| Name | Size | Date | Rating | Description |
| (Parent Dir) | folder | | Up to TI-86 BASIC Math Programs |
 | antiderv86.zip | 1k | 04-02-03 |  | antiderv86 antiderv83 edited to work on TI-86... ,f'dx cX^n = (C/(N+1))x^(N+1) (a "small version" is included... only around 100 bytes or maybe 164 bytes if u add the four 17 byte real variables, which you can easily delete.) |
 | apbc.zip | 2k | 99-06-09 |  | AP Calculus BC Formulas Formulas for the Calculus BC AP test. |
 | apcalc2.zip | 8k | 99-05-14 |  | AP Calculus Notes v1.5 Notes for AP Calculus class (I guess college calculus, too). Contains info on derivates, integrals, applications of integrals, trig. identities, limits, logarithms, etc. |
 | apcalc.zip | 1k | 99-02-02 |  | AP Calculus Cheat sheet of many AP Calculus equations and trig identities separated by topic. |
 | area_under_curve_86.zip | 1k | 04-01-03 |  | Approximating Area under a curve enter a function, lower bound, upper bound, and the amount of equal subintervals and it will find the area using four methods, left rectangle area method, right rectangle area method, midpoint rectangle area method, and trapezoid rule. |
 | atheultimateprecalculuspr.zip | 19k | 03-10-30 |  | The Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Precalculus Program In simple terms, this will be the greatest Precalculus program that will ever be available on Ticalc.org. If you do not believe the credibility of this, then I suggest you take a look at my Super Duper Ultra Hyper Mega Algebra II Program. It is the most complete and comprehensive program now and it will stay that way. Many will try to imitate it, but none will work as good as this. A special thanks goes out for Edwin Howard and his Allmath Program. He was kind enough to let me use his excellent GUI system in which all of my programs are based on. From his base GUI (Graphics User Interface) I was able to add apassword protection system (un-crackable to an ordinary person), a fake clear screen (press [LOG]) so that teachers cant tell that you're using any programs and many other features. The options menu is accessible by pressing [ALPHA], and you can also recall the last subprogram you used (the number appears on the upper left corner). The password protection system will allow only you to access it, and will tell you how many wrong passwords have been typed in (if they try more than 3 times). Pressing [CLEAR] will quit the program. If you leave it running for a while, a screensaver will start up and you can return to the program by pressing any key. And finally press [MORE] for all the author information, my email, version number etc... |
 | calcarea.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | Calculus Area Finder between Two Curves This program is made to solve for the area between two curves such as f(x) and g(x) over a given interval [a,b]. This a great program this is extremely useful for any Calculus class! |
 | calceqns.zip | 15k | 01-06-01 |  | CalcEqns This comprehensive formula program includes over 200 Calculus formulas! Find any formula quickly using the menu driven interface. Includes formulas for trigonometry, derivatives, partials, integration, solids of revolution, infinite series, vectors and even differential equations. Three versions of the program are included for Calc I/II, III, and IV. |
 | calcpack86.zip | 30k | 02-05-20 |  | Calculus 1 and 2 Pack Included programs: ram graphs, maclaurin series, volume and rotation of a solid, ram/trapezoid/simpsion, test for convergence, projectile motion, table of domain/range/derivatives/integrals of 12 trig functions and 4 other log/expo functions, exact value/infinite domain of trig functions, Euler's method, Improved Euler's method, Runge-Kutta's method, Newton's method, slope field, and partial sums of a recursive series. |
 | calcpak86.zip | 5k | 98-08-30 |  | CalcPak86 v1.0 Calculus programs including implicit dy dx and numerical integration |
 | calculus.zip | 2k | 98-01-01 |  | Calculus Program Collection a collection of useful calculus programs, updated from the last collection. these are the same files just updated |
 | calc.zip | 14k | 02-03-01 |  | Calculus Toolkit v2.2 UPDATEDLots of useful things for calculus. This program features a tangent line finder (of both explicit and implicit functions), Newtons method of solving equations and finding zeros, Riemann sums (left-hand sums, right-hand sums, and trapezoid, midpoint, and Simpsons method plus the option to compute the actual area), differentiate rational functions, analyzing polynomials (find their integrals, derivatives, critical points, and more), Taylor series, find centroid, point analyzer (calculus info of a specific point, including first derivative, second derivative, critical point info, and the tangent line), and a limit finder. |
 | cas86.zip | 27k | 00-08-22 |  | CAS86 Advanced Mathematics Software capable of symbolic and exact computations; speed increase over v2.1 |
 | clt.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Central Limit Theorem Demonstrate Central Limit Theorem |
