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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Choice Votes   Percent
The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening 5 2.7%   
KerNO 5 2.7%   
Command Post 6 3.3%   
Edit3D 3 1.6%   
Gran Tourismo 27 14.8%   
Integrated Desktop 14 7.7%   
Prince of Persia 6 3.3%   
Calcwars 9 4.9%   
Super Start 4 2.2%   
TI Pinball 3 1.6%   
Spazian 2 1.1%   
PreOS 12 6.6%   
Space Dementia II: Mod Arena 11 6.0%   
Xpand 5 2.7%   
Aerial Assault 3 1.6%   
PolySnd 6 3.3%   
Ice Hockey 68k 24 13.2%   
I have no opinion 37 20.3%   

Survey posted 2003-12-08 19:35 by Joey.

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Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Malcolm Smith  Account Info
(Web Page)

This was quite a hard choice... programs like Ice Hockey and Space Dementia II were excellent. I agreed with someone above though, that decided to vote mainly on programming/ technical achievement. I finally decided to vote for PolySnd. Besides helping to test it [;-)], I just think it really is a big achievement. Two major and unique (I'm pretty sure) features are: polyphonic (2-channel sound) tones, and (most notably) its ability to run in the background, so background music is actually possible. This is a great achievement, I think.

My Avoid-The-Walls demo with it shows that background music is possible, and I'm thinking of using it heavily in my next project.

Anyway... like I said, there were several excellent programs this year/ voting period. I get the impression that the vote will be pretty close, at least for several programs.

     12 December 2003, 01:43 GMT

Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
Camilo Rodríguez  Account Info
(Web Page)

I think the best programs for the TI-89 developed in this year are ID, PolySnd, Gran Tourismo, Prince Of Persia, Space Dementia II, although it's a very difficult choise. Ther's a lot of work on all of them.

     12 December 2003, 04:23 GMT

Re: Favorite TI-89/TI-92+/V200 Program for 2003?
RCTParRoThEaD  Account Info
(Web Page)

What no option for ZTetris?!?


     15 December 2003, 06:00 GMT
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