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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How often do you visit us?
Choice Votes   Percent
More than once per day 104 28.5%   
Once per day 85 23.3%   
4-6 times per week 67 18.4%   
2-3 times per week 48 13.2%   
Once per week 23 6.3%   
3 times per month 8 2.2%   
2 times per month 10 2.7%   
Once per month 10 2.7%   
Less than once per month 10 2.7%   

Survey posted 2003-10-12 03:10 by Henrik.

Contribute ideas to surveys by sending a mail to survey@ticalc.org.

  Reply to this item

Re: How often do you visit us?
molybdenum  Account Info

So far, the results are pretty obvious. 3 for more than once daily, once for daily, once for less than monthly.

     12 October 2003, 01:44 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Barrett Anderson  Account Info
(Web Page)

yes, you will have to wait a month to get accurate results for all the options except less than once per month... and even then the people who come less often are less likely to vote.

     12 October 2003, 02:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Mattthew Ellsworth Account Info

You would have to leave it up longer than that, What about all those poor people who only get on every 6 months?

     14 October 2003, 23:34 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Mattthew Ellsworth Account Info

I take that back. If they wanted to vote, the polls are kept in the archives.

     14 October 2003, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Mattthew Ellsworth Account Info

No, hang on you can't vote there!

     14 October 2003, 23:51 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Chickendude Account Info
(Web Page)

eh...whatever. Write it down on a piece of paper and send them a letter if you're that desperate.

     15 October 2003, 23:31 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL! I wonder what they would do if somebody tried to vote through "snail mail"

     16 October 2003, 19:59 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Chickendude Account Info
(Web Page)

Maybe that's the once a month or fewer person, the one who doesn't have Internet and gets his information from letters from other people, so has to post by writing a letter back to his friend with what to post, lol

     16 October 2003, 23:50 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL!!!!!! That's a really bad version of a message board ;-)

     18 October 2003, 01:08 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Don Quixote Account Info
(Web Page)

Even the soldiers in Iraq have access to the internet several times a month.

Nowawadays if you can't get online, it's either because you don't want to, or you're an ethiopian.

     22 October 2003, 23:44 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Tavis Segura  Account Info

Hm... how many of THOSE people are using a TI?

     10 November 2003, 20:40 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Michael McElroy Account Info
(Web Page)

They would send a response back saying "Get a life."

     17 October 2003, 14:27 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Matthew Marshall  Account Info

Either that or, "Stop boasting about that life you have."


     17 October 2003, 20:56 GMT

1, How often do you visit us?
The Muffin Man  Account Info
(Web Page)

I try to visit about twice a day at the moment, but when your servers fixed, and if you make statistics LIVE then i'd probably be on 10 times!

     12 October 2003, 02:01 GMT

Re: 1, How often do you visit us?
Javier Hernandez  Account Info

Same here. I've wanting to see how many downloads my new games have.

     12 October 2003, 21:52 GMT

Re: Re: 1, How often do you visit us?
burntfuse  Account Info

Yes.....please bring back the download statistics!!!

     13 October 2003, 21:54 GMT

Re: 1, How often do you visit us?
Matt M Account Info

Does anyone else have trouble accessing the "Author Record"? I just get an error "Author Record Could Not Be Found." and I want to know what the problem is.

     15 October 2003, 15:35 GMT

Re: Re: 1, How often do you visit us?
burntfuse  Account Info

I had that problem after I uploaded my first program...make sure that you actually have programs in the archives, not just pending upload, or your record won't show up.

     15 October 2003, 21:42 GMT

Re: How often do you visit us?
BullFrog  Account Info
(Web Page)

I have no life - more than one time per day! Actually, I do have a life. Though that's not what some people would call it. But I do come here often looking for new programs and whatever else that I can try out. Or just checking for updates that would interest me.

     12 October 2003, 03:19 GMT

Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Chickendude Account Info
(Web Page)

yea...Right now all I have is an 82 and 83 (with broken link ports) and an 83+ that my sister uses...my SE and 89 got stolen, so I think I'm just going to buy another 89. Once I get that I should come back more often, but right now I don't really have a calculator that is able to hold programs.

     15 October 2003, 23:33 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
rooot  Account Info

Man, same with me. My 89 has a broken screen and i still havent sent it to TI yet. And my SE is in my brother's English teacher's desk from where he stole it from me and got it confinscated at school.
I come here about 3 or less times a week, since im more into GBA programming than ti-calc programming :-p But once i get my 89 fixed, i might get more involved with calc programming.

     20 October 2003, 01:02 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How often do you visit us?
Don Quixote Account Info
(Web Page)

if your 89 got stolen, are you allowed to continue to use the ROM on VTI, or perhaps on a pocketPC?

If so, perhaps you should just get an Ipaq.

     22 October 2003, 23:45 GMT

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