Re: TI-H: Re. Mac sucks


Re: TI-H: Re. Mac sucks

I assume you are talking to me, and as far as far as I can see no one in
this list is educated on all computer platforms to know that you CAN'T
compare look and feel, only speed, to find out which is the best.

PS. The number of people that replied to my orrigional message was +many.

I havn't replied to any ti message for the last few days since I got fed up
with it.  I'm working on a mp3 player which by far is better than the
EII...  Again, I will try this weekend to get bryan to okay dokey it...

>You uneducated buffon!
>You cannot make an assertion without backing it up with some evidence. A
>valid statement is one that... well let me give you an example: "Ryan is a
>mindless bigot and has no idea what he is talking about because he does not
>back up his arguments with evidence."
>Probe Doggie
>Oso feel gleat stomping feet of exalted gozillawan. Him clush metlopolitan
>area like so many lightly flied hellings....
