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Calculus 1 and 2 Pack


Ranked as 9507 on our all-time top downloads list with 4925 downloads.
Ranked as 21575 on our top downloads list for the past seven days with 3 downloads.

Filename calcpack86.zip (Download)
Title Calculus 1 and 2 Pack
Description Included programs: ram graphs, maclaurin series, volume and rotation of a solid, ram/trapezoid/simpsion, test for convergence, projectile motion, table of domain/range/derivatives/integrals of 12 trig functions and 4 other log/expo functions, exact value/infinite domain of trig functions, Euler's method, Improved Euler's method, Runge-Kutta's method, Newton's method, slope field, and partial sums of a recursive series.
Author Wilson Ng (waesh@yahoo.com)
Category TI-86 BASIC Math Programs (Calculus)
File Size 31,075 bytes
File Date and Time Mon May 20 22:01:23 2002
Documentation Included? Yes



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Archive Contents
Name Size
86calcpack/ram graphs/AREA.86P   1023
86calcpack/ram graphs/readme.txt   772
86calcpack/macseries/MACSERIE.86P   984
86calcpack/macseries/readme.txt   705
86calcpack/table of domain, ranger, derivatives, and integrals/DOMAINRG.86P   2491
86calcpack/table of domain, ranger, derivatives, and integrals/readme.txt   735
86calcpack/ram, trapezoid, simpson/EST.86P   484
86calcpack/ram, trapezoid, simpson/TRAP.86P   225
86calcpack/ram, trapezoid, simpson/SIMP.86P   260
86calcpack/ram, trapezoid, simpson/RAM.86P   301
86calcpack/ram, trapezoid, simpson/readme.txt   868
86calcpack/Volume and rotation of a solid/2volume.86p   1414
86calcpack/Volume and rotation of a solid/readme.txt   2894
86calcpack/Determing Convergence/CONVERGE.86P   1425
86calcpack/Determing Convergence/readme.txt   866
86calcpack/Projectile Motion/pro1.GIF   763
86calcpack/Projectile Motion/pro2.GIF   402
86calcpack/Projectile Motion/pro3.GIF   526
86calcpack/Projectile Motion/PROJECT.86P   2188
86calcpack/Projectile Motion/readme.txt   805
86calcpack/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dsin.86p   587
86calcpack/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dcos.86p   584
86calcpack/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/dtan.86p   451
86calcpack/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/infin.86p   374
86calcpack/Infinite Domain of Trig. Functions/readme.txt   1481
86calcpack/Exact Value of Trig. Functions/exactv.86p   1431
86calcpack/Exact Value of Trig. Functions/readme.txt   1139
86calcpack/readme.txt   766
86calcpack/Runge Kutta Method/readme.txt   1068
86calcpack/Runge Kutta Method/RUNKUTG.86P   262
86calcpack/Runge Kutta Method/RUNKM.86P   414
86calcpack/Runge Kutta Method/RUNKUTT.86P   320
86calcpack/Slopefield/SLOPEFLD.86P   548
86calcpack/Slopefield/readme.txt   737
86calcpack/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/PSUMRECT.86P   194
86calcpack/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/PSUMRECG.86P   140
86calcpack/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/PSUM.86P   411
86calcpack/Partial Sums of a Recursive Series/readme.txt   1004
86calcpack/Newton's Method/NEWTON.86P   342
86calcpack/Newton's Method/readme.txt   792
86calcpack/Euler's Method/readme.txt   1001
86calcpack/Euler's Method/EULERT.86P   209
86calcpack/Euler's Method/EULERG.86P   139
86calcpack/Euler's Method/EULM.86P   393
86calcpack/Improved Euler's Method/readme.txt   1063
86calcpack/Improved Euler's Method/IEULM.86P   442
86calcpack/Improved Euler's Method/IMPEULG.86P   156
86calcpack/Improved Euler's Method/IMPEULT.86P   226

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