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Number of files 8
Last updated Saturday, 17 August 2002
Total downloads 54,923
Most popular file  Chess! v0.74 with 14,878 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-89 BASIC Games (Board)
checker1.zip4k01-01-22File is not ratedCheckers
The best two-player checkers game ever!
checkers2.zip3k01-06-01File is not ratedCheckers
This is a 2-player checkers game featuring fast, error-message free play and a standard 8 by 8 square board. Have a checkers tournament with your friends!
checkers89.zip6k00-02-28File is not ratedInteractive Checkers89
An excellent checkers game. Play against a friend linked or on one calc. No static grid-based system here; you control the quick cursor.
checkers.zip7k99-06-11File is not ratedCheckers
The first checkers game on the ti-89, and optimized, includes 2 progs: 1player game, and 2player on 1 calc game.
chess4.zip16k02-02-19File is not ratedChess 4
Chess 4 is a two player chess game for the ti-89 written in basic. Player's select pieces using a coordinate grid system. The program then verifies that the move complies with the rules of chess.
chess.zip11k02-08-17File is not ratedChess! v0.74
This is a two-player chess game written entirely in BASIC. The slightly animated graphics are worth a look, even if you don't play chess. Also, if you are interested in seeing what kind of advanced stuff can be done in BASIC, you should czech out this program. Have fun!
kmoves.zip2k01-12-16File is not ratedKnight Moves
Move to every spot on the (chess) oard using only a knight (chess-piece). A puzzle-game.
knights.zip1k00-05-12File is not ratedKnights
Get to every square on the board in single player; capture the opponent in multiplayer.

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