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Number of files 21
Last updated Thursday, 27 December 2007
Total downloads 49,543
Most popular file  Background Picture v0.90 with 5,524 downloads.

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anistd.zip17k01-04-07File is not ratedAnimation Studio 86 v0.1
An on-calc animation creating program! draw your animation, select your pictures, adjust the timeings, and build a compressed assembly program to view and pass along your animation!
bgpics1.zip34k04-05-17File is not ratedBackground Pictures
This is a program I made to demonstrate background pictures for the TI-86. There are 6 pictures (plus 1 hidden one) to choose from. Hopefully the screenshots help you understand what a background pic is. This now has a greyscale icon for Seklorean Warrior 1.3.
bgpic.zip6k99-10-10File is not ratedBackground Picture v0.90
Puts a picture file in light gray on the home screen and any other apps.
cool86.zip1k05-12-18File is not ratedShutter Effect - Mini Tutorial
This is a minature tutorial source that displays a shutter (binary countdown) effect.
font.zip3k04-04-18File is not ratedBinary Font
This shows characters valued 1-236 in binary form. The picture says "Hello, World." without the quotes. It's simple and small, so learn binary!!! :-)
invert.zip1k07-12-27File is not ratedGraph Inverter
This is the fastest graph screen inverter I can make. It uses only 167 t-cycles.
kjworks.zip39k01-05-31File is not ratedJust Stuff
This zip file contains Arkanoid levels, a Sim Community city, a couple of animations, and some grayscale pictures for the 86. I hope you enjoy them!
mem_pic.zip2k03-09-05File is not ratedView Memory
This shows the memory as a picture. Every 1024 bytes from $0000 to $FCOO shown, so it takes awhile to view it all.
mirror.zip7k01-03-02File is not ratedMirror
Mirror the LCD across the X and Y axes.
phatgray.zip8k00-02-19File is not ratedGray16/Gray8 Demo
Neat grayscale, and first ever 16-level gray on a z80. 16-gray flickers a lot, but what is this calc? an 89??
sc2.zip77k02-03-07File is not ratedStarcraft Pictures 2
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the real-time strategy game StarCraft.
sc3.zip79k02-03-07File is not ratedStarcraft Pictures 3
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the real-time strategy game StarCraft.
sc4.zip81k02-03-07File is not ratedStarcraft Pictures 4
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the real-time strategy game StarCraft.
sc.zip77k02-02-25File is not ratedStarcraft Pictures
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the real-time strategy game StarCraft.
starwars1.zip64k02-02-25File is not ratedStar Wars Pictures 1
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the Star Wars Trilogy.
starwars2.zip60k02-02-25File is not ratedStar Wars Pictures 2
This group of 5 programs displays on the TI-86 5 32-level grayscale screenshots (one screenshot per program) from the Star Wars Trilogy.
tilegen.zip2k01-03-02File is not ratedTilegen
Example to illustrate speed between two Tile Map routines.
viewer.zip10k01-07-30File is not ratedAnimation Master Viewer v1.0
Views all animations created with Animation Studio 86 version 0.2.24 or earlier
vscroll.zip10k01-03-15File is not ratedVertical Scrolling Pictures
Scroll huge black & white vertical pictures up and down.
water.zip9k01-04-07File is not ratedWater Faucet Animation
A demo output of my Animation Studio 86 for windows project that will hopefully be completed sometime soon.
wsm.zip32k06-08-05File is not ratedWorld Sunlight Map
Shows the illumination of the sun on a map of the earth for the given date and time. This version now allows input of date and time.

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