Graphics Program Ideas
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Re: Graphics Program Ideas
How about a on calc grey scale picture maker?
22 October 2003, 21:00 GMT
Challenge for [Basic] Programmers
(Web Page)
I have a challenge for you basic programmers (I assume most of you have a ti83+). I listed some stuff after this so that people who have no idea of how to do this can figure it out (anybody can pull this off; I was amazed 2 years ago when I figured out how to make a pixel bounce around the screen using row/column variables and 2 more for inertia); so consider this even if you don't have the first idea how to do it: I want to see who can make a program that views 3D wireframe objects that can be rotated and/or moved around and/or modified. Make them as complex or simple as you want. I want to compare my own techniques in this area with something. Let me start you with these things:
rotate an {X,Y,Z} point on XY plane:
X->A : X*cos(angle)+Y*sin(angle)->X
to rotate on the XZ plane, use Z as Y; to rotate on YZ plane, use Y as X and Z as Y; etc.. Rotating backwards on XY plane is the same as rotating forward on YX plane
move by adding/subtracting from X Y or Z
Because of the text limit, this post is CONTINUED IN THE NEXT POST (after any replies if there are any; please reply to the NEXT post only)
24 October 2003, 03:20 GMT
Re: Graphics Program Ideas
(Web Page)
Store points like this: {X1,Y1,Z1,X2,Y2,Z2,...} where the first point is (X1,Y1,Z1), the 2nd is (X2,Y2,Z2), etc.
Store lines like this: {A1,B1,A2,B2,...} where lines are drawn from point A1 to point B1, from A2 to B2, etc.
The 2D version of a point is {C*X/Z, C*Y/Z} where C is a constant value for Zoom (from 64 to 80 is good).
Use ZoomSQUARE so things apear in correct proportions
When rotating, I suggest storing number from 1 to 3 in A and B, where A and B represent 2 axis of which plane to rotate on. This way, you refer to parts of points (the "X" and "Y") by adding A or B to use the correct parts as X and Y as shown earlier.
It may be smart to have all of the simple 2D points loaded into a list BEFORE redrawing after rotation/movement so that you don't have to watch it draw every line slowly (instead it would say "Loading..." and then draw then quickly).
I already made a program like this, but it's gone. I spend a LONG time making this 3D car model with some detail. I am currently working on a program that will have individual parts that can be moved around in reference to the whole thing, turned off/on (draw them or not), and still move the whole thing in reference to its center. It is a combo of an editor and viewer. The editor is almost done.
24 October 2003, 03:20 GMT
Challenge (continued)
OOPS! I meant to title the previous post with the title of this one
24 October 2003, 03:21 GMT
Re: Graphics Program Ideas
Jared Brayshaw
I think there should be a picture capturing device for the 83+. It shouldn't be that hard to make a device that takes a picture, shrinks it to 64x96, convert it to 4 level greyscale, and turn that into an array or something. 0 could be for no color, 1 could be light grey, 2 could be dark grey, and 3 could be black. Then an assembly program reads the array and displays a greyscale image.
4 November 2003, 01:27 GMT
Re: Graphics Program Ideas
someone can make a demonstration of the calculator capacities like ... IMATION :[http ://] (without space)
i think it's beautiful so pleasz make it !!
16 November 2003, 07:55 GMT
Graphics Problems
Joel Hernandez
Im having problems with my TI83+ calculator. It is not displaying anything at all. I do know that it turns on. I have checked all 5 batteries. I know that it is not contrast. I have no idea what the hell is wrong with it. PLEASE HELP!
17 November 2003, 19:15 GMT
3D WireFrame
(Web Page)
I am writing / have written some 3D Wireframe programs for the TI83+. They allow editing and viewing of 3D wireFrame objects with full rotation, translation, etc. you can even adjust the view and take pictures.
I have one that I am working on that allows you to have different parts that work like one whole thingbut can be moved individually and turned off/on. (like a car that has doors, windows, wheels, etc. that can all be move individualy in relation to the car),
I want to see If anybody else can do this, possibly make a better version, or just try it out (go ahead and ask me to explain how if you want). I'll bet I will get ONE reply to this; no chance of there being a good "who can make the best 3d wireframe program" thing going on I guess...
It would be cool to make a complex 3D wireframe thing in asm though, like a car with all the parts/stuff
5 December 2003, 15:34 GMT
I'm making a game based on the Dune series of books by Frank Herbert in Basic and i'm running into a small problem i know many basic programmers have encountered, program lag, also called program fatigue. Does anyone have any idea how to prevent this or stop it? i would appreciate any answer.
15 December 2003, 03:31 GMT

Stopping the Effects of Calculator Fatigue
You can trick the player into restarting the program. Basically, you set certain points where the program will stop running, but the user won't know. You just have to put a "Press Enter" message on the screen somewhere, and the user will think they're advancing to the next screen. In reality, they're restarting the program. But how does the program continue where it left off, since you don't WANT to start the program over again? Before the program stops, you set a variable (in this case "A"). You give that variable a certain value, and at the beginning of the program the game first does a check to see if that variable is at a certain value. If it is, then issue a Goto command.
For instance
:<beginning of program>
:If A=7
:Goto 7
:<programming code>
:<programming code>
:<programming code>
:Output(8,1,"Press Enter
:Lbl 7
:<programming code>
:<programming code>
21 January 2007, 02:46 GMT
Re: Graphics Program Ideas
I want to make a 3D game for the TI-83 plus but I dont know how, if you know anything on how to make a 3D game in Basic, please tell me!
15 December 2003, 22:50 GMT
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