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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes. 205 51.8%   
No. 191 48.2%   

Survey posted 2001-05-24 00:23 by Andy Selle.

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Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
Aaron Povolish  Account Info

The main reason that I use a TI-92+ emulator is that my linkport is no longer working. By the grace of God, I managed to download the ROM image from my TI-92+. Now, the linkport is truly broken (the metallic piece inside fell out), and VTI is the only place I can send files to. BTW: If anyone knows how to fix a broken linkport, please let me know!!!

Reply to this comment    1 June 2001, 18:20 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

It was mentioned in a previous survey. Email ti, or you can click above. It is towards the bottom, search for link port.

Reply to this comment    2 June 2001, 21:21 GMT

Survey Results So Far...
Jack Lau Account Info
(Web Page)

Well if the results of this survey is 50 and 50 and there are about 300 votes so far then how come that Virtual TI is still being downloaded 1500 times a week so that it appears right at the top?

Reply to this comment    3 June 2001, 21:24 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
sammo_21 Account Info

Hey, this sounds like a lame question..but

I haev the TI-graph link, and the TI-graph link software. How do I upgrade my TI-89 to whatever the latest thing is?

can someone give me a step by step process?

What do I do, send it like a normal backup or something?

It is appreciated.

Reply to this comment    4 June 2001, 21:25 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

1)Make sure that you have the latest version of GraphLink and the OS, or get 2.04 (I recommend it -- see one of my other posts for it).
2)Start up the GraphLink software.
3)Plug your calc into the link cable.
4)Make sure that you have the correct Com Port chosen.
5)Click on the Link menu, point to Send flash Software, Click on Operating System.
6)Select the upgrade.
7)Click OK until the Transfer starts.
8)Don't pull the plug.

That doesn't work for .tib's.
**another NOTE**
You can use TiLP if you want. It is a good program.

Reply to this comment    5 June 2001, 06:30 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
sammo_21 Account Info

thanks, hmm..why do you suggest 2.04 over the latest TI-89 OS, which is 2.05?

I want to choose the best OS for the 89 with games and programs, and such.

Wasn't there some deal with some 89 OS that limited some memory?

ahh, I'm not too experienced with this..

Reply to this comment    6 June 2001, 01:37 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
phil-array  Account Info

Well, it also depends on what hardware version you have. AMS 2.03 and later are better in the senses that they expand you flash ROM (archive) to almost double its size on AMS 1.xx,support flash-APPS (though they are bloated [:(] ), and they give you expandable/collapsable menus. However, on HW1 calcs the added flash ROM can only be used for bloated TI flash-APPS without an extra program ( I think there is a program in the ticalc archive that fixes this problem). On HW2 calcs all of the memory is usable, however, a number of games won't run with out using a risky hardware 2 patch ( after which your calc may never work again [:(] ). If you have a HW2 calc and are just interested in games I would stick with AMS 1.05, otherwise I'd recommend AMS 2.05.

Reply to this comment    6 June 2001, 05:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

MaxMem by Julien Muchembled, who also made HW2 Patch. I have MaxMem on my 89, and I eternally thank Julien for it. Also, HW2 patch was needed for many games on HW2 calcs, and I haven't seen any crashes due to it. Next, AMS 2.04 is more compatible with games, because TI didn't make it as hard to hack/programs were programmed for AMS 2.04 and don't work on 2.05. I currently have 2.05 on my calc, mainly because SMG required it and I am too lazy to go back down. It doesn't really matter, it is just that some people have complained about 2.05 and want 2.04. I am trying to save you the hassle, and you can always go back down again, if you have it on your HD. It is your choice.

Reply to this comment    6 June 2001, 06:06 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
KC5ZFZ  Account Info

I would use an emulater, but my TI cord connection hasn't worked for awhile. Haven't found the time to put any effort into fixing this problem. Oh well, with all these new games for the 86 recently coming out, I might find time:)


Reply to this comment    5 June 2001, 18:18 GMT

TI Contest
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

<Off topic>Hey, I just found out that I won a T-Shirt from TI. I won it the 29th of May. Does anyone know how I will recieve the T-Shirt or about when I should expect it?</Off topic>
Well, on topic, I use VTI every time I get a new program to test it out. That way, I don't have to find my calc, connect it, find the room for it, restore it after a possible crash...

Reply to this comment    5 June 2001, 21:41 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
sammo_21 Account Info

um, I'm going to upgrade my ti-89 to 2.05, is that wise? why do people say that 2.04 is better?

Reply to this comment    7 June 2001, 20:41 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
sammo_21 Account Info

oops, sorry, I posted that twice, hah.

I didn't get any replies to my message when I posted it the second time, until I refreshed it..

Thanks for the information. I've got HW2 right now

I have 2.03, but I don't have 2.04 on my HD.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2001, 20:54 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
joelt  Account Info
(Web Page)

E-mail me if you want it.

Reply to this comment    7 June 2001, 21:09 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
shockedslk  Account Info

yes i do and please post a new survey!!! im here every waking moment of my life that i dont spend in the bathroom (i dont have a laptop yet;-)) and i need to see a new survey or ill scream!!! if i dont have a ti-89 w/ me at all times i start to shake and have convolutions!!!

Reply to this comment    8 June 2001, 05:53 GMT

Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?

What IS a calcualtor emulator?

Reply to this comment    4 November 2001, 20:04 GMT

Re: Re: Do you frequently use a calculator emulator?
billyboy__999 Account Info

it makes a virtual calculator on your comp, and you can use it like a real one.

by the way, i have an 89, and when i try to recive rom, it says somehting wrong with the connection. i noticed in the selecting calc place that it said "TI-89 (any shell)" - do i have to install a shell or somehting, and how to if i must?

Reply to this comment    26 January 2004, 02:01 GMT
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