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Last updated Tuesday, 28 September 2021
Total downloads 9,350
Most popular file  Street Race (TinyCarz) with 1,311 downloads.

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(Parent Dir)folder Up to TI-83/84 Plus Assembly Game Levels
cheatornot.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedCHEATORNOT (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. This map is a richly decorated and nice course that has a unique design. The roads are thin yet challenging and the AIs are extremely well programmed. While there is an opening in the center of the course where you and the AIs may choose to go through... But beware that you may get stuck in there!!!
circlecomplex.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedCIRCLECOMPLEX (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. This map is a richly decorrated and nice course that is a simple Circle. The roads are thin yet challenging and the AIs are extremely well programmed. You start in the center then continue around and around until the race is finished. this is a must have map.
collision.zip1k06-11-20File is not ratedCollision Track (TinyCarz)
A TinyCarz track. As the name states, there are lots of different crossing intersections in which you could crash into an AI, while still remaining in the shape of a race. Have fun!
crossroad2.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedCROSSROAD2 (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. This is a map that is quite similar to the original first map that comes with the game... BUT! it has a second root in which you and the AI can and will be able to choose between!!! by going to normal way you can go at full speed, but by choosing the shortcut you need to break!
crossroad.zip1k10-02-02File is not ratedCROSSROAD (Tinycar level)
A TinyCarz track. This is a map that is quite similar to the original first map that comes with the game... BUT! it has a second root in which you and the AI can and will be able to choose between!!! by going to normal way you can go at full speed, but by choosing the shortcut you need to break!
figure8x2.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedFIGURE8X2 (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. This map is a richly decorated and nice course that is a simple figure8. The roads are thin yet challenging and the AIs are extremely well programmed. While each lap is actually 2 times around the course. (if your normal course takes 3 rounds, you will have to go around 6 times instead) this is a must have map.
highspeedringgt4edition.zip5k21-09-26File is not ratedHigh Speed Ring - Gran Turismo 4
This is a TinyCarZ version of High Speed Ring that is as accurate as possible to the version of the track that appears in Gran Turismo 4.
highspeedring.zip1k06-12-10File is not ratedHigh Speed Ring (TinyCarz)
A TinyCarZ track. This is the track from the original GT. AI does really well, and track is an almost exact replica.
offroad.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedOFFROAD (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. this is an experinmental off road map..
oxcity.zip4k21-09-28File is not ratedOxcity
Oxcity is a challenging city course for TinyCarZ on the 83+/84+, combining long straightaways with a sharp 90 degree corner, a fork in the road, and even an offroad section. Be careful not to drive into a dead end!
streetrace.zip1k06-11-20File is not ratedStreet Race (TinyCarz)
Another TinyCarz track for your calculator. This one contains no grassy areas. Instead, the turns are complete 90 or 180 degree angles. Beating your opponents may be hard because they take the middle line of the road, and will block you most of the way.
streetracing.zip1k10-02-20File is not ratedSTREETRACING (Tinycarz Track)
A TinyCarz track. This a streeracing map with many turns and shortcuts that you can the AIs can choose between!
theeight.zip2k06-10-10File is not ratedThe Eight
This is a track for Tinycarz. The track has the shape of an eight. It is pretty hard to win. If you like Tinycarz you have to try it.

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