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   Home :: Community :: Surveys :: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Choice Votes   Percent
0 hours 34 11.6%   
1 hour 44 15.0%   
2 hours 28 9.6%   
3 hours 25 8.5%   
4 hours 18 6.1%   
5 hours 21 7.2%   
6 hours 11 3.8%   
7 hours 9 3.1%   
8 hours 6 2.0%   
9 hours 1 0.3%   
10 or more hours 96 32.8%   

Survey posted 2003-05-16 22:35 by Henrik.

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i always seem to be programming. i have to get my programs done so they will get out.
so thats a 10+ for me!

Reply to this comment    16 May 2003, 23:02 GMT

Re: always...
Wizwrid  Account Info

String a new program i'm making taxes 12 hours a day but Not for weekends I tend to play them

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 00:10 GMT

Re: Re: always...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

You don't own all those calculators OR know those languages, you liar >:(

Reply to this comment    27 May 2003, 22:49 GMT

Re: Re: Re: always...
Michael O'Brien  Account Info
(Web Page)

So true! He has a ID number >42000 and claims to know everything and own everything. He also says He is a CEO of a company, even if it is some cheap website, he doesn't even have a url posted. I hate people with so much arogance.

Reply to this comment    28 May 2003, 18:19 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: always...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I know! *rolls eyes*

Reply to this comment    29 May 2003, 14:57 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: always...
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

That is not arrogance!
It is just pitiable.

Reply to this comment    29 May 2003, 18:55 GMT

Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: always...
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

LOL... I think he's just trying to make himself look good. It would be hard to have more than 5 TI calcs ($$$$), but then again, it would be nice :) And then, to learn to be able to program for all of them in all the different ASM languages would be also very time consuming. His profile also says that he programs for every language.

Reply to this comment    29 May 2003, 22:00 GMT

Re: Re: Re: always...
rmohr02 Account Info
(Web Page)

That is kind of humorous, but I will admit I don't own all the calculators I have listed as owning--I merely want to see the new programs for them on the homepage.

Reply to this comment    28 May 2003, 19:09 GMT

Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

I wonder if Patrick Davidson contributed. He's good so you'd think he programs a lot.

Reply to this comment    16 May 2003, 23:53 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?

whens he gonna make a new game? seems like a while. he just keeps updating phoenix.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 04:11 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

If you go on his website, it says that he is almost completed with phoenix3. You are able to ask him about beta testing it.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 04:17 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Doug Temple Account Info

No... I asked him about when Phoenix III would be finished, and he said it might never be finished because of his busy schedule. Realize that PAD has been programming since before 1997 (One of his earlier games is Pac Man 97)

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 04:43 GMT

Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Drantin  Account Info

This isn't related so feel free to delete it.

I just don't know who to ask to update the page under Basics-Calculators. The latest models page doesn't have the 83+SE or the Voyage 200.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 00:28 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
BullFrog  Account Info
(Web Page)

E-mail Magnus himself or something. Or just post until your account gets suspended or something. Or if someone else has an idea, try that.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 01:16 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
benryves  Account Info
(Web Page)

The 83+SE could be considered the same as the 83+... no point in a separate page.
(Most) of my games are for both Ion & MirageOS - we do need a folder into which it appears as being 'both'.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 23:55 GMT

Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
Charlemagne  Account Info
(Web Page)

Once school's out, my % of programming time per week will skyrocket like a squirrel on a electric fence.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 00:49 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
(Web Page)

I do C++ quite often for fun, but I do not do much calculator programming,
wrote a mini rubik's cube program in assembly for 83+, but done nothing else.

When summer comes, I anticipate I'll program much more than now (now about 5hr/week)

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 02:24 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

That's a good point... with school, and the finals coming up, everybody won't have as much time to program.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 19:34 GMT

Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
DarkSideProgramming  Account Info

Hear hear. As soon as school's out, my stuff is gonna get done faster than a sugar-crazed 5-year-old can destroy an entire house :)

Reply to this comment    27 May 2003, 18:26 GMT

Re: Re: Re: How much time per week do you spend programming?
AndySoft  Account Info
(Web Page)

Yeah, I hope I can get a lot of work done on my program (see my site and look around for Tinux), but I need to get a job... :(

Reply to this comment    29 May 2003, 01:16 GMT

TIGCC for TI-8x
Pooner278  Account Info

Has anyone thought about doing a program like TIGCC for the 8x calculators? I don't know how easy it would be to make a language like C compatible with z80 assembly, but if anyone could do it, it would be really cool and useful. I don't know enough to do this, but if anyone wants to do this then you can post here in case others want to also. That way a group might form that would want to do this.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 04:01 GMT

Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
Jiaqi Wu  Account Info

Correct me if I'm wrong but I think you can use any C compiler out there. You just have to use the right libraries.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 04:20 GMT

Re: Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

But you'd still have to compile it for z80, instead of 68k, or some other asm.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 19:36 GMT

Re: Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

And what about EZasm? I've never used it, but I hear it's good for beginner ASM programmers.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 19:36 GMT

angelboy Account Info

I tried it when it first came out, but there weren't very many commands, and I would rather have learned pure assembly.

Reply to this comment    17 May 2003, 22:54 GMT

Re: ~
no_one_2000_  Account Info
(Web Page)

I've never used EZasm, so I can't compare the two, but in my mind, I think that learning regular z80 would be more beneficial, if you mean to be a regular z80 programmer. The code is more efficient, normally (I think).

Reply to this comment    18 May 2003, 18:44 GMT

Re: ~
(Web Page)

I used EZasm for probably one day, during that time period (when I have no idea how to write z80 assembly) I wrote a small program in EZasm, looked at the assembly code it generates, and wrote another small program in EZasm, and et cetera. After that one-day training, I was ready to throw away EZasm and do z80 programming. :] I would not recommend using EZasm to make programs, but it is a good way to learn z80.

Reply to this comment    20 May 2003, 00:56 GMT

Re: Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
Soth  Account Info
(Web Page)

Again I might be wrong. But I believe that a C compiler will compile for the system it is designed for. As fair as I can tell you need a cross compiler to compile to another platfrom / processor - both the asm, and the hex changes for different chips.

Reply to this comment    26 May 2003, 14:28 GMT

Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
Kevin Kofler
(Web Page)

It's nowhere near TIGCC in quality, but it does work.

Reply to this comment    18 May 2003, 03:41 GMT

Re: Re: TIGCC for TI-8x
rmohr02 Account Info
(Web Page)

> It's nowhere near TIGCC in quality, but it does work.

I assume you're completely unbiased in comparing the two :)

That said, TIGCC is better.

Reply to this comment    28 May 2003, 19:10 GMT

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