Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?


Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?

well you may thing it's a fact, but how can you actually prove it? how can
you test something that is fundamentally different from each other? it's
like saying a mac is faster than a PC...on what grounds? there's nothing
common to test them on...even the basic processor code is different, so how
can you test them? testing, say, a p100 to a p2-450 is attainable, as is HPs
vs. HPs and TIs vs. TIs, but you can't test something different like HPs vs.'s "like comparing apples and oranges"...

Steen Schmidt wrote in message <78erqb$7o$>...
>Who do you think you are? Why don't you respond with this to the ng?
>I've never cross posted on any newsgroups, and this was just a suggestion,
>since I saw somebody else complaining about it.
>I know for a fact that the numeric solver on the HP is both more accurate
>and faster than the one on the TI89/92 series.
>I have used this HP48GX for many years now and can assure you that I know
>what I'm doing, so please stop your child-like behaviour.
>Anything else regarding our discussions will from now on be per ng!
>Have a nice one.
>Steen Schmidt
>-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
>Fra: <>
>Til: Steen Schmidt <>
>Dato: 23. januar 1999 20:45
>Emne: Re: TI vs HP newsgroup?
>>This coming from a guy who has been cross posting regularly.  But what
>>do you expect from a guy who thinks the numeric solver on an hp is
>>faster, the same guy who can't use an HP properly.
>>On Sat, 23 Jan 1999 14:06:10 +0100, in bit.listserv.calc-ti you wrote:
>>>Since there are a lot of cross postings on the HP48 and the TI newsgroups
>>>(and some read both), we could consider making an "TI vs HP" or "TI and
>>>This could be useful for debating and for comparing the two calculators.
>>>People who were confused as of which machine they should buy, would
>>>find this useful.
>>>Then we could maybe use these two newsgroups for what they where supposed
>>>be used for.

Follow-Ups: References: