", i ), instr2( r, "-", i ) )→n
ifFn( mid( r, i-1, 1 )="-", "−", "" )&mid( r, i, n-i )→t
expr( t )→c[s]
log( expr( t )/c[s], 2 )→e[s]
round( e, 0 )→e
©yes the rounding is nesssary it corrects for an error in the calculation of logs
newlist( max( e ) )→n
For x, 1, dim( e )
dim( n )-e[x]→i
While n[1]=0
right( n, dim( n )-1 )→n

     12 April 2010, 00:14 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define instr2( x, y, s )=Func
inString( x, y, s )→y
ifFn( y>0, y, dim( x )+1 )

     12 April 2010, 00:15 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define allfact( n )=Func
prmfact( n )→n
Local r, x
For x, 1, rowDim( n )
listmult( seq( n[x, 1]^y, y, 0, n[x, 2], sign( n[x, 2] ) ), r )→r

     12 April 2010, 00:15 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

©this converts the output of factor( n ) to something usable by a program
©I'm currently working on an optimizing this and adding the feture of giving factors in accenting order
©this function does more and out proforms ti's factormatrix( ) from numbtheory so thats why I'm using my own code here
©Tust me you don't want to touch this piece of code it's craziness
©I had to hand type this function so there may be mistakes
Define prmfact( n )=Func
Local r, i, t, x, d
string( factor( n ) )→r
dim( r )→i
If i≤2 ©small optimization returns quicker if value is -1, 0, 2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, or 19
return [[expr( r )][1]]
instr2( r, "/", 2 )→x
ifFn( i>x, i-x, 0 )→t
right( r, t )→n
If left( n, 1 )="( "
mid( n, 2, t-1 )→n
left( r, x-1 )→r
ifFn( r="1", 3, 1 )→i
r&"*"&ifFn( n="", n, n&"*" )→r
dim( r )→d
While i≤d
inString( r, "*", i )→t
iffn( t>x, "−", "" )&mid( r, i, t )→n[dim( n )+1]
dim( n )→d
seq( instring( n[i], "^" ), i, 1, d )→x
©the  in the below line are the sqrt( -1 ) not to be confused with the index used i the varible
seq( sign( expr( n[i] ) )*ifFn( x[i]=0, expr( n[i] )+, expr( left( n[i], x[i]-1 ) )+expr( right( n[i], dim( n[i] )-x[i] ) ) ), i, 1, d )→n
{real( n ), imag( n )}

     12 April 2010, 00:16 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

©below function multiplys all elements in x by
©all elements in y and returns a list of the results
©mat▶list( constructMat( f( x[a], y[b] ), a, b, dim( x ), dim( y ) ) )
©is a more general form of this
Define listmult( x, y )=mat▶list( constructMat( x[a]*y[b], a, b, dim( x ), dim( y ) ) )

     12 April 2010, 00:17 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

©below sorts a list of numbs or strings but not mixed
©and strings numbs and strings an not complex numbers
©I'm currently working on improving the speed of this code
©although it still beats TI's sort_acc( ) from numbtheory
©but then again they used a selection sort so it wasn't
©hard to beat
Define sort.shell( x )=Func
Local g, i, a, o, t, b, s, r
dim( x )→s
sort.sgap( s )→g
For a, dim( g ), 1, −1
For i, o+1, s
While t<x[b-o]
If b&#8804;o

     12 April 2010, 00:17 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

©this function provides the most optimum know gap
©sequence for the shell sort
Define sort.sgap( a )=Func
Local g, i
{1, 4, 10, 23, 57, 132, 301, 701, 1750}&#8594;g
If a&#8804;1750
Return left( g, countIf( g, ?<a ) )
While i<a
i&#8594;g[dim( g )+1]
round( 2.2*i, 0 )&#8594;i

     12 April 2010, 00:18 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define polygen( x )=Func
Local r, y
dim( x )&#8594;y
ifFn( x[y]&#8800;0, ifFn( x[y]>0, "+", "-" )&string( abs( x[y] ) ), "" )&#8594;r
If dim( x )>1 Then
ifFn( x[y]&#8800;0, ifFn( x[y]>0, "+", "-" )&ifFn( abs( x[y] )=1, "", string( abs( x[y] ) ) )&"x", "" )&r&#8594;r
For y, y-1, 1, &#8722;1
ifFn( x[y]&#8800;0, ifFn( x[y]>0, "+", "-" )&ifFn( abs( x[y] )=1, "", string( abs( x[y] ) ) )&"x^"&string( dim( x )-y ), "" )&r&#8594;r
ifFn( left( r, 1 )="-", "&#8722;", "" )&right( r, dim( r )-1 )

     12 April 2010, 00:18 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

Define synthdivd( p, d )=Func
Local x
For x, 2, dim( p )
p[x-1]* &#8722;d+p[x]&#8594;p[x]

     12 April 2010, 00:19 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

©don't ask how this function works I really don't remember
Define terms2str( t )=Func
Local r, x, e, s
ifFn( t[1]<0, "&#8722;", "" )&ifFn( abs( t[1] )=1, "", string( abs( t[1] ) ) )&#8594;r
If t[2]&#8800;0
r&ifFn( t[2]=1, "x", "x^"&string( t[2] ) )&#8594;r
While x<dim( t )
If e<0 Then
For x, x+1, e, s
r&"( "&polygen( mid( t, x, s ) )&" )"&#8594;r

     12 April 2010, 00:19 GMT

Re: Re: Math Program Ideas
theUnnamed  Account Info

ok I made a mistake I posting not thinking I kept all the weird characters in so in all instances
&#8594; is \->\
&#952; is theda
&#8800; is =
&#8800; is not equal
&#8722; is
&#8804; is less then or equal to
&#8594; is sqrt(-1)
&#9654; is a right pointing filled in arrow
if I missed anything they are simply the numbers are simply unicode character numbers if you have an n-spire you can simply go ord(n) where n is the number between the &# and the ; sorry about that

     12 April 2010, 00:40 GMT

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