 | converge86.zip | 1k | 02-05-11 |  | Test for Convergence Procedure for determining convergence: Tells you what test to use and if the series converges or diverges. Includes the nth-Term, geometric series, p-Series integral test, ratio test, comparison, nth-Root, and the alternating series test. |
 | critical.zip | 1k | 00-04-04 |  | Critical Point Finder This program will find critical points of inflection and concavity. |
 | ctool.zip | 14k | 99-09-23 |  | The Calculus Toolkit v3.1 Program that does Integ, Diff, Apps, and epsilon-delta limits. |
 | cumax.zip | 1k | 03-04-13 |  | Cubic Local Maximum Finder Not that the calculator can't do this by itself already, but this finds the local maximum, and with a slight adjustment to the program (if you want to do it email me and I'll tell you how) the local minimum. The calculator does this faster by itself through the graph screen or with the fmax command but you could learn something from the code. |
 | curv.zip | 2k | 06-08-05 |  | Curvature Calculates the radius of curvature of a function f(x) at any given x-value. |
 | der1n2.zip | 1k | 97-09-06 |  | Der1n2 |
 | derive.zip | 1k | 02-03-14 |  | Derive Displays the derivative of any equation. (Example: "sin x+4x" ---> "cos x +4".) Works with mulitplication and division rules. Also displays and graphs tangent lines. |
 | diffeq86.zip | 1k | 02-03-02 |  | 2-Point Differential Equation Solver This program is designed to solve a differential equatio give two points and the amount of time necessary. |
 | diff.zip | 1k | 01-01-18 |  | Differentiation This program does differentiation for the TI-86. |
 | domainrg86.zip | 1k | 02-04-30 |  | Domain, Range, Derivatives, and Integrals Displays the domain, range, derivative, and integral of 12 trig functions and 4 other log/expo function separated by categories. |
 | est86.zip | 1k | 02-04-30 |  | RAM, Trapezoid, and Simpson Estimates the integral with trapzoid, ram, and simpson with the option to run each method after another and input a,b, and n again. |
 | euler2.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Euler's Method |
 | euler86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Euler's Method Numerical solution for differential equations. Table and graph option included. |
 | euler.zip | 1k | 99-02-08 |  | Euler's Method v1.0 Euler method for Diff EQ |
 | eul.zip | 1k | 03-03-23 |  | Euler Calculates the location of the centriod, circumcenter, orthocenter, incenter, and the equasion of the Euler line, for a triangle, from either 3 ordered pairs or 3 lines in y=mx+b form |
 | ezcalc.zip | 1k | 00-10-07 |  | Easy Calculus Formulas Very small program that lists the formulas for both trigometric derivatives and the 4-function derivatives |
 | frontend.zip | 1k | 00-08-24 |  | frontend Updated frontend for CAS86; minor bug fixed |
 | grad.zip | 2k | 06-08-13 |  | Gradient Finds the gradient and vector values given a function of two or three variables. Used in Calculus 3. |
 | implicit.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Implicit Graph solution to implicit equation. |
 | improved86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Improved Euler's Method Numerical solution for differential equations. Same as Euler's method, but more accurate. Table and graph option included. |
 | imp.zip | 1k | 05-04-10 |  | Implicit Differentiation Eqn Checker Includes sample program and how to use the program. Uses Solver; you type in yoyour equation, stick values for x and y, or just pick a value for a x or for a y, and let Solver find the other variable for you. Then you exit, type IMP It gives you the slope at the point (x,y) found in the Solver. Then it asks you to type you your implicit equation that you derived. It checks it and tells you if you're wrong or not (and prints out your slope). Quite useful and simple. |
 | integral.zip | 1k | 00-04-10 |  | Integral Summation This program calculates a numeric integral sum of a function. |
 | integrate.zip | 1k | 02-03-14 |  | Integrate Displays the integral of any equation. (Example: "3x-7" ---> "3x²/2-7x+C") Also does the fundamental theorem of calculus and graphs. |
 | intest.zip | 1k | 99-03-16 |  | Integral Estimator v2.0 Riemann Trapezoidal Simpson Torrez rule integral estimator |
 | intwiz.zip | 1k | 99-02-02 |  | Integration Wizard v1.666.6969 Beta This does left, right, mid, trap, and simpson sums plus graphs for all |
 | limit2.zip | 1k | 99-04-20 |  | Limit86 A good program that finds limits of functions. |
 | limitdx.zip | 7k | 00-10-07 |  | Limit v3.0 DX DeluXe Version Of LIMIT 3.0 : This adds wonderful features, as CHECK mode, or also Pretty Print >> you won't have approx answer, but EXACT answer, like a Ti89/92 !!!(e.g :it will write "log(5)", instead of "0.69". The same thing for LN, SQUARE ROOTS, Pi...yes! |
 | limitfr.zip | 3k | 00-10-07 |  | Limit v3.0 (French) Only (well..) for the frenchies : this is LIMIT 3.0 with added features like ASYMPTOTES.(les verticales, horizontales et obliques). |
 | limits.zip | 1k | 06-08-13 |  | Limit Evaluator Finds the limit of any function f(x) at point x=c. |
 | limit.zip | 5k | 00-10-07 |  | Limit v3.0 Now V3.0 : the FASTER, SMALLER, EASIER, MOST POWERFUL prog for finding ALL LIMITS of ANY FUNCTION. Many features, modes, options gives you the limits in a very nice layout. |
