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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Choice Votes   Percent
Yes, because the site is well organized. 320 76.9%   
Yes, despite the poor organization. 66 15.9%   
No, it is too difficult to find. 18 4.3%   
I never find the information I want. 12 2.9%   

Survey posted 2000-01-11 02:25 by Andy.

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Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Apreche  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yes, I must agree that the site is great. It is the only ti site I bother visiting. I click on it in my bookmarks once a day to check for new programs for my calculator. The news to read and new programs are custom for my calcs on the front page, it's great.

Reply to this comment    15 January 2000, 20:12 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
(Web Page)

First, I don't think ticalc will ever read this so it won't even get anything done, but..

I think it's very stupid how you have to click like 6 times to get to the archive you want to get to...
You have to click on archives, then file archives, then via the web, then select calc, etc. You should just have a selection thing at the very beginning.

Reply to this comment    16 January 2000, 01:56 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Etec  Account Info
(Web Page)

I don't find anything wrong with that part of the archive, I just memorize www.ticalc.org/pub when I want to get to the archives.

For windows and mac users only!!!
And if its that hard to remember, make it a Favorite Or just drag the link to you desktop to make it even easier, for netscape (worst browser for computers that support internet explorer) users make it a bookmark.

For Linux!!!
just make a favorite in netscape (best browser for that). I don't boot in linux that often so I don't know anything eles you can do there. Does the dragging of links work??

Reply to this comment    20 January 2000, 02:41 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Cheesy Account Info
(Web Page)

Why does it take so damn long for the pages to load?!?! I'm on a cable modem and other sites load quickly but ticalc.org takes forever!!!

Reply to this comment    17 January 2000, 01:48 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Etec  Account Info
(Web Page)

Chances are that ticalcs connection may ether not be as fast as your modem or this site just happens to be slowed down with all the downloads, information and posts it has. I only have a 56k modem and it runs fast enough for me, except for message boards with over 100 comments. Of course I do use an internet optimizer that actually works.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2000, 02:33 GMT

Explorer-Style File Archive Interface
levine  Account Info

It must be brought back. Without equivocations. I very rarely browse the file archives, but I loathe hitting back when the not-too-distant memories of the Explorer interface still linger in my mind. Why did you get rid of it? It was the best thing that the site had to offer, IMHO.


Reply to this comment    17 January 2000, 16:08 GMT

Re: Explorer-Style File Archive Interface
Etec  Account Info
(Web Page)

??? do you mean the ftp verson which looks the same as when you browse through your drives using windows explorer. If thats what your talking about, they still have it.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2000, 02:35 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Matthew Hernandez  Account Info
(Web Page)

Was this just a needed self-esteem boost form the ticalc staff?
Matt H.

Reply to this comment    20 January 2000, 03:06 GMT

Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Chicken  Account Info

Hey, I've always liked how ti-files had the archives in categories. Like puzzle games, strategy games, etc. Maybe ticalc could some how do this?
"The Chicken Nation shall rise against you."

Reply to this comment    20 January 2000, 07:39 GMT

Re: Re: When you visit ticalc.org, do you find the information you want?
Bobman  Account Info

Yes, it shall rise again! The chicken nation and cheeese nation shall rise and join together to rule the world!!!


Reply to this comment    21 January 2000, 22:17 GMT
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