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COLOR for TI-83+
I have heard rumors that color can be generated on the
I read I thing (maybe somewhere in TIcalc) that tells
how [the illusion of] color can be generated by
flashing pixels in weird patterns creating such an
effect; it told the patterns and everything...
(its like those spinny-wheel things with the Blck/Wht
pattern on it that makes color rings when you spin it)
There is that 2-color Pong game in the archives (if you look, it REALLY IS dark blue and yellow [when
compared to normal])
17 April 2003, 00:20 GMT
Re: Re: ~
John Sunderland
the led thing would be pretty dam perfect, if you cud install the leds behind the lcd screen and they were strong enuf to light the entire screen. then it wud work the same as greyscale ie:
draw all the green objects when the green led is on. draw all the red objects when the red led is on
draw all the blue objects when the blue led is on.
to draw purple, you cud draw it when its red, and leave it there until its blue, to light both blue and red and then draw all the purple objects.
this way it wud work the same, more or less, as greyscale, just flicker the differnt colors, becuase when your eye sees the image, it also sees what color its lit, before the frame is finished being drawn, you will have seen all the colors flash... it will appear to be color!
the only prob is the fact that in bright places, the leds wont be visible..indoors probably, but outside probably not.
it wud be tough, but i think someone good enuf cud handle it.
i created a flash animation to simulate the method. its not perfect tho, since its flashing pictures, not iluminating a screen, which would look better.
see it here: (Warning, if you are eplieptic, i suggest you dont go there. you've been warned =) )
http:// games4/ rctcool_stuff/ tistuff/ color_flicker.swf
NOTE: that url is long, i could not fit it in the url post thing, and its to long to be together, so when you go there, dont include the spaces after the /
12 August 2003, 20:38 GMT

Re: Re: Re: ~
Why don't you tear apart a gameboy and put that screen in here? Forget silly flashing LEDs, that would add up the price of the thing (although adding a gameboy color screen would too).
While you are at it, you could just create an entire new calculator. with the color screen, you would add a faster processor (than the TI83+ Silver, which is 2.5x faster than the normal TI83+ respectively) and the graphics would be a lot better. Also, memory space would have to go up.
Kids at my school love the game Pheonix, if you have played that game, imagine it in color and even better graphics than what are already there. Another popular game is Gimini. Imagine that in color!
If a gameboy color screen doesn't work well, try something like a LCD screen. This would probably shoot up the price so high, no one would think about buying it.
A rumor I have heard floating around my area was TI was coming out with such a calculator, but I heard that 3 years ago.
If this idea has already been posted, or was posted before mine, I am sorry for bringing up the subject again.
14 August 2003, 23:21 GMT
Re: Re: Re: COLOR for TI-83+
Also, considering many of us have a limited budget, color would not only cost more to begin with but the amount of batteries used would also sky-rocket. Unless you got rechargable batteries of course, but those are steep too. Color is not necessary, but I agree it does add a nice touch. Also, the on topic part of this post: Someone should make a REAL Assembly graphics studio program. I would, but I am still learning ASM, so it would be a while before I get around to it. Anyway, using the basic features of a simple program such as MS-PAINT would create a very useful program. Also, features such as saving the pictures drawn in the PIC slots, etc. I gotta go now!
19 April 2003, 22:52 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: COLOR for TI-83+
John Sunderland
actually greyscale is done differently than the way constrast works. on machines designed for greyscale, then amount of current (not voltage) each pixel recieves, determines its grey ness. then the hardware is built to be able to allow different currents thru.
ti calcs arent built to work this way. the way people achieve greyscale in asm, is to make about 4 different pictures, then the flicker the pictures in order, in an endless loop, with he following rules: a black pixel is to be on all 4 pix, in the same spot. a dark grey is to be on 3 of the pix, in the same spot. a light grey is to be on just 2 pix, in the same spot, a faint grey is to be on just one picture, and a white pixel should be on none.
because the pictures have to flicker extremely fast, only ti-89s and above can have full greyscale games, and run them well. 83s and 86s can try, but the flickering will be visible.
i suppose what he meant was the "proper" use is to turn on a pixel and leave it on until the sprite moves of disaprears or whatever, not to constantly, purposly filcker them.
12 August 2003, 20:32 GMT
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