 | linrel.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Linear Relation Solver A BASIC program that finds the intersection of two linear functions that are in general form. |
 | madd.zip | 4k | 99-04-19 |  | Maddy 86 Calculus Library. |
 | methods.zip | 1k | 01-02-14 |  | Root Analysis This program will do Newton's, Secant, Bisecant and the Method of False Positions that are used to find the root of a function |
 | muller.zip | 1k | 01-03-08 |  | Muller's Method This is a great program to use for Muller's Method. If you do not know what it is you probably don't need it. But. if you do need it, it will be very useful. |
 | nderiv.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | n'th Order Derivatives |
 | newton2.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | Newton's Method |
 | newton86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Newton's Method Finds the zeros of any function with Newton's method. |
 | newtong.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Graphical Newton's Method Graphical demonstration of Newton's method |
 | newton.zip | 1k | 99-07-04 |  | Newton's Method Shows each iteration of Newton's method root finding. |
 | newt.zip | 1k | 00-12-10 |  | Newton's Method v1.0 Approximates zeros of a function using Newton's Method |
 | numeric.zip | 7k | 06-08-05 |  | Numerical Methods Includes 1st & 2nd derivatives of O(h^4) error; Euler's, Improved Eulers, Huens, and RK methods; Gauss-Seidel, LU Decomposition, Gauss Elimination (w/ & w/o pivoting); Any power of polynomial regression; Equation solvers: bisection, false-position, fixed-point iteration, Mullers, Newton-Rhaphson, and secant methods. |
 | numint.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Numerical Integration |
 | powsolv.zip | 1k | 99-11-14 |  | PowSolve Scan graph for roots, extrema, etc. |
 | precal86.zip | 4k | 03-03-05 |  | PreCalculus Programs A collection of programs from my precal book, Precalculus with Limits A Graphing Approach. Check readme for specifics. |
 | precalc3.zip | 1k | 00-11-23 |  | Precalc3 This is the greatest precalc helper there is! Really! Uses: menus, small text, picture |
 | pretools.zip | 3k | 02-09-27 |  | Pre-Caclc helper update this is an updated version of my suite of programs that help you in almost all of the things you do in pre-caculus and some trig. i wrote these for my class and wanted to share them with you. (i forgot a program) |
 | ram1.zip | 2k | 01-02-07 |  | L-RAM, M-RAM, and R-RAM This program is for those calculus students out there like myself who are fed up with plugging number after number after number into the Riemann's Sum and Rectangular Approximation Method formulas. This program computes L-RAM, M-RAM, and R-RAM for pretty much any function over any interval with any number of rectangular divisions. There are also several error-handling routines for those that are proned to do stupid stuff when typing in the information needed to compute the differend types of R . A . M . |
 | ramv11.zip | 1k | 98-02-21 |  | Rectangle Approximation Method 1.1 A better version of RAM for 86. LRAM fixed |
 | ram.zip | 1k | 97-12-21 |  | Rectangle Approximation Method Approximates Area Under Function |
 | rarea.zip | 1k | 99-11-18 |  | Right Tail Pearson-Moment Corr. Right tail area for Pearson-Moment Corr. |
 | riemann.zip | 1k | 99-12-25 |  | Riemann Sums Does all Riemann sums: Simpson's, Trapazoidal, Midpoint, Right, and Left. |
 | rkgood.zip | 1k | 09-02-18 |  | Runge-Kutta Numerical ODE Solver Performs the Runge-Kutta iteration over an interval and outputs the results as vectors. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Runge-Kutta |
 | rsumscom.zip | 1k | 01-06-01 |  | Riemann Sum this program helps do Riemann Sums. It also graph the sums into appropriate sections. |
 | runge86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Runge-Kutta's Method Numerical solution for differential equations. Same as Improved Euler's method, but more accurate. Table and graph option included. |
 | sheldisc.zip | 1k | 98-05-18 |  | Shell & Disc v0.9 |
 | simpsons.zip | 1k | 00-05-16 |  | Simpsons Rule This program takes in data and gives you the left and right Rinmann sums, the trapazoidal sum, the midpoint sum, and the sum from Simpsons rule. Under 1k. Tells you how to make program to under 400 bytes. |
 | simptrap.zip | 1k | 98-10-05 |  | Simpson's Rule and Trapezoidal Rule Easy to use program that uses Simpson s Rule and the Trapezoidal Rule to approximate definite integrals. |
 | slopefield86.zip | 1k | 02-05-20 |  | Slope Field Graphs the slope field for a differential equation. |
 | solve2nd.zip | 1k | 00-10-07 |  | 2nd Order Determinant Solving Utility Solves your 2nd order determinants. Tells you both cross multiples and then the solution. A must for a student taking Algebra II. |
 | symb.zip | 3k | 00-02-28 |  | Symbolic 86 v0.05 A start on a symbolic engine. |
 | taylor86.zip | 2k | 99-06-12 |  | Taylor86 Taylor polynomial, and nth derivative. |
 | twovarcalc.zip | 5k | 99-03-20 |  | Two Variable Calculus v1.2.0 |
 | zennewt.zip | 1k | 00-03-02 |  | Newton3 Newton's Method by Zeneca |
 | zeta.zip | 3k | 09-11-01 |  | Zeta Function This is the zeta function, for all TI's except the TI-73. |