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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you visit us?
Choice Votes   Percent
More than once per day 104 28.5%   
Once per day 85 23.3%   
4-6 times per week 67 18.4%   
2-3 times per week 48 13.2%   
Once per week 23 6.3%   
3 times per month 8 2.2%   
2 times per month 10 2.7%   
Once per month 10 2.7%   
Less than once per month 10 2.7%   

Survey posted 2003-10-12 03:10 by Henrik.

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Re: How often do you visit us?
burntfuse  Account Info

Well, I originally said "Once A Day", but now, if I voted again, I would have to change it to "Every 2-3 Days". :( Because of school, I only get ~3 hours free time max, and almost none about half the time. Oh well, I guess I need it if I don't want to end up working at a fast food restaurant for my whole life.....

     8 November 2003, 22:02 GMT
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